football era

Chapter 68 Pursuit

"Do you want to continue to fight? If you don't fight, we will leave."

Seeing the other party standing in front of him, who seemed to have no intention of making a move, Chaotic Knife couldn't help asking.

"You are stupid, why are you provoking them?" Xin Yi complained in the team channel.

"Isn't it because I'm anxious?" Chaotic Knife replied.

"But we can't retreat this time. If we retreat, our momentum will be weak." Xin Zai Wandering said.

"Yeah, I heard the old man say that when you meet a wolf in the wild, you can't be cowardly. If you are cowardly, you will attack you directly from behind." Hu Yan said nonsense.

"A two-hundred-year-old old man? There were no wolves in the wild 100 years ago, right?" Sui Qingfeng sneered.

They chatted happily in the team, and the team in the street rusher alliance also fell out.

"Come on, with so many of us, are we being laughed at by them?"

"Then you go first?"

"If you want to go together, why should I go alone first?"

"Hey, hey, didn't we agree to work together?"

"Working together, Lao Jiu also died, who will be next?"

"Forget it, this group of people united together, although they will definitely not be able to beat us, but it is still very easy to take away one or two of us..."

"After preparing for so long, let's forget it? Where do we save face? If it gets out, do we guys still have the face to hang out in the professional circle?"

The last key question hit everyone's weakness.

That's right, if you lose some experience, it only affects one year. If you really want to become a laughing stock in the professional circle, it will affect your entire career!
At this time, absolutely cannot retreat!

Even if they hang up once, they won't be ridiculed by others, as long as they can destroy the other party in the end, although it benefits others, they won't get any benefits if they hang up, but at this time, they only have such a choice!


Someone shouted.

The next moment, thirty professional players began to show their top level.

Although they have basically never cooperated with each other, they have used hero cards separately. According to the changes of the people around them, they have already judged which hero cards are used by the people around them, and almost instinctively formed groups of three one after another. , the fetters of the former three-headed alliance were constantly being stimulated, and their combat capabilities began to be raised to the limit.

In the following, Pompey's cavalry sprint, Crassus' power of money, and Caesar's sacred oath, one group after another showed the lethality of the top three alliances in the most appropriate way.

"Back, let's break up."

Zheng Qi yelled in the team channel, and stayed with the Chaotic Crazy Knife——Wanted to Fly is also very strong, but now he has used up two hero cards, and his combat power has dropped a lot at this time .

Going with the breeze and waiting for someone to turn around, he ran away. He wanted to fly without any nonsense, and led his teammates to quickly evacuate from the battlefield.

It can be seen that they took the initiative to attack and killed the key to killing one of the opponents - although the opponent only hung up one, but let the other people who were originally blocked in this direction join the main force, at least they were no longer surrounded by the opponent. I can't run away even if I want to.

Facing the turbulent opponents, Zheng Qi and Chaos Crazy Knife used the cavalry charge to block the opponent's siege at the same time, but the situation now is different from just now. There are only two of them. There are too many people, and a little double-teaming on both sides can cut off their retreat.

A player who was the first to bypass the cavalry's attack range suddenly froze all over, and was shocked by Butler Meng again.

But no one will attack him now, and Meng Butler's move is just to slightly block the opponent's forward speed.

"Retreat, we will retreat too."

Zheng Qi called out the Chaotic Crazy Knife, and the two ran away. Although these two skills only blocked the opponent for a few seconds, they had already run a long distance when the others were already running wildly. Of course, the ensuing consequence was that their stamina values ​​dropped rapidly.

There is a long distance from the wild area to the safe resting point. They have to cross this wilderness and then enter Shiling Pass before they can enter the safe area. If they continue to run like this, their physical fitness will be premature That's it.

"Pay attention to the rhythm. Accelerate and then roll. Take the medicine as soon as possible during the roll. Jump after recovering your strength. After jumping, accelerate again. Be careful not to interrupt the speed of taking the medicine."

Meng Butler was talking on the team channel while trying to stop the person who was rushing forward.

How to run long distances is also a very deep skill for players. The recovery that the potion in Football Era can bring is in a static state, and it does not return blood instantly, but slowly. During this process, Once you are attacked or use skills by yourself, the blood recovery will be interrupted. Only when you take medicine while rolling will it not be interrupted.

