football era

Chapter 733 The situation is very good

When the whistle sounded for the end of the first half, Shen Ruofei and Liu Shibo's faces were very ugly.

When they played, half of the first half had passed, so they actually shared the first half with the previous group.

Li Guorui and the others conceded four goals in more than 20 minutes and missed one goal, but what about them?The grades look better, but in fact they are not much better...

They scored two goals in more than 20 minutes, but conceded five goals.

It was a net loss of four goals before, and now it is a net loss of three goals. It is indeed a little bit better, but it is just a little bit better...

Obviously, this made the proud Shen Ruofei and Liu Shibo feel ashamed.

They all felt ashamed, and Li Guorui felt even more ashamed.

After all, before he felt that Fei Fan and his group were absolutely capable of helping Zheng Qi and others perform better in the World Cup, that is to say, he felt that their role on the field must be greater than that of the Bawang players. But what about the facts?

Nine against nine, they also changed a group of people, but in the first half they conceded nine goals and only scored two goals, which is simply too embarrassing...

With such a performance, how can they be confident that they can help Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian better than the Bawang players?

"Do you know now? Classical football can't be played well by relying on strong attributes. Do you want to play in the second half of the game?" Zheng Qi asked.

"I want to fight, of course I want to fight!" Shen Ruofei raised his head violently, he is a person who never wants to fail.

"Okay, then take a good rest, and the second half will start later." Zheng Qi glanced at Su Jing with a half-smile, and then walked away.

Of course Su Jing knew what he meant. This game not only needs to teach the extraordinary players some lessons, but also to test the Overlord players. The performance in the first half is absolutely unacceptable, but if the staffing It's better, you can still fight.

And with more masters, some routines can be used better.

Why did I analyze so much for Su Jing before? Isn't it just to let Su Jing give instructions at this time.

Commanding by yourself will inevitably make extraordinary players have the idea of ​​"this is arranged before", but Su Jing will not have this problem.

And he is going to the players of the Overlords.

"How did you feel in the first half?" Zheng Qi asked Bawang and the others.

"Where did you find so many wonderful people?" Overlord laughed and said, "With such high attributes, but you are completely unfamiliar with the classical football game, it can't be a professional team."

Of course he was joking, and he was just making a joke. It is already a common practice for classical football players to make jokes about professional players, so just after he finished speaking, he himself laughed.

Zheng Qi also laughed, and so did the other Bawang players.

When everyone was almost laughing, Zheng Qi whispered, "That's right, they are a professional team."

Embarrassment, everyone opened their mouths in embarrassment and looked at Zheng Qi in surprise.

"I can't say what team it is, but I won't lie about it." Zheng Qi shrugged.

"Damn." Overlord couldn't help swearing a bad word, and then looked at Zheng Qi, as if he wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

"I want to ask if I'm also a professional player?" Zheng Qi looked at him with a half-smile.

Overlord nodded fiercely, and the others also nodded again and again.

Zheng Qi made a gesture to let them get closer, Bawang hurriedly moved over with the others.

Then they clearly heard two words from Zheng Qi's mouth: "Secret."

Overlord jerked his neck backwards, not sure if he was angry.

"Okay, this is not important, what is important is the second half." Zheng Qi said.

"In the second half... that's it. Their players are all on the field. They are indeed professional players, and their personal attributes are very good, but they don't know how to play." Overlord said.

Others nodded their heads. They have a good say on this point. The game of the football era and the game of classical football seem to be relatively close, but in fact they are completely different. The venue and the way of the game can be said to be similar. They have taken two completely different paths. Although they are professional players in the football era, they are still rookies in the classical football game.

To deal with newcomers, Overlord and the others are still sure.

"You had a great advantage in the first half, but it's different in the second half. They will choose more suitable players to play with you in the second half, and don't underestimate the adaptability of professional players. The first half of the game is enough for them to gradually adapt to this game. This way of playing and then better play their characteristics." Zheng Qi said.

As soon as these words were said, Overlord and the others became serious.

In fact, they are not people who don't know what to do. Of course, they know that those who can become professional players must be very good at the level. They were beaten so badly by them in the first half. The players already know how good each other is.

