football era

Chapter 857 Simple Right and Wrong

For Zheng Qi and others, they knew that after the tie before the end of the first half, Tianhe's victory was only a matter of time.

Under such circumstances, what remains to be seen is nothing more than Tianhe can win a few goals in the second half, and whether he can narrow the goal difference gap with Fanfan.

Of course they hoped that Tianhe would win less, but they were soon disappointed.

In the first half, Tianhe kept dragging Jianmang, which made them exhausted physically and mentally. This made Jianmang's play and performance after the second half started, compared with the first half, there was a big gap.

In the first half, Tianhe couldn't withstand Tianhe's counterattack, and in the second half, Tianhe scored four goals in one go, and won another [-]-[-] victory—— This allowed them to narrow the goal difference gap with Fanfare again, and now they are only four goal difference away from Fanfare.

There are still six league rounds and four goal difference. It is not difficult to catch up.

What's more, Fei Fan's next round will be against Nanguo, while Tianhe will face Yuchen, who is deeply in the relegation zone. With Tianhe's current level, it is not uncommon for Tianhe to win again.

At this time, Tianhe has already started their strongest attack and pursuit.

Although it seems a bit early, but considering that Feifei still has to play in the China Cup, starting to catch up with momentum at this time is undoubtedly building momentum, or it is also constantly putting pressure on Feifan.

In this kind of catching up, the pressure formed is of course very great.

And Fei Fei's next game against the Southern Kingdom will definitely attract the attention of many people.

Of course, there are many things to watch in this match. Nanguo will be the last opponent with sufficient weight. Among the next opponents, it is difficult to have an opponent who can stop Extraordinary. That is to say, if this match is won, Extraordinary will no longer encounter real challenges in the league.

As long as they don't make mistakes of their own, then winning the league championship will be a sure thing.

Of course, Tianhe will not be easily shaken, they will definitely put pressure on Feifan, even if it can't affect their league performance, it will also affect their cup performance-the places Tianhe can use now are actually pretty good. Many……

"Leave them alone, let's just win all the way." Zheng Qi said at the team meeting.

This is nonsense, but it is also a truth.

"That's right, no matter what team it is, we will defeat them." Shen Ruofei said.

Extraordinary players nodded one after another, and then turned to look at Liu Shibo...

"You all see what I do." Liu Shibo said helplessly, "Will I have any wrong reactions in this game?"

Apart from various factors such as the game situation, the reason why Fanfan's match against Nanguo attracted people's attention was that Liu Shibo was also a big attraction.

As a genius who has always been favored by people in the Southern Kingdom, Liu Shibo has had a very good start. Immediately after he became an adult, he created the account attribute of a god-level player in the new district, and after entering the first team, he also quickly He showed an excellent state, won the best rookie, and successfully entered the ranks of god-level players... His background, performance, and start can be said to be too good, and almost no one can match him. He compared the start - think about Lu Xiaotian back then, it was almost such a good start.

At that time, Changfeng was not as high as Nanguo's status and achievements.

With Liu Shibo's performance at that time and Nanguo's status, although it is not [-]%, to a large extent, he is very likely to become the player who will rule the league for the next ten years - after all, Li Chengze and Lu Xiaotian are not young , Sooner or later, he will retire from the stage, and then it is very likely that Liu Shibo will rule the world, even if he is a defensive player.

Being famous from a famous family, becoming famous at a young age... Obviously, such a player is enough to become an iconic figure in the southern country. He has been staying for more than ten years, or even 20 years, and finally let his name be tied to such a wealthy family. Nor can it be separated.

Liu Shibo did think so before.

However, after only two seasons, the situation has turned upside down. He is no longer considered an indispensable figure by the club's senior management. He lost power almost instantly, and it seemed that there was no future in the southern country.

From this point of view, Liu Shibo is of course very tragic. When he chose to sign with Feifan, many media sighed about it. After all, compared with the traditional strong team Nanguo, Feifan is like a team. Like the New Army, even if they had introduced Shen Ruofei and collected four god-level players, the general media felt that this was a mercenary-like team, and they might not be able to compete in Changfeng and Tianhe's rule. What good results will be achieved next time, and the situation of these four people staying together will not last for too long. If Liu Shibo doesn't get any honors, if Liu Shibo wanders around for a while, he might be lost to everyone.

