football era

Chapter 792 Different Pressures

Boca Juniors was indeed a little hesitant.

They are indeed a very good team, with excellent overall and not bad experience. Although their two rookie talents and important players only came out this year, the others can be considered to be experienced.

Such a team will have no problem with the experience of the game, and even Maradona and Messi, what they lack is not the experience of the game, but the experience of the competition. In the game, their sensitivity is absolutely nothing question.

It's just that in the first half of the game, in such a confrontation between the two sides, although the score was a tie, Zheng Qi's relentless approach really made them all feel that if he continued to be given such opportunities, then he would still Continue to score goals without mercy!

In fact, they didn't expect Zheng Qi to be soft-footed before - they heard that executioners beheaded their hands softly before, but they had never heard of soldiers beheading enemies on the battlefield softly, because executioners beheaded their hands softly. The opponent has no ability to resist, no matter how cold-blooded a person is, they will inevitably have some compassion, but on the battlefield, if you don't attack the enemy, the enemy will attack you, there is no room for any softness.

In football, the same is true.

If you give me a chance, of course I will hit the ball in. To waste a chance by myself is to be irresponsible to my team.

Under such circumstances, how could someone be soft-footed?
What they are counting on is that under the help of Maradona and others, Zheng Qi will encounter great difficulties every time he attacks. With such consumption, the possibility of making mistakes will of course increase—— — Let Zheng Qi attack alone, and if he has a problem alone, it will affect the effect of an attack. Of course, it is much easier than expecting the opponent to have problems as a whole.

The hope of scoring a goal is on oneself, and everyone else is stared at by the opponent. This is certainly an honor, but it is also a huge pressure. Under such pressure, a person is crushed, That's perfectly normal.

However, Zheng Qi didn't make any mistakes in the first half, and he accurately grasped every opportunity, which made the Boca Juniors players who were originally very confident a little shaken.

This man is as cold as a rock, can he make mistakes?
What if he doesn't make mistakes?So what's the point of our game?

Even the strongest person can't bear such a question.

"Even if he doesn't make a mistake, we don't make a mistake, at least we won't lose." Maradona said in the locker room.

Boca Juniors players raised their heads and looked at Maradona.

"Remember our discussion before the game? The key is not that their offense does not make mistakes, but that our offense does not make mistakes. If our offense does not make mistakes, we can remain invincible, at least it is a draw, you guys Say it?" Maradona continued.

"To do this...isn't possible? Even if it's the Bawang team, it's just a matter of staying ahead of the opponent's mistakes." Messi said helplessly.

"What you said is a key point, but if the Bawang team can do it, can't we do it? Now is the time to persevere, and now is the time to compete. We must be afraid at such a critical moment , give up this correct path, and change to another unpredictable path?" Maradona waved his fist and said.

The Boca Juniors players froze.

Then Veron asked: "How can you be sure that this path is correct?"

"At least now, it seems that it's not wrong, it's not the wrong path, we can stick to it, and even if we lose, we won't regret it, because we insist on doing it, if we change to another path, we will definitely We will regret why we changed the road at that time. Because if we start from the beginning, there will definitely not be enough time, and we will definitely lose this game. We should know what happened to Bayern." Maradona said.

The Boca Juniors players once again showed speechless expressions.

This...they couldn't refute.

"Let's attack hard. I will try my best to help everyone attack. Everyone must try their best to create the most sure scoring opportunities. Only in this way can we win. The Bawang team is the biggest surprise in this World Cup. It is also the team that is most likely to win the World Cup now, if we can beat them, then we will definitely be able to win the World Cup!"

Speaking of this, Maradona waved his fist and said word by word: "This game is our final!"

"Listen to you!" Passarella, the oldest, waved his fist: "Everyone, in the second half, continue to concentrate on attacking and let the Bawang team know that we are the team with the best offensive ability in the World Cup. Compared with us, any team It's just a dream to compete with us on offense!"

The Boca Juniors players waved their fists and shouted loudly. At this moment, their fighting spirit has been ignited. There is nothing to say. Since the most respected captain and the most talented Maradona have reached a consensus , the next thing they have to do is to follow their arrangement, that's fine.

