football era

Chapter 601 To break the rules

"...I actually don't want to believe Uncle Meng."

Zheng Qi said to Su Jing.

Su Jing patted Zheng Qi's shoulder speechlessly, she also felt cold in her palms and her body at the moment.

At this time, there are countless fans of Changfeng all over the country, and their hearts have become cold, but they are not as cold as Su Jing and Zheng Qi's at the moment.

This is a semi-final. Changfeng is facing a club from Germany. Although this team is also very strong, it was squeezed to No.2 in another group, so it is not a particularly strong team.

With Chang Feng's performance, it shouldn't be a big problem to win the game, and in this game, they did perform better, suppressing the opponent, attacking more times and creating more opportunities than the opponent, but In seizing the opportunity...

This season, Changfeng used the most mature tactics with Lu Xiaotian and Shen Ruofei as the core, two outstanding attackers, the first to collide, open the gap, and then the others take advantage of the situation to expand the advantage - such a style of play cannot always be It worked, but just one or two successes in the game was enough for them to score.

In the stalemate in this game, of course Changfeng adopted such a tactic - Nan Guo's defensive tactic was cracked by Fan Fei in this year's league, but their offensive tactic had never been cracked.

This time seems to be no exception.

After stalemate with the opponent for most of the time, Changfeng finally found an opportunity. Shen Ruofei took the lead in attacking. Although he did not take away any opponent in this attack, he had already created the opportunity he needed to create. Lu Xiaotian The first time to catch up, take advantage of the situation and cut in, the operation level of the No.1 in the alliance exploded, and took away one person in an instant, and then took away another person, and then left the field due to the exhaustion of the opponent's energy.

Although the two top attackers left the field one after another, Changfeng has already taken the tactical initiative. The others can directly take the initiative as long as they follow the gap that Shen Ruofei and Lu Xiaotian rushed in!

This was a tried and tested tactic before Changfeng.

However, this time, there was a mistake.

The two players followed up a little slower when they cut in, and were quickly cut off by the opponent, and in turn formed a siege. After the opponent's left players returned to the field, the defensive side took a local advantage. A wave of counterattacks killed most of Changfeng's players, and then chased them all the way!

When the opponent's army came under pressure, only Lu Xiaotian and Shen Ruofei, who had just returned to the field, were left in front of the Changfengmen. Although the two of them also showed their extremely powerful operation level under such circumstances, they took away all of them. Four people on the other side, but still can not avoid the dilemma of their own gate being breached.

After an attack that was bound to be won was scored by the opponent, although Changfeng summoned up his courage to launch a counterattack again, the opponent defended extremely tightly. As time passed by, Changfeng always failed to catch the ball. Bring it back.

Lu Xiaotian and Shen Ruofei didn't dare to launch an attack easily. Just now, their teammates didn't follow up in time, which made them also have some doubts.

However, as the time of the game is coming to the end, they can only choose to take risks. This time it seems to be successful. After Lu Xiaotian and Shen Ruofei opened the gap, other players who followed up also did well. Unfortunately, at the end During a wave of offense, it always seems to be a breath of fire. After some teammates returned to the field, the opponent stabilized their defense and withstood the last wave of Changfeng's attack!
When the whistle sounded at the end of the game, Changfeng stopped in the top four and failed to enter the final of the World Cup!
For the first time in six years, the Chinese team failed to win the World Cup, and did not even enter the finals!

This result made all Changfeng fans a little dumbfounded.

They are sad, in pain, in regret.

The Changfeng players on the field were also stunned. They couldn't believe that they were so close to the miracle that they would stop here!

Lu Xiaotian stood in the arena with a straight face, shaking hands with his opponent.

He is the captain, and he needs to show his demeanor and style.

Shen Ruofei didn't have such a good temper. He looked at certain teammates with fierce eyes, wishing he could eat them up.

"one two three four……"

Zheng Qi, who was in the box in the stands, counted them one by one: "A total of four people made mistakes, but there is really no evidence. They were all very small mistakes. I can't say that they were intentional. If it wasn't for Uncle Meng's reminder, I can only think of it as an ordinary performance error... No one does not make mistakes, but making mistakes at such a critical moment... Hehe, how can there be so many coincidences in the world."

"Yeah, there are some things that you just don't think about..." Su Jing also muttered.

"They cover it up very well. They are all very small mistakes. Basically, no one can see them, unless they have intentions a long time ago, and they seem to be very skilled."

