football era

Chapter 53

The mood was much better for a while, but after only 2 minutes, it became bad again.

There is still a distance from the rest point to the vicinity of the Temple of the Sun. One of the characteristics of Football Era is that the map area is very large. In the real world, the entire city of Pompeii is less than two square kilometers, while in the game The Sun Temple and the nearby map alone probably cover hundreds of square kilometers.

But if this is not the case, it cannot accommodate so many players.

On the way from the rest point to the Temple of the Sun, the light time did not let down his vigilance, but he didn't care too much - according to other people's feedback, Ren Pingsheng and Xin Xiangfei are still avoiding him in the ancient city of Pompeii Ren Pingsheng's teammates have all returned to the city, only Chaotic Crazy Knife is still in the city to avoid Yuyue Zaiyuan's pursuit - he is also a little surprised that he can persist until now , but has not escaped Yuyue Zaiyuan's pursuit.

As for Go with the Breeze, Jingying Shenbi, Songjiang Zhiba, and the coach who is old and young, they are still resting and have no intention of coming out.

Therefore, although the light time did not pay any attention to the situation around him, nor did he have any special precautions to concentrate on it.

For a quasi-professional player like him, even if he doesn't take special precautions, ordinary players can't do it even if they want to sneak attack him. Instant reflexes are also enough to allow him to avoid the deadliest injuries while launching ferocious counterattacks and counterattacks.

This is the ability and confidence of a professional player.

So when he turned into a side road, in such a place where it was extremely easy to be attacked by surprise, the light time still maintained enough vigilance.

Because of this, when someone attacked him on the wall above his head, he immediately sensed something was wrong, and with a beautiful roll, he rushed forward to avoid the opponent's attack.

He didn't use hero cards, although he can use all three hero cards now - after the player dies and returns to the city, the cooldown of all hero cards will be reset - but Twilight Time doesn't think it's necessary.

Anyone who would attack a single player here would not be a good player, but only some players with relatively poor quality would do this.

Because at this level, even if you kill the opponent, you may not be of any benefit. It is just that the opponent may drop some materials and gold coins. Low-level upgrade materials are easy to obtain, and gold coins are not very useful in the game. Such a little thing sneaks up on strangers, what else can I say other than bad quality?
There are people like this in every district, and they can't make much of a difference. Although most of these players have good skills, they are not particularly outstanding.

Therefore, Dianguang felt that it was very easy to kill the opponent without using a hero card.

But the first is to sneak attack from above, then next... there can be only one person on the other side, right?
Sure enough, in the direction of his rolling, a player also sprang out at the same time, charging towards the light time is a heavy cavalry with Pompey's skills!
A little time sneered with disdain in his heart, quickly stood up from the ground, faced the cavalry charge that was about to charge, and jumped towards the wall with a single jump.

There are not many players who can do the advanced skill of wall jumping. The player who attacked him from above has now landed. He can jump up without any hindrance.

Dodge this skill, and then it's time to counterattack!
The light time of thinking like this overlooked a problem.

"What if there are people on the other side of the wall?"

In fact, it’s not that he ignored this problem. When he jumped up, he observed the top of the wall. There was no one on the top of the wall. However, when he took off and was about to reach the top of the wall, a player with a heart on his head and a wandering ID appeared. In front of him, it was a volley towards him...

Anyone who can perform difficult combo skills like volleying on the wall is definitely not an ordinary person-this surprised the light time, although he can do this easily, But he is a quasi-professional player!Ordinary players may be able to climb walls, not necessarily one in ten, let alone play combos on top of walls!

So when he was taken aback, Dan Guangguang almost subconsciously made an action that he regretted so much, he quickly canceled his jumping skills, and his whole body fell down like a stone.

With this drop, he just dodged the ball that was about to hit him in the face. Under other circumstances, his reaction like this was undoubtedly a wonderful move. An attack that deals massive damage!

However, as soon as the skill is cancelled, I will regret it in a short time-there are galloping cavalry charging below, isn't it courting death if you fall like this?
But it's too late to regret it at this time, no matter how good the operation is, the rules of the game cannot be reversed. Canceling the skill during the jump is irreversible. You can't do anything before landing...

So the light time can only watch his physical value drop, finally waited for the landing, the light time immediately took out the potion and poured it vigorously.

