football era

Chapter 890 Judgment

Li Chengze doesn't know whether Lu Xiaotian thinks this way, but according to his deduction, this is the most feasible tactic for Changfeng.

If you don't make mistakes yourself, bet that Feifei will make mistakes.

Can extraordinary make mistakes?Li Chengze wasn't sure.

On the surface, the possibility of making mistakes is very high. Their team is indeed too young, and except for a few players, their top league experience is less than two years.

Such a young team with an average age of less than 23 years old, the possibility of making mistakes is simply too great, and it can even be said to be impossible.

However, for Fanfan, they actually made almost no mistakes this year.

There are many small mistakes, but there are almost no big mistakes. In the game, small mistakes are inevitable for everyone. Avoiding big mistakes is the key.

From this point of view, Fei Fei is not lacking in experience at all.

It is mainly because of their cores, Bin Shiqiang has rich experience, needless to say, Shen Ruofei and Liu Shibo have at least three years of professional experience, and have always been in relatively high-end competition situations, their psychological endurance and experience They are not comparable to ordinary young players. Zheng Qi has the least professional experience, but Li Chengze can't believe that he will lose the chain.

Under such circumstances, the possibility of extraordinary mistakes is really small.

But that's in normal games.

Such an important game, although there are more reasons to play seriously, but the pressure of the game itself, the pressure brought by the opponent Changfeng players, etc., etc., are enough to make a team pay more than usual get more.

Under such circumstances, mistakes... are not out of the question.

Now it depends on whether the pressure created by Changfeng is greater, or whether Extraordinary's own ability to withstand pressure is greater.

In addition, the venue of this game is quite complicated, which itself makes the probability of mistakes on both sides even greater. Under such circumstances, especially in the offense, the players on both sides must not only fight against the opponent's defense, but also It is necessary to deal with map changes that may appear at any time, and the test will be more stringent.

Of course, on such a map, it is inevitable to make offensive mistakes. However, if you can keep without making mistakes for a longer period of time, then the opponent will be under greater pressure. Whoever can't support it first will easily collapse.

What is more favorable to Fei Fei is that they are the first to attack after all. If they can always seize the opportunity, even if the opponent does not make a mistake, then they have a greater probability of winning.

Maybe that's what Fanfan Shangshang thinks - if you want to consume each other, then consume each other. In short, if we seize every opportunity to attack, then the victory will belong to us!

Thinking of this, Li Chengze nodded slightly. From his point of view, there is nothing wrong with Feifan's response. It is nothing more than that both Changfeng and Feifan have absolute confidence in their own performance.

With their current level and performance, it is quite normal to have such confidence.

"But in this way, Lu Xiaotian and the others will also suffer. What if the other party does not make a mistake..." Li Chengze thought in his heart, but he also knew that Lu Xiaotian's decision may be a helpless thing. There is no hope of victory, so it is better to pin the hope on the opponent's mistakes, so that at least there will be a lot of hope of victory.

Thinking of Lu Xiaotian's mood at this moment, Li Chengze felt a little helpless.

No one understands this kind of mood better than him, because in many cases, Tianhe is at a disadvantage against Changfeng, and can only constantly interfere with the opponent during the game, or bet on changes in a certain link-sometimes he If he wins the bet, he will be able to win. Sometimes if he loses the bet, he can only watch others win.

But is it possible not to gamble?If you gamble, you still have a chance to win, if you don't gamble, you have no chance to win.

Of course it's a gamble.

Of course, Li Chengze didn't gloat about "Lu Xiaotian, you have today too". He just felt that Feifan is indeed very strong now. Although Changfeng is much weaker than before, Changfeng can only use this This kind of game thinking is also enough to prove the extraordinary strength.

"In short, we have done our best in China, and we are worthy of our hearts." Li Chengze thought in his heart.

He knew that if Feifan won this game, they would not be able to lose points in the final round, and if they won the cup, it would mean that they could also win the league.

Unless they lose the cup, then it is possible that there will be problems in the final round due to the emotional blow.

Originally in the league, Li Chengze didn't expect to be able to surpass Feifan, what he had to do was to keep holding Feifan back and let them devote more energy and stamina so that they could consume more in the game.

They are known for their tenacity, and have been dragging Fei Fei, and then Changfeng gave Fei Fei a blow in the final. If Chang Feng can win the cup, then they have a chance to win the league championship.

