football era

Chapter 609

For Liu Shibo, he was also having a bad time during this time.

Last season, for Nanguo, it should actually be very good - they have been a strong contender for the championship for a long time, although the final ranking actually slipped to fourth place, one place behind the third place in previous years However, from the point of view of the point gap, the fourth place who has been fighting in the championship series has a much higher gold content than the third place who has been hanging behind and eating ashes without seeing the hope of hitting the championship...

However, many Nanguo fans are still a little dissatisfied. After all, it was still a step short in the end. They couldn't win one or two key games, which made them a little unacceptable.

It would be fine if some of the Nanguo's fans were dissatisfied, but now there were some problems within the Nanguo.

The key lies in the tactics of the southern country.

Nanguo used to play offensive tactics, but last year they switched to defensive tactics. Although the effect was good, the role and importance of the main attackers represented by Sun Fei on the field were greatly reduced. Under the temptation of the champion, Sun Fei The others did not make trouble during the season, but chose to obey the overall situation and the interests of the whole team - if they can win the championship, then of course everything will be safe, but in the end they did not win the championship, Fei and others were dissatisfied, It will naturally explode.

You must know that Sun Fei, a god-level player, gets quite a lot of income from the merchants, not everyone is like Lu Xiaotian, even if he is not the focus on the court, he still has huge commercial value.

For example, in Sun Fei’s sponsorship income, there are many conditions that need to have a wonderful performance on the field and certain requirements in terms of statistics. In the past, Nanguo played offensive tactics. With Sun Fei’s level and strength, it is naturally easy to meet these requirements. However, when Nanguo adopts defensive tactics, Sun Fei's space and importance on the court are discounted. It doesn't matter in the short term, but in the long run, his commercial value will naturally drop a lot.

Fei is now at his peak as a player. To put it bluntly, it is the time when he can achieve the most results and make the most money. Under such circumstances, his status suddenly becomes weakened due to tactical reasons. Of course, Fei will not be happy.

If he can win the championship, he can still rely on the overall bonus of the championship to make up for it, but if he can't win it now, he still has to lose... Fei is not a saint.

So after the season ended, Fei Sun submitted a fierce statement to the club's management, expressing his attitude.

He doesn't want the team to play defensive tactics, at least, he doesn't want his status and importance in the team to be reduced.

If it will still be reduced, he will choose to leave and join other teams. Anyway, with his level, even if he goes to Tianhe or Changfeng, he will have a place.

This is of course an angry remark or a threat to the club. Players of his level are generally unwilling to transfer. If they go to a new club, they may not be able to have the same status and exposure, and it is easy to lose their own popularity. After all, no matter how many fans he has, there are still many fans of the Southland Club. If he leaves, it will be a lose-lose thing for the Southland Club and himself.

It's just that Sun Fei made such a gesture, and of course the senior management of the Southland Club needs to think about it.

Sun Fei's request, of course, runs counter to Chen Feng's tactical thinking. In theory, even if Sun Fei is the number one star of the team, compared with Chen Feng, an iconic coach who has coached in southern China for more than ten years, there is still a lot of difference. big gap.

Just like the famous Manchester United coach Ferguson in the last century, his symbolic meaning or status in the club has long exceeded the authority that a head coach can have. It will be the player, not the coach. Whether it is the number one popular king Beckham or the veteran captain Roy Keane, after his personal authority is affected and irreconcilable, it will be the player who leaves, not the head coach.

However, the situation in the southern country is somewhat special.

This pot... If you really want to talk about it, Zheng Zhonglei has to recite it.

After Meng Feifei left the circle of the professional league, although Zheng Zhonglei persisted for several years, and with the help of Chen Feng, Nanguo stabilized in the ranks of the strong team and often won the championship, but his heart was a little dull, so in the After getting acquainted with Ye Qingyu and getting married, Zheng Zhonglei, who was a little tired of running the club, gave up his shares in Nanguo and cashed out directly. Although he had mastered the power of Nanguo before, in fact, the number of his shares was not overwhelming. Advantages, there are at least five or six major shareholders with similar shares to him, but he has a high wrist, strong ability to control the club, and good grades, no one can shake his position.

And when he let go, the shareholders who took over his shares did not have his prestige, nor did he have his wrists-what would happen when there was no powerful boss in a chaotic world?Of course the world is in chaos...

