football era

Chapter 500 Complement each other

Before the start of this match, the extraordinary guild executives burst into joy again.

This game supported an extraordinary live audience of up to 500 million. This kind of terrifying data is already close to a team of Changfeng Tianhe's level. The average number of live audiences supporting them in the past few years has exceeded two Thousands of 500 million, and Tianhe also exceeded 2000 million. They are also the only two teams that can have fans of this magnitude. You must know that even when Tianhe's performance fluctuated last year, their support audience at the game did not fall below 2000 Never mind.

And the number of supporters on the scene is between 1000 million and 2000 million. There are only four or five teams. They only come with good results recently, they are not hardcore, but they are enough to make Fei Fei's current popularity skyrocket!

Even if this kind of popularity is not stable, it may decrease a lot at any time, but such a grand event alone is enough to make Lu Li and the others feel excited.

When forming the Extraordinary Club, they never imagined that one day, in a league match, the number of spectators who came to watch their games would be comparable to the number of Changfeng Tianhe matches!
Even if it's a little bit worse...

"We must continue to win." Lu Li thought in her heart.

The more you win some important games, the longer you stay in the first position, these may be fans of swimming, the greater the chance of them stabilizing.

Fei Fan’s current die-hard fans are about 200 million. This can be seen from their guild. In the past month, more and more fans have joined the guild alliance every day. This is not something that casual fans will do. After all, many people in the mythical area already have their own guilds. If they leave, it will take five days to join a new guild. For players, it is actually the same in any guild. Club, will not deliberately join in.

The recent good results have led to more and more extraordinary irons, and if it can continue to be maintained, there may be more. Even if only half or one-third of these more than 1000 million fans become extraordinary irons, extraordinary The foundation will become extremely thick!
This is also a ten thousand year foundation.

For Lu Li, Sui Qingfeng and others, they certainly hope that Feifan will get better and better. You must know that they all have shares in Feifan. Although there are not many, Feifan can always remain in the ranks of top clubs. , then their personal wealth will also rise with the tide...

If you really want to talk about the value of the club, it is not high. It is only valuable if it is matched with the results. If the extraordinary club continues according to the current momentum, even if it is not as good as Changfeng and Tianhe, or even inferior to traditional strong teams like Shenhua Nanguo, as long as there are mid-range teams Their income level and their annual dividends will also be an extremely huge number, which may not be much compared to the top rich, but compared to ordinary people, it is the wealth of several lifetimes.

Extraordinary is very hopeful and energetic now, this is their best era.

On the field, players from both sides have already appeared, and the map has also appeared in front of everyone.

Fanfan did not engage in the Battle of Julu any more, but chose the map of the Battle of Changping. On such a complicated map, the tactical analysis ability of both sides was at stake.

When seeing such a map, the commentators all felt that it should be beneficial to Tianhe. Everyone knew that no one could compare to Li Chengze in terms of on-the-spot tactical changes, and his on-the-spot reaction was also better than that of any famous commander. All fast.

On such a map, unless the strength is able to confront Li Chengze's Tianhe head-on, he will naturally be at a disadvantage.

However, after the game started, the commentators slowly discovered that it seemed to be different from what they thought...

Extraordinary's tactics are not complicated. When attacking, they will never divide their troops, fight steadily, and advance slowly. A tight defense was launched in front of Fangmen.

This kind of grinding style of play gave Fei Fei a lot of advantages in the first few rounds, and they played more openly in these two rounds, but in this game, they resumed this style of play, and Tianhe is more patient.

"Anyway, we are still ahead now, and Nan Guo lost again. Even if it is a draw, we can accept it!"

Zheng Qi's words before the game appeared in everyone's mind.

"Does Fei Fei want to win a draw?"

"It seems to be understandable. It is true that at this time, if they can win a draw, they can continue to keep them in the first position. Staying one more game is just one game. The league is very long, and the opponent is not directly killed. reason."

"Fan Fei Shang Shang is very clear-headed, and has not been dazzled by the seven-game winning streak..."

The narrators all commented that it is very rare for the new army to have such a calm mind. Although it seems a bit utilitarian to do so, for Fei Fei, can they be asked to do more?

