football era

Chapter 633 tit for tat

"It's really a hidden knife in a smile, this group of people, you can't be reconciled!"

Zheng Qi, who returned to the bench, looked up to the sky and sighed.

He was sent off the court as soon as he entered the court, which made Zheng Qi feel very humiliated.

However, Fei Fan and the head coach Xu Shan didn't bother to understand his mood, but looked nervously at the field and observed the current situation on the field.

Zheng Qi isn't here, Bin Shiqiang isn't here, but Feifan doesn't lack core-level players. Now that he's defending, it's Liu Shibo's turn to command, and even Shen Ruofei has to follow his orders.

Liu Shibo quickly set up a defensive line, focusing on the side where Shenhua's three main players were. However, at this moment, the stands were already full of cheers.

The thunderous cheers were, of course, the fans of Shenhua.

When the sound and light of the skills appeared on the side where the three god-level players of Shenhua were, the attention of the extraordinary line of defense was on this side, and at this moment, from the other side, the three god-level players of Shenhua, Let's kill together!
"I've been fooled!" A thought flashed through Liu Shibo's mind. Obviously, after killing Zheng Qi, Ye Mo and the other three quickly moved from the left side to the other side—they moved at a very fast speed. It may be so fast, most of which can be achieved by using the skill of teleportation. With the help of their own way of thinking, when their attention is all on the left side, they killed them from the right side.

"We should continue to send people to observe." Zheng Qi, who was off the field, patted his forehead and said suddenly.

Xu Shan nodded. At that time, Zheng Qi entangled the opponent by himself. There was nothing wrong with his approach, but he let the others retreat quickly instead of leaving some observers to observe, which made the judgment of the entire defense appear huge. deviation.

Feifan on the right has only three players, and they are all substitutes. Naturally, they can't resist the attack of the three wolf-like god-level players and three or four Shenhua players. Although they are all struggling to resist, the football era In a match, an advantage of more than double the number of people can almost form an instant kill.

By the time Liu Shibo directed the rest of the players to block it, it was already too late.

Fang Xi took the lead, Fang Yuan and Ye Mo teamed up and broke through the extraordinary defense line in an instant. Fang Yuan seized the gap in the extraordinary defense line and scored the first goal for Shenhua with a beautiful volley!
"Did you see it! This is the strength of our Shenhua!"

Fans of Shenhua shouted loudly and demonstrated against Fanfan fans.

In terms of number, extraordinary fans are not much different, but in terms of organization, they are far behind. After all, many fans are just gathered together, and there is no organization. For a while, their shouts were completely suppressed by Shenhua up.

The enthusiasm of the fans can affect the performance of the players-this point began to be shown in the following games.

He was scored by the opponent at the beginning of the game, and Fei Fan immediately launched a counterattack-in such a formation, hiding one's tactical purpose is the first thing to be done, Xu Shan began to constantly command in the team channel, and in his Under the instructions one by one, the extraordinary players launched an attack in an orderly manner.

The village in the middle of the stadium doesn't look that big, but the ruins everywhere can just block the sight of both sides. You can go around from the center, but you can't pass directly from the center to the opponent's half. In the end, there are only two ways to move forward. , that is, the left and right roads.

Under such circumstances, although the two sides will eventually meet on one side of the two sides, there are more skills in it.

Xu Shan commanded Feifan to divide into two sides. This time he put most of his troops on the right side, Zheng Qi and Shen Ruofei were there, while the other side was mainly defensive, with Liu Shibo as the main force. If the main force of the opponent is reached, then immediately stalk the opponent to death, while the other side breaks through with all its strength, and scores first before the opponent returns to defense.

This is also a very orthodox tactical recommendation. Xu Shan does not want to play any conspiracy, and he is not good at it. What he is good at is the detailed tactical arrangement in frontal confrontation, so an upright attack is most suitable for his command.

Fan Fei began to advance on the field, but it was obvious that they were not very lucky. Shenhua boldly adopted the method of arranging most of the main force on one side and only two players on the other side. Zheng Qi and Shen Ruofei led Seeing Li Guorui, Huang Yuanfan and Su Jing bumped into them.

"It's shameless to fight more with less!" Zheng Qi yelled in the public channel while struggling with Fang Yuan.

Tens of millions of viewers are speechless at the same time-is this also shameless?It's shameless to say such words outright, right?

It's just that Zheng Qi's yelling like this will not be judged as a violation by the system. He just yelling like this is just trying to shake the opponent's morale.

But Fang Yuan, an old Jianghu, will naturally not be affected by his shouting. He still entangles Zheng Qi, while Ye Mo struggles to entangle Shen Ruofei. After the two top players, Fei Fei, are entangled, Fang Xi led the remaining Shenhua players to attack Li Guorui and Huang Yuanfan.

