football era

Chapter 571 Surprise

The Overlords started the pass in the backfield.

They noticed Wei Wu's marking of Zheng Qi, which was a kind of marking that followed closely by his side and did not give Zheng Qi a chance to get the ball-this kind of marking was done before February [-], but it was quickly caught by Zheng Qi. The period is easily cracked, what about this time?

This time seems to be a little different.

Zheng Qi's running didn't change much, but he was still being marked by the opponent constantly, so that he didn't even have a chance to get the ball.

Fortunately, the Overlord team has been mentally prepared for this situation.

The opponent is the Cao Wei team. It's normal for something to go wrong.

So they started organizing the attack themselves.

Keep passing, passing the ball forward, no matter how tight the opponent's marking is, there will always be a chance.

What they didn't even notice was that they had already adapted to this level of pressure from the opponent.

Although it was a bit difficult, the Bawang team still passed the ball to the frontcourt, and when the football went to the frontcourt, Zheng Qi's running began to suddenly improve to a higher level.

This surprised Wei Wu—it is actually very difficult to completely block a person's route to get the ball. It can be done, but Zheng Qi has improved his running speed and rhythm without any difficulty at this moment!
In this way, Wei Wu couldn't keep up - he is an excellent player, but no matter how good he is, there is an upper limit after all...

Zheng Qi took the ball near the front. Although Wei Wu couldn't control him from taking the ball, he was mentally prepared for such a result and immediately forced him up diagonally.

As long as Zheng Qi holds the ball, he will be entangled.

However, Zheng Qi did not control the ball. The moment he received the ball, he completed the pass action. The ball flew out close to the ground, flew between Wei Wu and Guo Jia, and landed accurately at the feet of Ying Bu who was going forward. .

Yingbu quickly distributed the ball to the side, and Zheng Qi also ran over. Zhong Limei, who received the ball from the side, quickly passed the ball back to Zheng Qi's feet. side.

On the other side was Long Qi, who was supposed to respond from the wing, ran to the middle, and after receiving the ball, he began to break through forcefully.

Tiger Chi immediately came forward to meet him. The Cao Wei team only had two players on the wing, but whether they were midfielders or central defenders, their ability to fill in laterally was excellent. bit.

Facing the powerful frontal defensive Tiger Chi, the dragon was not afraid at all and forced a breakthrough!

His speed and reaction are very fast. Although the opponent's speed and reaction are not inferior to him, after the attacker takes the lead, he can also achieve excellent results.

What's more, Huchi's size can be said to be quite large. For a large player, while the defensive area increases, he will inevitably be a little slower in turning and other aspects. Although such a gap is difficult to reflect, but in the front It can be well reflected in the confrontation.

Long Qie has enough experience in the game, he naturally knows how to use this.

As expected, Hu Chi's reaction was a step slower. When he turned around, Long Qi was about to rush past him. However, Hu Chi, as the main central defender of Cao Wei's team, would not be able to become the main defender if he could be thrown away by the opponent's acceleration. Cao Wei's team is now the main force.

Quickly fell to the ground, Hu Chi's huge body fell down so forcefully. At the same time, he stretched out his leg, that is, a sweeping leg in the opposite direction, directly trying to stop Long Qi's breakthrough from the front.

As long as the ball is swept first, even if Long Qie is swept next, it will not be a foul.

A fall like this won't hurt you, but the pain from your body won't disappear. As the main central defenders of the Caowei team, Hu Chi and E Lai are both known for their fierceness!
Seeing that Huchi was about to sweep the football and then himself, Longqi jumped up at the critical moment - before he took off, he hooked up the ball, and then kicked the ball out in the air.

This is a forward pass, the ball flew directly to the front of the penalty area, and the overlord took the ball!

Behind him, Eilei was already pressing forward aggressively. As soon as their bodies touched, they immediately knew that the other party's strength was not inferior to their own.

One of the most important means of Bawang's attack is to turn around forcibly, rely on strength to suppress the opponent and then shoot the goal immediately, but now, the strength of the opponent is not inferior to him, obviously it is not applicable.

What's more, even if he forcibly turns around successfully, there is a top scavenger Xun Lingjun behind Eilei, even if he completes the shot, it will probably be blocked.

So the Overlord didn't turn around stupidly, but after turning halfway forcibly, he raised his foot and passed the ball horizontally, and then turned around and sprinted into the penalty area.

During this process, Zheng Qi kept running. After he ran to the front of the penalty area, he took two steps sideways, and then quickly slanted into the penalty area!
Wei Wu did not relax his defense against him, but when he saw Zheng Qi rushing towards the restricted area, he froze for a moment - Zheng Qi almost never entered the restricted area before, why today...

