football era

Chapter 917 Wants This Effect

Extraordinary and terrible?

If you ask the opponents of the Super League this question, after this year's competition, they will definitely answer unanimously: terrible.

It's really scary. The four god-level players alone are already scary. They also have eight to nine main players who are above the average level of the Super League. The other substitutes are worse, but their attributes are all so powerful.

Such a strong team is unreasonable. After all, in the league, the points they got in this year's league are already too much. Tianhe also scored more than [-] points, but still failed to win the championship. This leaves people completely speechless.

In the cup competition, they almost crushed all the way. After entering the knockout round, they can be said to have defeated the three strongest teams in the league and won the cup championship all the way.

How could such a team not be scary?
However, the upper and lower members of the River Plate felt that Feifan was not terrible, it was just a team, even if they scored so many points, it did not mean that they had the strength to crush them. Maybe it was because the Chinese League had declined overall this season?Didn't it mean that their two strongest teams, Changfeng and Tianhe, both lost some of their main force this year?

In a league where rookies peck each other, getting such a high score is nothing.

Their naive thoughts were quickly shattered in the confrontation.

As soon as the game started, the two sides soon began to meet in the midfield.

River Plate is not afraid of direct confrontation, but because their average strength is not bad, they prefer this kind of direct confrontation.

Their starting players are all quasi-god-level players, and their cooperation with each other is very tacit. Although this lineup is not average in South America, it can cause headaches for almost all opponents.

They have the ability to beat all their opponents in South America, so in the World Cup, they also have a strong competitiveness.

In the last game against Zenit, Zenit only seized two opportunities to score goals after constantly entangled with them.

Now such a frontal confrontation, will we be afraid of you?

With such confidence, the players of River Plate roared and started to sprint.

And this map is also very suitable for this kind of confrontation. There is an open space in the center of the field, which is just right for both sides to start a formation battle.

As the South American champions, River Plate will certainly not look amateurish when attacking.

Their frontal confrontation, flank assault, and rear support and protection players are all in order, and the formation is very reasonable.

Before contact, a reasonable attack lineup was formed in an instant, and the level of the river plate was already revealed inadvertently.

Fast individual movement speed is nothing, but the overall formation is together and can maintain high-speed movement, which shows that this team not only has excellent individuals, but also their overall cooperation is quite tacit.

The latter is even more important than the former. After all, Era Football is a team sport. Like classical football, there are a total of eleven players on the field. No matter how good a single player is, how many can they play?Only overall toughness is king.

Top team, strong overall plus a few outstanding individuals.

A sub-team like River Plate, at least has a strong overall body, exerting the strength of the overall body to the extreme, and also has excellent results and performances.

However, after quickly forming an overall formation, the River Plate players immediately discovered that the opponent also quickly formed an overall formation.

The ability to integrate in fast movement means the overall level of a team. Under such circumstances, the ability displayed can reflect the overall strength of the team.

It can be seen from the conclusions drawn by the River Plate players watching the extraordinary game video, that extraordinary is a team with several very good players, and several outstanding players, and half of the players in their team have the same level as the River Plate The level of the main players.

But the remaining half are not even as good as River Plate's substitutes.

In such a team, the player level of the entire team is in the shape of a pyramid. This configuration is very reasonable in the past professional classical football competitions, and it can even be said to be the most powerful configuration. In an environment where it is very useful, it seems quite unreasonable.

This means that the main players have to pay more, and the substitutes will not get more training opportunities. This can also be seen from the previous games of Fei Fei. However, in some important games, Fan Fei basically finished those games as the main force, and the number and time of substitute appearances were very short.

This is of course not good, because it is not an important game, and it does not allow the players to truly grow, but only allows them to accumulate some experience. Under such circumstances, their substitutes will never be able to help them at critical times. busy.

Of course, at this time, Fei Fan's players quickly set up their formation, which is also expected by the River Plate players-after all, Fan Fei will send all their main players, and it is only natural that the main lineup has such a performance thing.

In this case, let's have a good contest with the extraordinary main force.

You are the main force, and we are also the main force, so we may not be afraid of you!

Besides, even if we lose, our substitutes will still be better than yours. In a game every three days, can you still use your main force to play the whole game?That will not kill you!
With such emotion and self-confidence, the players of River Plate launched a fierce attack without fear!

