football era

Chapter 713 Learned from the opponent

"Brother Xiao, pay attention to their goalkeeper." Zheng Qi whispered to Lu Xiaotian when he returned to his own half.

Lu Xiaotian nodded. Of course, he also has a lot of interest in Zhaolie. He claims to be the best goalkeeper in China in the past five years. To deal with such a guy, as a shooter, it is impossible for Lu Xiaotian to not be interested.

Although with the quality of the current players, there is no weak goalkeeper for the strong teams in China, but Zhao Lie naturally has his value in being able to grab the title of the best goalkeeper among so many outstanding goalkeepers.

What's more, judging from the conversation between Zheng Qi and Zhao Lie just now, this person is calm and generous, neither humble nor overbearing. A player who can perform like this must have a steady performance on the court.

In the case of strong reactions, whether a goalkeeper is stable and whether his judgment is accurate has become the most critical quality.

Zhao Lie can be considered as the best goalkeeper in China, and in this regard, of course, he has some advantages.

Players from both sides began to disperse on the court, they waited quietly for the start of the game.

Although it is an amateur game, as the final of the China qualifiers, it still attracts a lot of attention. Many media are paying attention to this game. Although there is no official broadcast organization, it is necessary to do this in the football era It's easy.

There are actually quite a lot of people watching the finals in China every year. In the two months without professional games, the only official game of classical football can also attract a lot of attention.

"The boss is very good, he has reached the final." Li Guorui looked at the field and said with a sigh.

"It's not easy to call this way." Huang Yuanfan also sighed.

"I took a look at their schedule. Since the boss joined, they have met strong teams along the way. The boss is really a bastard..." Zhang Shu said.

The extraordinary players in the stands all laughed. They all watched Zheng Qi's classical football match with a playful attitude. Although they watched Zheng Qi's game last year, they also enjoyed it very much. look.

"Don't underestimate the opponents in classical football. Some of them are very good." Liu Shibo frowned and said, "If it were us, we would definitely feel uncomfortable. After all, we are used to using skills to achieve success." On the surface, the game we play is essentially the same as classical football, but the way we play is completely different."

"Classical football games can make us concentrate more and judge more accurately. Zheng Qi should play for this purpose. If he wins this game, then he will go to participate in classical football next. For the World Cup, he will probably not participate in the next month's training camp, we have to be more serious in training and prepare for the impact in the second half." Shen Ruofei said coldly.

"As expected of our brother Fei! He always thinks about the competition!" Others began to praise Shen Ruofei one after another, and the cold atmosphere created by Shen Ruofei was wiped away...

Niu Lihua even murmured shamelessly: "What are you pretending for? Don't you also enjoy playing classical football? Zheng Qi only plays it because he likes to play it. Why exercise himself?"

Shen Ruofei looked at Niu Lihua in a bit of embarrassment. His style has always been that of a cold-faced villain, but in front of the ZY team who are familiar with him, he really has no secrets at all.

But by chance, the five members of Team ZY joined the same team again after going round and round, moving towards a great goal.

Fortunately, at this time, players from both sides had been scattered on both sides of the field, and the game preparations began.

"Chen Fengxiao will definitely try to score goals in this game. He is not far from the record. The Shuhan team is good at attacking, but they don't know how to defend. This game will be a good opportunity for him."

Shen Ruofei finally managed to change the topic. Although he was not familiar with Chen Fengxiao, he felt that if he were Chen Fengxiao, he would definitely go after breaking the record. He didn't have this fiery desire to win. It won't be so domineering.

"He is Lu Xiaotian." Su Jing sent him a private chat, and then said: "Don't say it."

Shen Ruofei nodded incredulously: "I almost guessed it too... Such a powerful person is rare, there is no reason why Zheng Qi suddenly has such a person beside him. Then Zhou Gongjin from the Soochow team in the last game ..."

"You guessed it right, that's Li Chengze." Su Jing returned to private chat with a smile.

"...Should I also participate in next year's classical football match?" Shen Ruofei thought a little speechlessly.

On the field, with a whistle, the game officially started!
The Shuhan team took the lead to kick-off, Guan Er passed the ball to Zhao Zilong, then Zhao Zilong immediately passed back, Zhuge Wuhou received the ball.

At the same time as they kicked off, the Bawang team also launched a fierce attack and press.

They did not retreat to defend, but directly rushed across the half to start pressing. The awareness they showed was very clear-we will continue to press in the frontcourt, and we will continue to attack aggressively when attacking!
Let's fight the offense, isn't your Shuhan team known as the team that is best at offense?Let's see who is better at attacking!
Lu Xiaotian rushed to the front of Zhuge Wuhou immediately, ready to use his own impact to make Zhuge Wuhou make mistakes.