However, it seems that Liu Shibo made a pretty good decision, while Nan Guo made a pretty bad decision.

Liu Shibo has already won two championships after reaching Fanfan, and is now making an impact towards the five championships, but what about Nanguo?Now they haven't even squeezed into the top half of the standings. They are now ranked No.11. Although they will not be relegated, their results are still very bad.

Under such circumstances, the process of winning the championship can be described as the last hard battle. How could people not pay attention to Feifan's encounter with Nanguo?

"Actually, we don't think there is anything wrong with you in the game, but we are a little afraid that you will feel embarrassed." Zheng Qi said.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's not like I didn't play against them in the first half of the season." Liu Shibo said.

"That's not the same. Now is the critical moment to win the championship, of course the difference is very big." Shen Ruofei said lightly.

As soon as these words were said, Liu Shibo had nothing to say. Shen Ruofei's words were the truth. When we met in the first half of the season, although there was a gimmick that Liu Shibo played against Nanguo for the first time, how could it be like this? It is related to winning the championship. The game is so interesting.

"In short, I won't have any special reaction. Fei's offensive ability is very good. The key to this game lies in your offensive players, not me as a defensive player." Liu Shibo said.

Zheng Qi smiled and didn't say much, but Liu Shibo's face was a little hot, because he knew that the key to this game was to see if he could better control Fei's scoring and killing ability .

Nanguo's current lineup is actually not bad, but the overall performance is not good. The main reason is that the new coach has no authority, which often leads to problems in tactical arrangements and arrangements. Although their overall strength is strong, facing any opponent is the Super League In the middle of the team, want to rely on the overall strength to suppress the victory?That's really overthinking, Fei Fei's current lineup is absolutely unable to do this...

So although they won some games, they also lost more games, which made their ranking not very good. However, this does not mean that there is any problem with their strength.

Nan Guo has been one of the most powerful contenders to win the championship last year. Although they only won No.4 in the end, they have been capable of hitting the league championship for a long time. It was not until the last two rounds that they were completely hopeless , Such a performance is not accidental, their overall lineup is already quite good, whether it is the offensive line or the defensive line, they already have extremely strong strength.

Although they left the head coaches Chen Feng and Liu Shibo due to civil strife, their lineup is still excellent, with Xing Liqun as the main defense and Wu Xun as the supplement. A group of outstanding defenders have kept their defensive level from dropping too much—they Dare to give up Liu Shibo, that is also confident, Xing Liqun is only five or six years older than Liu Shibo, it is the age of playing, Wu Xun and Liu Shibo are the same year, it seems that they have also shown a good level, in such a Under such circumstances, it seemed quite normal for Liu Shibo, who was not favored by the higher-ups and who lost Chen Feng's thigh, to be abandoned.

The offensive line has always been the strongest link in Southern China. Sun Fei is one of the top attackers who can distinguish himself from Lu Xiaotian and others. In addition, Huang Keyu, Pang Jie, Yan Jianhua and many others are also in the Super League. It can be regarded as the support of an excellent offensive player. Even without Chen Feng, they are extremely good offensively. They can basically score goals in every game, and they can even score a lot of goals. However, the overall tactical operation is not good. Ling, let them also lose a lot of goals.

Under such circumstances, whether they can keep an eye on the offensive line represented by Fei is really the key to victory in this game.

If he could keep an eye on Fei and control Nanguo's attack, then this match would have been won by [-]%.

Of course, this is not an easy thing to do. Extraordinary defense is not particularly good. It is very difficult to control the offense of the southern country.

However, no matter how difficult it is, Liu Shibo has to do it. After all, for him, if he can't better prove his level in this game, maybe he will feel that he has failed even more.

Liu Shibo didn't have any personal grievances with Fei, but no matter what, he and Chen Feng were forced to leave, and he had a lot to do with Fei, even if it wasn't for himself, even if it was just for his mentor Chen Feng, To perform well, in this match, defeat Nanguo, go for some honors, and prove that the one who was wrong at that time was not me, not Chen Feng.

Even if there seems to be no direct relationship between the two, right and wrong in the professional arena is very simple - if you win, then you are right, if you lose, then you are wrong.

This is what Liu Shibo most wanted to prove.

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