football era

Chapter 653 All-round Gap

Li Chengze's sigh and Lu Xiaotian's roar will not affect Fei Fei and Zheng Qi's mood.

For Fei Fei, they quickly adapted to the new life, training online every day and resting offline, but they didn't seem to see Xu Shan and Meng Fan in the cafeteria every time, and they didn't pay much attention to it.

This point, they did not know until after the game, of course, this is a later story.

The next game is the semi-finals of the East Asian Cup, and the opponent is Iwata Gemstones. The extraordinary level of this team has been inspected very clearly, and they have enough confidence in this semi-finals.

Feng Qinghua and others have already begun to collect information on the other two semi-final teams—the Seoul Red Devils of South Korea and the Delhi Fireworks of India. They have an excellent tactical department, and in this regard, they also have to take advantage of it.

The current confrontation is no longer just a confrontation between two teams on the field, but an all-round competition of club strength, the coach's wisdom, reaction, tactical command, club's intelligence collection, familiarity with the map...all of these , can affect the final outcome of the game.

Although Feifan is a new club, it has developed very fast in these aspects. Compared with the top clubs, it is not only not bad, but has certain advantages. Probably only Feifan's development in the guild is relatively slow. Quantity has nothing to do with quality.

However, there is only the guild, and there is no way to accomplish it overnight.

The extraordinary foundation is still very shallow, but at the competition level, they are not afraid of any players.

The Iwata Gems team is still very confident before the game. Although they know that the extraordinary strength is very good, in short, there are no Chinese clubs that can participate in the East Asian Cup that are not good, but precisely because of this, they have nothing to fear.

If you don't fight, you will go home. If you fight, maybe, probably, or, maybe, there is still a little chance of victory!

Amidst the fans' shouts, the extraordinary players took the initiative from the beginning of the game.

Iwata Gemstone's tactical choice was very conservative. They put on a defensive posture from the very beginning, intercepted from the midfield, and then retreated step by step, killing their extraordinary fighting spirit and energy.

This is the only way for a weak team to beat a strong team. It is a word, delay, try to delay until the opponent makes a mistake, and then catch it by yourself-although this possibility is very small, it is the most feasible method.

And Feifan also played steadily, dealing with the opponent patiently - as soon as the two sides came into contact, Feifan knew that this opponent was different from the three opponents he had encountered before, and that he had the strength of a Super League team, although it was not comparable. The strong teams in the Chinese Super League are at least above the middle level.

Teams in the same professional league have high and low strengths, but there is no essential difference. There is also no room for relaxation when playing against such opponents.

After all, Changfeng’s loss to the bottom team was not once or twice. Feifan also suffered a lot from weak teams last year. In a league where a strong team is against a weak team, the advantage is often only the winning percentage. It is really not uncommon for the other party to bite hard.

This is why Meng Fan and Xu Shan had a good chance of winning the championship in last year's competition, but they almost consciously let Fei Fei suffer more losses in the competition to learn some lessons.

This kind of lesson, if you don’t take it deeply once, you won’t know what pain is.

Under such circumstances, this year's Extraordinary was able to grow rapidly, and under no circumstances did they feel mentally relaxed. Even if they won three easy games in a row before, they would not have any problems in the game. accident.

Under Fei Fei's steady suppression, Iwata Gemstone's defense line was gradually compressed. They did not panic, but were waiting for Fei Fei to have a loophole.

This approach seems very conservative, but in fact it is very difficult for the offensive side to avoid loopholes, as long as they can grasp it.

The players of Iwata Gems are not bad and have rich experience. They are very patient in the confrontation, and they are also prepared for a long-term confrontation. However, they themselves did not expect that the opportunity will come so soon.

Generally speaking, after a period of onslaught, they will slow down and let the players rest and recuperate, and Fanfan is no exception.

This is called offense and defense transition.

However, very soon, Fei Fei exposed a flaw in a transition between offense and defense. The responding player did not step up in time, and an obvious mistake occurred.

Perhaps because it was so obvious, the players of Iwata Gemstone were not prepared, and they just let it go.

Seeing that Fei Fei quickly made up for such a flaw, the head coach of Iwata Gemstone regretted it to death, and criticized a few words in the team channel, so that the players of Iwata Gemstone would pay more attention and prepare for a counterattack at any time.

What he didn't know was that at this time Xu Shan was also complaining in his heart-you didn't catch such an obvious flaw, what a waste, if we reveal such a natural flaw without showing any traces, do you think it's easy?
But the complaints are the complaints, the game still has to continue.