Could this be his hidden method?

In a daze, Wei Wu didn't stop at all, he continued to follow Zheng Qi closely.

Is it useful to rush into the restricted area now?With the attack just now, the restricted area of ​​the Cao Wei team was overcrowded. The three defenders of the Cao Wei team, Ba Wang and Long Qi who rushed into the restricted area, and now Zheng Qi and Wei Wu, the two sides added up to seven people In the restricted area...

The more people in the restricted area, the more difficult it is to grab a point. Although it is a bit troublesome to judge the landing point in time, it is quite troublesome for anyone who grabs the first landing point to make the next move.

The overlord's cross pass landed at Yu Ji's feet, and Yu Ji lifted her foot and was about to pass the ball. Xu Huang had already rushed over with a diagonal thrust and blocked Yu Ji's passing route.

Although Xu Huang is better at attacking, his defense on this side has never had any problems.

Yu Ji's crossing stopped, and then she dunked the ball back, and then quickly divided the sides!

It is Zhong Limei who is plugged in on the side road!He ran two steps towards the ball, and instead of stopping the ball, he swung his left foot while running, and passed the ball directly into the penalty area with his foot!

Although he is better at cutting inside after receiving the ball, his level of crossing is also not bad.

The ball drew a beautiful arc in the air and flew directly into Cao Wei's penalty area!

Although this pass has a strong arc, it is extremely fast and flies straight to the middle of the penalty area-in the case where both offensive and defensive sides have strong judgment, reaction and jumping level, if the cross is not fast, then the attacking side Basically, it is impossible to grab points. Only the speed can prevent the defensive side from responding in time and can only run with the opponent's players.

Judging the placement is very important, but it is also important to mark the opponent's attacker.

Bawang jumped up in the middle, Longqie charged towards the middle from the back, and Zheng Qi charged towards the middle from the back.

The three attackers of the Bawang team started to attack the center at the same time, and the players of the Cao Wei team could only move in that direction.

In fact, even if the two sides add up to seven people, it is impossible to completely fill the area in the restricted area, but now, both sides are moving in one direction, and the landing point seems so crowded...

It has to be said that their judgments were all accurate, because Zhong Limei's cross was headed towards that position.

The Tyrannosaurus rex and others jumped up one after another, and collided with the opponent Tiger Chiai, both of them lost their center of gravity. After all, under such a confrontation, it is normal for the center of gravity to be unstable.

Neither Wei Wu nor Xun Lingjun took off. Wei Wu's attention was on Zheng Qi, while Xun Lingjun paid more attention.

The ball hit the Overlord's head heavily - the next moment, where the ball will fall will test the judgment of both sides even more.

Zheng Qi rushed to the right.

His movements were faster than everyone else's, which surprised Wei Wu again—is the opponent's ability to judge the placement so much better than his own?
But the defense has an advantage in this situation - they just need to keep up with their man...

So Wei Wu immediately rushed over with Zheng Qi, and Xun Lingjun's attention was also on Zheng Qi.

But the next moment...

The ball fell obliquely to the vicinity of the penalty spot, which happened to be the opposite direction of Zheng Qi's running position...

Ying Bu, who went forward, received the ball at that position - he just instinctively went forward, but this pie that fell from the sky appeared in front of him.

Yingbo's instinct made him make the most correct reaction at that moment.

This is an extremely lucky thing, because it is not easy for such a pie in the sky to fall into his mouth, and it is also a rare thing.

If he lost this opportunity because of daze and disbelief, he might blame himself for the rest of his life.

Yingbo didn't think about it, he was completely dominated by his instinct at that moment. When the ball appeared in front of his eyes, he swung his right foot while running, and then shot the ball hard!

For a shot near the penalty spot, the ball draws a straight line on the ground and flies straight to the lower right corner of the goal!
Blind Xiahou made a save, but with such a strong shot from such a distance, once there is no problem with the angle and strength, it will be very difficult for an excellent goalkeeper to respond-unless he is standing right on the line of the shot.

However, no goalkeeper will stand in the corner of the goal under such circumstances-only standing in front of the goal can better block the angle.

Blind Xiahou is certainly one of the top goalkeepers, but under such circumstances, all he can do is do his best and know his destiny...

When Blind Xiahou's hand was still some distance away before he could catch the ball, the ball had already flown into the dead corner of the goal!
Huge cheers suddenly erupted in the stands!

The fans of the Cao Wei team were dumbfounded, while the shouts of the Bawang team fans were full of infinite surprises!

It was indeed a surprise.

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