football era

Chapter 885

The handshake ended quickly, and the players on both sides began to wait for the map to appear. The map of the cup match was refreshed randomly, and no one knew what the map would appear.

However, for the top teams, they are basically familiar with complex maps. After all, every game is played on complex maps. Simpler maps do not require too much energy to adapt to. In the cup competition, a super team can often crush the first-tier team.

Extraordinary does not suffer in this regard, because there is a tactical department composed entirely of Frankensteins, their map replication level is the highest in the league, and their daily training allows them to always be more comfortable on complex maps .

Therefore, in terms of maps, Feifan Shangxia is more confident, but Changfeng's players are very experienced, which is not a disadvantage. In addition, they have done better preparations, so in this regard, Changfeng should have little advantage.

"It's Yiling, it's time to put together a whole."

When the map appeared in front of everyone, Yuan Fei sighed.

But this sentence is actually nonsense. The most complicated maps all test the overall level of a team. The core level, the overall level of cooperation, the player's own reaction, and other factors will play a big role. Moreover, it will be very complicated to play on such a venue. Even the core players cannot stay on the court for too long, and more rotations are needed. The overall level of the entire team will be greatly improved. test.

From this point of view, this map is still somewhat unfavorable to the extraordinary, but in fact, the extraordinary is not worried, they have the most cores, and they are used to these four cores taking turns to play, and they still maintain sufficient competitiveness on the field .

The current Changfeng may not have such ability. After all, even their substitutes are very good, but in the final analysis, the game still has to revolve around the core. When attacking, others can sacrifice, but the core cannot sacrifice. , others can hang up, but the core cannot hang up.

When the core of a certain side is sent out first, the disadvantage of this side will appear to be great.

Others can sell, but the core must protect itself. Unless the situation can be completely opened up at the expense of oneself, otherwise, how much the core can perform on the field is always the biggest factor and key to the outcome of the game.

The map has appeared, and the players from both sides began to disperse on the field. Those who went to the bench went to the bench, and those who stayed on the field stayed on the field. At this time, the two sides can't see who is on the field. It can be detected, after all, even the bench is separated from both sides.

Guessing and playing with each other in the lineup is also a good way to compete with each other. There are many tents on the map of Yiling that interfere with the line of sight. After the second half starts, like Chibi, there will be fireworks that pop out from time to time. Affecting the performance of both parties, in short, these are some very headaches.

At the same time as the map appeared, the first attacking side also appeared, not Extraordinary, but Changfeng.

"This kind of map depends on observation. After the game starts, remember to observe, then intercept, and talk to them head-on." Xu Shan said in the team channel.

He didn't need to remind him of this point. After the start of the competition, the extraordinary players immediately started to move forward. Li Guorui, who was advancing at full speed, was the first to reach the place close to the middle circle. Then he found a tent and jumped on it, and began to observe the opponent's movement.

As soon as he jumped up, Li Guorui saw Feng Tu of the opponent.

Feng Tu is also a good player of Changfeng. Although his status has declined recently, his strength is still very good.

"I saw Li Guorui, they are intercepting separately." Feng Tu said in the team channel.

"You're very confident." Lu Xiaotian said.

"Let's make a direct breakthrough in the middle, and give them a good look first." Wen Xiang commanded decisively. Under such circumstances, it is a good thing to have a frontal contact first. Changfeng's traditional style is to attack from the front , let alone be weak in this game.

Of course, this kind of confrontation may be somewhat unfavorable to the attacking side, but for Changfeng, maintaining his consistent brave style is often the most important thing, otherwise, if he loses his style, Changfeng will still be defeated. Is it a long wind?

Maintaining their own style is indeed the most important thing, which will even affect their actions in the transfer market. After Shen Ruofei leaves, Changfeng has two candidates who can supplement their strength, one is Di Xing and the other is Yue Peng At that time, Jiang Wenqian had already left. It would be a very good choice for Changfeng to add a player like Yue Peng who can connect to the frontcourt attack. However, Changfeng still chose Di Xing, who is better at direct attack, because of his The style is more in tune with Changfeng!
this point is very important.

If you already have a stable style, then you need to carry forward this style instead of abandoning it and pursuing other styles-this is a very wrong thing in itself.

Changfeng didn't take any detours in this regard. Even if Lu Xiaotian was planning to gradually retreat to the second line before, it was because of Shen Ruofei, a successor with the same characteristics, that he would think so.