The first half passed slowly amidst such a stalemate. In the end, the score in the first half was [-]-[-]. Both sides expended a lot of energy and tested each other's characteristics. Such a draw seems to be acceptable. .

However, Tianhe was somewhat dissatisfied.

Li Chengze remained calm, but the other players in Tianhe became restless.

It's not that they are not calm enough, their style is actually very calm. However, after losing to Feifan last year, with their status, it seems a bit unreasonable not to regain their place in the league this year.

Although Feifei has won seven consecutive victories all the way, in these seven victories, except for Shenhua, which is a well-deserved strong team, the other winning teams of Feifan, although they have their own characteristics, are not considered strong teams. It's just that Feifei won the game that should be won.

Against Fei Fei, most of Tian He's players still wanted to win. Although they were calm, they couldn't lose their morale at this time.

When the morale of the whole team is high, no matter how calm Li Chengze is, there is no way for everyone to maintain an absolutely calm state of mind like him.

So after the start of the second half, Tianhe was more active on offense and defense than in the first half.

Fans of Tianhe are naturally very happy to see this, but for extraordinary players, this seems to be their chance...

Xu Shan sent Bin Shiqiang decisively - under such circumstances, Bin Shiqiang's characteristics can be better brought out.

In the first half of the game, Bin Shiqiang did not play much time. After all, it is not advisable to waste his physical and energy in that kind of pure killing. Although his intuition appeared relatively randomly, in the final analysis, his The better his mental state, the more accurate his judgment will be.

So how to use him is actually a science. Let him better display his strength, instead of letting him stay on the court for 10 minutes in every game, and bet on the probability of intuition appearing.

Xu Shan's approach is to try to let him play when he is attacking. When attacking, his intuition is brought out, which is the most effective.

This approach is obviously very correct. Bin Shiqiang's extraordinary performance during this period is close to his peak period. At the same time, because his teammates need to be stronger, his performance is also better.

Li Chengze was worried about the situation on the field. After all, Tianhe was more irritable than usual. Although such impatience would not reveal a fatal mistake, the opponent had Bin Shiqiang...

As a top tactical master, Li Chengze has always been annoyed by Bin Shiqiang, because Bin Shiqiang's intuition is simply the nemesis of his tactical ability. It's just that Thunder was too weak to pose a threat to Tianhe before. Now that he is extraordinary, will he pose a threat to Tianhe?
Just when Li Chengze was thinking this way, an extraordinary offensive suddenly broke out.

Led by Bin Shiqiang, a perfect tactical attack.

Like all his previous attacks, when Bin Shiqiang started to attack, even Li Chengze couldn't immediately judge what his tactical intentions were, so he could only tell his teammates to be careful in the team channel.

However, when Bin Shiqiang's tactical intentions were truly revealed, Li Chengze made a judgment, but he could no longer form any obstacles.

Extraordinary defeated Tianhe's defensive formation, and then took the lead in scoring a valuable goal!
"Fan Fei took the lead with one goal! In a stalemate, Bin Shiqiang's surprise attack broke Fei Fei's deadlock! It's really amazing. Facing Tian He, who played equally well, he can still do this! In the recent Fei Fei's game , Bin Shiqiang can have such a wonderful performance in almost every game, and the frequency of this performance has exceeded his peak moment! What kind of magic did extraordinary use to make him have a better performance than his peak moment? "

The commentator shouted excitedly, this is really something he can't figure out, Bin Shiqiang's performance in these few games can bring extra goals to Fei Fan almost every game, which he never did in the Thunder things...

He failed to do it in Thunder, but he did it in Feifan. From this point of view, not only Bin Shiqiang helped Feifan, Feifan also helped Bin Shiqiang!
Bin Shiqiang hugged his teammates with a smile on his face. He naturally knew that it wasn't that his state was better than that time. His state has never slipped and he was able to perform better than before. It was only because his teammates were better. , support him even more!

This in itself is a complementary thing. If a teammate is strong, he will be able to perform better, and if he performs better, the whole team will become even better!

Other than that, there is no other reason.

For one plus one to be greater than two, many factors are required, and it is obvious that Fei Fei has such factors now.

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