"Chen Feng and Meng Feifan from the Southern Kingdom also lost under such circumstances. Meng Feifei even quit the professional arena because of this. There was such a big disturbance at the time, and there was no evidence. Even if we saw something, there was no evidence." Su Jing sighed.

"Sister Su, have you checked the betting?" Zheng Qi asked.

"I checked, the money bet on this game is quite a lot, especially on Chang Feng, it is enough to buy ten of our clubs." Su Jing laughed.

Zheng Qi was also taken aback—the current valuation of the Fanfare club alone is 1000 billion. After all, the valuation of the club is mainly based on box office revenue. Feifan now has about 20 million fans in each game. The box office revenue in each season of the game will not be less than 100 billion, which is already very close to those top clubs. The valuation of 200 billion is because they are indeed newly established, and their reputation and fan base are not stable enough. , if it is like Changfeng, the valuation will not be lower than 1000 billion, plus the brand effect and other factors, if you really want to buy a Changfeng, you may not be able to get [-] billion.

In other words, in this game, if the global pressure wins, it will not be less than 1000 billion standard currency.

It's just that the price seems to be quite a lot, but it's actually not much per person when spread out evenly. After all, Changfeng is the most popular team, and their odds of winning the championship, including the odds of winning this game, are the lowest. Under such circumstances, the average player would not go bankrupt even if they want to suppress Changfeng. Although the big hit is not guaranteed to die, but the big hit can't make a lot of money. Everyone knows this truth.

"Even if everyone's loss is not big, the guys behind the scenes can earn enough." Zheng Qi sneered.

"Yeah, on the surface, the gaming companies are not allowed to extend their hands into the alliance, but in fact, there will be countless connections behind it... It shouldn't be a while for these guys to do this kind of thing, forming a huge Such effects and capabilities can only be achieved through a complete industrial chain, scale, and industrialization." Su Jing said after thinking about it.

"If it weren't for the huge industrialization and profit chain, it would be impossible to buy so many players. Although a team's players don't need to buy too many players, for example, they only buy a few from those strong teams, and they don't need to do what they usually do. , It’s enough to show off at critical moments...there should be quite a few people who can be bribed.” Zheng Qi said.

"They even train some young players to enter the league." Su Jing said.

"This should definitely be there, but I don't think there should be any god-level players." Zheng Qi nodded, and then said.

"Why? According to this model, god-level players may also be bought." Su Jing said in surprise.

"It's enough for god-level players to earn clean money by themselves. There is no need to earn this. Moreover, they have too many fans, too much attention and exposure, so it is not worthwhile to do it. Even if some of them are cultivated by them, it will not be effective. Yes." Zheng Qi said.

Su Jing nodded: "What are we going to do now?"

"Us? We can't do anything now." Zheng Qi shrugged his shoulders: "Everything is our speculation, and there is no evidence."

"Then forget it?" Su Jing asked Zheng Qi in surprise. Based on her familiarity with Zheng Qi, she could almost guess that Zheng Qi would not just forget it like this...

"Of course I won't let it go like this. Next year, next year I will win the five crowns!" Zheng Qi stood up, looked at the gray sky outside the window, and said loudly.

"What?" Su Jing thought she didn't hear clearly.

"Five crowns! I'm going to win the five crowns, next year! It doesn't matter if I wait one more day, just under their rules, I will break their rules! It's not a big deal to tell them the five crowns , They can all get what they want! They have been able to achieve what they want for almost 100 years, but now, it is impossible, because I, Zheng Qi, have decided to win the five crowns!" Zheng Qi opened his eyes arm, roared like a lunatic.

"Uh, Zheng Qi, I believe in your strength, but the five crowns... To be honest, it's all about luck, even if we are very pure inside, what if we don't get it next year?" Su Jing Ask carefully.

"Then I will quit. Because in such a dirty environment, I can only endure for one year. If I can't win the five championships, I will quit, and then I will play classical football. Classical least it is clean." Zheng Qi Said with a grin.

Su Jing nodded silently, this really fits her opinion of Zheng Qi, he is such a person.

Because he is dissatisfied with this environment, he wants to break this environment. What if he can't break it?Then leave without feeling any extra pressure or nostalgia for it.

Zheng Qi's actions are not extreme, but anyone who is familiar with him will know that he will be very happy when doing things.

Not only to be happy with yourself, but also to make others happy.

"Okay, then I will try my best to help you win the five-time champion next year!" Su Jing laughed: "But if we really want to talk about the five-time champion, we have a good chance. Our team was built from scratch , no matter what, our inside... I believe it should be the purest."

Zheng Qi smiled slightly.

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