football era

Chapter 892 Conspiracy?

Yuan Fei's words can be said to be a footnote for the previous game.

Although the full 75 minutes of the previous game were all foreshadowing for the last 15 minutes, those foreshadowings are not considered as foreshadowing by throwing a bundle of straws casually, but need careful arrangements to be able to have a good time. Qualifications are paved to the end.

The two sides racked their brains tactically and gave everything in the confrontation. What they are fighting for is only the qualification to finally be on this stage.

Just like a season, with so many victories and so many efforts to move forward, what we need is the stage of the final.

If you didn't work hard enough before, you won't be eligible for the final stage.

The world is so cruel.

If the opponent's preparation is not good enough in the previous foreshadowing, then he will lose the qualification to be on the stage in advance.

Of course, neither side has lost such qualifications now.

In the previous confrontation, they have paid enough things, such as energy, such as fighting spirit.

Now, both sides are already scarred and exhausted—of course, it is not such an exaggeration, but it is true that they are already very tired—under such circumstances, they still have to fight until the last moment.

The current score is six to six, and the two sides played a big score in the final as no one expected.

Of course, this did not surprise everyone. After all, Feifei was good at attacking, and Changfeng was also good at attacking. How could it be possible for these two teams to meet each other without scoring a big score.

If Changfeng beats Tianhe and Feifei beats Tianhe, maybe there will be some small scores like [-] to [-] to [-], but these two teams will definitely score a big score together, so don't even think about it.

Both sides seized all their offensive opportunities, and the draw was the best reward for them.

It's a pity that there can only be one champion in the end. Even if it's a tie, there will be a winner who will stand until the end.

The final moment has come.

And when this moment comes, the first to attack is Extraordinary.

"Attack all, kill them!" Zheng Qi shouted in the team channel.

Now is the time to go all out, so of course you have to use all your strength.

In addition to goalkeeper Bai Sen, Zheng Qi, Shen Ruofei, Liu Shibo, Bin Shiqiang, Zhang Shu, Zhang Hai, Niu Lihua, Su Jing, Li Guorui, and Huang Yuanfan are also playing extraordinary.

This is their most outstanding lineup, but Lian Fei Zong Qinghua and others are left to prepare for rotation. After all, in such a confrontation, someone will always die. As long as the core is not killed, the others It will be able to continuously push up, and there will be no problem.

And Changfeng also took out all their main forces.

The formations of both sides began to move forward rapidly, just like when the game just started.

Maintaining the overall movement at high speed has always been a behavior that can observe the level of both sides from the beginning.

At the beginning of the game, the two sides came together like this once, and it was a draw at that time. The place where the two sides met was in the middle of the midfield.

That means that both sides move at almost the same speed.

This kind of overall movement cannot be done by individuals alone, but by the tacit understanding of the whole.

Changfeng's tacit understanding is of course no problem. At that time, Feifan was able to draw with them, which made people feel very surprised.

And now?

The two sides met in midfield.

Lu Xiaotian frowned.

There was a burst of exclamation in the stands.

Looking from the sky above the stands, of course it is easier and clearer to see.

The line of contact between the two sides was more towards Changfeng's side!

This means that in terms of overall movement, Fei Fei is a little faster than Chang Feng.

In such contact in the first half, Changfeng did not lose the slightest bit, but now, Feifan has vaguely gained some upper hand!
Lu Xiaotian was in the middle of the game, but he also discovered this difference with incomparable keenness.

But with Lu Xiaotian's level, he quickly noticed why there was such a difference.

In the past, Fei Fei had to take care of Su Jing when moving as a whole, so the speed of moving was often slower, but now, they gave up protecting Su Jing, but moved as a whole, leaving Su Jing behind, so that they occupied the Mobile advantage.

This is of course a very risky thing. Everyone knows what kind of dilemma the team will encounter if the auxiliary core is not protected enough. However, under the current situation, the auxiliary core is temporarily left behind. It's nothing.

And they only started to accelerate when they moved all the way to the middle circle, otherwise they wouldn't just be ahead of Changfeng's moving speed.

But to risk such a risk and move faster, Lu Xiaotian immediately realized that the other party must have some other conspiracy or method.

After all, if you take such a risk, you will definitely have the same or more benefits!
The next moment, the formations of the two sides collided fiercely, as if two powerful armies were starting to attack head-on.

Shen Ruofei was still the first to entangle him, and Lu Xiaotian could only go up to him. Although Shen Ruofei was still a little worse than him, when Lu Xiaotian met him, he couldn't relax at all, otherwise, it would be too much. Easily defeated by the opponent.

