football era

Chapter 706 Familiar chapters

"We are going to strengthen our offense." Zhou Gongjin's words on the team channel seemed so helpless.

As soon as this was said, the players of the Soochow team were all startled—what?When are we going to step up our offense?You know we are still one goal ahead!
"The defense can't be defended. If there is only one Guan Zhong, I can control him. If there is only one Chen Fengxiao, I can also control him. However, with our strength and the involvement of other Bawang players, we can control him at most. Being able to contain one or two players of this level... has already surpassed our limit." Zhou Gongjin said.

"They have only scored us two goals so far, and we can score them more with counterattacks!" Wu Wang was a little puzzled.

"No, they were adapting to our defensive strength before. Did you notice the attack just now? How long did it take them?" Zhou Gongjin asked.

"More than seven minutes." Boyan replied.

"During more than seven minutes, we didn't touch the ball, and we didn't even have a chance to counterattack, so that doesn't mean anything?" Zhou Gongjin said helplessly.

The Soochow players looked at each other in blank dismay.

The game was too fierce just now, they really didn't notice it, but now that Zhou Gongjin said this, they realized it - it is indeed the case, in the previous game, or in the first half of the game, the Overlords were constantly However, the Soochow team also had a lot of opportunities to counterattack. Basically, there would be a chance to counterattack with the ball every 2 minutes. What about the second half?Except for that goal, they were attacked by the Bawang team for more than seven minutes in the following time, but they didn't even have a chance to attack with the ball!
"They left room for every attack, they were able to attack again quickly, without giving us any chance to counterattack... If there is no chance to counterattack, then there will always be problems in defense. Under such circumstances, if we do not strengthen Offense, the advantage of one ball, can't protect us at all." Zhou Gongjin said lightly.

"Then attack, but we are worse than other teams in pressing and attacking, and we still have to rely on you to thread the needle." Wu Wang nodded, and then said.

"It just so happens that I also want to test the effect of my leading the attack." Zhou Gongjin nodded naturally, and then replied.

Regarding this point, the Soochow players are very confident. Don't look at the previous games, Zhou Gongjin has been defending and scheduling offenses from the rear, and rarely directly participates in the offense. However, the Soochow team has never given up. Through the training of playing positional warfare with him as the core - it is always better to have one more offensive method, and making the team's offensive methods more and more comprehensive is the only guarantee for the team to continue to be strong.

The Soochow team immediately began to attack.

Fans of the Soochow team in the stands are actually very worried at this moment, because they seldom see the Soochow team being scored twice by the opponent, and it is even rarer to see the Soochow team being continuously scored by the opponent when they lead by two goals in a row. The approach of - such experience, they are very lacking.

So when it was [-]-[-], they were very confident, but when the game became [-]-[-], they started to get a little anxious.

But at this time, the Soochow team launched an attack quickly, which did not make them feel relieved, but made them feel uneasy-when did the Soochow team become so restless?Under any circumstances, they will calmly spend time with each other and keep defending. Fans of the Soochow team have always been somewhat disgusted with this style of play. They often feel that this style of play is not refreshing enough, but At this time, they really missed that boring but extremely reliable approach!
Of course, this doesn't mean that they don't support the Soochow team anymore, it just makes them feel very worried at this time.

However, at the next moment, the Soochow team's performance made them cheer loudly, making them feel that the Soochow team had always given them an extremely reliable feeling, and there were no mistakes!

After the kick-off, the Soochow team quickly entered the Bawang team's half court, and then began to run continuously in the frontcourt, organizing and scheduling-Zhou Gongjin's position began to move forward, constantly receiving the ball, constantly Sending the ball out, as an offensive core, he also showed his excellent organizational skills in the front position!
"Fuck, the Soochow team still has such a trick, and now these people are too cunning." Guan Er in the stands couldn't help but exclaimed.

"These guys have always been able to hold their breath." Zhuge Wuhou smiled slightly: "It's normal for them to keep a hand. After all, they haven't met a real strong opponent before. Players like Zhou Gongjin, of course, know when to fight." It takes all your strength.”

"It's really cunning." Guan Er muttered.

"It's not bad, the organization ability can soon be comparable to mine." Zheng Qi pressed Zhou Gongjin close to him, and then asked in surprise.

"You talk too much." Zhou Gongjin passed the ball and said coldly.

The next moment, the passed ball was caught by Bo Yan who was going forward. He immediately passed the ball to Bo Fu who was on the side. On the other side, Ziming, who went forward, received the ball. The Bawang team's defense at the front of the penalty area has been emptied by a series of passes from the Soochow team. The ball flew to the dead corner of the goal. Fan Zeng, whose vision was blocked, couldn't react in time, and the ball quickly entered the net!
After pressing the attack, the Soochow team quickly expanded the lead to two goals again!
The fans of the Soochow team shouted crazily, they shouted with great excitement, and the worries just now were swept away!

