football era

911 Things to do

In the final analysis, Zheng Qi is still an extraordinary spiritual core and leader.

In this regard, although Zheng Qi does not seem to have the characteristics of a core or a prestigious person, whether a player is a spiritual leader and a prestige person in a club depends not only on his character, but also on his personality. look what he did.

What did Zheng Qi do?Zheng Qi has done everything. He laid the foundation of the Extraordinary Club as the core. He built the club. He owns the largest share of the club. Even the achievements of the Extraordinary are most of the time driven by him.

Although Feifei now has many outstanding players, Zheng Qi is still the core one.

This kind of status is not obtained casually. In the past two seasons in the top league, it was often Zheng Qi who carried everyone forward together. Everyone saw this in their eyes.

He is the major shareholder, but his status in the arena depends on his own performance. Fanfan has gathered a lot of good players from the beginning. If he didn't have enough standards, why should he be the core?

And Zheng Qi has always been the core of Extraordinary.

Whether it was in the amateur league, or in the First Division, or now in the Super League, when so many top players were introduced.

He is all core.

He has not missed all extraordinary games. Maybe he has not performed well in every game, but most of the time, his performance is a crucial part of extraordinary victory.

How can such a person not be important?

So when he fell, there were many extraordinary players who felt that the sky had fallen. They had habitually relied on Zheng Qi. Compared with Zheng Qi, Shen Ruofei, Liu Shibo, Bin Shiqiang were also very good, but not as good as Zheng Qi. Make people dependent.

So after Zheng Qi came back in two days, many people's hearts settled down.

As for players of Shen Ruofei's level, when Zheng Qi fell, they would not be discouraged, but thought that they would stand up and carry the team forward. After Zheng Qi came back, although they still had doubts in their hearts, But they knew that in such a game, they still had to rely on Zheng Qi.

Zheng Qi is their core, he can do everything on the court, Shen Ruofei is good at frontal assault, Liu Shibo is good at defense, Bin Shiqiang is good at exploiting loopholes, but Zheng Qi can do everything.

Maybe they are not as good as them in terms of specialization, but in terms of overall strength, even Lu Xiaotian or Li Chengze may not be as good as Zheng Qi.

At this point, even Shen Ruofei and Liu Shibo were extremely surprised.

Because they are quite familiar with Zheng Qi, but they never thought that Zheng Qi would have the strength and level he has now!

This has simply exceeded their imagination.

Zheng Qi himself didn't care much about this.

He was already good, he knew it.

In fact, when he was playing amateur games, his operation level was already quite good, otherwise Lu Xiaotian would not have thought of introducing Zheng Qi at that time—it was because he could see that Zheng Qi's operation level was still not proficient enough. However, the talent he displayed is simply astonishing.

In the game of Football Era, the level of operation is fast, which is not a big deal. Anyone can do it quickly by piling up attribute points. However, maintaining precision in speed is a test of a player's talent and level up.

How fast can maintain the most accurate shot is a problem that many professional players need to find and consider, because the addition of attribute points is very particular, especially the speed. It is not the more you add, the effect The better, if the speed is extremely fast, but your operation can't keep up, and you can't hit the opponent's vitals, no matter how fast you are, it's useless.

Just like having the power of a thousand pounds, you have to hit the opponent to be effective. If you can't hit the opponent, it's useless.

For professional players, other attribute points are often exchanged. Only the speed is fixed. After many trials, I know that at this speed, I can play the best operation.

Even if there is fine-tuning, it is only because of progress or regress that fine-tuning will be made.

And what about Zheng Qi at that time?No matter how fast, he is always very precise, and the speed of his operation is not fixed. The only thing that is the same is that no matter what the speed is, he can maintain extremely precise.

This is an extremely powerful operational talent, which is even stronger than Shen Ruofei at that time, so Lu Xiaocai would have his eyes on Zheng Qi.

Of course, Zheng Qi rejected him.

In the next game, Zheng Qi actually has no room for improvement in terms of operation. With his level of operation that even Lu Xiaotian would be amazed at, the next game is nothing more than allowing him to accumulate enough experience. .

The accumulation of experience until last season is almost the same. To put it in a more vulgar way, Zheng Qi at that time has reached his limit.

