football era

Chapter 852 The Explosion of Substitute Players

The two-point lead is actually very subtle.

To describe it in a very vulgar way, if you are an extraordinary fan and now you see a two-point advantage, what would you think?
Optimistically, one would think, we are two points ahead now.

Pessimistic, would think, we are only two points ahead now.

However, no matter whether it is pessimistic or optimistic, it will not change the reality. The reality is that Feifan is indeed still leading by two points in the standings.

At the same time, they are seven points ahead of No.3 Changfeng. With seven rounds left in the league, they can at least temporarily ignore Changfeng.

"The next seven opponents are Xingyu, Nanguo, Mingfeng, Agni, Lingdong, Jianmang and Yuchen. Among these seven opponents, we should be most wary of Nanguo. Their performance this year is not good. But after all, they are a top team with good background, and although they have nothing to desire, they don't mind performing well against us to prove that they are still a strong team... From this point of view, they are stronger than other teams. Terrible. Xingyu Lingdongjianmang is a mid-level team, and they also have no desires, but they are like Nanguo's overall strength, and Liehuo Mingfeng Yuchen is a relegation team. They have fighting spirit, but the overall situation is a little worse... We have to beat all these seven opponents, let’s show our best state in every game. In the first two games, we paid the price of points and passed the most difficult two games. Now, let’s It's our turn to play better, after all, we need to come out of fatigue before, but now, we have come out completely."

In the extraordinary team, Zheng Qi said this to other players.

In fact, in the first two games, Fei Fan played really hard, and it was also very dangerous, especially in the game against Corning, when he fell behind by two goals in the first half, Fei Fei was the closest to losing At that time, if it weren't for the explosion of a few core players, they would not be able to keep the tie. If they lost that game, with only a three-point lead, Fei Fan's performance in this game would definitely be under greater pressure .

Three points and four points, it seems that there is only one point difference, but you must know that four points is the safety line of a round of competition, and there is an advantage of four points. Even if you lose this round, you can at least be ahead of your opponent by one point Points—three points are different...

The difference between the two is huge.

In this match against Changfeng, Feifan actually had some home court advantage. They rested and recovered well, otherwise they would not be ahead of Changfeng. In the end, they couldn't keep this victory, but from beginning to end, they were not in a very dangerous situation.

These two rounds were the most dangerous time for them, but they used their previous advantage in points to top it off. In the next time, they were able to make good adjustments to meet the game in a better state.

"In the next two rounds of the league, we must win, understand? Only by winning these two games can we meet the semi-finals of the Cup of China in the best condition! Now no team can have a heavier task than us , But such a burden proves that we are walking on a glorious road! I know that everyone is very tired, but at this time, it is time for us to show our own level and grit our teeth to persevere!"

At the team meeting, Zheng Qi waved his fist and shouted, and the extraordinary players also waved their fists one by one in response to him.

The reason is very simple. Every extraordinary player knows that no matter how tired they are, they can't get tired of these four cores in the team.

Especially in the past three games with a devilish schedule, the four cores can be said to have overdrawn their own standards. Whether it is Zheng Qi, Shen Ruofei, Liu Shibo or Bin Shiqiang, they have shown It can be said that they are extremely good, and even showed a level that is even better than theirs!

It was their outstanding performance and overdraft performance that made Fanfan eliminate Tianhe and draw with Kangning and Changfeng. In such a schedule, they achieved the best result!

This kind of performance is not something that ordinary teams can achieve.

It is because of their outstanding performance that Feifan has such a performance, and now, it is time for them to repay these cores.

"In the next games, we will perform even better. You can relax a little bit in the games... Against those opponents, our performance may be a bit worse, but against the mid-range teams, our performance, That's enough!" Zhang Shu said to Zheng Qi.

"Huh, really?" Zheng Qi replied.

"Damn, did you underestimate us?" Zhang Shu said.

"No, no, if that's the case, the next game, the rest of us will have a good rest." Zheng Qi said.

"Brothers, are you confident?" Zhang Shu turned around and asked.

"Of course I'm confident!" The extraordinary players replied in unison, with momentum like a rainbow.

At this time, they are fully confident that they will help Fei Fei win the next game.

