football era

Chapter 822 Make waves again

It's not that Dun Jia is stubborn, he just thinks that Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian should be stared to death, but that the opponents of the Overlords have already proved with disastrous results in the previous games, that under such circumstances, it is impossible to stare at Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian. Qi and Lu Xiaotian, then he can only die.

With so many lessons learned ahead, how could he relax his defense against Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian.

The Overlords attack.

After they passed a few kicks in the backcourt, they quickly handed the ball to Zheng Qi. Zheng Qi received the ball, and the Santos players immediately became nervous.

After taking the ball in the back position, Zheng Qi can do too many things. Whether it is a personal breakthrough or passing the organization, it can bring a huge threat.

Facing such an opponent, of course one must pay close attention to him from the very beginning.

The place where Zheng Qi took the ball was a little behind the top of the center circle. After receiving the ball, he started to move forward. Pele and Ronaldinho ran over to interfere with him at the same time. Zheng Qi still passed the center circle with the ball, and then the ball It was passed on.

"Continue to stare at him, he passes the ball in this position, and then receives the ball close to the 30-meter area, he can create a strong enough threat!"

Dunga yelled in the team channel, and the Santos players nodded one after another. For this, they have already been mentally prepared. The Bawang team has always had some rules to look for in their offense, mainly Zheng Qi. There will be some rules in the dominant attack. Of course, such rules often appear in a disorderly manner, but there will always be one or two offensive methods that are the most threatening.

For example, after he started to form a breakthrough in the midfield, for example, after he formed a cooperation with Lu Xiaotian at the front of the penalty area, the other is the current one. He breaks through first, then passes the ball, and then advances himself to receive in the 30-meter offensive area. Immediately after the ball, he can create a huge threat.

Such a threat is something that no one can relax or dare to relax.

So even though Zheng Qi passed the ball, the Santos players still did not dare to relax their vigilance against him. Dunga clung to him, and Ronaldinho assisted him, not moving an inch, not wanting to give Zheng Qi too much opportunities to catch the ball.

At the front of the penalty area, Lu Xiaotian also fell into the attack of the two central defenders of the opponent.

To mark the two of them, four people are used. In other positions, Santos' defense is of course weakened accordingly.

For such a situation, the Santos players are not in a hurry. The Bawang team does have ample room to attack with the ball, but it is not particularly ample. It is impossible for them to easily create opportunities. At the same time, they organize activities The location is basically on the two sides. It is easier to create opportunities from the sideways, but it is very inefficient to create threatening opportunities.

So they are not worried, they still pay more attention to Zheng Qi who is running in the middle, and they cannot let him catch the ball in such a place, otherwise, the threat is really too great.

The players of the Bawang team are also very aware of this, so when they were passing the ball from the side, they were not in a hurry to pass the ball to Zheng Qi, but their intentions were revealed-they just wanted to get along well with Zheng Qi Get in touch!
They did not hide their intentions, and such intentions were immediately discovered by Santos, and they began to monitor Zheng Qi more closely.

Seeing that there were no good opportunities to pass the ball, the players of the Bawang team kept turning their feet, from left to right, from right to left, and Zheng Qi kept running back and forth to catch the ball, but he was still being moved back and forth Santos players kept cutting off his passing lanes.

After doing this for a few times, the Overlords seemed helpless in attacking. Zheng Qi kept running, but the effect seemed to be poor.

"Santos' defense at this time is quite good. They are stuck in Zheng Qi's receiving route. If it is normal, the Overlords can still take risks and attack from other places, but at this time, it is very difficult. This has been achieved... After all, if this attack is not successful, they will give away the advantage they have finally regained!"

"Santos has seen this, so their defense is quite patient. Under such circumstances, they don't have to worry. Even if time is wasted, their score is also a tie. When there is no time to worry, in such a situation With mentality, they will be better defensively."

The commentators began to develop their opinions on this gap. There were too many goals in the second half. The Overlords scored six and Santos scored eight. The score was a terrible [-] to [-]. Just look at the numbers. The pace of the game is so fast, and finally there is such a gap. Of course, it is when they start to adjust their mood and discuss the progress of the game.

In a super-fast-paced game, there is such a gap, but it is also a time for the commentators to relax.

While they were explaining one after another, the Bawang team launched another attack.

"Pay attention to Zheng Qi's position, don't ignore it!" Deng Jia yelled in the team channel, Zheng Qi's running will become more erratic, making it difficult for him to mark.

Ronaldinho was helping to defend, but he could only interfere a little bit. If Zheng Qi caught the ball in a good position, the danger would really be serious.

After Long Qi received a pass from his teammate, he began to forcibly charge into the penalty area!

His breakthrough attracted the attention of many Santos players, but Dunga found that Zheng Qi began to run towards the route of Long Qie's breakthrough, which was a very good gap. It must be able to cause no small impact.

