football era

Chapter 778 Foul

Not only to grasp the offensive opportunities, but also to grasp the defensive opportunities-this is what Beckenbauer thinks.

He can't help with offensive opportunities for the time being, because his position can't be too high, even if he is actually very good offensively.

However, the level of Bayern's other offensive players is enough to make Beckenbauer feel at ease-they are all very good players in the first place, even if Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian will also participate in the defense, they will not be affected too much. big impact.

Bayern's players began to pass continuously. Although this kind of passing is not what they are best at, they will also attack in this way-in terms of their players' personal abilities, whether it is passing or breaking through, they can be very effective. The ball is under his feet.

Lahm, who advanced and assisted, received a cross pass from Effenberg, and then he began to break forward. After encountering the opponent's interception, Lahm made an emergency stop and passed the ball to Mateus who came up to respond. Mateus still controlled the ball under Zheng Qi's pressure, but he had no other passing routes, so he could only choose to pass the ball back to Ram, who moved with his big foot after receiving the ball. After receiving the ball, Breitner, who went forward from the side, dunked the ball horizontally, and was about to dribble the ball towards the penalty area!
Imbu came up to intercept him, and there was no problem with the Bawang team's defense. Breitner put the ball straight to the front of the penalty area. Rummenigge, who retreated, took the ball, and Breitner, who passed the ball, continued to sprint forward. Rummenigge made a beautiful return. Breitner volleyed the goal without stopping the ball before Yingbo completed the defense!
At this position, which is not very straight, Breitner shot a wonderful spinning ball, the ball quickly flew into the sky, flew over the head of Jibu who was filling the position, and then fell quickly!

Fan Zeng tried his best to stretch his arm, but he couldn't touch the ball. The ball flew past his hand, and then plunged into the far corner of the goal!

"Beautiful goal! Bayern evened the score again! The goal rate of the two sides is really high. So far, out of eleven offensive opportunities, the two sides have grasped ten times! Of course, they did not play a particularly fast fast break. The attack was very patient, which led to such a high scoring rate! The Bawang team's scoring rate is even more amazing. Guan Zhong, who hadn't scored a goal in the previous game, has already scored all five goals. Is this central midfielder going to have a good time scoring goals in this game?"

Amid the narrator's shout, Zheng Qi chuckled.

He not only wanted to enjoy the addiction of scoring goals, but also used this to win this important game.

He was a little surprised by Beckenbauer's performance just now, but Beckenbauer must also pay attention to himself and Lu Xiaotian, how long can he last?
This is not because Zheng Qi is too arrogant, but because he knows that no matter how good Beckenbauer is, it will be difficult to resist the strong attack of these two men from the Bawang team. It was already the limit for them to be able to squeeze out one person to help defend, but one person could only help defend one. Facing the two-person attack of the Bawang team, no matter how good Beckenbauer was, he couldn't resist it.

As long as you pay attention, it's fine.

"Fortunately, we have been trained strong enough in the previous game... Others can draw the opponent's attention very well, otherwise, this game might be really troublesome." Zheng Qi thought in his heart.

In so many games before, the Bawang team was under pressure, and the growth of other players, at this moment, finally began to have enough effect.

Even under the threat of Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian, Bayern did not dare to relax their defense against other Overlord players. This is enough to prove that the threat they created before is enough for Bayern to understand that if they relax their defense, Then they must be severely punished.

It is precisely because other players are also a great threat that Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian were able to fully display their level in a relatively weak environment.

After the kick-off, Zheng Qi launched a personal breakthrough again. Under the involvement of others, he quickly broke through to the opponent's half.

"Do you want to interrupt my rhythm with a foul? It's a good idea." Zheng Qi got up from the ground, patted the dust that didn't exist, and thought to himself.

In today's classical football, there are actually not many fouls, because when the opponent's confrontation ability and center of gravity are very stable, once the foul is big, it is easy to get a card. If it is a foul when the opponent's center of gravity is unstable, why not just steal the ball?In fact, most of the fouls are caused by the failure of stealing the ball under such circumstances...

Of course, Rotter's foul was obviously intentional. Under intentional circumstances, it is extremely rare for a defensive player to prevent a top player from advancing through a foul that does not take a card.

Root is such a defensive player.