They have eleven quasi-god-level players on the field, so many times the game is easy. They have no center of gravity, but everyone on the field is the center of gravity. Such a team can completely change their offensive focus at any time, constantly Cut into the weak spots of the opponent's formation.

However, extraordinary tactics are even more arrogant and domineering.

Shen Ruofei rushed into their formation alone, alone.

Hesto from the river plate met him head-on. He was also a player who was very good at attacking from the front. Seeing Shen Ruofei charging forward with such a brutal person, he immediately felt a little uncomfortable.

Damn, even if you can fight again, rushing up alone, looking for death.

He went up immediately.

Hesto didn't believe how much he would lose to Shen Ruofei in his frontal impact ability, even if he would lose a little, but in the game, he was not alone, and his teammates behind him would block him at any time.

At that time, Shen Ruofei alone will not be able to resist the attacks of all of them.

So he went up first.

When he went up to meet him, he was still thinking about fighting twice, and then pretended to retreat to attract Shen Ruofei, and then surrounded him heavily, sending Shen Ruofei out directly.

When fighting hand to hand, it is of course very important to send one of the opponent's core out of the field first.

River Plate doesn't have a real core, so they are relatively advantageous in this situation. Anyone of them can sacrifice, and anyone can take over the class of the core, while the opponent always takes care of the core. Others can die, but the core cannot. die.

In this way, the opponent's tactics appear to be traceable.

However, upon contact, Hesto began to fly back.

The teammates who were familiar with him were taken aback for a moment—shouldn't they have done two tricks first?Why did you leave so quickly?
What they didn't know was that Hesto was suffering in his heart at the moment and couldn't tell—under the contact just now, the two sides exchanged three skills at the same time, one of his skills missed, and two hit Shen Ruofei, but neither Hit where it hurts.

And Shen Ruofei's three skills all hit him, and two of them hit the vital parts.

In this split-second fight, Shen Ruofei's physical value may have dropped by less than a tenth, while his physical value has dropped by nearly half!
How is this played?
Hesto had to retreat.

As soon as he retreated, Shen Ruofei quickly followed up - this is exactly his style, if he is justified, he will not forgive others.

Of course, the teammates of River Plate would not just watch Shen Ruofei chasing and fighting Hesto. At this time, Shen Ruofei rushed in, which was actually tantamount to going deep into the enemy's formation, which happened to be a good opportunity to encircle.

The two River Plate players on the two wings shot at the same time, trying to intercept Shen Ruofei, even if they couldn't kill him, they had to stop him from continuing the onslaught.

At the same time, a player from River Plate surrounded him from behind and wanted to surround Shen Ruofei directly, so that others could stop the other extraordinary players first. The four of them worked together to kill Shen Ruofei, the attacking arrow, first.

Any game must pay attention to an imposing manner. It can be said that it is very important to be the first to win at the beginning. If they can solve the opponent's offensive arrows, then there is no doubt that they can take some opportunities.

At this time, it was Fei Fei who launched the attack. They could resist Fei Fei's first attack, and they could also take the lead in the whole game.

The next moment, the River Plate player who cut off Shen Ruofei's back was stopped by Liu Shibo.

As for the River Plate player who rushed over from the two wings, two figures quickly appeared in front of him. The extraordinary and fastest two wings, Li Guorui and Huang Yuanfan, stopped in front of them at the same time.

Obviously, Fei Fei had already detected their thoughts in advance, so that before they formed an encirclement and the others completed the interception, they completed the interception in turn!

In this way, Hesto was out of luck.

He had already stopped fleeing, and was about to encircle Shen Ruofei with his teammates, but in the blink of an eye, the situation turned into him facing Shen Ruofei alone again...

Shen Ruofei's attacks came one after another.

Hesto, who was exhausted, had no choice but to retreat.

After taking a few steps back, Shen Ruofei finally stopped attacking, Hesto breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment he knew what a big mistake he had made.

He retreated too fast and too far along the way, so that he retreated outside the overall formation.

And his retreat exposed the auxiliary core Miguel who was originally under protection!
What is especially important is this effect.

Shen Ruofei did not continue to pursue Hesto because he had already turned his head and stared at Miguel, the core of the opponent!

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