football era

Chapter 524 The opponent is very strong

Su Jing is still very excited to participate in such a competition.

Although she used to play frequently in the team's football matches before, and she is no stranger to the rules of the game, but after all, she was playing with teammates who got along day and night, and she didn't feel nervous. Strangers are teammates, and when confronting strangers, it is inevitable that there will be a little nervousness and excitement.

"Don't be nervous, no one knows who we are anyway." Zheng Qi comforted Su Jing.

Su Jing nodded. It is true that IDs are hidden. No one knows who is who. Even the team leader is randomly assigned by the system, so even if they perform poorly, they will not be criticized—after all, poor performance will not be criticized. Punishment, if you spray people indiscriminately, you will be banned from entering the arena by the system.

What's more, after so many years, everyone is used to teammates being good and bad, and there is no matching mechanism. Whether a teammate is good or not is purely luck. , everyone can naturally think about it.

Game start.

"The stadium we were allocated today is not bad, Westfalen, the system can perfectly simulate the grand occasion of the stadium at that time!" Zheng Qi said to Su Jing with a smile.

"Really? What kind of grand occasion?" Su Jing asked.

Then after the game started, she was shocked.

Countless avatars wearing yellow jerseys in the stands began to raise their arms and sing loudly. Their singing voices were extremely neat, resounding like an opera, and anyone who heard it was extremely shocked.

Su Jing looked at the field with some rapt attention. There were such people on both sides. Obviously, they were relatively few players who came here to play football—they didn't wake up until their teammates reminded them.

Su Jing began to run on the field. Her overall view was far less outstanding than Zheng Qi's, but her mind was delicate and her observation ability was strong. After she calmed down, she quickly integrated into the game and began to show her own characteristics.

Zheng Qi and Su Jing's team wearing yellow jerseys is not particularly outstanding. It can be seen from their confrontation and running. In the confrontation with each other, they are often at a disadvantage. Obviously Yes, in the opposing team wearing green jerseys, there are quite a few players with very good attribute points.

Except for Su Jing who is considered a rookie, it is obvious that the other nine members of the yellow team all have a normal [-]-point attribute, with some highs and lows, but there is no such outstanding player.

As for the opponent's green team, at least five or six players' attributes reached 650 or even [-] points. In this way, the opponent's advantage became quite large.

Three-five-two against four-four-two, the two sides did not fight for a long time, and the opponent began to attack more from the side.

Two against one, everyone knows how to play, one person leads the ball forward, someone around him responds, if the opponent comes up to intercept, pass the ball, and if he doesn't pass the ball, he will drive straight in - in front of an opponent with tacit cooperation, such an attack may be useless , but of course it will be very effective in the face of improvised mobs.

So Su Jing and Zheng Qi started their battle at the same time.

When the opponent hits the side, of course it is not chasing and hitting one side. In the case of hitting the side, the opponent's center of gravity shifts, and then quickly shifts to the other side to launch an attack. When the speed is limited, such an attack, Nature works best.

"Be careful of their transfer!"

Zheng Qi shouted at Su Jing from a distance, but Su Jing didn't nod, but quickly turned around and rushed to the right, at this time the opponent had already started attacking from this side.

Watching the opponent's winger attack from the side after receiving the ball, Su Jing commanded her teammates to go forward to intercept, while she followed up with another opponent player.

When the green team player saw someone from the yellow team coming up to intercept him, he immediately raised his foot and passed the ball.

Su Jing saw the opponent's passing route, accelerated, and wanted to go around and steal the ball-she was sure about this, after all, her reaction was quite good, and with her judgment of timing, Su Jing This kind of interception around the front is quite good.

However, what Su Jing didn't expect was that the other party's reaction seemed to be no worse than hers.

When he realized that Su Jing was about to go around the front to defend, the opponent immediately rushed forward two steps, continued to stop Su Jing behind him, then grabbed the ball in front of Su Jing, flicked the ball back, and passed the ball away from Su Jing. Jing stabbed past Su Jing, then quickly turned around, walked past Su Jing, and caught up with the football!
Turning around beautifully, he threw Su Jing away in an instant, and then began to rush straight to the yellow team's bottom line from the side!
Su Jing also didn't expect the other party's reaction to be comparable to her own. When she turned around, the other party had already thrown her away by several positions.

Su Jing gritted her teeth and accelerated to chase, but with such a gap in speed, it was already difficult to catch up with the opponent.

Su Jing chose the route of cutting off the opponent's inward cut, but this was a last resort. Although she could prevent the opponent from cutting in directly, she could no longer prevent the opponent from crossing.

