football era

Chapter 752 Critical Moments

"Damn, this is troublesome."

All the players from China in the stands looked at the three-to-one score, and each of them looked dull-they didn't expect that the Bawang team would be scored twice by the opponent in an instant, even if the Bawang team's defense is not very good. In this way, the opponent's counterattack is very good at first, but this situation is also very bad.

"The Bawang team is very unlucky. Now they are in trouble. Although overall, they still have a chance, but such a score will undoubtedly deal a huge psychological blow to their players. If they can't adjust in time, this game They won't have much chance in the competition." Wei Wu sighed in the stands.

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with their tactics, it's nothing more than risking the opponent's quick counterattack... But at this time, the players of the Bawang team are really vulnerable to psychological blows... But fortunately, this is only the group stage, It's better to be unlucky here than to be unlucky in the knockout round." Guo Jia sighed.

As soon as Guo Jia said this, the expressions of the other Cao Wei team players became strange. Last year they reached the World Cup, but they were defeated in the knockout round of the semi-finals. The Cao Wei team lost that game quite unjustly. Lost in luck, Guo Jia's words can be regarded as a feeling...

Let go of the exclamations of the Cao Wei team, the Bawang team at this time, there will be no great emotional changes like others guessed...

"It's just two balls, we're unlucky." The Bawang players thought in their hearts.

They didn't feel that there was any problem with their performance, they just felt that in the next game, they should perform better, at least to suppress the damage caused by luck!
"Let's continue to attack. Their counterattack is really good, but that's it. My concerns before seem to be a little high on them." Zheng Qi said in the team channel.

When he said this, he said it with a smile, and his tone was very relaxed, which made the players of the Bawang team more relaxed. Zheng Qi never had a difficult time, but when he was here, he never lost a game ah.

This kind of confidence is not accumulated in one or two games, but the confidence that Zheng Qi brought to them in so many games.

"That's right, attack." Lu Xiaotian pointed to himself with his thumb, but said something completely different in the team channel: "At that time, I will try my best to attract their defensive attention. Pay attention to hitting the dead corner, the top goalkeeper can respond no matter what the opponent's shooting angle is."

Overlord, Longqie and others nodded repeatedly.

"It seems that they are going to attack desperately... Be sure to keep an eye on their forward! He scored goals when he was marking like that before. This is a great shame for us!"

Maldini, who saw this scene from a distance, immediately shouted on the team channel: "This striker has scored all the goals of the Bawang team. In the China qualifiers, he also scored more than two-thirds of the goals. , so we must stare at him, understand? If he is marked to death, it means that the offensive ability of the Bawang team will be reduced by two-thirds, which will be a key factor in this game!"

The players in Milan also nodded their heads one after another. This seems to be beyond doubt. The Bawang team's offense was indeed concentrated on Lu Xiaotian alone. At least it can reduce the offensive ability of the Bawang team a lot!
The game restarts.

"Looking at their actions, they don't seem to be affected at all. This kind of performance can be regarded as commendable." After watching the game for a while, Guo Jia said with some surprise.

"Well, although they are inexperienced, they have always been very strong psychologically." Wei Wu nodded: "Maybe it's because they don't think too much."

"How could such a simple idea reach its peak?" Zhong Da felt a little surprised.

"Of course they can't reach the peak just by relying on the Bawang team, but they still have Guan Zhong and Chen Fengxiao..." Guo Jia explained: "There are two top players who are unwavering in their mentality, and the others The simpler the idea, the better, as long as you hug these two thighs, but the idea is more complicated, and it will involve Guan Zhong and Chen Fengxiao's energy, that's the reason."

When Zhong Da suddenly realized, the Overlords had launched another attack.

Zheng Qi directly passed the ball from the middle to the front of the penalty area. Lu Xiaotian caught the ball, and two opponents flanked him at the same time, showing the momentum that he must defend Lu Xiaotian. Lu Xiaotian did not fight them recklessly, but turned around and passed the ball After going out, Yingbu, who was inserted from the side, went straight into the penalty area after receiving the ball, and then passed the ball out. Long, who followed up, just followed up with a kick.

"Just play like this, and the rhythm should be faster!" Zheng Qi shouted loudly.

Zheng Qi took a corner kick, and Huan Chu grabbed the first spot from the back, but was over the crossbar under the interference of Costacurta.