"What about you, Leo?" Maradona turned to look at Messi.

"What's there to say, I'm always ready to help you score." Messi shrugged and said with a smile.

"The opponent's defense against me may be tighter in the second half, and their zone defense also has a good effect in dealing with our passing cooperation. Your breakthrough ability and scoring ability should be better. I will Try to help you draw the opponent's defensive attention." Maradona said.

"You are the core of our offense..." Messi said in surprise.

Maradona shook his head.

"Now Guan Zhong and I are entangled with each other. He can attack alone, but I need to draw his attention. Under such circumstances, we also need to open up a second battlefield... Your performance will be crucial. It's important, do you understand? Break through when you have the chance, use your breakthrough and shooting to help us score more goals!"

"Understood." Messi nodded: "I will let them know my level."

Looking at these two young people, the other Boca Juniors players began to feel more at ease.

We have two such outstanding young people, why not succeed?Even if it doesn't work, there will be a chance next time.In short, in this game, we should fully display our offensive ability.

The Boca Juniors players who thought this way obviously felt a little different when they played in the second half.

"Ah, they are a bit desperate." Zheng Qi whispered to Lu Xiaotian.

"Well, the posture is different. It seems that during the intermission, we had a discussion, reached a consensus, corrected our attitude, and wanted to fight with us on offense to the end." Lu Xiaotian also looked at it, and then nodded.

"What are you talking about? Why don't I see any difference?" Overlord asked curiously.

Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian looked at each other, then laughed.

"You can't see it. Our observation angle is different from yours. Compared with the end of the first half, their mental outlook has changed a lot. Although it is very subtle, we can see it." Zheng Qi laughed. .

"I still can't see it. Forget it. Whatever you say is what you say." Overlord shook his head and decided not to think about it: "We will continue to attack in the second half, shall we?"

"Yes, it involves running, the goal is given to me, be prepared, I may pass the ball to you at any time, attack when there is a chance, and complete the shot in the penalty area, so the probability of scoring will be much higher." Zheng Qi said.

"Understood." Overlord nodded. They didn't have any problem with this, after all, they had always played like this before.

In order to draw the opponent's attention during the game, I can't be too close to Zheng Qi, too close will interfere with Zheng Qi, and I can't be too far away, too far away will make Zheng Qi unable to find a partner. The defenders of Kayouth follow them closely, and they also have to run actively to put themselves in an environment where they can catch the ball at any time.

Zheng Qi will pass the ball to them at any time, and they must be ready to receive Zheng Qi's pass at any time.

This is the tactic of the Bawang team. There is no generalized concept in this tactic, only each specific operation.

"We kick off the game in the second half... We want to take the lead and take the lead, understand!" Zheng Qi said on the team channel.

The Overlord players answered at the same time.

The whistle sounded to start the second half.

Lu Xiaotian received Bawang's pass and passed it back to Zheng Qi.

Zheng Qi took the ball and dribbled forward. As he advanced, the players of the Bawang team also began to move forward at the same time, and their whole body began to press forward.

Not only the strikers, but the two midfielders behind Zheng Qi and the two full-backs on the wings all started to move forward. They had absolute confidence in Zheng Qi's ability to control the ball and break through.

Maradona greeted him head-on, with firm steps and active running. Even if he knew that no matter how strong he was, it would be difficult to stop Zheng Qi from advancing with the ball, but he would still do so.

Because every defense and offense will be different, and every defense will have new opportunities.

Even if Boca Youth just cut off Zheng Qi's way forward, would Zheng Qi dare to break through alone?He must still need to be distracted to observe other people's running, whether it is the running of teammates or the running of opponents, he needs to pay attention.

Under such circumstances, he was able to break through to score goals. Otherwise, if he foolishly dribbles forward and breaks forward, it will only allow the opponent to concentrate their forces and easily double-team them.

He can choose to pass the ball, but if he doesn't observe all the people running when he breaks through, how can he pass the correct ball?
Therefore, Maradona firmly believes that in such an attack, Zheng Qi must be under a lot of pressure. The accumulation of such pressure will cause him problems sooner or later. The personal pressure is not that great, and I will definitely be able to support it longer than Zheng Qi!

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