football era

Chapter 781


When seeing Zheng Qi's header for the seventh goal of the game, Beckenbauer's heart skipped a beat immediately, and he began to realize that he had made some mistakes in his judgment.

Zheng Qi actually saved one thing, that is, he reserved his attribute points - in the take-off before, Zheng Qi's ability to bounce and stay in the air was not so outstanding.

This can only prove one thing, that is, Zheng Qi's attributes are still above his calculations - this is terrible, after all, if you want to help defend like this, you need a special understanding and calculation of the opponent's attributes, otherwise, It is absolutely impossible to form an interception in time and cause trouble for the opponent.

"Should I concentrate on marking Guan Zhong? Then Chen Fengxiao will have more room..." Beckenbauer thought in his heart.

But when he was thinking, he didn't delay the matter, but waved his hand, letting the Bayern players quickly launch a counterattack.

"I'm still experimenting with the best way to defend. The better your offense is, the more likely I'll be able to test it out." Beckenbauer said on the team channel.

The Bayern players nodded silently. They understand this truth. The opponent's endless new changes will naturally suffer a lot from their own defense. Under such circumstances, if their offense can keep up, If you don't get thrown too far away by the opponent, then you still have a chance to move on.

Now [-] to [-], two goals behind, but it is not hopeless, as long as the next attack can open up the situation, slowly, there is still a chance.

With this in mind, Bayern launched an attack, and their offensive level will not drop in any way. In front of the Bawang team's defense, their offense can still have very good results.

After passing continuously, Muller ran to the back and drew the attention of the Bawang team's defense, but Effenberg, who took the ball, picked the ball to the other side of the weak defensive penalty area, and Hoeness, who advanced forward He fell to the ground and scored Bayern's sixth goal.

"Keep an eye on the others! Don't move an inch! Let Guan Zhong not have many passing routes!"

Beckenbauer yelled on the team channel—this is another way of thinking. Although Zheng Qi is difficult to defend when he breaks through, he always wants to pass the ball. If he has no way to pass the ball, then he You can only continue to move forward with the ball. At that time, Rot will interfere with him, and there will be his own interception in the front. Without a passing route, what can Zheng Qi do?

It can only be forced to break through, right?Although his ability to break through is quite outstanding, doing so would still be very risky.

Under Beckenbauer's command, the Bayern players immediately began to run crazily, staring at the Bawang team's offensive players one by one, especially in the midfield, whether it was the two full backs who advanced and assisted , or the midfielder Yingbu Jibu, plus three forwards, they are surrounded by Bayern players defending, and even for this reason they have reduced their defensive strength at the front of the penalty area.

Zheng Qi moved forward with the ball, although he seemed to have a smooth road ahead, but at the front of the penalty area, Beckenbauer was guarding there - standing there, he could intercept Zheng Qi from the front and cover Lu Xiaotian from the side.

If Zheng Qi passes the ball, he will assist Schwarzenbeck to mark Lu Xiaotian. If Zheng Qi continues to dribble forward, he will go up to him, forming a two-person pinch with Roth's interference.

With a sudden change in his mind, Beckenbauer felt that there should be nothing wrong with his thinking, but the next moment, he realized that he had still overlooked something.

After dribbling the ball into the 30-meter zone, that is, before Beckenbauer came up to him, Zheng Qi swung his right foot while running and kicked the ball hard.

It was another spinning ball that couldn't find any problems. The ball flew into the air and flew over Beckenbauer's head. After flying into the penalty area, it fell sharply and flew in front of Kahn's outstretched hand...

"It's the eighth goal...Guan Zhong is really, he really has scored all the goals of the Overlords so far! He is an omnipotent shooter from inside the penalty area and long-range shots from outside the penalty area! It's really terrible Well, such a shooter was able to not score a single goal in the previous five games in China and so many games in the World Cup. Bayern's passivity is also understandable. Ability, which makes them constantly suffer in defense!"

The narrator's sigh can basically explain why the Overlords are able to occupy such a big advantage now, or why Bayern is in such a disadvantage now-they have not suffered a loss in offense, but they have suffered too much in defense. big.

In fact, their offensive level has been very good so far. If they hadn't seized almost every offensive opportunity, they wouldn't be just two goals behind.

The Bayern players were not discouraged, but launched the attack more cautiously. They knew that they could not tolerate mistakes now. The fewer mistakes they made and the more goals they scored, the more opportunities Beckenbauer could experiment with.

