football era

Chapter 528

"What? He's not coming to practice? It's a bit disorganized and undisciplined."

After Su Jing found Xu Shan, who was also on vacation, and told him that Zheng Qi was going to participate in the Classical Football World Cup, Xu Shan said a little annoyed.

"It shouldn't be, but if it doesn't affect the next game, then it's okay. You know, Zheng Qi's characteristics, in fact, it doesn't matter whether he trains together or not. The past six months are enough for him to get familiar with everyone. It's gone." Meng Fan said to Xu Shan with a smile.

"I also believe in this, but in this more than a month of training, everyone's level will improve a little bit. Can he quickly get acquainted with his teammates? You must know that in the first round of the second half of the season, we will face Tianhe Already!" Xu Shan said.

"We are still ranked first, aren't we? And I think Lu Xiaotian's proposal is very good. For Zheng Qi, he needs to improve his game ability now. There is no better way to exercise his overall situation than participating in this competition." After seeing and seeing, we don’t have to win a championship this year anyway, do we?” Meng Fan said.

"Well, you're right." Xu Shan sighed.

But now, it was Su Jing's turn to be dumbfounded.

"What do you mean you don't have to win a championship? Haven't we already shouted out the slogan?" Su Jing asked in surprise.

Xu Shan and Meng Fan looked at each other in embarrassment—this was something they knew each other well, but they never mentioned it to the contestants. As a result, the two subconsciously ignored Su Jing just now... This is really not good. It should be.

"Well, it's like this..."

Meng Fan coughed, and then told Su Jing about his and Xu Shan's plans in detail. He knew that Su Jing was a person with a delicate mind and strong observation ability. If you cover up the words, the more you talk, the more flaws you will reveal and be noticed by her. It is better to tell her the truth honestly. Anyway, Su Jing knows that she often likes to take risks and uses various means to train the entire team of.

Sure enough, after listening to Meng Fan's explanation, Su Jing shook her head: "Uncle Meng, don't you be afraid of playing with fire if you keep playing with this?"

"No way, it's inevitable to take risks if we want to move towards such a goal." Meng Fan shrugged and said.

"Well, it seems that I really shouldn't have heard this, otherwise how would I get the experience of winning the championship?" Su Jing spread her hands and smiled wryly.

"Hey, I heard there is a method called hypnosis..." Meng Fan said.

"I will never let anyone hypnotize me... But I can hypnotize myself." Su Jing looked vigilant.

"Anyway, it's fine for you to know about it yourself, don't talk about it," Meng Fan said.

Su Jing nodded: "Don't worry, but if we train ourselves for a long time, our results in the second half of the season may really be affected."

"That can't be helped. The price we paid this year is to lay a good foundation for next year's glory. It is not an exaggeration to treat opponents like Changfeng and Tianhe with any attitude, not to mention that the current Nanguo is also very Excellent, the opponents we have to deal with are not two, but three." Meng Fan replied.

"Well, Nanguo is truly amazing to be able to double-kill Changfeng." Su Jing nodded.

"As long as Chen Feng is there, Nanguo is an amazing team, but if the senior management disagrees with him, he will probably be greatly affected." Meng Fan smiled.

"What happened?" Su Jing asked curiously.

"It hasn't happened yet, but after half a year of observation, it probably will happen." Meng Fan continued to smile.

For some reason, seeing Meng Fan's smile made Su Jing calm down a little.

She knew that Meng Fan would not target indiscriminately.

And Zheng Qi...what kind of competition is he participating in now?

Thinking of this, Su Jing sighed with some regret. She wanted to fight side by side with Zheng Qi, but such a competition still put a lot of pressure on her. Normal training is enough for her to keep improving up.

What about Zheng Qi?Zheng Qi needs more.

"A rare opportunity to rest..." Su Jing muttered in her heart, then turned and left the club.

She wants to find her best friend Lu Li to have a good chat, have a good rest, and enjoy the remaining few days of vacation.

What about Zheng Qi?
Zheng Qi was receiving some suspicious looks at this moment.

"Chen Fengxiao, are you kidding me? Our situation this year is very good, and the team is also very strong, but you want to withdraw temporarily and let another person join? Do you think our Xichu team is so easy to join? "A tall player looked at Lu Xiaotian with unfriendly eyes, and asked him loudly.

"Why did I call you Chen Fengxiao?" Zheng Qi asked Lu Xiaotian in a private chat.

"Pseudonym, pseudonym, players who will sign up for the Classical Football World Cup will use a pseudonym. Don't you think the name Chen Fengxiao is very distinctive?" Lu Xiaotian replied in private chat.