Ziming waved his fist, and then hugged with his teammates.

"Okay, now it's our turn to attack...the game is still half an hour away, and we are finally back to the rhythm we are familiar with, the plan is through!" Zheng Qi shouted in the team channel.

The Overlords players, who were a little demoralized by the ball at first, thought of it one after another—isn't this kind of rhythm what we like?Although we are still two goals behind, we are already in the rhythm we are familiar with. Who says we can't even out the current disadvantage?

It would be very difficult to slow down after the tempo started, unless the opponent also slowed down—will the Bawang team take the initiative to slow down?Won't!

"Now turn to defense... Try to block them as much as possible. If we can block them successfully, then there will be no problem with our victory." Zhou Gongjin said in the team channel.

It was very difficult to suddenly switch to defense from the offense just now, but Zhou Gongjin also wanted to give it a try. The players of the Soochow team have all undergone strict training. There are some problems, but it is not impossible. If the Bawang team's offensive strength is smaller than before, it is not impossible to defend the opponent's attack and return the game to the rhythm they are familiar with.

The game restarts.

The Bawang team quickly launched an offense, while the Soochow team also switched to defense, trying to slow down the pace of the game.

However, the Bawang team did not give them such a chance, and their offense was very fast.

After Zheng Qi passed the organization with two consecutive kicks, the Bawang team hit the Soochow team's half court. Zhou Gongjin sighed in his heart—as expected, the opponent would not let go of such an opportunity.

After Zheng Qi took the ball again, Zhou Gongjin went up to meet him. This time he went up alone - because if Boyan and others were to assist in the defense, then Lu Xiaotian's defense would weaken again. He believed that Zheng Qi Waiting for such an opportunity.

Of course, he also knew that if he went alone, it was very likely that Zheng Qi would break through, but at this time, he could only gamble.

If Zheng Qi can be stopped at this position, then take advantage of the opportunity to launch a counterattack, and the game can really be said to have been won ahead of schedule. If he can't be stopped, Zheng Qi will need more steps to create a direct threat to the goal. It's not necessarily going to lose the ball.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if the Bawang team recovers another point quickly, they can use offense to expand the score again. Although it is under the rhythm that the Bawang team is more accustomed to, the Soochow team is not without a chance!
Zhou Gongjin had already figured out the cause and effect of the entire competition, and the one he chose was undoubtedly the one with the greatest chance of winning.

Zheng Qi moved forward with the ball, and Zhou Gongjin came up to meet him.

"Watch me break through him!"

Zheng Qi yelled and rushed forward with the ball.

In a one-on-one situation, the offensive player has an advantage over the defensive player. This is an iron law in classical football.

But now such an iron law has not failed.

When the two were about to touch, Zheng Qi swayed his feet twice in a row, and then moved the ball to the right. When Zhou Gongjin changed his center of gravity, he quickly pulled the ball back, and then made a reverse breakthrough!
This is a simple extraordinary move, but the simpler it is, the more difficult it is to guard against.

In the case of close reactions from both sides, whoever has the upper hand will have the upper hand.

When Zheng Qi made the first false move, Zhou Gongjin was completely free to stay still, or stay focused to prepare for the second reaction, but as long as he did this, Zheng Qi would definitely make a direct breakthrough in one go, making Zhou Gongjin's reaction still slow by half shoot.

So Zhou Gongjin didn't expect to be able to steal the ball immediately, he was thinking about the next second defense.

Zheng Qi rushed over, Zhou Gongjin turned around and stuck to Zheng Qi, and the two continued to collide.

Zhou Gongjin wanted to interfere with Zheng Qi's possession of the ball, but Zheng Qi counterattacked forcefully, and then moved the ball forward to speed up the breakthrough!
Zheng Qi broke through Zhou Gongjin!

Although it is only the first line of defense in Soochow's defense line, no matter how excellent the defense line is, after breaking through with points, it will immediately be full of flaws!
Zheng Qi rushed forward, and Lu Xiaotian began to retreat to respond. He attracted a lot of attention from the Soochow team's defense line, and Bawang's forward drive in the middle also attracted some attention. At this time, Long Qi, who quietly inserted from the side, It's been ignored by a lot of people...

Zheng Qi's penetrating oblique pass flew into the Soochow team's penalty area like lightning. He quickly followed and scored with a single shot!

Three to four, the Bawang team regained a point again!

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