So he immediately followed. He couldn't stop Long Qie's breakthrough for the time being, but he was able to cut off the connection between Zheng Qi and Long Qie as much as possible!

At the same time, Carlos also withdrew, trying to stop Long in the middle and continue to rush into the penalty area-after all, Longqi might also pretend to contact Zheng Qi, and then break into the penalty area to shoot by himself. He cut inside and scored. ability.

Carlos' running seems to have blocked all the offensive routes of the Overlords, and Zheng Qi was being watched by Dunga...

Longqi made an emergency stop, and seemed to be planning to pass the ball back and reorganize the attack.

The Santos players began to push forward one after another, and the opponent reorganized the attack from the midfield, so of course they had to push forward to maintain the pressure of the midfield.

However, Long Qie didn't pass back, but directly kicked the ball to Yu Ziqi who was plugging in from the side!
At the same time, Zheng Qi began to sprint towards the penalty area, and Lu Xiaotian, who was originally in the penalty area, began to run back from the penalty area.

Dunga was thrown off by Zheng Qi all of a sudden, and Ronaldinho, who was filling in, couldn't keep up, while Silva and Lucio, who were defending in the penalty area, subconsciously ran out following Lu Xiaotian...

At this moment, Yu Ziqi raised his foot and passed the ball into the penalty area, he passed the ball, Zheng Qi went forward, a beautiful anti-offside!
When Zheng Qi broke into the restricted area, Yu Ziqi's cross also just fell!

At this time, Cesar was the only one who could react.

He is a goalkeeper who reacts quickly and has a wide range of activities. When Silva and Lucio were attracted out of the penalty area, he had already left the goal line. At this time, the opponent had no chance to spin the ball from a long distance. He is not afraid. As for other shots, the closer he is, the greater the angle he can block. Although the relative reaction time will be shortened a lot, Cesar doesn't care about this at all.

His quick-response goalkeeper is not worried about such a situation!

This made him appear in front of Zheng Qi in time, and he wanted to block Zheng Qi's single-handed attack!

Now that Zheng Qi has not controlled the ball, he has a chance.

And when he threw it out, it was silent. Zheng Qi was looking back to observe where the ball landed, so he might not have the time to notice his attack...

Cesar's idea was correct, but Zheng Qi knew he was attacking.

Although Zheng Qi seems to be observing the arc of the ball's flight, in fact, he has been watching Cesar's movements from the corner of his eyes. When he can't see Cesar in front of the goal, he knows that Cesar must have already Attacked.

If the attacking goalkeeper can touch the ball first, even if it just hits the ball out of the penalty area, it can also have a very good effect.

However, if he can't touch the ball, then the attacking goalkeeper can only be slaughtered.

It sounds cruel to say it, but it is the reality.

Zheng Qi took the lead before Cesar took off.

His action made Cesar stunned, because in Cesar's judgment, it was not a good time to jump at this time.

And if you jump from such a position, you may not be able to hit the ball, right?Even if it hits the ball, you can't control the ball very well. You still have to compete with the goalkeeper for the second spot. The goalkeeper can use his hands to grab the second spot. The advantage is really too great.

That's why he didn't stop his sprinting pace. In fact, he couldn't stop even if he wanted to. When he attacked, he sprinted with all his strength, so that he was threatening enough.

He continued to rush over, trying to get the ball over Zheng Qi's head.

However, Zheng Qi hit the ball first, and his jumping ability and center of gravity were even better than Cesar judged!

Not only did he head the ball, but he also headed the ball directly over Cesar's head and behind him!

Cesar watched the ball fly over, and could only raise his hands and grab it—at such a close distance, he couldn't react to judge the ball's landing point at all, so he could only wave his hands like this, hoping to be able to Block the ball.

He still had some hope in his heart, but the Santos fans in the stands were already feeling cold.

The ball pushed by Zheng Qi had a high arc and was not slow. It flew over Cesar's head quickly, and Cesar's waving arms couldn't touch the ball at all.

After flying over Cesar's head, the ball began to fall rapidly. The next moment, the ball hit the lawn of the small penalty area, and then quickly bounced upwards. Before Albert retreated desperately to make a clearance, he flew into the The gates of Santos!
"Goal scored! Guan Zhong's tenth goal in this game! Bawang team's No.14 goal in this game! They led Santos again, and Guan Zhong also tied Chen Fengxiao in goals! It's incredible! Is Guan Zhong going to challenge his teammate Chen Fengxiao's top scorer position? You know, after the group stage, almost everyone thinks that the top scorer is a certainty and it's Chen Fengxiao's... The battle for the top scorer, Make waves again!"

The exclamation of the commentator was quickly drowned out by the crazy shouts of the Chinese fans in the stands.

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