football era

Chapter 920 Unscientific

For the upper and lower sides of the river plate, they fell behind by two goals after the opening 10 minutes, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to them.

They wanted to fight Fanfan in this game, it would be best to defeat Feifan, and then join hands with Zenit to qualify—but they lost two as soon as they came up. In terms of the frequency of matches, They conceded the ball faster than the speed of light in Melbourne before.

This is really unacceptable.

And when the main force is at a disadvantage against the main force, this is something they can think of. However, everyone is half of the main force, and they are still at a disadvantage. They are obviously the ones who attacked, but the opponent snatched the ball and suppressed it. Let them score a goal, which is even more unacceptable.

Doesn't this mean that in addition to the main players who are not extraordinary opponents, even the substitutes are not extraordinary opponents?

In this case, how to play this game?
The main force is not as good as the opponent, so they are mentally prepared. Their hope of victory lies in the fact that they can gain the upper hand in the confrontation with the substitutes. But now they have no advantage in the confrontation with the substitutes, and they are even at a disadvantage, so they have no chance of winning. .

But it shouldn't be like this. We watched extraordinary games. In many games, the opponents attacked extraordinary substitutes and scored goals...

Up and down on the river bed were quite depressed thinking.

They are a little puzzled.

In fact, there is nothing I can't understand.

Fanfan really lost the ball in those games, but firstly, their substitutes have not really grown up in many cases, and secondly, the opponents they face are also quite strong opponents, and they all have at least one god-level opponent. Players, with a god-level player as the core to break through the position guarded by a certain extraordinary substitute, then of course it will be able to achieve better results.

In the final analysis, with the same tactics, the opponents before Fei Fei were able to succeed, mainly because their opponents were too good.

However, River Plate was not so outstanding.

Perhaps on the whole, they are better than some of the opponents that Fei Fan encountered, but they lack a truly outstanding core!

Relying on pack of wolves tactics or gang fight tactics, they have defeated many teams with god-level players, but in such a situation, it is still a bit different without god-level players.

Without such an offensive core, they would not be able to concentrate their forces to launch a fierce attack towards a certain position, thereby quickly tearing apart the opponent's defense line, so next, if they want to attack, they can only attack normally, step by step , taking advantage of the flexibility of the ball at his feet, gradually compressing the opponent's defensive space, so as to score goals with difficulty.

However, everyone on the river bed did not think of this very quickly.

They just felt that the attack just now was not sharp enough, not perfect enough.

They decided to try again.

"Come on, let's attack like that again, we must tear their defense line, understand?" Miguel shouted.

"Understood!" River Plate's players replied in unison.

At this time, their morale was still very strong. Although they were two goals behind, the game had only passed 10 minutes, and there was still a long time for them to get the score back. Are you discouraged now?Maybe those ordinary teams will do this, and their strong team, which has gone through countless games before standing in the World Cup, will not admit defeat easily.

"That's why I said that the World Cup is not easy to play. These opponents are very tenacious." Meng Fan, who was on the coach's bench, said with a sigh.

"Well, if a team at the same level as them in the league falls behind in the first 10 minutes, they will lose most of their morale, but now, they can still retain such a winning spirit." Xu Shan couldn't help but marvel .

"This is the difference between the cup and the league. For the teams in the league, each team has its own position and goals. Many times, giving up a game that seems to have no chance, and then winning in other games, This is the way for small teams to survive, and it is also a very sensible approach. But the cup game is different. They can't let a game go, and they can't lose a game. Even weak teams, they know they can't go far , and will try their best in every game they participate in. The River Plate game is their last chance to qualify, and of course they will fight to the end." Meng Fan replied.

"That's the truth, but I didn't think of it for a while." Xu Shan replied with a smile.

Then they both laughed at the same time.

At this time, they can still laugh so easily, of course there is a reason.

River Plate on the field continued to launch a fierce attack, while Fei Fei was steadily defending.

They continued to use the previous offensive method, constantly dispatching back and forth, trying to find the direction and route of attack.

Under such involvement, of course a certain player will be singled out, but Xu Shan and Meng Fan are completely relieved when they see such an attack.

This kind of offense is unlikely to have any problems with the extraordinary defense, but it will cause huge holes in the riverbed.

You must know that there is Zheng Qi on the court... This is a guy who is best at taking advantage of loopholes.

Scheduling came and went, and River Plate finally found a good opportunity after 2 minutes.