Zheng Qi, Shen Ruofei, Liu Shibo, and Bin Shiqiang looked at each other.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you, we just have a rest." After seeing the others nodded slightly, Zheng Qi laughed.

Extraordinary's next opponent is Xingyu.

And in the next week, they can recover well, and after deciding to hand over the next game to other teammates, Zheng Qi and the others simply carry out recovery training every day instead of doing much training. Tactical joint training, in order to let yourself recover better in physical fitness and state.

This is of course a very risky behavior, but if they can rest better, they can achieve better results when they play against Southland.

This is also the reason why Zheng Qihui agreed to the proposal of the number of cards-Xingyu is still slightly weaker in the final analysis. Although they are a very characteristic team in the league, they can often overthrow the strong team, but that is based on their strength. It has always been based on an excellent god-level player.

Meteor Sword Di Xing has always been Xingyu's top card in the past few years, and this year he transferred to Feifan, which also made Xingyu lose their magic power. In the past games, they should have won They still won the game, but they never beat a strong team in an upset. After all, the departure of such a god-level player is almost an irreparable loss for Xingyu now.

To deal with such a team, even without the leadership of these god-level players, under the leadership of Zhang Shu Niu Lihua, Su Jing, Zhang Hai and others, Fei Fan is still confident of fighting against Xingyu.

What's more, Xingyu would never have thought that Zheng Qi and the others would not contribute much in this game - no team would ignore Zheng Qi and the others in the match against Fan Fei, just like the second half of the league. At that time, although Zheng Qi was in a bad state, no opponent dared to relax his defense...

The core is the core. Fanfan now has four cores. Just paying attention to them will overwhelm the opponent. Who knows, in this kind of competition, their cores still come out and sway, but they just sway. For a while, I didn't do anything else.

Regardless of the key offensive methods on offense and defense, Fei Fei relies on other players.

The attack relied on Li Guorui, Huang Yuanfan, Jiang Xiaohan and others to charge forward, Su Jing, Niu Lihua and Zhang Shu followed behind to support and command, Zhang Hailian, Fei Zong Qinghua and others dispatched and guided back and forth.

In terms of defense, in addition to the hard work of the players present, they also relied on the personal defensive abilities of Fu Lei, Xu Yi and others to constantly interfere with the opponent's offense. The other guards united together to block Xingyu's attack.

If you are facing a relatively strong team, such as Nanguo, Xiongfeng, and Shenhua, which are not ranked very well but have sufficient strength, or Kangning Tianlong Hongyuan, which is ranked second only to the top three. , Fan Fei's seemingly strong but actually weak nature, might have been discovered by the other party as soon as they fought, but what they were facing was only Xing Yu.

As I said before, Xingyu was originally a very distinctive team, but after Di Xing left, they lacked a backbone. Although the other players are not bad, the departure of such a core not only makes their team The performance has been affected, and the most important thing is that when they face a strong team, they are naturally in a predicament with a gap in level.

This can be seen from their record - when facing the middle and lower teams this season, Xingyu's winning percentage has not had a big impact, it just dropped slightly, and when facing the top eight teams of this level, Their performance is much worse than before. In the past, Xingyu was more or less able to win a lot of games against the top eight. After all, they are not far from the top eight. But what about this year?Their game against the top eight is a complete loss!
An outstanding core player, the impact after leaving can be seen.

So Xingyu's players suffered a lot from the first half.

Most of their attention was on Zheng Qi and the others, but other extraordinary players continued to attack.

In terms of personal strength, they are even better than the extraordinary players other than Zheng Qi and the others, but they are all professional players, and they are constantly distracted while concentrating on it, so the difference is huge.

In the first half, when Zheng Qi and the others didn't perform very well, Fei Fan scored four goals. Xingyu only managed to recover one point through a tenacious attack, which allowed them to win the score. at an absolute disadvantage.

The excellent performance of other extraordinary players in this game can be said to have surprised everyone else. After all, even if everyone knows that extraordinary players have good attributes, the truly outstanding players are nothing more than the four The core, plus five or six guys whose level is slightly higher than the first-line players of the top league, the others are actually only at the first-tier level in terms of operation level.

And this first half, their performance was really outstanding.

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