football era

Chapter 662

"It's as immobile as a mountain! Boss Liu, the defense is so wonderful, it's an art-like ability to command the defense line!"

After the first half of the game, Zheng Qi, who rested on the bench for the rest of the time, began to flatter Liu Shibo wildly.

Liu Shibo was a little embarrassed by his praise - after all, he is an honest man, more sincere, not as slippery as Zheng Qi.

"Everyone supports me, listens to my scheduling, and their standards are very high. Only by relying on me." Liu Shibo replied.

"Well, I know this, mainly to give you a little more confidence." Zheng Qi said.

Liu Shibo's nose was almost crooked—is this a human language?

Of course, he also knew what kind of character Zheng Qi was, so he simply turned his head and ignored him.

"Everyone did a good job in the first half. We took the lead, and at the same time the main players got a good rest. They almost played the entire first half as the main players, which made our advantage even bigger. In the second half of the game, focus on There is nothing special to pay attention to, although the opponent's overall attributes are excellent, but compared with us in terms of game experience, they are far behind." Xu Shan slapped his hands, and then said.

"This is the advantage of our Chinese club in Asia, but we should not underestimate our opponents in the next World Cup because of this, understand? There are many strong opponents in the World Cup. It is easier for us to play in the East Asian Cup, but it does not mean that it is also easy to play in the World Cup. The East Asian Cup is just a way for us to participate in the World Cup, there is no need to be complacent about our advantages in the East Asian Cup, that is a very naive behavior." Meng Fan emphasized.

"Uncle Meng, don't worry, how can we be complacent because of the East Asian Cup? To be complacent is after winning the five crowns, right?" Zheng Qi replied with a smile.

The extraordinary players all laughed. Although they participated in the East Asian Cup for the first time, they were also very happy about the fact that they were about to win the championship. However, for the extraordinary, the five crowns are their ultimate goal. The East Asian Cup is a championship, a very good honor, but it is the most exciting honor only if it is placed in the ranks of the five crowns.

They will work hard for this championship, they will be happy for this championship, but they will not get carried away for this championship, and they will not underestimate their opponents in the World Cup because the opponents in the East Asian Cup seem to be easier to deal with.

In fact, they know that the Delhi fireworks are not easy to deal with.

Although they are now leading by two goals and occupying a huge overall advantage, in fact, they can feel that in the match against Delhi Fireworks, whether it is the overall or individual, Delhi Fireworks will not be inferior to them, Just looking at the level of operation and character attributes, Delhi Fireworks is even better than Changfeng and Feifan.

This statement may be quite incredible, but when you think about it carefully, it is not so unacceptable. After all, Delhi Fireworks is the strongest team in India, and it is attractive enough for all strong players. , so basically the strongest players in the Indian league were gathered, and the entire league carefully selected a team with more than [-] attribute points, which is not uncommon.

After all, before Fei Fei entered the Chinese Super League, if he really wanted to put together a strong team, the Chinese league could only form a team with god-level players, let alone many characters with god-level players. There is no pseudo-god-level player with matching strength.

Although the character attribute and the operation level are not often able to appear on the same player at the same time, but with the number of players in the Indian League, it is really not difficult to find such a team.

Although on the whole, such an approach has brought the overall level of the Indian League to a state of stagnation, but the overall strength of Delhi Fireworks can still be guaranteed.

So even though Delhi Fireworks, which has an attribute advantage, was beaten to death by Changfeng Tianhe in the previous games, and died miserably every year, it cannot be said that they are a team that is easy to deal with.

In the games against Changfeng and Tianhe, Feifan was nothing more than a [-]-[-] split, and was often at a disadvantage, so he must be careful against Delhi Fireworks.

Extraordinary players understand this truth.

The extraordinary players did not slack off, and it was a bit miserable when the fireworks went up and down in Delhi.

In their locker room, the atmosphere was normal, but what gave them some hope was that they fell behind by two goals in the first half, which was actually the first half in which they fell behind less in the past few years.

They were also encouraged by Fan Fei's onslaught at the end of the first half - although they didn't score a goal, it showed that Fei Fan's strength was not that outstanding.

In the first half of the game, they already knew how powerful Fei Fei was, but they were not so powerful that they couldn't resist. In the second half, they still had to fight hard.

"They taught me a lesson in the first half, and I will try to pay back in the second half." Nandina said with a strong expression.