This time the order was not Xu Yi, but another substitute, Tang Zhiyuan.

In fact, there were people who placed orders before, but it was Chen Lin who placed the order. Seeing him, the River Plate players gave up their attack. After all, they can see from the data that Chen Lin is second only to Liu Shibo in the defense line. Defensive champions, such players are certainly not something they can easily deal with.

On the contrary, this Tang Zhiyuan, who seems to be from a first-class team, is not too young, and his performance is not very good, so he is a good breakthrough target.

Tang Zhiyuan was indeed one of the extraordinary and weakest group of people.

He and Jiang Xiaohan are both former players of Cangqiong. The players in a relegated team like Cangqiong will not be very good. Compared with the four young players Jiang Xiaohan, Bai Sen, Ying Yu and Yao Qian Looking up, the four of him, Zhan Zhong, Wu Jin, and Zhifei are not too young, and they are about the same age as Fu Lei, so they seem even more hopeless.

In fact, their performance in the competition was at the same level as Xu Yi. At least they were professional players, and their performance at the same level as grassroots players was indeed very poor.

But what about in practice?
They don't seem to be doing much, it's just because they are in such a wonderful team as Fei Fei.

With their attributes and standards, going to an ordinary Super League team to play the main force will not be a big problem, at least they can play half of the main force.

And if they go to a first-tier team, they can even serve as the core position.

So the next onslaught of the riverbed was brutally hit again.

Facing the opponent's main attack, Tang Zhiyuan, like Xu Yi, did not retreat a single step, and did not die at the same time.

He is not as ruthless as Xu Yi, but he has more professional experience than Xu Yi, and he can better use his body to deal with injuries-in this regard, extraordinary substitutes are far more than average. The level of the players, because most of the time they just stand and output, and they don’t face the opponent’s onslaught once or twice. In many cases, they have to rely on their own bodies to bear the opponent’s damage. How to use the least physical value to withstand the greatest damage , this is a science.

As for the extraordinary substitutes, everyone is a top student in the study of this subject.

It's the same sentence - they seem to be very inconspicuous on the court, and they often seem to be useless at all. It's not because they are really bad, but because they are in a team like Feifan.

Looking bad and being really bad are two different things.

River Plate's offensive players are about to collapse.

One is like this, and two are like this.

The three of them shot at the same time, three quasi-god-level players, in a short period of time, they still couldn't kill Fei Fei as a substitute?
Is there any reason for this?

While they were lamenting like this, they also found that their bodies could not move again.

"Damn, do this trick again!" Almeida shouted angrily.

The next moment, he and his two teammates were sent off the court.

Extraordinary launched a counterattack.

Relying on the superiority of their numbers, they began to siege continuously. The extraordinary substitutes continued to stand up and output, but their output, under unscrupulous circumstances, was able to cover a large area.

The extraordinary main players began to attack flexibly, constantly attacking the defense of the river plate, attacking the football, trying their best to grab the ball.

Even if you can't grab it, let football refresh.

River Plate repeated the story that happened in the last offense and defense.

They were constantly suppressed by Fan Fan, and then Fan Fan refreshed the football, then suppressed the river plate, and scored a goal.

In less than 10 minutes, the lead was three to zero.

Looking at the score like this up and down on the river bed, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

"It seems that we were wrong. Their defense cannot use this method to attack." Miguel said helplessly.

The others could only smile wryly. They didn't mean to blame Miguel. Since the tactics were decided by everyone, of course everyone should bear the responsibility together.

Since the opponent has no obvious weaknesses to exploit, they can only fight recklessly.

"Next, we will attack steadily. No matter what, we must advance by one goal. We can't be like Melbourne Lightspeed. After the whole game, we can't score a goal!" Miguel said.

I have to say that he is still very good at boosting morale. It is obviously not realistic to say that we want to win this game when we are already behind by three goals. It is more encouraging to just put forward such a small goal. Get up your fighting spirit.

Indeed, after hearing this, the morale of the River Plate players began to boost again.

Yes, even if we can't win this game, we can't be ashamed like Melbourne Lightspeed. Anyway, we have to score a goal.

Besides, with our strength, is it true that we can't score a single goal?Then this extraordinary team can't play, the offense is so fierce, and the defense is so good, what team can beat them.

Such a powerful team is obviously unscientific, and it is impossible to appear on the field.

With this in mind, River Plate launched another attack.

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