"We must work harder." Li Chengze thought in his heart, in the past few years, he had never cheered for Changfeng.

This is probably also a cycle.

On the field, Fei Fei launched an attack.

In the first attack after the start of the second half, Fanfan was not disturbed by the field much, perhaps because they attacked too fast and fiercely, but this time, they began to be disturbed by the change of the map.

When Fei Fei attacked the midfield, Chang Feng's players still pushed forward directly.

Now that the two cores are not on the field, Fei Fei still pushes forward. Under He Jing's command, they fight against Fei Fei with all their strength, and they are fighting step by step.

Such an approach is obviously inappropriate, but in fact, this is the best way to defend.

Although the passages between the camps will appear to be very narrow, it seems that it is more beneficial to defend on narrow roads, but in fact, the passages on the entire map are connected, and there are many passages that can pass through the defense line. If you are not in the middle, start If it is intercepted, then the opponent can attack from many paths, but the defensive side has to be comprehensive.

The midfield is a must, and the goal of both sides is also a must.

If you are repelled in the only way in the midfield, then you can only retreat continuously, otherwise it is easy to be cut off by the opponent's detour, or directly attack in front of the goal.

Only by retreating to the next necessary path can we reorganize the attack. If we are defeated in the process, we can only retreat again and start defending in front of the goal.

So despite being weak, Changfeng's players also started intercepting in the midfield.

This time they were prepared for Zheng Qi's possible frontal attack, which was stopped by them with all their strength. Although this cost them a lot of manpower, their position had stabilized.

Of course, the extraordinary offense will not have any problems due to such interference. They retreated and rested for a while, and immediately launched an attack again. What kind of performance can be achieved between the rest and the attack depends on whether the team is outstanding. a key to

But soon, a field change brought more trouble to the extraordinary offense.

The sudden appearance of chaotic soldiers forced Fei Fei to stop halfway through an inevitable attack, but a flame blockade that appeared at the same time gave Zheng Qi an opportunity.

After commanding the extraordinary people to retreat in the team channel, Zheng Qi threw a skill, and then rushed into the hatred defense of the chaos soldiers on both sides, and then quickly accelerated, rushing to Changfeng's defense line!

"Let's withdraw and let him hang up!"

He actually shouted decisively in the team channel, even if Zheng Qi can fight again, he can't last long under such circumstances, just retreat first, and after he hangs up, the chaos on both sides will disappear. At that time, if he goes up again, it might be able to make Fei Fei lose the initiative in this attack.

However, when they were just about to retreat, they were shocked to find that their escape route had been cut off by the flames rising into the sky.

"Damn, he calculated it." Lu Xiaotian off the court couldn't help cursing, there was an omen before the flames cut off the retreat, and Zheng Qi must have seen that omen before choosing this approach.

It's just that even if he saw it, it didn't seem to make any sense. The retreat was cut off, and Changfeng's players were just a little stunned. Zheng Qi had already rushed into their formation with a group of chaotic soldiers...

The Changfeng players off the court shook their heads one after another.

In such a situation, even if they were on the field, they couldn't stand it anymore, and there would definitely be a wave of wipeouts, and Feifan would not give them time to defend.

But they made a last-ditch effort.

Under He Jing's command, five Changfeng players forcibly went offline at the same time.

This kind of operation allowed them to leave the battlefield quickly, which allowed them to return to the field to defend in only ten seconds.

The others were under the attack of the disorderly soldiers and persisted for nearly ten seconds before leaving the field one by one.

The extraordinary players advanced quickly, but when they reached Changfeng's gate, Changfeng had already re-arranged a defensive formation that was not enough in numbers, but still considered complete.

"Changfeng is Changfeng, and the overall standard is indeed excellent."

Such thoughts flashed through the hearts of the extraordinary players at the same time, but they didn't waste any time, and launched a positive impact first!

In the confrontation just now, Zheng Qi had already died, and only nine Feifan players rushed up, but their movements were still not slow at all.

Jiang Xiaohan's frontal attack attracted a lot of attention from the opponent, and then Bin Shiqiang attacked from the side.

Relying on the advantage of numbers and Bin Shiqiang's command, Fanfan quickly defeated this line of defense. Although Changfeng's players were still returning to the field one after another, Feifan's attack had already easily pushed them aside.

The next step is to score a goal, and Feifei once again took the lead.

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