football era

Chapter 520 Finding Balance

In this game, Fei Fei won very cleanly in the end, a beautiful [-]-[-], Yuchen didn't have many chances in the whole game, not to mention the suppression of the audience, at least he firmly controlled situation.

This scene is actually very normal. When the two sides met in the first round, Fan Fan had a great advantage, but because of his mentality, he was defeated by Yuchen's counterattack. Now they are more mature than before. The problem is that the possibility of losing to Yuchen is much smaller.

Although it is said that there are no underdogs in the Super League, it is still different in the final analysis. A mid-range team like Yuchen does not have the support of god-level players, and the overall level is not very good. Although relying on the overall and rich experience to achieve good results However, when encountering a team with excellent personal ability and overall level like Fei Fei, and a team with strong players, it is difficult to open up the situation in some aspects.

But in this round, it wasn't just extraordinary who won the game.

And this round also had a very interesting situation. Among the top nine, except for Xingyu who lost in the away game to Changfeng, which had a surprisingly good record recently, none of the other strong teams stumbled, and all of them won. ...

Changfeng won, Feifan won, Tianhe won, Nanguo won, Corning won, Tianlong won, Xiongfeng won, Shenhua won...

"The strong teams are starting to take the fast lane."

This is what the media thinks about this round, and it is actually true. In the No.20 round, if a strong team does not exert its strength, then it is not an adjustment, but something really went wrong...

After such a round, the trend of only two poles in the league began to become more and more obvious, from No.1 to No.9, with 47 points for the highest score, and 10 points for the lowest score, from No.20 to No. 23, among these eleven teams, the highest score is only [-] points, and the lowest score is [-] points. There are eleven teams with only six points. It is obvious that this year's relegation battle will also be It will look extremely tragic.

At the same time, as the strong teams started to sprint one after another, the chances of the weak teams wanting to take advantage of the strong teams were much lower. If they wanted to avoid relegation, they had to grab more points from the fellow relegation sufferers!
This thing seems very cruel...

League No.20 second round.

After a few days of adjustment, Feifei ushered in Jinfeng. Facing this team that was only one point away from the relegation zone, Feifan didn't hold back a single hand. They launched a fierce attack during the game, constantly tearing apart the opponent The defense line finally won with a score of [-]-[-]. This is their two consecutive victories after the start of the second half.

But in the same way, Changfeng and Nanguo both won and showed an extremely good state. Changfeng has maintained a seven-game winning streak, and this seven-game winning streak is full of gold. It has defeated Feifan, Tianhe and Xingyu successively. Nanguo's victory was also outstanding. They defeated Xiongfeng at home, and continued to work with Feifan to catch up closely behind Changfeng.

On the other hand, Tianhe did not perform well in this game. They were tied by Yuchen who had just lost to Fei Fei. Although they were still ranked fourth, they were already tied by Shenhua. With a seven-point gap, for these two old rivals, such a gap is quite difficult to catch up.

"What's the matter with Tianhe, don't you want to win the championship?" Zheng Qi said in surprise.

"Isn't it good for them to degenerate themselves? We have fewer competitors." Li Guorui said with a smile.

"Don't underestimate them. Their current state has finally been adjusted. This game is a price that must be paid... Probably only Li Chengze can play like this." Meng Fan expressed a different opinion.

"Really? Uncle Meng, if you say that, we should pay attention to it. After summer, they will meet us, right?" Zheng Qi asked curiously.

"Well, they are indeed adjusting their status, and they have also taken the summer rest period into consideration. No matter what time it is, don't underestimate Tianhe." Meng Fan said solemnly.

"But now it seems that Changfeng and Nanguo are our biggest opponents..." Huang Yuanfan muttered.

"Of course, these two teams are also our biggest opponents. I'm just saying, don't underestimate them even though we are five points ahead of Tianhe." Meng Fan replied.

"Well, Uncle Meng, we don't need to worry about other people's situation, just be ourselves, right!" Zheng Qi said.

Meng Fan laughed: "It was true to say that before, but it is no longer true."

"Ah?" Zheng Qi had an expression of "Are you fooling me?"

"In this situation, we have to observe all the movements of our competitors. The league is not simply a game. Although the league is composed of games, in fact, under such circumstances, we need to consider The situation of each opponent. One-on-one matches can only affect some specific factors, while many situations need to be observed as a whole..."