When the opponent threw Su Jing away, Zheng Qi sensed that something was wrong, and he began to retreat quickly, wanting to return to the penalty area, because he saw that the opponent's center forward was already moving quickly like a high-speed train. rushed to the restricted area of ​​our side!
On the way, a defender of the yellow team tried to stop him. However, after the two sides made physical contact, the defender of the yellow team was knocked away immediately, while the opponent's forward did not slow down at all, and continued to rush towards the penalty area of ​​the yellow team.

"What a powerful force."

Zheng Qi murmured in his heart. The guard on his side had reported his attributes before, and his strength was as high as 110 points. Strength must be at least 130 points, otherwise there would not be such a great pressure.

Even if the opponent only retains ten points of speed, it is still a surprising thing to be able to increase the strength to such a high level.

Only Zheng Qi's current strength can fight against such a guy.

It's a pity that he was closer to the side just now, so even though he had retreated immediately, it was still too late.

The player from the green team who broke through from the side didn't think about cutting inside, but sprinted directly to the bottom line, then lifted his foot and passed the ball into the penalty area.

An extremely fast cross, well-placed, the center forward of the green team jumped high while running, completely suppressing the jumping center back of the yellow team, facing the falling football, he pushed the ball hard!

An extremely domineering header hit the goal, and the goalkeeper of the yellow team responded, but when he threw it, the football flew into the goal quickly!
One to zero, through a wonderful breakthrough from the side and grab points in the middle, the green team took the lead with a simple pass from the side!

"Damn, it was so easy for them to score a goal!" The captain of the yellow team said angrily.

"That guy is very strong in jumping and jumping, and the guy on the wing is also very skilled. We have encountered a hard problem this time." Zheng Qi said to the captain.

" it? How good is it?" The captain felt a little drummed.

"Looking at their performance just now, the winger has at least [-] in flexibility, and the center forward, the strength and jumping will not be less than this number." Zheng Qi said.

The captain's eyes darkened: "Don't scare me!"

No wonder the captain was timid. As a central defender, he added more points to strength and bounce, but they only had [-] points, and the opponent had [-] points.
"It doesn't matter, it depends on us, we will invest more in offense, and just get the score back." Zheng Qi replied.

"Really, can you do it?" The captain glanced suspiciously.

The captain's suspicion was also justified. The opponent's winger was short and nimble, and the center forward was tall, at least 1.8 meters tall. What about Zheng Qi?The height is only 1.7 meters five, and he doesn't look like a strong man.

"We are skilled, and we will attack later. When I get the ball, you two forwards remember to move flexibly, and the winger remembers to be more involved in the response. I will send a good ball." Zheng Qi replied.

The others looked at each other and nodded.

They are all ordinary players with stats around [-] points. They are used to looking for thighs to hug when they participate in competitions. The opponent has shown such outstanding abilities. It is really uneasy not to find a thigh to hug.

And Zheng Qi showed such a confident look, then... let's just listen to it and trust him.

Soon, Zheng Qi let them know that it is always right to believe in yourself.

After the game re-kick-off, the green team quickly launched a press against the yellow team. During the opponent's press, the yellow team passed the ball several times and quickly handed the ball to Zheng Qi.

Zheng Qi's condition with the ball was not very good. He turned his back to the opponent's half court, and when he got the ball, the opponent had already pushed up from behind.

Seeing a big guy on the other side start to collide from behind, the teammates of the yellow team couldn't help shouting to be careful.

Amidst their shouts, Zheng Qi was hit by the opponent as if nothing had happened, his body only shook slightly, while the opponent took several steps back.

When the opponent retreated, Zheng Qi turned around smoothly, and then accelerated to break through!
The opponent's balance has not yet been grasped, and Zheng Qi easily broke through. Zheng Qi took the ball and advanced. When the second person came up to intercept, he first made a breakthrough from the left to lure the opponent's center of gravity. Pull the ball quickly and break through again from the right!
This is a very simple surmounting move, but with Zheng Qi's speed and agility, the opponent couldn't react at all!

"It's the second one, come on! Break through directly!" The teammates couldn't help shouting.

There were only two players in the opponent's midfield. Zheng Qi broke through two of them at once, and he could face the defense directly.

However, Zheng Qi stopped and did not move forward. He raised his foot and handed the ball to Su Jing who followed up.

"What are you doing!" a teammate yelled.

"What about the involvement! What about your involvement! I really think I can break through eleven of them by myself!"

Zheng Qi yelled louder than them. After hearing this yell, his teammates reacted one after another, scattered on the field in shame, and started running.

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