football era

Chapter 630

There is no doubt that Li Chengze is an extremely admirable opponent.

Whether it is Lu Xiaotian or the extraordinary players, they all know this clearly.

Without a tenacious fighting spirit, it is impossible for Li Chengze to get to where he is today. Although in the era of football, his physical defects will be completely made up for, but as a person with bad legs, he can persist to get to where he is today. One step, without extraordinary perseverance, it is absolutely impossible to do it.

Such a person may not look so domineering, but they are as tenacious and tenacious as weeds, and no blow will wear away their fighting spirit.

This point is also well reflected in this game.

In the first half of the game, Fanfan's advantage was not small. They gradually pressed, and the whole team played extremely well, suppressing Tianhe to a large extent.

However, Tianhe led by Li Chengze stubbornly supported it. When the whistle sounded at the end of the first half, the score was [-]-[-].

Whenever Fei Fei takes the lead, Tianhe will be extremely tenacious to bring the score back. Although they have never taken the lead, their tough style of "you score one and I will chase the other immediately" threatens Fei Fei players at any time , so that they dare not have any slack.

Under such oppression, the leading party is actually under a lot of pressure. If they perform poorly, it is easy to form a chain reaction and export all the advantages accumulated before.

In the situation where he couldn't get a bigger advantage tactically, Li Chengze showed another side of him. With his tenacious fighting spirit and competition, Fei Fei was always chased by them, waiting for Fei Fei's mistakes.

If the strength is greater than the opponent, use strength to oppress the opponent and make the opponent make a mistake; if the strength is smaller than the opponent, follow the opponent closely and wait for the opponent to make a mistake.

Li Chengze demonstrated this tactical thinking to the fullest, and under such circumstances, can they persist for a long time?
This point, no one knows yet.

"Li Chengze's performance was tenacious enough, but I am very proud of your performance, because you played flawlessly throughout the first half, if we can maintain this performance, we will have the hope of hitting the five championships! "

After returning to the locker room, Xu Shan was not stingy at all with his praise, praising the players lavishly. He was really happy, because this was the first time he saw the whole team perform so perfectly in the game.

"It's just that it's perfect... There's no room for mistakes." Bin Shiqiang sighed.

"Facing opponents like Li Chengze and Tianhe, there is no tolerance for mistakes." Xu Shan nodded: "Li Chengze is following us closely now, just waiting for our mistakes... This is the time to compete for will and perseverance , don’t be discouraged at any time, understand?”

The extraordinary players nodded their heads one after another. In the first half of the game, they already knew how tenacious Tian He was. In last year's game, Tian He also caused them a lot of trouble. Facing such an opponent, they must I think I am too happy to live, otherwise no one would dare to take it lightly.

"In the second half of the game, we will continue to play every step... When Bin Shiqiang is on the court, we will play around him. When defending, we will listen to Liu Shibo's command. Zheng Qi and Shen Ruofei, when you are on the court, we must play fast. When Bin Shiqiang is on the court, we will play a little slower... I know this kind of adjustment is very exhausting, but we must stick to it, and when we get used to this kind of switching, no one will be able to stop us."

After Xu Shan finished speaking, he waved his hand: "Go, go and win this game!"

Extraordinary players responded one after another. They now have extremely strong fighting spirit and want to advance towards the five crowns—besides, even if they can't win the five crowns, it is impossible to win at least two or three important championships this year. The problem is, even if you want to live a more relaxed life, it will be much better if you leave with the coat of a champion.

Many extraordinary players have such thoughts. Zheng Qi is not clear about this, but he doesn't care at all.

There is no team that can stay strong forever. The rules of the league determine that no matter how strong a team is, it can only gather a group of top players in a short period of time to attack for honor. After that, no matter whether they attack or not, they will get the top honor. , will quickly lose a large number of good players, and then build a team. After all, good players cannot stay together for too long, and there is always a distinction between primary and secondary.

Just like the current Extraordinary composition, although they have given the four cores enough status and playing time through rotation, it is still temporary after all-Bin Shiqiang is about to retire, he doesn't care about status, Shen Ruofei and Liu Shibo both He has just arrived, and has other motivations, so he won't be too concerned about Zheng Qi's core position, but by next year, Shen Ruofei and Liu Shibo may not be able to accept their current status, let alone Fei Fan still has a large number of them. And status, you can become a powerful faction of god-level players.

