football era

Chapter 763 Patience

For the players of the Bawang team, they never thought that their tactics were so great. In fact, their opponents thought so too.

After all, the Bawang team's tactics are very low at first glance, running fast, strengthening the press, and constantly attacking. The most offensive method is actually a long pass... What is this, such an ancient and inefficient tactic, It looks very low-end at first glance, okay?This is a tactic that has existed since football was born.

At this point, almost all opponents facing the Overlords will think this way before the game.

From their point of view, even if such a low-end tactic is played well, how good can it be?It should be very easy for such a team to win.

But only after the fight did they know that the Bawang team's seemingly simple and crude tactics without technical content are the most difficult to deal with.

They are not afraid of making mistakes or falling behind. In any situation, they can run, and through crazy running and pressing, they force the opponent to follow their rhythm.

Although the fast pace is the most basic rhythm, any strong team can appear to be able to handle it with ease in such a fast pace, but the Bawang team is different. They can not only be fast, but also improve faster, so fast that the opponent cannot adapt In that kind of situation, you can also keep yourself in a non-chaotic situation, so that you can deal a strong blow to the opponent.

This kind of thing, if you don't experience it yourself, you really can't feel it-and the current Overlord team is obviously able to put such pressure on the opponent, but before the game against them, they couldn't feel it.

This kind of characteristic is very pitfallful, and it can even be said to be very pitfallful, but for the Bawang team, they are happy to see it succeed.

When the game started, Real Madrid was full of confidence. Their level of ball possession was quite strong. For them, as long as the ball was at their feet, they would not be pulled by the opponent. Get up fast!
So when they held the ball at their feet and saw the Bawang players rushing over aggressively, they didn't fluctuate in their hearts, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Does this kind of pressing make us lose the ball?It can be done against the Milan team, but our ball control and response level is better than the Milan team.

What worked for them might not work for us!

With such confidence, they began to pass in the backcourt - each of them ran very actively and tacitly, and at the same time, their skills were not bad, and there would be teammates around them to respond at any time, and they could also be in the opponent's press. Properly control the ball to make the pass more secure...

If it is in the frontcourt, it may be a bit difficult, but there is nothing to be afraid of in the backcourt, after all, they have enough space in the backcourt.

The larger the space, the easier it is to pass it on.

At the beginning they did, facing the pressure of the Kings, they still controlled the ball with ease in the backcourt, and there were often situations like this - Alba passed the ball to Hierro, and Hierro passed it to Alonso in front , Alonso transferred to Salgado on the right, Salgado passed a cross to Ramos who responded, Ramos passed a direct pass to Michel in front...

This kind of pass went very smoothly. Although the Bawang team made a personal press, they still found gaps to pass the ball.

"Their pressing is still very fierce. Don't rush to the frontcourt. When we get to the frontcourt, our space will become smaller and the difficulty of passing will increase. First adapt to their pressing and discourage them at the same time."

After passing a circle, Alonso, who is the core of the midfielder, immediately discovered the problem, and then passed on his instructions.

In the composition of Spain, there is no absolute core. It is nothing more than that Alba on the left is the focus of the wing attack. The forward Raul is the shooter with the most outstanding shooting ability. In the midfield, all three of them have the level of the core of the midfield. , but Alonso's vision is the most accurate, and his judgment is also the most correct. The arrangements he makes are often implemented by others seriously.

So after Alonso said this, the Real Madrid players immediately began to execute patiently-they kept passing and looking for opportunities. For them, in such a game, it takes more than ten minutes It is normal to pass to find an opportunity.

They are not in a hurry. Since the opponent's pressing is very fierce now, it is a very reasonable thing to get used to the opponent's pressing more often in the backcourt, and then let the opponent's spirit wear off before launching an attack.

You know, it is very frustrating if you can’t get the ball in such a crazy press. No one will feel that there is anything wrong with hard work, but if the hard work is not rewarded, it is easy to feel Depressed.

Now the players of Real Madrid just want to discourage the players of the Bawang team.