After taking the ball, Zhuge Wuhou, who was observing the situation in the frontcourt, saw Lu Xiaotian rushing towards him, the expression on his face didn't change at all, but he quickly moved his feet and passed the ball to the side.

"The reaction is quick." Lu Xiaotian kept crossing Zhuge Wuhou, thinking to himself.

If Zhuge Wuhou passes the ball a little slower, Lu Xiaotian will prepare a frontal shovel to give him a good look. If Zhuge Wuhou chooses to turn around and pass back, Lu Xiaotian, who has already run at his highest speed, will continue to press backward until the press is successful. until.

Behind him, the Tyrannosaurus rex and others have already stepped in. The closer they are to the opponent's goal, the stronger their pressure will be.

Zhuge Wuhou was obviously aware of this, so he immediately chose a cross pass. The pressure of the Overlords on the two wings was not so fierce.

"Another guy with a clear mind and extremely cautious... Zheng Qi, it's up to you to deal with him next." Lu Xiaotian was thinking in his heart while running.

Zhang Fei took the ball on the right, and then he started to drive forward. The personal ability of every player in the Shuhan team is not bad, especially in offense.

Long Qi turned around to press Zhang Fei, but Zhang Fei, who had taken advantage of the position, continued to advance with the ball. It was not until Ying Bu came to make up for it that he stopped suddenly and passed the ball to the middle again.

It was Zhuge Wuhou who stepped forward to meet him. He successfully got the ball and saw Zheng Qi who was coming up to him.

"Although he is an offensive player and has the ability to go forward and score, but his defensive ability is not bad at all. He is very fierce in close pressing. I have to pay attention." Zhuge Wuhou thought in his heart.

He was preventing Zheng Qi from jumping up to pester him, but he was not very worried about it. As a top midfielder, he protected the ball well under the interference of the opponent, and then passed the ball to the appropriate position. It was difficult, let alone a player like him.

However, Zheng Qi did not rush forward.

He stood two meters in front of Zhuge Wuhou, his body was shaking constantly, as if he was ready to go at any moment, but he didn't rush forward.

Zhuge Wuhou was stunned.

He could see that Zheng Qi's swaying was not random, but targeted - his several forward passing routes were all under the threat of his cutting off, forcing himself to have only two choices, pass back and cross , or break through by yourself.

This alone is actually nothing, not enough to make him feel scared, but this kind of defensive action reminds him of an old opponent!
Zhou Gongjin.

Zhou Gongjin seldom defends his opponents closely, especially when facing an attacker of Zhuge Wuhou's level, no matter whether he is facing him or Guo Jia, he will always be in front of them, neither close nor aggressive. , but can cut off all your forward passing routes.

This defensive method is excellent, but not everyone can learn it. Without rich experience and an excellent overall view of penetrating other people's offensive methods, it is absolutely impossible to do it. After all, this kind of defense must cut off the opponent. All defensive routes are fine, as long as there is one place that cannot be cut off, then the defense is the defense of the eyes, which is useless...

At least Zhuge Wuhou himself knew that he wanted to learn this defensive method, but after learning for a long time, he just didn't learn it.

So although Zhuge Wuhou felt a little regretful, he didn't really care about it. After all, apart from Zhou Gongjin, Guo Jia couldn't learn to defend like this. Some things can't be forced, so it's better to strengthen other links.

But now, this defensive method was shown by Zheng Qi!


This was the first thought that came to Zhuge Wuhou's mind, but he knew at a glance that all his forward passing routes had been blocked by Zheng Qi!
As for whether it was really blocked, he didn't dare to gamble, after all, if the ball was intercepted by the opponent, it would be too dangerous.

So he crossed the ball and went forward himself.

At this time, Zheng Qi followed up, closely following him.

At the same time, he heard Zheng Qi's laughter.

"Well, I learned the defensive style just now from an opponent, isn't it not bad?" Zheng Qi said with a smile.

"Zhou Gongjin?" Zhuge Wuhou couldn't help asking.

"Of course, I saw that he would use this defensive method alone, so I tried it, and the effect was really good." Zheng Qi sighed.

Zhuge Wuhou was speechless. In the last game, Zhou Gongjin used this defensive method to make Zheng Qi useless for a long time. He saw it, but he really didn't expect Zheng Qi to pass such a time. To fight, to learn...

This guy is too perverted, is this still human?
Thinking of this, Zhuge Wuhou was startled, knowing that he couldn't continue thinking like this, otherwise, he would always have something in his mind, and he would definitely not perform well on the court.

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