football era

Chapter 555 Go to fight, then triumph

For the Golden Rain team, the Bawang team's goal after the opening game was undoubtedly a blow to them.

They already valued the Bawang team very much, but they still seemed to have no resistance, and they were scored by the opponent as soon as the game opened.

Of course, the Golden Wind Drizzle Team is not a team made up of rookies like the Liufeng Team. Although their average age is not very old, they are all good players in their prime, rich in experience, and have encountered all kinds of bad situations. Therefore, even though Overlord scored one in the opening game, they were not greatly affected.

"Let's launch a counterattack. It's normal to lose the ball, just chase it back." Mengzhen said on the team channel.

"This group of people is really useless, even Guan Zhong can't control it well...Let him pass the ball continuously, and the Jinfeng Drizzle team is at this level." February Er in the stands sneered.

"Captain, if it were you, that Guan Zhong probably wouldn't be so arrogant." Someone next to him said.

"That's natural. Although he is also very good, he is still a bit behind me. My real goal is Guo Jia! Only by confronting this level of midfield core can I prove my level. Only then can I inspire my fighting spirit!" February Er said proudly.

Of course, the three midfielders of the Gold Wind and Drizzle Team are also very proud players.

Although their pride wasn't on their face like it was on February [-], they absolutely wouldn't allow themselves to be defeated by a goal.

People are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be stabbed?No matter how strong a team is, there will be times when they lose the ball, as long as they can keep winning, that's fine.

The Golden Rain team quickly launched a counterattack.

The three of their midfielders are indeed excellent. The three of them cooperate with each other tacitly and have comprehensive skills. It is not something that can be stopped by staring at someone.

Therefore, the Overlord adopts regional defense, arranges their own defensive areas in the midfield, and then reduces the opponent's offensive threat through oppression and confrontation.

However, the three forwards of the Gold Wind and Drizzle Team are also very erratic. Although this task is more accomplished by Wu Xie, the two Wu Shi Wu Cuo forwards are not traditional forwards, and their range of activities is also very large.

When the Golden Rain team is attacking, the situation that can often be seen is that the three midfielders go up to participate in the attack, and the three forwards retreat to help organize. Although it is four-three-three, the positions of the six frontcourt players are not fixed. , defense can cause a lot of trouble.

Of course, the biggest threat is still their midfield Big Three.

Therefore, the Overlords adopted a well-positioned zone defense, and at least made your offense less smooth.

"The Bawang team's overall defense seems to have improved a bit. Compared with last year, their overall strength has increased a lot." Wei Wu murmured.

"Yes, this is obvious, but compared with us, there is still a certain gap... In this group, Overlord should be our biggest opponent." Guo Jia nodded and said in agreement.

In the opponent's back-and-forth attack, the Overlords adopted a method of not being surprised, and the effect was indeed good. However, the biggest problem with this method of area defense is that when the opponent concentrates on attacking a certain area, other people's response will be somewhat difficult. Not timely.

So when Mengzhen began to attack the place guarded by Xiang Zhuang, Xiang Zhuang couldn't hold it anymore.

Huan Chu immediately went to support him, and Zhong Limo also came to fill Huan Chu's position. During this transition, there was a gap in the Overlord's defense line, and Mengzhen seized this opportunity accurately!
He quickly passed the ball back, and then Wang Shi, who responded, made a diagonal pass at the first time. His innocent running interfered with Zhong Limei's return defense. , And then rush to shoot vigorously before Huan Chu returns to the defense to tackle!

The ball flew towards the near corner of the goal like a cannonball. Although Fan Zeng made a timely save and blocked the football with one hand, he still couldn't change the direction of the football's flight. The net trembled violently!

The fans of the Golden Rain team in the stands started to cheer, and Bai Fei and his teammates hugged together, celebrating wildly like a demonstration.

"They were a bit lucky with this ball, we just need to take the lead again." Zheng Qi said lightly.

What he didn't know was that Wei Wu and the others in the stands had the same attitude.

"Although it was the same goal, Overlord's chance to score was much better. Goldwind and Drizzle had a bit of luck with this goal. If they are not so lucky, it will be difficult to compete against Overlord."

Wei Wu's vision has always been good.

Wei Wu knows people, Zhao Lie knows the situation, and Zhong seeks reason - this is the assessment of the captains of these three strong teams by the classical football China area.

Of course, such comments are somewhat far-fetched, but they are enough to prove the level of these people.