Six or seven shareholders with similar shares began to fight among themselves. In addition, Chen Feng was a firm direct descendant of Zheng Zhonglei, and he was not wooed by others, so Chen Feng was also driven away after a short while, and Nanguo fell into chaos. , The performance of the first team will naturally be greatly affected.

The next ten years will be an unbearable decade for fans of Nanguo. In fact, Nanguo's economy and attractiveness have always been top-notch, but internal friction has seriously dragged down its combat effectiveness. Nanguo has not won any awards for ten consecutive years. A champion, even if they can rank among the best in the league every year, it is even more embarrassing-how many championships will they have to win if they are not fighting among themselves and can still stay in the top four and top five every year?
It was not until ten years later that the high-level executives in the internal fighting could do nothing to each other, and at the same time they knew that no one would get any good if the fighting continued, so a certain degree of compromise and tacit understanding was formed. Chen Feng, who performed well, invited him back and gave him enough power to lead the team. This allowed Nanguo to gradually recover. In the past ten years, Chen Feng led the team to win three league championships and four cup championships. There are also two East Asian champions and two world champions, which stabilized the Southland Club and completely established the position of the top team.

However, after all, it was only a compromise and a tacit understanding before, rather than a real stabilization.

Nanguo has been suppressed by other clubs for six consecutive years. Without winning the championship, Chen Feng's authority in the club has also begun to waver. After all, he won three league championships in the first eight years, and all the championships added up to double digits. There was no champion in the next six years, enough to make the management forget the importance of Chen Feng at that time.

What's more, there are so many forces in the management, there are many who support Sun Fei, and there are also many who support Wu Xun. Chen Feng's situation naturally becomes more difficult.

Under such circumstances, how could Liu Shibo, who is Chen Feng's standard direct descendant, stay out of the matter?

What's more, in the season that just ended, under Chen Feng's defensive tactics, Liu Shibo's status stood out the most. As the core of defense, he was more important than Xing Liqun, and even faintly affected Sun Fei's status. How could he not be targeted?
The saying that "Chen Feng switched to defensive tactics just to cultivate his own direct descendants" has also started to spread, but that alone is fine, which coach doesn't need to cultivate several direct descendants, is this a matter?However, after the rumors spread that "the defensive tactics had a problem at the critical moment, that is, Liu Shibo was not good enough and Chen Feng wanted to push him hard", Chen Feng and Liu Shibo knew that this was aimed at them.

For the management of Nanguo, they don't care about reshuffle for a few more years. After all, the background of Nanguo lies here. The foundation built by Zheng Zhonglei back then was too good. , just toss and toss again, toss out a boss, and then it will be cleaner...

All of a sudden, Nanguo started internal fighting again, and it easily affected the first team. Some used Sun Fei as the spokesperson, some used Wu Xun as the spokesperson, some used the newly joined Xing Liqun as the spokesperson, and some used the newly joined Xing Liqun as the spokesperson. Other Veteran Spokespersons for...

After coming and going, Chen Feng and Liu Shibo became the most isolated and helpless people.

Chen Feng's temper was not very good in the first place.

Although he was relatively tolerant, he who respected Meng Feifei very much was also influenced by Meng Feifei's staunch temper.

When he returned to Nanguo back then, it was because the management of Nanguo promised to give him enough power space, but now more than ten years have passed, and the management at that time no longer wants to accept the promise, so why does he still keep it?

So, in a fit of anger, Chen Feng submitted his resignation letter to the board of directors. The board of directors pretended to retain him twice before agreeing to his resignation, and began to prepare to re-select a coach to lead the team.

"The water in the southern country has already started to get deep. You are still young, so you have to think about where to go." Chen Feng said to Liu Shibo when he left.

"Can I still follow you, coach?" Liu Shibo asked Chen Feng.

He is a youth trainer from the southern country, but he was brought out by Chen Feng, and he will never forget this.

He won't take the initiative to leave Nanguo, but if Nanguo doesn't want him anymore, why would he stay there with such a shameless face?

Liu Shibo is very kind, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have arrogance.

"I'm a little tired and want to rest for a while, so you try to choose a club that is more beneficial to you. With your strength and your current name, there is no problem in becoming a core member of a top-six club." Chen Fengyao He shook his head: "After all, in the professional league, you will encounter a lot of problems, as long as you have no regrets."

Liu Shibo nodded, and watched as Chen Feng turned off the holographic call projection and disappeared in front of him.

He knew that this was the last lesson Chen Feng taught himself.

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