He resolutely chose to foul when Zheng Qi followed closely but was of no use.

On the surface, such a foul is meaningless. After all, even if you foul, the opponent can quickly re-kick off, get the ball again and launch an attack. Your foul only delays the opponent's attack.

However, in fact, the rhythm of the offensive players was indeed interrupted-this is something that is indescribable but real. After Zheng Qi passed the ball, he was not in a hurry to ask for the ball. In the team channel, he directed his teammates to let them fall back first, and then attack.

Zheng Qi wants to find his own rhythm through running.

After 1 minute, Zheng Qi retreated decisively, and then asked for the ball. After receiving a pass from his teammate, he started to break through again.

Rot came up again, and when Zheng Qi forced a breakthrough, he decisively chose to foul again!

Still just a foul, no yellow card.

Zheng Qi got up, then looked at Rot and smiled.

"Great job, that's it!" Beckenbauer praised in the team channel. Although such a foul tactic failed to steal the ball, in fact, the Bawang team was quite dangerous in the previous pass. As the old saying goes, the more cumbersome an offense is, the more mistakes it makes.

An idea began to gradually form in Beckenbauer's mind, but it is still in the game, and Beckenbauer has nothing else to say, so he can only continue to concentrate on finishing the first half of the game.

After re-kick-off, the Overlords started to fall again in the midfield. Zheng Qi didn't wait too long this time. He started to run towards the player who was catching the ball, and then quickly took the ball and came by himself. Organize the attack.

In the case of being far away from the opponent's defense line, Zheng Qi took the ball from the back without any pressure.

No matter how closely Root stares, it is impossible for him to have no chance to get the ball.

After taking the ball three times in a row, Zheng Qi took the ball again and made a pass again. The next moment, he smashed the ball back and forced a breakthrough!
Zheng Qi did this series of actions as fast as lightning. Although Rott was already prepared, he still couldn't make the first reaction—because Zheng Qi might pass the ball or break through, as long as the speed is fast enough, anyone It is impossible for people to react immediately.

When Zheng Qi broke through from Luo Te, Luo Te had time to turn around, pinned Zheng Qi with his body, and temporarily blocked his progress, Luo Te quickly stepped down, trying to steal the ball successfully - at least foul Zheng Qi. period to stay.

However, Zheng Qi seemed to have thought of this a long time ago. He flicked the ball to the side, just out of the way of Rott's outstretched foot, and then took off quickly, jumped over Rott's foot, and accelerated his breakthrough after landing !
Rotor didn't dare to foul now—the foul just now wasn't serious, and even if he committed consecutive fouls, he wouldn't let himself get a card. It's just that in the calculation of the system, the weight of his irregular movements was enlarged. , the next same action may get a yellow card due to continuous use, but before getting a yellow card, such an action can be said to be safe.

Fouling is also a kind of skill-this skill was good at many people in the past classical football games, especially those famous defensive players. Choosing the right foul action at the right time is undoubtedly an extremely Deep knowledge, but when classical football is rebuilt in the current game, few people will do the calculation of such foul skills. After all, many times, fouls seem to have no meaning.

However, a top defensive player like Root will still count, because in many cases, fouling is indeed a very effective defensive method, even if this effect has begun to be discounted in the current game.

According to Rotter's calculations, he can still foul now, but fouling Zheng Qi from behind is at least a yellow card - and the possibility of a yellow card is very small, and the great possibility is that he will get a red card , and then end...

Root is not afraid of fouls, but the consequences of receiving a red card are unbearable for him. In the current game, the loss of one person is really a disastrous consequence. Unlike past games, it is possible to rely on overall performance and counterattack To create opportunities for victory, in today's classical football, if there is one less player, it is basically impossible to win!

Because no matter how serious the foul is, it will only end itself, not the opponent.

So he just turned around quickly and chased after Zheng Qi.

This kind of pursuit may not be effective, but it can continue to put pressure on Zheng Qi, at least reducing his attack options.

However, when Zheng Qi dribbled the ball forward for a certain distance, before Root could catch up and the frontal defensive players could not form an interception, he resolutely took a long shot while running!
Spin the ball!
The ball is like a rainbow in the air, and at the end of the rainbow is Bayern's gate!

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