The so-called master fights, the outcome is often in an instant, especially if you don't concentrate for a while, someone may find a flaw. This is the case in any confrontation. When the two sides are at a similar level, the winner will be determined It will be determined by factors such as whether the energy is concentrated.

Of course Lu Xiaotian knew this, so even though he didn't know what kind of schemes Fei Fei would use, he could only concentrate on fighting Shen Ruofei.

Before solving such a guy, it is impossible to deal with other things.

Before, he let his teammates entangle Shen Ruofei temporarily, and then defeated Liu Shibo by himself, but this kind of trick can be used once, and then used again?Shen Ruofei is not a fool, and will not be fooled again and again.

Therefore, when there are too many fights between masters, especially top players, it will often make people feel very boring, because some whimsical ideas will have little effect, and they can only be achieved through their own efforts. The real level and basic skills to fight the opponent recklessly.

Shen Ruofei is actually very familiar with Lu Xiaotian, and after leaving Feifan, he has fought against Lu Xiaotian several times. After gradually adapting to the advantages brought by Lu Xiaotian's experience, he can also entangle Lu Xiaotian more safely.

Lu Xiaotian's level is of course unquestionable, but in his feelings, Shen Ruofei's level has improved to a certain extent in this game, just after the game started and now.

He really is a talented player!In the previous competitions, although he has already shown a top level, but some of his talents have not been brought into play!
And under his own threat and oppression, he began to force out all the remaining potential!

If compared with him before, Shen Ruofei's level was still inferior, but now, Shen Ruofei's level is infinitely close to that of Lu Xiaotian!
"Oops, there are such variables in this game, it's a bit troublesome." Lu Xiaotian thought in his heart.

In a top-level confrontation, any factor may affect the final result, not to mention the most direct factor such as on-the-spot improvement.

Shen Ruofei's improvement, and Zheng Qi's level, Lu Xiaotian has never seen clearly, which made Lu Xiaotian feel a little worried.

But worry is all about worry, his hands are still not slow at all. As a top player, he knows that under such circumstances, he cannot waver in any way.

He still confronted Shen Ruofei stubbornly, but in terms of the overall confrontation, he began to gradually move towards the unfavorable place for Changfeng.

The two cores are entangled. When other people face extraordinary players, they not only have to face the opponent's attribute advantages, but also face the opponent's core player's advantages.

The elusive Zheng Qi caused too much trouble for them, and the other extraordinary players led by Bin Shiqiang can also cause huge troubles. You must know that extraordinary players are their main players now, even if their operations are compared with Changfeng's main players. It's a little bit worse, and there is absolutely no big gap. Coupled with their advantage in attribute points, it makes Changfeng very difficult to fight against opponents.

It was already very difficult in itself, and Zheng Qi would come out to attack from time to time, which caused their defense line to start to collapse continuously.

Seeing that their team could no longer hold on, Lu Xiaotian and Di Xing began to retreat - the two of them couldn't hang around here.

Under the leadership of Lu Xiaotian and Di Xing, Changfeng began to retreat gradually, but at this moment, Feifan launched another surprise attack.

Just as Changfeng started to retreat, Su Jing used two teleportation skills in a row.

She joined the battlefield a little later, which made her skills cool down, but she was in a very good state.

The five extraordinary players were teleported there at the same time, just cutting off Changfeng's retreat.

The double-teaming on both sides also intercepted Changfeng's players in a small passage, which caused Changfeng's players to suffer another big loss.

In the competition, players are actually very fragile—after all, one attribute point of physique is equal to ten points of physical strength. With an average player's attribute points of [-] points, the value of physical fitness will not exceed [-] points. , among professional players, during the competition, the attribute points that will be used for physical fitness will not be too few, nor too many. If there are many attribute points, it may exceed a hundred points, and if there are few attribute points, there will be one Ninety o'clock.

However, even so, a player only has about [-] to [-] points of stamina on the field, and if any skill is played accurately, it can take away [-] points of stamina. Of course, there is a very complicated calculation method for the physical value taken away. Professional players can naturally calculate it, but it is difficult for ordinary players to calculate it.

In such a situation, players have to save their lives on the field mainly by dodging - dodging the opponent's skills, or allowing themselves to withstand the opponent's skills where they are not vital, and of course the recovery skills that assist the core, so that they can survive on the field. Create a longer battery life.

The reason why those core players will play more is because their ability to save life is stronger, and at the same time, the support takes care of them more.

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