football era

Chapter 646 1 Everything is possible

After the match against Changfeng, the most difficult days of Feifan have actually come to an end, and their opponents are not particularly strong. As long as they can perform at a normal level, they can stop their opponents. Almost nothing.

In fact, during the next period of time, they also showed an extremely good state. They did not win every game easily, but they all won extremely steadily.

This is remarkable. A few big victories in a row like convulsions is nothing, but a team that can win continuously and steadily, and achieve this is often very stable in the league.

Originally, after Changfeng and Feifan tied, and Feifan stopped winning streak, many people breathed a sigh of relief, because no one wanted to see a team with the best ride, so it’s okay now, Fantastic 34 Lun scored 29 points, Changfeng scored 31 points, and Tianhe scored [-] points. The difference in points between the three teams is not too big.

But compared with other teams-how many points does Corning, who is currently ranked fourth? 23 points...

To the disappointment of the other teams, not only did Fanfan not be terminated by the winning streak to affect their good state in the following games, Changfeng and Tianhe did not either.

In the No.13 round of the league, facing the loss of the top card, Xingyu, who has been performing ups and downs this year, won a big victory. They poured four goals at home, and Changfeng defeated the opponent with two goals in the away game. Hongyuan and Tianhe beat Jianmang by one goal, and the top three continued to maintain sufficient advantages.

After the No. 14 round of the league, the entire league was a little excited, because Nanguo, which has been performing poorly this season, showed its demeanor as a strong team in this game. They used their tenacious defense to win the game. With one point, they drew Feifan [-]-[-] at home. In the other two games, Changfeng swept Yinshuang and Tianhe defeated Yuchen. Changfeng was only three points behind Feifan, and Tianhe was only one point behind Feifan!
Such a gap is almost within reach!
However, Zheng Qi didn't seem to care about it. He still wanted to spread hatred in the press conference after the game: "We were a little surprised by this game. Yes, because we originally thought that Nanguo would maintain their pre-season status." The slogan is to return to the offensive-oriented tactics, but they returned to the solid defensive state of last year's game... This is too surprising to me. Since I still think the defensive tactics are good, why is this? How about making a big move before the start of the season? It also allowed us to take advantage of the introduction of a top player like Liu Shibo, I can’t figure it out, I can’t figure it out.”

What he said didn't sound harsh, but in fact it was bitter and mean to the core. Fei almost had a real PK with him on the spot, and the fans in the Southern Kingdom were also very angry, but after the anger was over, they were a little at a loss. Ah, the change in the transfer period this season, the club said it was to better change tactics to win the championship, but while losing a solid defense, the offense has not made much progress, and this game still needs to rely on defense to stop Feifan, so before Why should I do this...

The management of Nanguo is a bit overwhelmed. The fans originally had opinions, but they didn't put them on the surface. As a result, Zheng Qi's words made the fans of Nanguo show their dissatisfaction. , how to bring the team?
"Son, what are you trying to do?" Zheng Zhonglei specifically called to ask Zheng Qi.

"It's nothing. Didn't they drive you away? As a son, I'll help you out, okay?" Zheng Qi replied with a smile.

Zheng Zhonglei was speechless at the moment, he knew that his son would not really fight for himself, but more for Liu Shibo, right?As a result, the blame has now been thrown on his own head. With such a son, the mood of being a really complicated.

"Look, I said my son never suffers." Ye Qingyu said proudly.

Zheng Zhonglei was speechless again, and he didn't want to say anything to Zheng Qi. He hung up the phone, and smiled wryly at the person beside him.

"I made you laugh, old Chen." Zheng Zhonglei said.

Sitting next to him is Chen Feng, the former legendary head coach of Nanguo. After resigning from the position of head coach of Nanguo, he has not contacted other teams. He just said that he wanted to rest and recharge his batteries, and then disappeared in front of the media and the public. No one thought that he would come to city B.

"It's nothing to laugh at...but I really didn't expect Zheng Qi to be your son." Chen Feng replied with a rare smile.

Compared with the cold and serious face in front of the media and players, Chen Feng, who was smiling sincerely at this moment, seemed so innocent.

"It's mainly because my son...he doesn't have a personality like me." Zheng Zhonglei took a peek at Ye Qingyu, then said.

"What do you mean? Did I spoil my son?" Ye Qingyu looked at him.

"No, but our son is more like you." Zheng Zhonglei replied immediately.

Ye Qingyu became happy: "A son is like a mother, so he will be promising."