After revealing such a flaw, the next Extraordinary attack is very complete. They continue to press and attack, and continue to launch attacks, reducing the opponent's stamina value. Sometimes they will suddenly launch a strong attack, trying to kill One or two players from the opponent to create opportunities.

This kind of tactic is of course very familiar. They have long been used to playing like this in the league-this is where the Chinese clubs are strong. The intensity of their games is temporarily unmatched in Asia.

Just like at this moment, what Fei Fan actually felt was the normal intensity of the game, but in front of Iwata Gemstone, it was quite an oppressive attack.

Just being oppressive and strong is fine, at worst they gritted their teeth and kept going. However, for them, Fan Fei's attack was very strange. Sometimes it would be a soft knife slowly sharpened, and sometimes it would suddenly explode and launch a strong attack, without any rules It can be said that their nerves need to be tense all the time.

"This Chinese club feels better than the previous Changfeng and Tianhe...Maybe their grinding plate attack is not as good as Tianhe's, and their stormy attack is not as good as Changfeng, but they combine the strengths of the two, and they can play freely here. Switching back and forth between the two offensive methods, it's no wonder they can show such an excellent state in the Chinese Super League this year."

The official commentator of the East Asian Cup sighed, while the Chinese commentator Yuan Fei beamed with joy.

"Good job, Fanfan has firmly suppressed the opponent...Although they haven't scored yet, they have kept themselves free of any problems. It's only a matter of time before we have enough protection to take the lead."

Yuan Fei's foresight is naturally very good. When explaining domestic competitions, he may have to maintain suspense or maintain a neutral attitude. When it comes to international competitions, his judgments are often stated in advance, and they are very accurate.

The fact is also the same, after 10 minutes of suppressing Iwata Gem, Extraordinary scored a goal.

This is a goal that looks a bit lucky, but extraordinary fans know that it is definitely not a lucky goal.

Bin Shiqiang's leading attack once tore apart the opponent's defense line from an inconspicuous place, and then took advantage of the overall advantage. When the melee was over, all the players of Iwata Gemstone were wiped out, and Feifan still had three players on the field. Easily scored the leading goal.

"Okay, the first one!" Yuan Fei said cheerfully.

Just being ahead of the Japanese champion wasn't enough to make Yuan Fei feel very happy. However, their extraordinary performance in the game let Yuan Fei know that they didn't have any emotional fluctuations in the game due to other reasons. A little bit is more important than anything else.

Iwata Gemstone, who was hit, launched an attack, and is now behind. If he doesn't attack, he will die.

Of course, Fanfan would not take the initiative to recover the defense. They quickly launched an interception in the midfield and blocked the attack of Iwata Gemstone extremely forcefully. The midfielder never retreats!

This style of play is of course a very effective style of play, and it also appears to be very strong. However, Iwata Gemstone is still persisting, waiting for Fei Fei to make mistakes.

Human beings make mistakes, and extraordinary is no exception.

In another transition between offense and defense, Fei Fan made a similar mistake as before.

With the lessons learned from the past, Iwata Gemstone certainly would not let go of such a good opportunity. They immediately launched a fierce attack on this flaw, investing a lot of troops, trying to defeat the extraordinary defense in one fell swoop.

If someone hits the joint, of course there will be some problems, and Fanfan is no exception.

Their players began to retreat, while the players of Iwata Gemstone began to press forward collectively, trying to tear the hole open again.

They successfully tore open the hole, but the Chinese professional club players who were watching the game shook their heads and sighed one after another.

Tore an extraordinary hole in the middle of the field... Can this kind of thing be done casually?Even if it succeeds, it is nothing more than suppressing the opponent to the door. Once it fails, it is to jump into the opponent's encirclement actively...

Now Iwata Gemstone has jumped into the extraordinary encirclement on its own initiative.

They thought they had torn open a hole in Fei Fei's defense, but in fact they were surrounded by Fei Fei.

When the overwhelming large-scale skill bombardment came down, their support player was first killed by Zheng Qi who emerged from the chaos.

Without the support from the assistant, Iwata Gemstone resisted for a few seconds before the entire line of defense collapsed, and Fei Fei started chasing and killing him all the way.

"Iwata gemstone is out of play." Wen Xiang said.

Fei Fan precisely controlled the speed of the chase, and kept clearing the opponent's players one by one. This allowed them to chase and kill the opponent's defense line. Iwata Gemstone only had time to deploy a weak defense line of four players in front of the defense line. Under a wave of onslaught, it completely collapsed.

Extraordinary expanded its leading advantage.

"There is nothing to say about the gap in all directions." This is Yuan Fei's final evaluation.

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