football era

Chapter 790

"Did you get rid of it so easily? You are so weak." Lu Xiaotian said to Zheng Qi in the team channel.

"Oh, I didn't expect him to change the rhythm suddenly, which is interesting." Zheng Qi replied with a smile: "Stop talking, attack."

"Attack!" The players of the Bawang team waved their fists and shouted. The opponent scored again. What should we do?Of course it was another attack to equalize the score.

Now that the opponent has no problems in offense, of course we can't have any problems either.

Although no team can score goals in every attack, under the current circumstances, even if there are bound to be mistakes, it must be less than the number of mistakes made by the opponent.

Otherwise, they will be at a disadvantage in the game.

For this point, the players of the Overlord team are very clear-the Overlord team did not make mistakes in the last game, but the mistakes only appeared after they had established a sufficient advantage, which made the Overlord team consistently in the game. They all have great psychological advantages. In fact, Bayern failed to grasp an attack at the beginning, but they were suppressed by the Bawang team all the time, which caused a huge blow to their psychology from top to bottom, and finally collapsed in the second half and led to a loss.

Now Boca Juniors have obviously learned this lesson. They are very cautious when attacking and do not want to miss any attack. Under such circumstances, of course, the Bawang team cannot make any mistakes. become them.

The game restarted, Zheng Qi got the ball quickly, and then began to choose to break forward.

"Actually, you can receive the ball even if you pass it out. Didn't I receive the ball just now?" Maradona said to Zheng Qi while interfering with Zheng Qi.

"Doesn't that coincide with your style? How can this work? I am unique." Zheng Qi replied.

"Very arrogant..." Maradona sighed.

Maradona's close defense did not put much pressure on Zheng Qi. After all, Zheng Qi still has an advantage in strength and other attributes. The attribute advantage of more than [-] points allows him to easily overwhelm the horse in the confrontation. Radona stopped at a position where he could not interfere with him.

"You can't defend me alone, so why don't you let your teammates come up to help?" Zheng Qi began to stimulate Maradona in turn.

"If you have the ability, keep breaking the door like this." Maradona laughed.

After hearing this, Zheng Qi decided not to be polite anymore.

"You made a big mistake!" Zheng Qi said to Maradona.

"I'm so scared," Maradona replied.

The next moment, Zheng Qi made an emergency stop, then accelerated his sprint, and immediately left Maradona behind.

Maradona is also very helpless at this point. He believes that if he does this, Zheng Qi will be thrown off by him without any resistance. However, as long as there are other players from the Bawang team interfering, Zheng Qi will be able to catch up. .

But that was because the Overlords used zone defense, and there would always be someone interfering in key positions. Even if Maradona had excellent breakthrough ability, he couldn't break through so smoothly under Zheng Qi's interference.

And what about Zheng Qi?He was able to do so because the rest of the Bulldogs would run to open the way for him.

After breaking through to the front of the penalty area, someone came up to interfere with Zheng Qi—Passarella came up to defend, Zheng Qi raised his foot and made a fake pass to Lu Xiaotian who was running to meet him, Passarella's attention Being scattered involuntarily, Zheng Qi easily pulled the ball back, then dodged a shot gap from Passarella, and shot decisively!

The angle of this shot was extremely tricky. Although Goyechea made the first reaction, the ball flew past his hand and flew into the dead corner of the goal before his hand was stretched to the fullest!
"Bawang team equalized the score, Guan Zhong scored twice! One-on-one defense is meaningless to Guan Zhong, this point has been made clear in the last game, but why Boca Juniors still only use Maradona How about someone defending Guan Zhong? Even if the others can’t relax their defense, they can’t let him break through and score goals all by himself?”

Some commentators said suspiciously that although Zheng Qi showed excellent personal ability in these two goals, it is indeed strange that he was not disturbed by other things.

The involvement of other Overlords players is very important. They have quite powerfully involved the defensive attention of other Boca Juniors players, but this is not a matter of conflict. It is a matter of course to deploy more manpower in the most critical positions. , after all, even if you let go of any opponent, it will cause problems in your own defense line, but in a place farther away, you won't have too many problems if you let go of it.

However, Boca Juniors seems to stubbornly adopt man-marking tactics, so that no one in the Bawang team will be unguarded. Such a choice is indeed very strange.

"Do you want to make me weak? I am a ruthless person." Zheng Qi said to Maradona with a smile.