Chen Feng smiled wryly in his heart. He was not familiar with Ye Qingyu. After all, Zheng Zhonglei met Ye Qingyu after Meng Feifei left the team. At that time, Zheng Zhonglei was hit hard and directly resigned from the position of executive director of Nanguo. Chen Feng Although he attended Zheng Zhonglei's wedding, he was not familiar with Ye Qingyu. After staying for a while, he realized that this former big star was not a delicate flower, but a rose with thorns.

"Boss, you chat with the lady boss first, and then I'll accompany the boss." Chen Feng stood up and said.

"Well, then please, Fan Fei doesn't want to see me all the time, and I don't want to see him often. Now that you are free, it's better to spend more time with him." Zheng Zhonglei nodded.

"It should be. I didn't know where the boss went before, and I didn't have time. Now I happen to be free." Chen Feng stood up and said with a smile.

"If you've had enough rest, would you like to help my son?" Zheng Zhonglei asked suddenly.

Chen Feng froze for a moment, then shook his head with a smile.

"Let's forget it. The current situation of Feifan is very good. Their head coach is also very cautious and good at tactical scheduling and command. I went, but they have to run in again. That's adding to the chaos." Chen Feng replied.

Zheng Zhonglei nodded silently. He agrees with this statement. After all, a team is not a mess. No matter what is thrown, it is an extra ingredient. If you want to perform better, you must have better ingredients. From a certain point of view, if Chen Feng joins now, it will really add to the chaos.

As Chen Feng walked, he remembered the past.

Back then, Nanguo was also so high-spirited, and even stronger, because it had two years of excellent results as a foundation, and countless good players were attracted by them. At that time, Nanguo was the strongest.

However, after a crucial defeat, they fell apart, leaving only themselves to support the overall situation.

Such a strong team, if they say no, they will be gone, and if they say no, they will be disbanded. Now that Chen Feng thinks back to that time, he feels a little sad.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng saw Meng Feifei again.

"Boss, now Fei Fei, I don't know if they can win the five championships. They are in a good situation now, but they will face more opponents." Chen Feng said while wiping Meng Fei Fei's hands.

Meng Feifei didn't answer, but looked at him loosely, but Chen Feng knew that he wasn't actually looking at him.

"We were in such a good situation back then... but we didn't know it at the time. We were tricked by someone, and we didn't know how to do it. Boss, you were too excited at the time. You have to follow my idea. Hold back, unite with our boss, and spend a year or two to train a group of good players from the young players, kick out all the old guys who are dragging their feet, and bring a pure team at your and my level. It's not too difficult for the team to win the five championships, but your temper..."

Chen Feng babbled, at this time he didn't look like an iron-blooded coach at all, in front of Meng Feifei, he would always be the person who followed Meng Feifei back then.

Meng Feifei still didn't respond, but Chen Feng didn't care, he had gotten used to it during this time, anyway, Meng Feifei was still alive, so that's good.

"As for the little guys like Fei Fei, if they are mentally prepared, they may be in a better situation than us at that time, but they are definitely not as strong as us at that time. Although they have many good players, no one can compare to you." Chen Feng Changed to a basin of clean water and began to help Meng Feifei wash his face.

Meng Feifei blinked his eyes, but still didn't speak.

At this moment, Zheng Qi, who also put down the phone, waved his fist and shouted at his players.

"Okay, another tie, what are we going to do next?"

"Win the rest of the game!" The extraordinary players shouted, shaking their fists.

In [-] games, they won [-] games and only drew [-] games. In fact, it is already a very strong result. However, they are only [-] point ahead of Tianhe and [-] points ahead of Changfeng. This situation can only explain one thing, That is, this year's league championship competition will be unprecedentedly fierce, and apart from the top three, the gap between the other teams and them has begun to widen...

This kind of situation will definitely not last for too long. The so-called prosperity must decline, Fanfan will gradually start to lose many good players, and Changfeng and Tianhe's outstanding performance this year is because Lu Xiaotian and Li Chengze have played their last afterglow. It's not small, the state will gradually decline, and by that time, the league will usher in a brand new reincarnation.

However, in this season, these three unprecedentedly strong teams will turn this season into an extremely classic season.

The battle between the three powerhouses depends not only on the battles between each other, but also the battles with other teams. It is still unknown who will have the last laugh.

And such a league obviously has an extremely strong attraction, making countless viewers want to see the final result of this season.

Is it unprecedented splendor?Or a possible regret?Everything is possible.

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