They are actually only missing one attack now, as long as Beckenbauer can succeed once, then the situation can be brought back!

As their captain and their core, Beckenbauer has never let them down, and today, he won't let them down again!
This is what the Bayern players are thinking at the moment. This is a heavy trust and a pressure. Of course, they all know that their captain and core can bear such pressure.

In the next attack, it took them 4 minutes to find an opportunity through continuous passing. Rummenigge broke through after receiving a direct pass from Mateus and passed the ball back near the baseline. Following up, Muller shook his head and scored his fourth goal of the game, helping Bayern once again narrowed the lag to one goal.

Although he scored his personal No.20 goal in this World Cup, Muller still didn't feel very happy. Even such a result was enough to compete for the top scorer in the World Cup in previous years, but after all, isn't it still far away? ?

Judging from the current situation, it is very difficult for Bayern to advance. If he cannot advance and cannot play the rest of the game, even if he wins the top scorer, it is meaningless, let alone him and Lu Xiaotian. Nine balls to go...

"Continue to man-to-man, and keep an eye on the other players who respond!" Beckenbauer continued to shout in the team channel.

The most troublesome thing about defending the Bawang team's offense now is that you can't recycle the defense. If you recycle the defense, then there are too few defensive troops outside the defensive core area. In the case of Zheng Qi's excellent long-range scoring ability Under such circumstances, such an approach is undoubtedly tantamount to suicide.

And if the defensive area is expanded, other people will not be able to help fill the position in time, and can only rely on Beckenbauer to fill the position alone to deal with Lu Xiaotian or Zheng Qi. This is why Beckenbauer has repeatedly suffered defensively. s reason.

If the opponent had not two outstanding players but one, Beckenbauer would have been able to defend against the Overlords' attack. If they have the ability to score goals, they will not be in such a passive state in defense.

If you think about it carefully, you will understand how frustrating the situation Beckenbauer is facing now—defense is nothing more than zone defense and man-to-man defense. In order to reduce the number of second attacks by the opponent, we should not shrink the defense, and at the same time adopt man-marking tactics, so that Zheng Qi has fewer chances to get the ball for the second time. This is Bayern's basic defensive method before the start of the game.

However, Zheng Qi's sudden change of attack method made Bayern's defensive method all in vain. The Bawang team's rhythm is still very fast, but each attack has begun to increase the success rate. Zheng Qi does not participate in the second attack. Instead, a point was added in the penalty area, directly allowing Bayern to defend passively. Whether it was zone defense or man-to-man defense, it seemed useless.

You must know that offense can rely on talent and inspiration, and defense must rely on training, strict organization, and good pre-match preparations. Now Bayern's pre-match preparations are all in vain, and temporary organization is of course full of loopholes, and more can only be achieved. Can rely on Beckenbauer's adaptability.

Although Beckenbauer is a top player, and can even be said to represent the highest level of classical football, but under such a disadvantage, if he wants to achieve something, he will still seem to lose sight of the other.

So now the situation facing Beckenbauer is very embarrassing. Although the overall level of Bayern, his orders will basically have good results, but whether they can be effective can only be tried step by step.

The Bayern players once again launched a man-to-man defense. Zheng Qi broke through with the ball and went straight to the front of the penalty area.

Beckenbauer came up quickly this time, and he wanted to block Zheng Qi's advance earlier, so that he would not be able to easily complete the spinning ball and score.

The previous two consecutive goals with the spinning ball have proved that the interference behind Rott alone cannot make him make mistakes in spinning the ball.

Only positive interception and interference can prevent Zheng Qi from threatening Bayern's goal with long shots.

When Beckenbauer rushed up, Zheng Qi was not in a hurry to pass the ball, until he was about to approach the 30-meter area, and when Beckenbauer also rushed over and was about to approach him, he lifted his foot and slanted the ball The line passed to the front of the restricted area!

After passing the ball, Zheng Qi didn't stop on his feet, accelerated and rushed past Beckenbauer!
Beckenbauer turned around, but he was rushing forward before, and now he had to stop suddenly and turn around. Of course, he couldn't compare with Zheng Qi who had been sprinting.

So he was left behind by Zheng Qi, and Lu Xiaotian, who was catching the ball at the front of the penalty area, directly pushed the ball sideways. After kicking the goal, Kahn fell to the ground again aggrieved!

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