Summit and Galawa glanced at each other, seeing relief in each other's eyes.

As the veteran players of Delhi Fireworks, although they are not very old, they are just 25-[-] when they are playing, but Delhi Fireworks needs fresh blood after all, otherwise, how will the whole team continue?

And Nandina's joining made them very happy - the team has a successor who has shown superhuman talent at such a young age. Of course, such a player deserves to be cultivated.

It's not that both Summitt and Garava have no selfish intentions, but as a player, they already have too many domestic honors to win, but they have no way to make a breakthrough in the intercontinental competition and make the team stronger. They will all do it.

It's just that Nandana is talented, and can even be said to be the strongest talent in India in the past ten years, but she still has certain flaws in character, that is, she is easy to be arrogant, especially in the Indian league without opponents. The next is even more so.

Although she is behind in the competition now, if she can let Nan Dena know the world's top level, let her bump into obstacles and grow up, then it is not a waste of time!
"Let's work hard in the second half. Even if we can't win in the end, we can't miss this good opportunity for nothing! Feifan's team is indeed very strong, but our Delhi Fireworks, at least have an unyielding spirit!"

Summitt yelled to boost the morale of the whole team, and the Delhi Fireworks players nodded one after another. Now there is no other way to go, only to fight hard, and there will be no regrets in losing in the end.

If they don't fight, they will always think of this game in the end, and regret why they didn't fight well at that time.

Such opportunities are rare.

So what appeared in the second half of the game was a team whose morale continued to be high.

Such a team, as long as they have enough morale, can be seen from their spirit.

This, of course, Zheng Qi and the others soon saw it.

"Oh, I'm starting to admire them for showing such high fighting spirit in such a situation and mental state," Zheng Qi said.

"...Can you respect your opponent?" Shen Ruofei couldn't stand it any longer.

"I just respect my opponents. If I say I want to admire them, don't I respect my opponents? Then what does it mean to respect an opponent?" Zheng Qi asked back.

"Your tone..." Shen Ruofei said a little speechlessly, there was nothing wrong with Zheng Qi's words, but when he said them, there was infinite mockery.

"That's your misunderstanding and delusion. Your prejudice has blinded your eyes, so you will always have this delusion." Zheng Qi said.

"Shut up, I'll hit you if you say anything else." Shen Ruofei went straight to the point.

"The game is over, what are you all doing?" Zheng Qi turned his head and said to the others nonchalantly.

The others hissed collectively.

"Seriously, we are in a game. The main players will come out, give them a good look, extend the lead to three goals, and let them have no other extravagant hopes!" Zheng Qi shouted, waving his fist.

The Extraordinary players are saving face now.

They all nodded to express their agreement with Zheng Qi.

"Just nodding is not enough," Zheng Qi said.

The extraordinary players looked at each other and began to shake their fists helplessly.

"Well, you see, our morale is fine, so you have no chance of winning at all!" Zheng Qi turned his head and said proudly to the Delhi fireworks contestants who had already entered the field.

"We have already realized this point, but if we want to easily defeat us, we still have to show our skills!" Summitt replied calmly.

"Well, like a captain." Zheng Qi nodded.

"I will definitely kill you once in the second half." Nan Dena walked over and looked at Zheng Qi viciously.

"Really? Really want to kill me once?" Zheng Qi asked back.

"Of course, even if you are really good, I still have a chance to kill you." Nandina raised her head, her neck raised in a proud arc.

Summitt nodded slightly. Nandina's performance can be said to be much more mature, acknowledging the strength of the other party, but not afraid at all.

Only with such a mentality can we really make enough progress.

If you don't recognize the other party's strength, you will be blinded by anger and fear the other party, and you will never make any progress.

However, it was obvious that people like Zheng Qi were difficult to deal with.

"Well, do you know what happened to those who wanted to kill me?" Zheng Qi asked, and then immediately added: "I'm talking about the game!"

The originally serious atmosphere suddenly became less serious, and everyone covered their heads—would anyone still think it was a murder in reality?

Nandina was furious again—isn't this an obvious way to say that she is an idiot?
"Those guys were basically killed by me again and again, and finally they were killed to the point of collapse." Zheng Qi suddenly became calm, as if explaining a fact: "So, in the second half, you will do the same. Killed again and again, without any resistance."

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