football era

Chapter 736 Crow Mouth Again?

For this result, the extraordinary players seemed a little disappointed.

Losing to the Bawang team was a bit miserable. Regarding this point, they were not particularly disappointed. After all, the Bawang team is the champion of the Chinese region, and their strength is definitely at the top level. Knowing that the sky is high and the earth is thick, I feel that classical football is easy. After losing to Bawang, I know that I am good, and I don’t feel sorry for it.

After all, losing to the top opponent in a sport is nothing to be ashamed of.

And now?They lost to the Golden Rain team, this team was only at the top 32 level in the competition in China - it sounds like a big one, but they also know that, apart from the eight traditional strong teams In addition, the top 32 will be replaced frequently, and there are no less than a hundred teams with the strength to enter the top 32. That is to say, if China establishes a professional league with [-] teams in each level, the Golden Wind Drizzle Team will probably be A level that has the ability to enter the top league and also has the ability to fall into the fifth tier...

Although such a team is already considered to be the peak of the pyramid, there is still a big gap compared with the real peak.

But against such a team, they are still at a disadvantage, which really makes them feel very depressed after thinking about it.

"There is nothing to be depressed about. You should be very clear about the gap between professional and amateur. But in terms of basic skills, you have no problem. If you play more games like this, you will gradually improve. I don't think it will take a long time. In two years, you will be able to catch up." Meng Fan said.

"I will also participate in the World Cup next year, let's see if I can improve to that point." Shen Ruofei said.

He is someone who has a goal and must achieve it - Zheng Qi has played well in classical football, and he feels that he should not be worse than Zheng Qi.

It has to be said that deep down in his heart, Shen Ruofei has always wanted to compete with Zheng Qi. Although he is teammates with Zheng Qi now, he still has his own pursuit and goals.

It is precisely because of this mentality that Shen Ruofei is able to make progress all the way up - this is very important.

Talent, fighting spirit, and goals can reach the peak, and they are all indispensable.

When the Extraordinary players got a new gadget, Zheng Qi and the players of the Overlord team launched an impact in the World Cup.

The opponents in the first two games were indeed relatively average. Some countries they had never heard of, and the strength of the teams sent by them, it is estimated that even the top 32 in China would be very difficult to enter.

But this does not mean that they will underestimate the World Cup. After all, there are so many countries in the world, and the strong teams are nothing more than teams from those countries.

Similar to the situation in the Era of Football, countries with a strong Era of Football often have the same level of classical football.

The Bawang team is one of the eight seeded teams, and the remaining seven seeded teams are the United States, Russia, India, Germany, the United Kingdom, Brazil and Argentina. In the past, the teams that can win the World Cup are basically are from these countries.

Germany, Britain, Brazil and Argentina are all very high-level classical football teams a hundred years ago, while China, the United States, Russia and India are strong teams that rely on population to catch up in the new era. Besides them, there are many other teams The national level is also very high. Those countries are often the traditional strong teams of classical football, but because of the small number of countries, they are at a certain disadvantage in the current competition. The level in the football era is not high, but it does not mean that they The standard in classical football is not high.

For example, there are many such teams in Europe - Italy, Holland, Spain, Portugal, France... There are also many such teams in South America, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay...

"When we come across these teams, we have to be careful."

After defeating the second opponent, Zheng Qi said to the other players of the Bawang team.

"Well, we will be careful, but didn't the top two qualify in the group stage? After three games in the group stage, we can almost get used to it." Overlord replied.

"That's the truth, but we can't take it lightly." Zheng Qi laughed.

For the next game, he has great confidence and great interest. He will compare it with those powerful countries in classical football!
You must know that apart from emerging countries such as the United States and India, the styles of other football era powerhouses and former classical football powerhouses are basically in the same strain. The style represented by football will also be displayed in the games of Football Era.

There is often great benefit in trying this out first.

Of course, this point is of no use in countries like China, India, and the United States, because before the advent of the football era, the football standards of these three countries were average. China and India were very poor, and the United States was slightly better, which is the level of a World Cup regular. , Compared with world-class, there is a huge distance.