If it weren't for the very good personal relationship between Su Jing and the others and Zheng Qi, they would not have been able to keep these people this year.

But no matter how good a personal relationship is, it doesn't mean that other people must be willing to be green leaves for Zheng Qi's sake.

This is not a question of character, but a question of self-pursuit of a dignified player.

So when Xie Yongfei left Tianlong to go to Hongyuan, although there were some controversies, the controversies were not big, because this was a normal choice to pursue self-worth, which could be recognized by more people.

This point has not made much difference throughout the ages.

This kind of thing can't be expected to last forever, once had... that's enough.

Extraordinary players appeared on the field with high morale, Li Chengze frowned slightly, and lost his smile on his face.

Obviously, although Tianhe entangled Feifan tightly in the first half, the morale of Feifan was not affected too much. They played this game as a key game and never felt that they should be able to Easily win this game.

Fan Fei's attitude is actually what Li Chengze is most worried about.

"This game is a bit troublesome."

Li Chengze silently thought in his heart, he led the team to cling to Fan Fei in the first half, and the overdraft was actually huge. With the overall strength slightly inferior, Tianhe's players paid a higher price to get Being able to barely keep up with the extraordinary, if the extraordinary is not affected too much now, then in the second half, it is Tianhe who is more likely to make mistakes.

Of course, Li Chengze also understands that although probability is very important, it is not generalized. The outstanding performance of the two players in the game is the factor that really affects the final result of the game. Although the current situation is very unfavorable to Tianhe, Tianhe can still Look for that one-shot chance.

Although the probability is not high, there is no winning strategy in the first place. Do your best and wait for a little bit of luck. This is what every team must do.

Otherwise, there is no hope of such luck at all.

"Tianhe is at the end of its strength. They consumed too much in the first half. The current situation is really not very favorable for them."

After watching the second half of the game for more than ten minutes, Yuan Fei couldn't help sighing.

"Is this because there is a problem with Li Chengze's tactical thinking?" The commentator next to him asked.

"No, there is nothing wrong with Li Chengze's tactical thinking. If Tianhe hadn't bit Feifan to death in the first half, Tianhe might have fallen behind to catch up now... It's just that Feifan didn't give Tianhe any chance. The speed at which the team grows is astonishing, this kind of game with almost no mistakes, Fei Fan has only played one game before, and that was the China Cup final more than a year ago, when Fan Fei defeated Changfeng." Yuan Fei shook Shake your head.

"Is it a coincidence? If they can maintain this kind of performance at a normal level, then what other team can beat them?"

The commentator beside him was also a knowledgeable person, so he immediately asked a question in surprise.

"It should be accidental, otherwise, there will be no suspense in all the next games. However, even if they can only perform like this occasionally, in key games, it is enough. Zheng Qi was not complacent before, It’s about knowing that our team does have such outstanding strength.” Yuan Fei laughed.

"But it's still a bit irrational. If they can keep a low profile, some games should be won more easily. Why are they so much hating now." The partner also laughed.

"Young people, it's okay to be a little bit public." Yuan Fei was very tolerant of this.

While they were chatting, Extraordinary on the field took the lead again.

This time it was Zheng Qi who scored the goal again. After Shen Ruofei took the lead and opened a gap in Tianhe's solid defense, Zheng Qi followed up in time and instantly widened the gap again. When Li Chengze led the team to counterattack, Zhang Shu and Niu Lihua's long-range skills accurately covered the opponent's defense line, and Su Jing passed the ball in time. The ball hit Tianhe's gate hard!
"Five to three! Extraordinary finally expanded its lead at the 30th minute of the second half! Now their advantage is already very large, and Tianhe is in danger next time!" The commentator shouted loudly.

The extraordinary fans in the stands began to shout wildly, they were extremely eager to see the moment of victory, which meant that extraordinary defeated a competitor, and took the upper hand in the competition for the whole season!
Although their opponents after the start of the league are relatively strong, as long as they can achieve good results during this period, their next game will become easier!

Things in this world are like this, if you are strong enough, even unfavorable factors can be turned into favorable factors!
To put it simply, it is misfortune and blessings that rely on blessings and misfortunes that subdue.

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