The Bawang team's attack was completed by completely tearing through the Goldwind's defense, and the Goldwind's attack had some elements of risk in it, but they succeeded in taking the risk.

Such a comparison is naturally a judgment...

The rest of the Bawang team may not have noticed this, because to be honest, many goals have a high element of luck, but Zheng Qi knows the difference between the two.

So he quickly led the team to attack and was not affected in any way.

As the core of the Bawang team on the field, his performance will not be affected, and neither will others.

After attacking again, Jinfeng Drizzle team did not blindly press Zheng Qi, but after Zheng Qi received the ball in midfield, Meng Zhen and Wang Shi pushed forward at the same time.

Bai Fei was at the back, ready to respond at any time, and the three forwards also retreated, not wanting to give the Overlord much room to attack.

However, under such marking, Zheng Qi still relies on running to constantly run out of opportunities to catch the ball-in the midfield, as long as he wants to catch the ball, he can always catch it. With such a large space in the midfield, the opponent's No matter how large the coverage area is, it is impossible for him to miss the chance to catch the ball.

It's just that such opportunities are often very short, and it is easy to be double-teamed after receiving the ball. Once the rhythm of holding the ball is broken, it will become very difficult to organize an offense.

Under the double-teaming and mopping up of the Big Three of the Gold Wind and Drizzle Team, there are actually not many midfielders who can successfully organize an attack. Unfortunately, Zheng Qi is one of them.

Every time he catches the ball, he will pass the ball out immediately, and the teammates who catch the ball can always catch the ball comfortably, and then find that he can start an attack immediately—even if the attack fails, it doesn’t matter, continue to look for Zheng Qi , Let him organize the offense.

The more they played, the more frightened the Big Three in the midfield of the Gold Wind and Rain team became. Their marking on Zheng Qi could hardly cause any pain, although the number of times Zheng Qi took the ball was reduced a lot compared to before. times, but it allowed other teammates to gain more space.

This seemingly cost-effective approach has put the Golden Wind and Rain team under a lot of pressure. Zheng Qi is the core of the midfield, so it is understandable to use two people to control him, but the current situation on the court That is, the control effect of this kind of marking is not very good, and after appearing a little weak in other positions, they are at a disadvantage.

This kind of disadvantage can hardly be reversed by performance-although Zheng Qi is now the well-deserved core midfielder of the Overlords, it is not that the Overlords will not play without him. Playing a dozen games together in just over ten days is not enough for the Bawang team to rely on him.

After a burst of onslaught, the Overlords took the lead again. This goal had little to do with Zheng Qi. After Zheng Qi passed the ball in the midfield, the Overlords launched an oppressive attack, sending consecutive passes to the frontcourt Afterwards, the Overlord retreated to get the ball, then distributed it to the side, and then ran forward. Zhong Limei, who received the ball, passed the ball to Yu Ji again. Yu Ji sent a precise cross from the side, and the Overlord went around to grab the point , shook his head and hit the goal, the ball stuck to the near post and went into the net!
Shangguanzhong almost threw himself on the doorpost, but he was still a step behind...

After the Overlord landed, he waved his fist domineeringly. He was still the most invincible arrow in the Overlord team!
Zheng Qi also waved his fist and ran over to celebrate. Although the goal had nothing to do with him, he still celebrated happily.

Personal performance?That's something to be happy about.The team performed better?That would be even more fun!

What Zheng Qi wants is a group of outstanding teammates, not a burden that is only led by himself.

If it was said that when he joined the team, he just wanted to take one step at a time and hone his overall view, then now, he is very interested in any honor.

China qualifier champion, World Cup champion...

There is no benefit to these champions, but for Zheng Qi, what he does first and foremost is not for profit.

but for self-satisfaction.

In the process of impact, you can continue to satisfy yourself, and after the real impact reaches the peak, that kind of satisfaction is the most indescribable and satisfying.

Zheng Qi was very sure about this.

Because before entering the football era, in those extended games, he continued to enjoy this process.

From being completely unfamiliar, to gradually understanding, to reaching the peak, in this process, he will continue to gain satisfaction, and when he reaches the peak, the benefits will come naturally.

God rewards hard work, nothing more.

To struggle and then triumph is the ultimate goal of all competitive games, whether it is those derivative games, or the era of football, or the current classical football.

What you gain in this process means everything you can gain.

Zheng Qi may not understand this idea, but it does not prevent him from doing so.

He is a person born for fighting, and life is a journey of fighting. This kind of life is interesting enough.

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