At the same time, you can't foolishly wait for the effect of taking the medicine to be fully stimulated before running, otherwise, you will be easily drawn closer.

For this kind of operation, Zheng Qihe's single-minded desire to fly is naturally no problem. Compared with professional players, there is no difference between them, but others are weaker in this respect. This is a very strong basic skill, not everyone able to learn.

So after running forward for a certain distance, it is inevitable that some people will fall behind, and they will fall behind with the breeze. The chaser who ran the most forward has already reached a place not far behind him...

However, at this time, the pursuers discovered something was wrong.

Originally, he was running at the front with at least two teammates, but now, why is he the only one left?

At this time, he realized that the opponent's coach's shocking ability was released as soon as it cooled down, but it was not used exclusively on the pursuer at the front, but was constantly used on the two teammates next to him. Such a distance After coming down, he actually became the one standing alone at the front...

Thinking of this, he immediately rolled backwards decisively. After getting up, cold sweat broke out. Ren Pingsheng and Yixin Xiangfei appeared at the place where he was originally, and now the two turned around and continued to rush forward. If they If he didn't roll back immediately, he might have been hit by these two people.

"You're scared, they won't be able to take you away in one wave! We are behind, and we can catch up in two seconds!"

Someone was yelling in the team channel, but the backing players didn't answer, and they were yelling in their stomachs: "Fuck, how do I know if you will deliberately let me hang up first?"

Backing away like that before is naturally a big loss of face, but if the opponent is not killed during the pursuit, it is not a loss of face-everyone knows that in such a wasteland, if the opponent is not surrounded, then the opponent will not run away. It's a shame.

What's more, there is still such a long distance, there is still a chance sooner or later, why let yourself take risks?
"They are really a rabble." Xin Zai Wandering said in the team channel.

"If it weren't for this, none of us would be able to escape today." Sui Qingfeng said.

"No, at least we can drag most of them and let the boss run first. If they run first, the personal copy will not fall behind." Xin Yi replied.

There is no anger in the team channel for this meeting. The small conflict with Chaotic Knife has disappeared now—in the sniping just now, Xinyi almost died. At the critical moment, Chaotic Knife came out to help him block After a bit of attack, any opinions I had before were all false.

"Don't be careless, we are not out of danger yet, most of us can't move faster than them." Xin Xiangfei said coldly in the channel.

"No way, this is hard work." Xin Zai Wai sighed, and then smiled wryly: "But at least, you two can still escape."

"Yes, yes, the movement speed of the two of you is no slower than theirs." Hu Yanran Yu echoed.

"We still have to try to run together, and we still have to get the reward for the first raid of the team copy." Zheng Qi shouted in the team channel.

"Don't talk nonsense, concentrate on running, when we really can't escape, we will run first." Xin Xiangfei said coldly.

"It's really ruthless." Zheng Qi sighed.

The others stopped talking, and if they were distracted to talk at this time, that would be disrespect to the whole team.

However, it is obvious that there is nothing wrong with wanting to fly, their movement speed is still far behind that of the Street Flayer Alliance.

Steward Meng's interference from time to time and Zheng Qi and Yi Xiangfei's constant counterattacks kept them at a safe distance, but this situation would not last for long.

"I saw Shiling Pass!"

When the majestic Shiling Pass appeared in their line of sight, Su Jing shouted happily.

However, at this time, they began to fall into a bigger crisis.

In front of them, a figure appeared.

"Isn't this what turned around and met? What does he want?" Seeing that Fu Lei was blocking their only way, Chaotic Knife couldn't help shouting.

"This is not the key, the key is that we have been caught up!" Su Jing said helplessly.

After chasing for such a long distance, the cautious Allies of Street Pouncers have chased to a place where they can attack them.

What's different from before is that it's not just one or two people approaching them at the same time, but a dozen or so people. Even if they wanted to fly and Zheng Qi turned around and sniped, they couldn't resist the opponent's attack. What's more, Zheng Qi and his team had already used up all their hero cards during the previous blocking, and they couldn't even use a single Pompeii's cavalry charge.

"Is no one cool down yet?" Heart Wandering asked.

No one answered him. Everyone's hero cards have been used up before. At this time, even if there is one person who can use a cavalry charge to block it, they can all rush into the city and enter the safe zone!

At this moment, the people standing in front of them turned over and moved.

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