To some extent, they did it - under the pressure of the Overlords, they fell in the backcourt for 5 minutes. During these 5 minutes, the players of the Overlords hardly stopped running and pressing However, he still didn't even touch the ball once!
Real Madrid's passing ability can be seen.

Running wildly for 5 minutes without even touching the ball is undoubtedly an almost shameful practice for any team, and the players of the Overlord team are no exception. They are all very angry, but their Angry seems a little helpless in the current situation...

This is the case on the football field. When you perform badly, no matter how angry you are, no one will care, but will laugh at your powerlessness.

For the players of the Overlords, their recent games have been smooth and they have never experienced such a situation, but now they have encountered such a shameful situation, and their anger cannot be suppressed.

In fact, it seemed to be the same. They were still running hard, but their running pace was obviously a little messed up.

"Don't worry, they may not be in such a mess, maybe it's a trap to attract us to attack."

Alonso said in the team channel: "You see, although their running is much less targeted than before, relatively speaking, when facing our offense, their defense in the middle is still the same. Nothing went wrong, the errors on the wing weren't enough to leave a huge gap in their defence, which meant it was probably a trap."

Alonso's analysis made the players of Real Madrid nod their heads one after another. This is a very natural thing. The Bawang team is not stupid. How could it show such a big flaw for no reason?There is only one possibility, that is, they want to use this to dig a hole for themselves, and then succeed in stealing the ball, at least they have to score first to break the situation on the field, so that they can regain the rhythm better!

Now that they know that the Bawang team may have such an idea, the Real Madrid players are more confident and experienced when passing it on.

They began to pour patiently and pass patiently, waiting for the moment when the Overlords' patience really disappeared.

At that time, it is time for them to launch a counterattack.

The Chinese fans in the stands are very anxious, because the Overlords are really doing a good job in pressing now, but they still can't grab the opponent's ball. Even the three forwards are staring at each other in the frontcourt. On the Real Madrid defenders, isn't this performance hard enough?
But such a performance of hard work can't get enough rewards. Such a blow is obviously too easy for people to bear!
For this point, the players on both sides are well aware, if this continues, the emotions of the Bawang team will definitely be greatly affected.

Under the observation of Alonso and others, the Bawang team's panic has begun to spread from the side to the center.

This kind of panic can't be faked. You must know that the fierce pressing in the frontcourt also requires the cooperation of the whole team. Otherwise, if you run like a swarm, you won't be able to grab the ball no matter how you run.

The Bawang team's previous press was not a blind press, but a highly targeted overall cooperative press. If it wasn't for the accurate and tacit cooperation of the Real Madrid players, they were forced to lose control of the ball, and it was almost a matter of minutes. matter.

But now, the Bawang team's press is definitely not so tight, and they have gradually revealed more flaws, including in the middle...

It is a good time to launch an assault at this time!
For this point, Real Madrid has been waiting for a long time. After all, such continuous passing is also a great drain on their energy. Not sure.

This caused them to consume a lot. When the opponent showed a flaw, of course they needed to launch an attack, and then tear the opponent's defense line and score goals, so as to grasp the initiative of the entire game!

Alonso receives the ball again in the middle.

Before receiving the ball, he had already observed that although the two central defenders of the Bawang team were still defending near the center circle, their other positions were already relatively high, which means that there are only two opponents in the back position. The defenders, and in the running just now, the three forwards of Real Madrid have moved forward covertly, which is a good opportunity to pass the ball!

Zheng Qi was moving forward to defend, but with his speed, it was too late to block his pass!
Alonso immediately raised his foot and passed the ball forward - when he passed the ball, he had already considered the next attack method - a direct pass to Raul in the middle, and Raul was able to attract the attention of a defender. For Butragueno and Gento who went forward, one of them must be unguarded...

His calculations came to an abrupt end the moment the ball was passed.

As soon as the ball flew out, Zheng Qi jumped up, narrowly appearing on the flight path of the ball, and kicked the ball out in the air!

When Zheng Qi reluctantly appeared in that position and kicked the ball extremely reluctantly, Alonso's mind immediately went blank.

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