"What kind of unconventional is this... well, I'll use an alias too." Zheng Qi replied while complaining.

Although he was chatting privately with Zheng Qi, Lu Xiaotian didn't delay the chat with him at all: "Bawang, I didn't just find someone here... This guy is very good, about the same level as me, and he is a midfielder A core player, with him in the midfield, we can perform better, and don't we just lack such a person?"

"Overlord" looked suspiciously at Zheng Qi: "Really?"

"Of course, when have I ever lied? You are the same type as me. Our two strong forwards are placed in the frontcourt, and our positions overlap. Now I replace it with a central midfielder. The whole team is more balanced." Lu Xiaotian laughed.

"That's it, it seems okay." Overlord thought for a while, and then said.

"That's right, that's it. Come, come, introduce yourself." Lu Xiaotian pulled Zheng Qi over with a sigh of relief, and then said to him.

Zheng Qi looked at the ten tall and short people in front of him, and was about to turn his head to ask Lu Xiaotian what, but found that after Lu Xiaotian pushed him over, he turned around and left, running very fast.

"Damn, why do I feel that this guy is dragging someone into the water?"

Zheng Qi complained in his heart, then turned to Bawang and said, "Hi, hello, Bawang, right? My name is Fan Zeng."

Overlord's face collapsed, and at this time, a guy of medium build standing next to him coughed: "Sorry, my name is Fan Zeng, so you have to change your name."

"Hahaha, really, someone has already snatched this name... Hey, what's your name?" Zheng Qi typed without embarrassment.

"My name is Yu Ji." A slender woman standing on Bawang's right side smiled and said.

Overlord coughed: "This is my wife!"

"Disrespect, disrespect, husband and wife, this is it." Zheng Qi said.

"Long Qi."



"Zhongli is ignorant."

"Yu Ziqi."

"Huan Chu."

"Xiang Zhuang."

Others also signed up one after another. At first glance, they were all pseudonyms, and the names of Xiang Yu's advisers and generals, who had returned Yishui, were all cosplay fans.

"Hey, you have taken up all the names, what else can I use? Fisherman?" Zheng Qi made the final calculation, and then said dissatisfied.

"If that's the seems okay." Someone shouted.

"Then I'll have to capsize your boat... Forget about joking, I'll start something casually... Just call me Guan Zhong." Zheng Qi waved his hand and said.

"Whatever, anyway, it's just a code name. Don't we believe that guy who said his name was Chen Fengxiao before? Why isn't he called Chen Taizhong?" Overlord complained.

"A code name, don't care about these details!" Zheng Qi waved his hand.

"Yes, let me introduce these guys to you first."

Overlord nodded, and then began to introduce the other players of the team to Zheng Qi one by one.

Overlord is the captain of this team, and also a powerful center forward. He has excellent strength, and has a good level of grabbing points, controlling the ball and making the ball. It can be said that he is an all-around center forward. A little humility may be to lure Zheng Qi into the team, but it is enough to prove his strength.

Fan Zeng is the goalkeeper. He is older, but he has rich experience and quick response. He has a very high level in attributes such as bounce and reaction. What surprised Zheng Qi is that Fan Zeng is still the elder of Bawang in reality, and he is an uncle. Yes, it is normal to use the pseudonym Fan Zeng. After all, in history, Overlord Xiang Yu regarded Fan Zeng as his son-in-law—that is, he regarded Fan Zeng as his godfather. I'm old, now, for uncles, it's nothing to be a godfather.

Yu Ji is a wide player, with excellent ability to control the ball and pass the ball. She is dexterous and agile. However, because of her poor physical confrontation, she tends to roam more on the side and seldom enters the center to participate in the offense. After all, she is in the penalty area. There is a bully inside, that's enough.

Long Qie is the attacker on the other side. He is more versatile. His crosses are not as accurate as Yuji's. However, his ability to fight and force breakthroughs is quite good. He can also attack from the back row. He is inside or outside the penalty area. , have excellent abilities.

Yingbu and Jibu are two defensive midfielders. They have strong running ability, excellent confrontation, and they can also play the ball with one kick.

The other four, Zhongli Mo and Yu Ziqi, are two full-backs. They are characterized by comprehensiveness. Because the wing attack relies more on the two wingers to complete the reason, they are very good at responding and defending, and they can respond to offense. , but lacks explosive offensive power, and belongs to a relatively moderate central defender.

The two central defenders Huan Chu and Xiang Zhuang are standard central defenders with strong frontal defense ability and high-altitude defense ability.

It is said that this lineup is already a very good team among the domestic classical football teams. It has been formed for several years, and the cooperation is quite tacit, and it is waiting to hit the Classical Football World Cup.

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