Meng Fan talked a lot, and then found that Fan Fei and a group of players looked at him with very confused eyes.

"Well, it doesn't make any sense to say these words to you. That's something the coach and I need to consider. Adjust our state. We need to be more adaptable to the current tactics. Do you understand?" Meng Fan sighed. Then say.


Extraordinary contestants answered loudly as they finally heard words they could understand...

Fei Fei's tactics are now more active than before. In the final analysis, they are more able to show their own level in offense, and don't need to concentrate on defense. They can also do this, but it is really too tiring. Players will be unable to support it, and it is okay to use it occasionally in one or two key games, but most of the time, it is still necessary to use tactics with a relatively high fault tolerance rate.

For this choice, Bin Shiqiang has no opinion—although it seems that he will suffer the most from this choice, because it will greatly affect his status in the team. When using that tactic before, Bin Shiqiang is the absolute core of the team and has a prominent status. Now, he is just an ordinary member of the team.

However, Bin Shiqiang didn't care. He had been the core for many years, and now at the end of his career, he unexpectedly came to Extraordinary...

He originally wanted to retire, but he didn't expect Feifan to have such strength.

In this case, there is only one thing he thinks about now, and that is to become a part of the extraordinary and fight for some valuable champions!

In this way, his career will appear more complete and more brilliant!

So Bin Shiqiang doesn't care about this at all, not to mention that his characteristics can also be brought out under such circumstances. He and Zheng Qi will always play together, so that when he explodes, Zheng Qi will always be the first Time keeps up with him, helps him open the way, responds to his approach, and seizes the opportunities he creates.

This point is also very important.

Bin Shiqiang himself had no objections, which naturally brought Fei Fei a better result.

Xu Shan was originally worried that Bin Shiqiang would have opinions, but Meng Fan told him, don't worry, there will be no problems. A veteran like Bin Shiqiang knows what to do to benefit the entire team, and his position , and not only from his own point of view, but from the point of view of the entire team.

And now this new tactic does make the whole team's performance more continuous. As long as it is not overworked and overdrawn, it is unlikely that Feifan will not be in a good state due to collective fatigue in the first half. Appear.

The tactics in the first half are actually a kind of experiment.

Experimenting with how to integrate Bin Shiqiang's accustomed tactics with the entire extraordinary overall tactics, it seems that the effect is very good.

In the case of giving full play to the level of other extraordinary players, Bin Shiqiang's personal characteristics can also be brought into play frequently. Although there were some ups and downs in the previous process, the progress is very gratifying.

While giving full play to the overall level, it also gave Bin Shiqiang room to play. If he can do this, this kind of big tactic is considered a success.

Xu Shan was originally a head coach who would arrange tactics in an extremely detailed manner, but now, he has begun to learn to grasp the big joints, and some details can be delegated, allowing extraordinary players to experience it on the court.

After all, for extraordinary players, their personal standards are very good, and they are all full of personality. Zheng Qi's comprehensive and overall view, Su Jing's fine observation ability, Li Guorui and Huang Yuanfan's speed and reaction, Xu Yi's perseverance, Fu Lei's tenacity, the calculation of the number of cards, Niu Lihua's ability to control a wide range of skills, Cheng Xuan's comprehensiveness, Lian Fei's interception, Zong Qinghua's response, Chen Lin's defense, Jiang Xiaohan and Cheng Yizhou's impact ability... These are quite distinctive levels. If they are restricted too rigidly, it will be easy for them to be unable to perform on the field.

But now, extraordinary players will have more or less space on the court, and when they face situations they are good at, they can always have some good performances.

This point is also equally important. In any case, with an extraordinary overall level, if each of their players can fully display their strengths, then there really is no team that can surpass them...

Of course, this is only strength on paper, just like Changfeng was super strong on paper last year, but it prevented many people from performing well, and the real threat may not be as outstanding as this year.

It is not easy to find a balance between the two, and Xu Shan has been working hard to find such a balance.

Fortunately, he still has time. In the next competition, he can gradually experiment and observe. Although the goal is to win the championship, he will not have the pressure to win the championship, and he can think more calmly from all aspects matter.

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