football era

Chapter 59

The current Zheng Qi naturally doesn't know what is sinister in the world.

Not only him, but even the other teammates of their team had no idea what the street rusher alliance would do in the new area.

Chaotic Crazy Knife is a rookie, Go with the Breeze and Su Jing Luli are veterans, but with their previous level, they are completely out of touch with the level of the Street Fighter Alliance - even if the other party goes to the street again, they are still professional players , it's just that because of the problem of the role, he couldn't gain a foothold in the professional competition, so he worked hard in the new area year after year, hoping to get a better role.

So they actually don't have any conflicts with ordinary players. Only the same professional players will really conflict.

Those talented rookies are actually a headache for the Street Flayer Alliance, and these guys are not bad. The most important thing is that compared with the rookies, they have extremely rich experience.

Street fighters need powerful characters, how to create powerful characters?They have to grab the dungeon record. They often don’t work hard in the novice zone, because they can’t break the record in the whole zone. As for the dungeon record, it is difficult for them to find suitable teammates. After all, they are not from the same club. From the same club, they are also competitors with each other, and they cannot trust each other.

Only after leaving the novice area, in the personal dungeon, is they a good opportunity to snatch the record.

They have played these dungeons countless times, and they know how to get enough extra attribute points as quickly as possible.

There are five extra attribute points that can be snatched from one personal copy, and from level 22 to level one hundred, there are a full forty personal copies, adding up to two hundred attribute points!

If you can grab some of them, plus other possible bonus attribute points, to reach [-] attribute points, then there is no problem. With [-] points, you are qualified to become a professional player-the goal of their efforts, naturally This is it.

There is distrust among the street rushers alliance because they are competitors, but they have the same attitude towards those talented rookies who have shown their talents early.

If you can suppress it, suppress it, at least, after you grab the attribute points, let them threaten you!

In District 108, the most dazzling rookies are none other than Ren Pingsheng, One Wants to Fly, and Unmoved Rushan.

"Strange, why is it that someone came to trouble us again out of nowhere."

Sui Qingfeng said depressedly, in the process of clearing the jungle today, people kept coming to trouble them, although the opponents came one by one, but they all had good strength, at least Sui Qingfeng could tell , the other party's proficiency in operation is much better than him. In a big union, such a person is at least a thug at the double-bonus red stick level. How can so many people come to trouble them in turn? Woolen cloth?

Although relying on the advantage of numbers and Zheng Qi's excellent operational ability, their team can beat the opponent to the ground every time, but there are always times when they can't take care of it. In just one day, they hang with the breeze Three times, Su Jing and Lu Li hanged up twice each, and even the Chaotic Knife hung up once.

"Why do I feel that there is a very evil force targeting us?" Zheng Qi also felt a little depressed. Although he has not hung up once so far and is about to reach level 22, other people's experience has not been able to help. If he is promoted, his personal dungeon will not be affected, but the progress of the team dungeon will be greatly affected.

"This group of people shouldn't be the same as the previous group." Coach Meng shook his head: "It should be the legendary street rusher alliance..."

Everyone was taken aback by this unfamiliar title.

After Coach Meng explained to them in detail what the Street Fighter Alliance is, Zheng Qi sighed and said, "There are still such boring people!"

"I understand them quite well..." Follow the breeze, showing the open-mindedness of a veteran who keeps changing regions.

"It's over. If this continues, how can we compete with them? We are worried about hunting wild monsters every day." Lu Li complained.

"Don't worry, they are not organized... and they are mainly targeting Zheng Qi, hoping to delay his upgrade speed so that he can grab the record of the personal copy, but now the people who see us attacking us will hang up, Zheng Qi But it will not hang up the experience, and soon no one will attack us."

Butler Meng first said something with a smile, then quickly shook his head: "No, they will still attack us."

"Why?" I was taken aback by the breeze.

"It's not easy to kill Zheng Qi, but it's much easier to kill you guys, and with their operational level, it's not uncommon for them to walk away with one hit. If this is the case, it will hinder your upgrade Speed ​​is a very simple matter." Butler Meng said after thinking about it.

"But wouldn't that still not affect Zheng Qi's reward?" Sui Qingfeng was taken aback.

But Su Jing understood Meng Butler's meaning: "Rewards are not limited to personal copies."