The next classical football game is an opportunity for him to improve his strength.

Although the two are somewhat different, they have actually improved his vision, and at the same time allowed him to better consider everything from an overall perspective during the game.

The previous Zheng Qi was as aggressive as if his edge had leaked out.

Now Zheng Qi is hiding the front inside, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Two knives with the same sharpness, one slashes randomly, and the other seizes the opportunity to strike again, the resulting effect will of course be very different.

Zheng Qi is now the latter.

There is no room for improvement in his operation level, but the level he can display is even better than before.

Now Zheng Qi's bonus points are extremely perverted. His physique bonus points are just ordinary bonus points, which makes him seem to die easily on the court, but he has increased his speed to the limit of a full two hundred, which makes him move on the court. He was almost faster than anyone else, and he was able to attack with precision. Most of the time, he was hidden on the field, and he shot at critical moments, killing with one blow.

So in this year's game, just looking at the performance on the field, Zheng Qi seemed to be overshadowed by the light of Shen Ruofei and others. However, in terms of various offensive statistics, he ranked first—not the first in the team. One, but number one in the entire league.

The average number of kills per game and the number of key attacks to open up the situation in the game, these two data that offensive players value most, he is the highest, and he has also left No.2 by a lot.

For example, the average number of kills, the traditional three big killers Sun Fei Di Xing Fangyuan, their data has not decreased, it is still an average of five to six opponents killed per game, which is already quite scary data.

But what about Zheng Qi?He averaged [-] kills per game, more than a quarter of his opponents.

As for the key offensive statistics that open the game, this item has always been Lu Xiaotian's private area. He averaged four to five key offensive times per game, which made him proud of the entire league. Last year, Shen Ruofei once caught up. He, but that's also because Lu Xiaotian obviously reduced the number of times he made official shots.

But this year, Lu Xiaotian, who once again shouldered the heavy responsibility of Changfeng's offense, has obtained even better statistics than before. His number of offenses per game this year is [-]:[-], which is the highest in his entire career. The data.

And Zheng Qi was [-] times.

These two key statistics are enough to prove that Zheng Qi's performance this year is also at the peak. Fanfan has achieved results that almost no other team can achieve this year. Apart from their overall excellence, Zheng Qi's personal outstanding performance is also a huge achievement. The essential.

A captain, with his own performance, has achieved unprecedented results. His words, of course, have unparalleled authority in the team.

No matter whether it is the veteran god-level player Bin Shiqiang, or the newcomers Shen Ruofei and Liu Shibo, they can't compare to this point.

So Zheng Qi's words immediately ignited the passion of all Fanfan players, and at the same time let them start to meet the next game with the best fighting spirit.

Extraordinary tactical strategies have been settled.

That is to fight game by game, bravely and fearlessly, using all the things you know, forming a crushing trend, and at the same time accumulating the morale and fighting spirit of the team, so as to create enough psychological pressure on the opponent.

There will be no death in the game, the worst is a loss, but if a team can always beat the opponent by a big score, then their opponent will definitely experience considerable psychological pressure.

You must know that professional players are more capable of bearing pressure, but at the same time, they themselves bear more pressure.

Any extra stress can cause problems for them.

Fei Fei clearly knows that they are still inexperienced, but lack of experience does not mean that they lack strength.

Since they lack the experience of confronting opponents cautiously, then don't be cautious and give full play to the momentum and fighting will of most of their young players to defeat one opponent after another.

Since the group stage is easy first and then difficult, let's increase the pressure on your opponent little by little.

If Feifan can win a big victory against a weak team, the opponent may laugh at them for not knowing how to stay strong, and if they can win a big victory against a stronger team next, then the opponent will be more vigilant, and finally face the strongest team. If their opponents can still win a big victory, then any opponent will have a fear of them!

A ruthless and extremely powerful team can also be scary.

Especially since they are a new army.

If it is a team that often participates in the World Cup, even if they are the strongest, after the opponent adapts, they will still think about how to kill them.

The new army is different. The opponent also needs a process of adaptation. Under the situation that the opponent has always been very strong and ferocious, their fear cannot be avoided at all.

The next thing they have to do is stand up.

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