football era

Chapter 875 Expanding Advantages

On the map of Chibi, the change in the second half is that wherever the two sides stand, fireworks may appear suddenly, and then surround the players. At the beginning, there are two places, one for each side, and then every 3 minutes, it will increase. Two, until it increases to ten.

That is to say, after 15 minutes, the number of fireworks that pop out from the ground each time will be ten, enclosing ten players in the middle, with five on each side.

And in the last 15 minutes, the number and number of flames will be completely random, sometimes hovering between four places and twelve places, and when the terrain changes, it will not be evenly distributed on both sides. Instead, there may be fireworks everywhere, and one side will suffer three times, while the opponent will only suffer once-in this case, of course, it is time for the opponent to take advantage of the opportunity!

So in the initial stage, the test is the experience and reaction of both sides. In the last 15 minutes, in addition to testing these two points, the luck of both sides is also tested.

If ten fireworks appeared at the opponent's feet at the same time, but the own side didn't have one, then this wave of advantage alone is enough for them to get a ball.

Although such extreme situations rarely occur, they are not impossible. Even if they lose the game due to such factors, many people can only think that they have bad luck and cannot say anything else.

Of course, in important games, such situations rarely occur, let alone stalemate situations.

Now Yuan Xiao is going to take advantage of the next moment when the flames appear - there are omens, and there will be time for you to dodge, but this time is very short, and at the same time, the direction and position of dodging are also very particular, within a short period of time To make such a judgment really tests the player's reaction and experience.

For Corning, their players are all in motion, and of course it is much easier to avoid them, while the extraordinary players are standing on their feet, and if they slow down a bit, they will be engulfed by fireworks.

This is Corning's opportunity.

Obviously, there is nothing wrong with Yuan Xiao's tactical thinking. In the overall confrontation, if one side loses one person, this is a very irreparable loss, and it is also an opportunity that Corning's players can take advantage of.

Even if it can't directly defeat the opponent's defense, at least it can make the extraordinary defensive formation retreat a long distance, forming a situation of gradual suppression.

As long as the opponent's space for movement can be compressed more, it will be easier to break through the opponent's defense.

Corning was waiting for such an opportunity to break through the extraordinary defense line in one fell swoop, and then narrow the gap in the score.

It's the only thing they want to do right now.

Of course, they don't need to wait too long for such an opportunity. Two fireworks will be added in 3 minutes, but it doesn't mean that such an opportunity will only appear once in 3 minutes—it will appear several times randomly, with the frequency and interval The time is all random, otherwise, it would not have such a big impact on the game.

After waiting for dozens of seconds, Kang Ning waited for the opportunity to come.

Fireworks appeared under the feet of a Corning contestant, and she, who was moving rapidly, avoided the envelope of the fireworks with a quick retreat. At the same time, Wu Jin, who was enveloped by the fireworks, had only time to throw Unleashed all the skills he could throw, and then was taken away by the fireworks and turned into light and left the field.

The lethality of fireworks is very powerful.

If it is not strong, it will not have a huge impact on the game.

When Wu Jin faded away, most of Corning's players had gathered together and rushed towards that position.

If the fireworks on the floor didn't kill the player, they would burn for more than ten seconds, but if they killed the player, they would disappear immediately. Such gaps can be used.

Ni Lili took the lead—even though she has a cute name, she is the sharpest knife in Corning, she is strong and sharp, and she charges forward.

Following closely behind are four Corning players. What they have to do is to continuously expand the mistakes of the opponent's defense. Once the extraordinary players move, it will be difficult for them to be their opponents. Suppressed to his own door.

If the opponent doesn't retreat as a whole, then they can cut directly in front of the opponent's goal. At that time, it doesn't matter how many people the opponent kills on their side, as long as they can score goals, that's fine.

Can Feifan have such a quick reaction when most of the players are standing and outputting?No, this is something Corning is very sure of.

Ni Lili took the lead and rushed over. She was surrounded by guards, and she was not hindered by any obstacles, but continued to attack and continued to move forward.

As a pioneer, of course, you need to forge ahead.

She rushed forward for a full hundred yards before someone stopped her.

Liu Shibo.