Although the two of them are not bad, they can't stand against opponents who have superior numbers, including Fang Xi, a god-level player. Zheng Qi screamed strangely while telling Su Jing to quickly Some retreat, after all, Su Jing has the ball at her feet.

Su Jing nodded, and quickly began to retreat. At this moment, Fang Xi and Fang Yuan crossed each other. Fang Xi intercepted Zheng Qi, and Fang Yuan disappeared from Zheng Qi's sight.


Zheng Qi only had time to yell, but before Su Jing, who had just left the battlefield, could react, there was a ripple around her, and Fang Yuan made a move.

Fang Yuan, the alliance's killer king who claims to be on a par with the hidden killer Sun Fei, is also a god-level player who can always create murderous intentions under absolutely impossible circumstances!

No matter how careful Su Jing was, she never thought that Fang Yuan, who was still entangled with Zheng Qi just now, would appear by her side so soon.

This is obviously not something he can achieve by relying on speed. He must have used several acceleration skills in a row, and then combined with Jing Ke's concealment skills, to suddenly appear beside Su Jing.

However, even if Su Jing figured this out, it wouldn't be of much use. She was not good at fighting, and a pure support player was taken advantage of by a player with amazing lethality. The consequences were almost obvious.

Su Jing, who hit the vital point, bottomed out in no time, Fang Yuan made up again without stopping, and Su Jing left the field in a flash.

After grabbing the football, Fang Yuan began to advance rapidly. Zheng Qi and others wanted to retreat, but they were entangled by Shenhua's players.

Fang Yuan, who went straight in, came to Fei Fei's gate before everyone returned to the defense. Bai Sen, who was guarding the gate, was as lonely as a fallen leaf in the autumn wind, and was defeated by Fang Yuan without any resistance.

"Two to zero! Shenhua's momentum is astonishing! They scored consecutive goals, and now they are two goals ahead of Feifan!"

"For Fei Fei, who had won four consecutive victories before, they have never been beaten like this. If they beat Tian He into a daze as soon as they came up in the last round, then in this round, it was Shenhua who beat them up. I was stunned..."

The commentators commented one after another. Of course, there are many commentators in this focus match. Fan Fei's outstanding performance before and the extremely valuable consecutive victories made many people more optimistic about Fei Fei, but Shenhua's performance surprised countless people!
Fans of Shenhua were very happy, but fans of Feifan were a little surprised. They actually had some psychological advantages against Shenhua. After all, Feifan had double-killed Shenhua in the league last year. The reason will lose to Shenhua...

But the current situation of falling behind by two goals reminded them that Shenhua is indeed very good now, and he is actually two goals ahead of Fanfan.

If there is no major change, Fei Fei's game will be very dangerous.

Although losing one or two games at the beginning of the season has little effect, but Zheng Qi has been pulling hatred continuously before. If he loses, the entire team will definitely be severely hit.

"Okay, guys, now we are driven to a dead end, let's break out, gentlemen, we are two goals behind because of some luck, so don't panic, take it step by step, slowly turn the situation around, and that's it." Zheng Qi said in the team channel.

Extraordinary players nodded one after another. They are already two goals behind, so don't panic. There is still a long time for this game.

"Concentrate on it next, their mentality may change a bit, if we seize the opportunity, we will completely defeat them and justify our name for Shenhua!" Ye Mo said in Shenhua's team channel.

The Shenhua players responded in unison with momentum like a rainbow.

If you have an advantage, then of course you have to expand your advantage. For the whole game, two goals are nothing, and Shenhua is not a team with particularly good defensive ability. Ye Mo will not make such a mistake, and will not think that two goals Take the lead to win the game.

Although Fei Fan seemed to play smoothly in the first three rounds, winning only one goal in each game, in the next two games, they both scored a lot of goals and conceded a lot of goals - this is in line with their personnel composition. That is, there are more good offensive players than defensive players. Although there is one more Liu Shibo, it is not so easy for Liu Shibo to quickly organize a defensive line, and his extraordinary tactics are also more offensive, and the loopholes in the defensive line will naturally appear. Much bigger.

To deal with such a team, of course, you can't just be satisfied with a two-goal lead. Instead, you have to use the opponent's aggressive attack to better expand your lead so that you can firmly hold the advantage in your hands.

Feifan will definitely counterattack, and such a counterattack is also an opportunity for Shenhua. As long as Shenhua can launch a tit-for-tat attack, then even if Feifan shows an excellent offensive state, the flaws in their defense will also be caught by Shenhua .

It is what Shenhua should do now, and it is the only way for Shenhua to keep its lead, not to be content with the lead it has already gained and continue to expand.

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