So there is no direct connection between their classical football style and the style of the football era. Under such circumstances, Zheng Qi and the others can only pray that when they are grouped together with those traditional strong teams, they can at least accumulate some experience. .

Of course, he has accumulated some experience himself, which can be heard from Lu Xiaotian and others, but after all, it is not as important as his own personal experience.

Although what can be understood is only a part, but at critical times, a little bit of understanding may be able to play a very good role.

"The grouping results will be announced soon, and we don't know what team we will be in a group with." Zheng Qi said.

"Let's look at the source... There are 120 countries in the world, and nearly 32 of them are from Asia. As a result, only five countries made it to the top 32. There are only [-] European teams, but nearly [-] teams. The country has entered the top [-], which is great." Lu Xiaotian looked at the team list, and then said.

"Compared to other continents, they are weaker. We have five, Europe has eighteen, South America has five, North America has only the United States and Canada, Africa has only one Nigeria, and Oceania has only Australia. Europe has a great advantage." Zheng Zheng I was a little surprised.

"No way, who let them have more countries, and is the continent with the strongest traditional football? You must know that more than 100 years ago, it was nothing more than South America that could compete with Europe. In fact, South America could not compete with them later. Against each other, their overall advantage is too great. Although it has been a long time now, it is still difficult to lose this advantage, that is, they were suppressed by Asia and America in the football era." Lu Xiaotian said.

"From this point of view, there is a high probability that we will be assigned to the European team." Zheng Qi said after thinking about it.

"Well, on average, there are two to three European teams in a group. If we are not lucky, it is not uncommon to be in a group with three European teams... Except for Russia, Germany and the United Kingdom, eight second-place teams Among the seeds are the six strong European teams of the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and Belgium, and their standards may not be inferior to Germany and the UK." Overlord said in a low voice.

"There are strong teams like Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Serbia in the third tier, and Switzerland and Romania in the fourth tier are not bad at all. There are too many good teams in Europe." Long Qie added.

"We won't be so unlucky, let's split with three European teams." Zheng Qi laughed.

What he didn't know was that when he said this, the players of the Bawang team collectively fought a cold war.

"You won't perform gong again, will you?" Long Qi asked.

"Don't be superstitious, how could my luck be so bad." Zheng Qi said solemnly.

"That may be... Although there are no weak teams among the 32 teams, there is also a high and low score. We will not be in the same group with other seeded teams, but the second-ranked Italy, Spain and France, the second-ranked Uruguay, Sweden, and Denmark in the third tier, and Chile and Switzerland in the fourth tier are the strongest teams in each tier. If you can avoid them, the game will be much easier.” Fan Zeng said.

"Then you are thinking wrong. It is possible to lose a game in the group stage, so in my opinion, the group stage and the strong team are divided together, so that we can quickly adapt to the rhythm of the game, and it will be even more difficult in the knockout stage." There will be mistakes. It’s better to play with Italy, Uruguay, and Switzerland, and that will be fun!” Zheng Qi said.

Others can't wait to block his mouth—you bastard, you know you have a crow's mouth, why don't you restrain yourself a bit, do you have to say those ugly words?

"Don't be superstitious, I don't believe what kind of group I can get out of what I said!" Zheng Qi said confidently: "I want to get rid of your superstitious thinking and return to the scientific point of view. !"

Facing Zheng Qi's righteous words, the others really had nothing to refute. They even began to look forward to drawing a death group to make Zheng Qi shut his crow mouth...

Lu Xiaotian just smiled and didn't say much. For him, he didn't worry about what kind of powerful opponent he would draw in the game. Anyway, no matter how powerful the opponent was, he would meet sooner or later. If he wanted to win, then You have to beat all your opponents in the next game.

Then he has to score many, many goals in each game to break the World Cup top 32 scoring record...

It should not be difficult to score [-] goals in seven games!

Lu Xiaotian thought in his heart.

At this time, the results of the lottery began to appear in front of everyone.

Zheng Qi looked for the name of the Bawang team, and the next moment, he turned and ran.

The others froze for a moment, then reacted at the same time.

"Go and kill this kid, let him keep crowing!" Bawang roared loudly, commanding the players of the Bawang team to rush over to attack Zheng Qilai in an inhumane beating!

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