However, the potion is not a panacea. Although the potion can restore part of the physical value, it cannot be interrupted during the process. Once interrupted, the rest of the recovery value will disappear. Obviously, the opponent will not give him this. Chance.

He had just taken a sip of the potion and before he had time to use the hero card, the opponent's attack had already surrounded him ferociously.

After a short time, I only had time to see the number and ID of the opponent clearly, and the physical value bottomed out. With a "crash", the potion and materials fell out all over the place, and I returned to the city very aggrieved...

The heart is wandering, meaning, still, and talking.

"This bastard came out of nowhere..."

The light time landed at the rest point depressed, this time he did not lose his composure and yell at him, the other party's siege now makes him feel a little surprised, the timing of the attack was mastered, the attack was fierce and even the reaction to him The calculations made him feel terrified. If he was a little bit slow in these aspects, he would at least have a chance to use hero cards, at least he wouldn't be so aggrieved by losing.

After thinking about it, he sent these four IDs to Wu Xun.

"?" Wu Xun came back with a message.

"Just now on the way, these four people besieged me. I didn't even have time to use the hero card, so I was killed by them." Dan Guangguang replied calmly, this matter is really embarrassing, but if Wu Xun and the others don't know, It would be even more embarrassing to be wiped out by the other party in turn.

Although his temper is not very good, but he never thought about letting other people hang up once to show that he is not ashamed. More importantly, if he deliberately doesn't talk about the other party's situation to make his teammates hang up, then he They are not worthy of being a professional player, and there is no room for them in the team.


Wu Xun expressed his surprise with three exclamation points. Although the gap between professional players and ordinary players will be extremely narrowed in the early twenties, the gap between professional players and ordinary players will be extremely narrowed. Response, it is by no means that a few players can besiege successfully. Think about the 30 players in Nanguo who were doing dirty work to besiege a Ren Pingsheng, and they were all confused by the other party...

In the end, how long has it been since he was resurrected? In a short time, he was besieged and killed by four people. The level of these four people...

"I just wanted to fly to help Ren Pingsheng, right?" Wu Xun asked Leng Yueqingning beside him.

"Yes, otherwise the time would not pass so fast..." Leng Yue Qingning replied.

"That's easy to explain. If you want to fly around, you should have a few helpers... Those four people are his helpers." Wu Xun said.

"So that's how it is!" Dan Guangguang suddenly realized.

"How much experience did you lose?" Wen Budiao asked heartily.

"Half a level has dropped..." Dan Wanguang said in shame.

"It's not difficult to catch up, it's only half a level, just take a little more time, keep coming and expand the attack range... We are going to attack seven people now."

Wu Xun issued an order, and now he wants to kill the opponent more and more—three people in Ren Pingsheng's team have died and lost their experience. If they can wipe out the team that wants to fly, then it will prevent them from grabbing records. The sex is much bigger!

"It's best to have it delivered to your door."

Wu Xun thought confidently, after making the decision to stop the two teams of Ren Pingsheng and Yixin Xiangfei, what he was most worried about was not that he could not win, but that he could not find someone for the other party—even if such a team faced Ordinary players have an overwhelming advantage, but in front of a team of five quasi-professional players like them, they will appear very vulnerable.

After all, Nanguo doesn't want others to know that he is targeting these two newcomers. Wu Xun can't mobilize more people to find the traces of Ren Pingsheng and Yixin Xiangfei, so he can only rely on his five people and those dozens of cadres Dirty work, in such a situation, it is even more difficult to find the other party.

Well now, I found one, and the other came to the door by itself, and killed them, that's all.

The time has not come yet, Yu Yue Zaiyuan is still chasing and killing the Chaotic Crazy Sword, and there are three of them, as long as the three do not separate, the other party will not have any chance to defeat each other!
"The three of us acted as a group. We rushed over when we heard the news. No matter what, we must kill Ren Pingsheng and Yixin Xiangfei first! If these two people are killed, the next thing will be easy to handle. Stay in and rest Go outside and kill them when you see them coming out!"

Wu Xun's words aroused the approval of Leng Yueqingning and Wen Budiaoxin. The three of them are quasi-professional players together, even if they meet everyone on the other side, they will not lose!
No matter how good Ren Pingsheng and Yixin Want to Fly are, how can they compare with the three quasi-professionals?What a joke!

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