"That's right, there are also team dungeons. The Street Fighter League is aimed at rookies, individual rookie talents, so that they can prevent them from getting personal dungeons. However, we are a team, and it is difficult for Zheng Qi to be killed by them. Under such circumstances, they will have limited cooperation, and they will go to the team dungeon together to get the record rewards. If we are dragged down as a whole, the team dungeon rewards can also allow them to obtain a sufficiently stable increase in extra attribute points Yes." Meng Butler glanced at Su Jing appreciatively, maybe Su Jing's operation level is not as good as Lu Li's now, but her vision and judgment are quite excellent!
"How about that!"

Just listen to it with the breeze, and the rewards of the team dungeon are also very important. The most important thing is that he is also a part of the team. If the team can't get more rewards from the team dungeon, wouldn't he Can't get a better role?

Although I follow Qingfeng to know that my aptitude is mediocre, and even if I give him a master account, he will not be able to enter the professional game, but players also value the attributes of their characters very much!

"Of course we can't let those guys take it away. There are only so many attribute points. If they take it away, what should we do?"

Zheng Qi first comforted Sui Qingfeng, and then asked Butler Meng: "Uncle Meng, what should we do?"

"We need to strengthen our strength and let them sneak attack us, as long as they can't even kill anyone." Butler Meng gave an absolutely correct answer.

"If we can do it, we won't die..." Lu Li said discouragedly.

"There are only five of us. Even if we act together, we will inevitably be alone. What if there are more people?" Butler Meng laughed.

Zheng Qi looked up at Butler Meng, his eyes lit up.

Butler Meng also looked at Zheng Qi, and then smiled.

"Young master, you have to remember one thing... No matter how difficult the dungeon is, it is just a game, especially for such a game that has been established for 100 years. There is always experience from the predecessors to learn from the various methods of dungeon, so This game, from the very beginning, is not against the system, from beginning to end, we have to fight against people, people like us.”

Zheng Qi nodded solemnly.

"That's right, our biggest obstacle has always been people, those players. If we want to become the best team, we must defeat those opponents. Now it is the Street Fighter League, and in the future it may be those top professional players. My goal in playing this game is to become the best player, how about you?" Zheng Qi waved his arms and said loudly.

"I don't know what the goal is, but now, I'm happy to continue walking with you." Sui Qingfeng laughed.

"I want to be by the boss's side, and I want to be the best professional player!" Chaotic Knife said loudly.

"Of course our two sisters are helping you." Su Jing pursed her lips and smiled.

"But understanding this will not help us now." Lu Li said in confusion.

"No matter how powerful the opponent is, it's enough to fight against them. Besides, we can still find helpers." Zheng Qi chuckled.

"Is it... the group from last time?" Su Jing's eyes lit up.

"That's right, since the Street Puncher Alliance is targeting capable rookies, I think that if you want to gain your current fame, you can't be younger than me." Zheng Qi smiled cunningly.

"So, wanting to fly is also the target of their suppression." Lu Li's eyes also brightened.

"That's right, we are constantly being attacked today, and they are not much better. Even if he wants to fly like me, he will not be killed by such attacks, and his partners should have died quite a few times." Zheng Qi gloated and said, "So, I'll contact him now. If our two teams worked together to farm wild monsters before, there would be no problem."

"Boss, that guy seems very cool, he won't disagree with your invitation." Chaotic Knife raised another question.

"He's not stupid..." Zheng Qi muttered, then opened the communication panel and sent a message directly.

"Old Fei, Old Fei, show up quickly!"


"How was your day?"

"It's okay to hang up."

"Come on, Lao Fei, are there many people attacking you today?"

"how do you know?"

"Those people were sent by me... Just kidding, don't hang up! Those people are actually a group of low-level professional players who came to the new area to get powerful characters, so what about me and you, a newcomer with high popularity?" This is their target. My teammates have been hung up several times today, with an average of two hangs per person, which is terrible, how about you?" Zheng Qi asked.

"...almost." Yixin Xiangfei replied.

"That's very clear. Those guys are not in the same mind. At most, a few people can be gathered to embarrass us. As long as the two of us are together, there will be no disadvantages. One will kill one, two will kill one pair, and the experience will increase together. Wouldn't it be nice to split up and grab the dungeon records?"

"Are you really sure you want to do this?" Xin Xiangfei asked.

"Of course." Zheng Qi said indifferently, "Is there any problem?"

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