Maradona did not answer.

"They can't be so naive, can they?" Lu Xiaotian, who ran past Zheng Qi, chatted curiously in private.

"Of course not. Besides, even if they concentrate their forces to defend the penalty area, it doesn't make any sense. There are too many people in the penalty area, so there will be too much space outside the defense line. I can get space by passing the ball casually. When the time comes , it's time for my spin ball to score." Zheng Qi replied.

"No wonder they would rather keep the restricted area empty than stare at most of us..." Lu Xiaotian suddenly realized.

"Also, they don't want you to score any more goals. You already have [-] goals, and if you set a record, how can you catch up in the future? Me, although I scored eleven in the last game, it is already very difficult. This record has been expanded again." Zheng Qi said.

"These foreigners are really bad, they just don't want us Chinese to be bullied!" Lu Xiaotian said.

"Well, that makes sense too..."

After a few words that were not nutritious, Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian returned to their half court at the same time, "I will leave the defense to you," Lu Xiaotian said to Zheng Qi.

"Well, if we can cut Maradona out, I'm afraid we will take advantage of the defense." Zheng Qi nodded.

"It's useless for them to cut you out." Lu Xiaotian laughed.

"Yes." Zheng Qi also laughed.

It's useless to cut Zheng Qi out - this sounds a bit wrong, after all, Zheng Qi has always been the core of the Bawang team, and it's useless to cut out a core like him?

This is actually the case. In the Bawang team's previous games, Zheng Qi played the role of connecting the backcourt, and it was Lu Xiaotian who finally solved the problem. So as long as Lu Xiaotian is still in the overall offensive, the Bawang team will focus on attacking from Zheng Qi. It's no big problem to move over from the body, but what about Zheng Qi's own offense?Then there is no problem. He always breaks through with the ball alone, so it doesn't matter if he is separated from others.

If the opponent concentrates their forces to mark Zheng Qi, then Zheng Qi will also have a good way to deal with it, that is, pass the ball quickly, and then the others and Lu Xiaotian will complete the goal together - this offensive method is also good at the Overlords. Yes, they have always played like this before, even without Zheng Qi's support and scheduling, the problem is not too big.

This is the key factor for Zheng Qi to dare to take over all the attacks by himself. If there is no such factor, no matter how courageous Zheng Qi is, he would not dare to attack alone all the time.

It is precisely because of this consideration that Boca Juniors stubbornly adopted man-marking tactics, just to prevent the Overlords from exerting their full offensive strength.

Compared with Zheng Qi's individual offense, the Bawang team's overall offensive threat is the greatest, because not only Lu Xiaotian can finish, but the level of other people can also perform well. In such a game, their performance is the most important. Boca Juniors feel the most headache up and down.

And Zheng Qi's attack alone... No matter how strong he is, can he seize the opportunity every time?You must know that Maradona's marking is not a vegetarian, and others will help. Under such circumstances, Zheng Qi wants to keep scoring goals through personal breakthroughs, so his consumption is also very high. This kind of consumption may not be a big deal to Zheng Qi in one, two, or even four or five attacks, but can he grasp the dozen or twenty attacks in the whole game every time?
At least even if Maradona has absolute confidence in himself, he also feels that it is difficult for him to grasp everything.

You must know that people have inertia, and people have inertia. During repeated attacks, there will always be some problems. These problems can be said to be inevitable for everyone. No matter how good Zheng Qi is, he will still make some mistakes.

Compared with Zheng Qi's personal offense, Boca Youth's team offense is of course more reliable. Boca Youth's team wants to rely on the overall offense to suppress Zheng Qi's personal offense!
They are betting that the success rate of Boca Youth's overall attack is better than that of Zheng Qi's individual attack!
"Theoretically speaking, their idea is correct." Lu Xiaotian said to Zheng Qi.

"Theory is theory, and reality is reality. In fact, I will not make mistakes, and their defensive pressure is too small for me to make me make mistakes." Zheng Qi laughed. .

"They will notice this sooner or later." Lu Xiaotian nodded, and then said to Zheng Qi.

"At that time, it's time for you to play, so although I will complete the next offense, you don't have to relax, because you need to take over at any time and take over my offensive banner..."

"Bah, bah, what kind of old revolutionary are you pretending to be!"

"Just pay attention to the spirit, do you understand?" Zheng Qi laughed.

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