The Overlords players did not retreat, but launched a press in the frontcourt. Milan wanted to counterattack quickly this time, but the effect was not as good as before-after all, the two goals just now were actually there. A lot of luck is involved. On this point, whether it is the players of the Bawang team or the players from the Chinese competition area who are watching, they are all well aware of it.

Pirlo's long pass was blocked by Xiang Zhuang first, and Jibu, who retreated, took the ball and immediately passed it to Zheng Qi. Zheng Qi still got the ball under Gattuso's entanglement, turned around and sent it out without looking back. A diagonal pass, Long Qie took the ball from the side and handed it to Lu Xiaotian. Lu Xiaotian felt that the two opponent players behind him were pressing up again. He did not break through forcefully, but passed the ball back again.

"It's a very calm approach." Zhuge Wuhou sighed in the stands.

The Bawang team still played very fast offensively. However, they passed fast and did not advance aggressively. They only attacked and shot when they had good opportunities. Although they still failed to score goals under the solid defense of Milan, they did Begin to gradually grasp the situation on the field.

However, the Milan team didn't feel bad about it. They didn't care about the passiveness on the scene. In the case of intensive defense, they can better show their defensive ability, and at the same time they have less space. It is also more handy.

The advantage on the scene, let you take it, our Italian team doesn't care about that little advantage on the scene, what we care about is the final victory!

Now there are only seven or eight minutes until the end of the first half. As long as we hold the rest of the first half and enter the second half with an advantage of two goals, then the initiative in the second half will be completely in our hands !

For this, they also have extremely strong self-confidence.

What's more, if the Bawang team continues to defend, if they are impetuous, they may rely on counterattack to score another goal, then they can really grasp the victory in their own hands in the first half!
If they can beat one of the eight seeded teams, they will truly have the ability and morale to challenge for the World Cup championship!

The morale of the Milan players who think in this way is even higher, their running on defense is also more active, and the connection between each other begins to become closer!

The focus of defense is of course still on Lu Xiaotian, and they don't care much about the other Bawang team's offensive players. After all, when they retreat to defend, there are enough defensive players in the backcourt, so there is no need to deliberately defend Those people, just pay a little attention.

When they really want to pose a threat, it's not too late to defend. Only Lu Xiaotian's scoring ability needs to be paid attention to from the beginning to the end.

In all fairness, this kind of thinking is not wrong, after all, Lu Xiaotian is indeed very important, but when the Bawang team wants to use Lu Xiaotian as a cover, and focus on attacking other people, their preparations like this seem a little insufficient up.

Zheng Qi took the ball again, this time the place where he took the ball was closer to the penalty area, which allowed him to attract enough defensive attention.

The Milan team also cares about Zheng Qi's defense. After all, Zheng Qi's excellent offensive level and ball-handling breakthrough skills, even they dare not ignore.

Although the level that Zheng Qi has shown this year is a midfielder who only breaks through the organization to pass the ball without scoring, but who knows if he really has no scoring ability?Taking a step back, even if Zheng Qi can't score, if he breaks into the penalty area, when facing the goalkeeper, won't he pass the goalkeeper and hit the ball into the empty goal?
So Zheng Qi dribbled the ball close to the penalty area, and it was impossible for the Milan team not to get nervous.

Pirlo and Gattuso greeted them at the same time. The two of them are the biggest barriers at the front of the penalty area. This is the time for them to contribute.

Ancelotti and Totti retreated a little, ready to respond at any time.

The four midfielders were all in the middle, really like an iron bucket, but Zheng Qi was not afraid at all. After dribbling the ball a few times, he raised his foot and passed the ball to Lu Xiaotian who came up to meet him!
Lu Xiaotian, who retreated, pulled out part of the Milan team's defense. There was a gap in their penalty area, and Long Qie began to advance quietly...

Even Milan's defenders didn't notice this, but Zheng Qi did.

An extremely wonderful pass close to the ground, flying diagonally into Milan's penalty area!

Long Qi catches the ball and faces the goalkeeper single-handedly!

Before Zoff rushed out, Long Qie completed the shot.

"To shoot impeccably..."

Thinking like this, Long Qi pursued a better angle when shooting!
This made the ball fly past Zoff's outstretched hand, and then flew into the Milan team's gate dangerously rubbing against the goal post!
Two to three!Before the end of the first half, the Overlords finally managed to get back a point!

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