In this game now, they will not lose their style.

"They are starting to gather head-on, it should be a frontal attack!" Li Guorui shouted in the team channel.

"It's really Changfeng's style."

Zheng Qi complained, and the extraordinary players began to quickly gather around the three cores of Zheng Qi, Shen Ruofei, Bin Shiqiang, and started a positive impact.

"Boss Fei Gobind, you bring someone up, don't worry about me."

However, after the team was concentrated, Zheng Qi immediately left the main force - this kind of map with tents everywhere blocking his sight was simply the best stage for Zheng Qi to play.

Shen Ruofei confronted him head-on, Bin Shiqiang was at his side to assist, and Zheng Qi was on his side, ready to launch a surprise attack at any time. This is an extraordinary defensive tactic.

Changfeng launched a frontal attack, and they were not very worried, because they were completely able to do it after a frontal attack with Changfeng. Even if they lost, they could let Liu Shibo play in rotation and concentrate on defense. On one side, there is no need to be so cautious.

In this game, the final goal is to score goals, not to defend. In terms of the styles of both sides, it is impossible to fight an ordinary defensive battle.

The two sides quickly made contact on the court.

With the moving speed of a professional player, it only takes two to three seconds to go from the front of the own goal to the opponent's goal. Of course, this kind of sprinting is not allowed in the game. He was soon killed by someone setting fire to him.

When the two sides are advancing, of course, they must maintain a stable formation. Mutual protection of the formation is very important in a frontal confrontation.

In the high-speed movement, the speed of the two sides is almost fast. From the stand, it looks like two giant dragons, moving rapidly at the same time, and approaching the center line at the same time.

This wave of movement alone has amazed many knowledgeable fans-in such a high-speed movement, both sides have maintained their formation integrity, and at the same time, the speed of movement has also maintained the highest speed.

It can be seen by visual inspection that the point of contact between the two sides is exactly on the center line.

This means that both sides are moving at the same speed while keeping the formation intact!

This in itself can look at the overall strength of a team from the side. Now it seems that the standards of both sides are similar, and they are both elite teachers.

An elite division, of course, needs a striker.

In the ancient battlefield, the role of the vanguard is very important. Listening to the storytelling, you will know that the so-called vanguard is to open a road across the mountains, build a bridge when encountering a water, and destroy the enemy as much as possible. When the big troops come, they will kill the opponent. Generally speaking, as the vanguard, they need to be wise and brave generals and elite troops.

The so-called dispatch of a large army must not lose its spirit first, so that the vanguard is the most able to fight, and this game is no exception.

Shen Ruofei, who is an extraordinary arrow figure, soon saw Lu Xiaotian in his sight.

On the map of Yiling, there are tents everywhere to block the view, but in the center, there is a small open space, which can not accommodate many people. If the moving speed is slow and the open space cannot be taken away, then it will It is difficult for the side suppressed in the half-court to deploy its own forces, so it can only use refueling tactics to be gradually suppressed by the opponent.

But now, the place where the two sides meet is in the center of this open space.

The first to contact were Lu Xiaotian and Shen Ruofei.

When Shen Ruofei saw Lu Xiaotian, Lu Xiaotian also saw Shen Ruofei.

Just by looking at the momentum and movements of Shen Ruofei sprinting over, Lu Xiaotian could sense how much this young man, whom he once looked up to, had grown to.

In the last year of Changfeng, Shen Ruofei was already very good. Of course, Lu Xiaotian would not use his full strength to train in the team, but Shen Ruofei can compete with him, which is already a great thing. He is a well-deserved god-level player, and it is enough to prove Shen Ruofei's level.

However, meeting again now, Lu Xiaotian was surprised to find that this young player seemed to have become even more outstanding and powerful.

Perhaps in terms of operation, Shen Ruofei has not changed much, but the momentum and confidence in rushing forward have improved even more.

What Lu Xiaotian didn't know was that Yuan Xiao also had the same feeling when he saw Shen Ruofei rushing forward.

Joy rose in Lu Xiaotian's heart for no reason.

Such an opponent is really enjoyable.

So he also rushed over, the two of them took the lead, and soon, they will be in contact with each other.

The next moment, the two collided with each other, and at the moment of contact, the two sides exchanged two or three skills almost at the same time.

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