Of course, Ni Lili is very clear about Liu Shibo's level. She knows that Liu Shibo is an excellent defensive player, but at this moment, what can one person do?There are two teammates beside her who come up to support her. Three fight against one. Even a god-level player can't stand it for a long time.

So Ni Lili didn't waste any time, and quickly launched an attack. She knew that behind the three of them, the auxiliary core was also following up with the ball. Expo's defense, then it will be able to directly hit the extraordinary gate.

However, Liu Shibo showed his top level. Under the impact of the three opponents, he abruptly blocked the opponent for a full five seconds.

During this time, enough to do a lot of things.

The extraordinary players standing on their feet began to pour out their own firepower, attacking other players in Corning.

The Kangning players who wanted to rush behind Ni Lili and the others were constantly interrupted by the control skills thrown by Zhang Shu.

In the situation of being constantly frozen in place, although it was only a long-range damage, it also brought huge damage to other Corning players who kept blocking extraordinary players.

After holding back most of Corning's players through the skills of these stance players and the number of cards, Zheng Qi and Huang Yuanfan appeared behind Ni Lili and others.

Liu Shibo was almost at the brink of blood at this time, but he was still able to hold back the opponent very well. The three of Ni Lili attacked too hard just now, and there is no possibility of escape.

"They have already prepared..." Fu Qing muttered helplessly, this is impossible to adapt to the situation, it is obvious that Fei Fei has already prepared a set of quite effective Tactics can play such a good role.

Tactical output, a tactic that has been abandoned by most teams, can be used in Extraordinary, but it can have very good results.

Their player attributes are all excellent, which makes their output more powerful, and the possible flaws caused by inconvenient mobility can all be made up for by a few of their outstanding players. At least at the current stage, one or two The departure of a player, under such circumstances, will not cause much hindrance to their defense.

And when you want to seize such a gap to launch an assault, you only need a short obstacle to surround you in turn and form a momentum of annihilation.

"They took advantage of their attributes too well, which is very difficult for us to fight against."

Ni Lili, who had no choice but to leave the field, couldn't help saying that although she was Kang Ning's best player in the field, she was not reckless at all, on the contrary, she was quite careful, and her tactical level was not bad, so she soon noticed that A depressing fact.

"It's a bit helpless, but we still have to fight anyway. Maybe there will be hope if we fight." Fu Qing nodded, and then said.

Regarding this point, other Corning players did not feel that there was anything wrong. After all, professional games are like this. It is not always possible to have suitable tactics to fight against opponents. In many cases, they can only "watch and fight" , slapping and slapping, hope will come out...

On the field, Fei Fan once again successfully wiped out most of Corning's players. He grabbed the football and started a wave of counter-push, taking advantage of the trend to suppress Corning in his own half.

Extraordinary fans shouted crazily. In the second half, Extraordinary can extend the lead to three goals. This is really an extremely huge lead!
Even if the field in the second half will become more complicated, but with such a big lead, the next game will be more comfortable.

The fans all know this truth, and of course it is impossible for Feifan to not know it. During the suppression process, they gradually completed the substitutions. Shen Ruofei, Bin Shiqiang and other core players were on the field, ready to forcibly tear apart the opponent's line of defense. .

Corning's players are resisting Fei Fei's attack, but they have already been suppressed by Fei Fei in front of their own door. Their room for movement is extremely narrow. On such a map, being suppressed is almost like being unable to resist.

Fanfan doesn't need a violent attack, they just need to keep suppressing Kang Ning, and then when the terrain changes, with the advantage of the number of people at that moment, launching an attack is enough to have a very good effect.

That's what they do.

Immediately after flames erupted from the floor, Fei Fei launched an attack.

The large-scale skills and control skills covered Corning's entire defense line at the same time, and then the extraordinary players began to forcefully attack, and with the help of the lethality brought by the fireworks, they defeated Corning's defense line in one go!
Offensive and defensive are like this, maybe there was a stalemate for a long time at the beginning, but when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, the victory or defeat is often decided in an instant.

That's it for now.

After the defense was broken, Fan Fei drove straight in and scored.

Five to two, they extended their lead to three goals.

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