Looking at it this way, the second half really needs to be dealt with properly.

"Understood, we will deal with them well and let them know how good we are! Classical football is not easy to adapt to the half-court and you can become familiar with it. Otherwise, what are we going to do? Find a group of professional players for training. We can monopolize the World Cup." Bawang said.

Zheng Qi laughed out loud. This is really reasonable. His ability to perform so quickly in classical football is inseparable from his childhood training—his family is rich, so outdoor activities There is a lot of space. He has also received a lot of football training since he was a child. Although it was abandoned later, the foundation is still there. Only with the super attributes in the game can he have such an outstanding performance.

As for Lu Xiaotian, although Zheng Qi didn't know his background, it was Lu Xiaotian who introduced him to join the Bawang team at the beginning. He happened to meet Lu Xiaotian in the amateur game before, which means that Lu Xiaotian at least often played classical football. He trained himself through competitions, while Li Chengze entered the Soochow team earlier. Although the top players in these two football eras are also the top players in classical football, they definitely spent a lot of energy on it. .

Without long-term training and adaptation, it is impossible to surpass these classical football players who have been playing games for many years. They also use time to develop their level. Although they are amateurs, the time spent is definitely not much less than that of professional players. .

These professional players have reached the same level as them in a short period of time?That's too much to underestimate these people.

But no matter what, Zheng Qi knew the level of Fei Fan's teammates. Even if they would still make a lot of mistakes, with the support of their attributes, the level they could perform would still be excellent.

In this way, if the Bawang team wants to win, it will take some more troubles. At least they can raise their vigilance and gain some experience in facing so many opponents whose personal attributes far exceed their own.

Although in classical football, only a few of the top players can reach the level of [-] points, most of them are in the early [-]s and less than [-] points, but when it comes to the World Cup, who knows if it will be possible? What about better opponents?After all, in the China region, the Shu Han, Cao Wei, Dongwu and other teams encountered, their top players' attribute points are all around [-] points, and the average players' attribute points are over [-] points, which can be compared with the real professional players' attribute points up.

Will those foreign teams have the same opponents?This is also an unknown.

The players of the Bawang team are not high in attribute points. Except for Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian, the player with the highest attribute point is Bawang, with more than 750 points, and the others are between [-] and [-] points. Compared with the top teams, they are already very good. However, compared with the top teams, they have suffered a lot in terms of attributes. If Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian were not really good, it would be difficult for them to become the champions of China.

That is to say, they met other strong teams in terms of attribute points, and there was no decisive gap, while Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian, two freaks with more than [-] attribute points, could occupy a decisive advantage, and they were able to win the championship in China. Theoretically Generally speaking, opponents like Shu Han, Dong Wu, Cao Wei, etc., lost very unjustly, because even in the professional arena, so far in the entire league, there are only three active players with more than [-] attribute points. Two are on the Overlords.

There's only one left... now it's on the opposite side of the Overlords.

For other extraordinary players, Overlord's players didn't feel much, but for Shen Ruofei, they were deeply impressed. Although the attribute points of others were high, they were not high enough to completely suppress them. They relied on themselves However, when they faced Shen Ruofei, they were suppressed miserably. Whether it was a single face or a two-person face, it would be difficult to deal with Shen Ruofei. If they cut off the way other people pass the ball to him, then they would not let Shen Ruofei not perform after two goals.

If Shen Ruofei had more opportunities to catch the ball in the second half, the game would be really troublesome.

However, apart from feeling troubled, the players of the Bawang team felt eager to try. After all, such a strong opponent is rare, and the field is relatively special. There are only nine players on the field, and there is more space. Players with such characteristics are more beneficial. In such a situation, if you fight more and accumulate more experience, it will be easier for you to adapt to your opponent in the World Cup.

Ever since, the players of the Bawang team came on the field very happily, and the extraordinary players went on the field aggressively, but although their emotions were different, their expectations for the game were the same-they all hoped , to get more stuff.

"This situation is very good." Zheng Qi thought in his heart.

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