football era

Chapter 488 8 years

The extraordinary audience in the stands were all very excited.

Those spectators who were originally loyal fans of Fei Fei were already very happy to see Fei Fei taking the lead. What's more, the process of scoring a goal seemed so enjoyable.

And those fans who came here to join in the fun after seeing Fan Fei ranked first, if Fei Fan just won this game in a normal way, maybe their enthusiasm will fade, but after seeing such a wonderful goal, their emotions, They were all mobilized.

Originally, I just wanted to see how the No. [-] team performed, but I saw a surprise-this made everyone feel happy.

And what happened in the next game made them feel even happier.

Yinshuang's plan is indeed to use offense to score goals, and then switch to defense. Everyone is an old driver. Of course, they know that Fan Fei's stable mentality in the first two rounds is based on the fact that they are not behind. Extraordinary fell behind, of course their performance would be affected to a certain extent, and such impact was their chance to win.

But Fei Fei stepped forward, and if he wanted to defend, he could only hand over the initiative to others.

So their coach didn't hesitate at all, and told all the players to launch a fierce attack next, and let Fei Fei see how powerful they are!
For the relegation team, even if they lose, they still have to bite the opponent hard - this approach may not be good for them in the future, but at least it can gather the morale of the team, so that in the next game, the players can fight hard. It is better to have the fighting spirit to fight with the opponent.

If Yinshuang wants to fight, Feifan will not be afraid - don't forget that their average age is the youngest in the league. Even the younger Frivolous and Thunder are not as young as Feifan in terms of average age.

Being young means being vigorous—otherwise these two words would not always be said together. Under such circumstances, they certainly want to show their stronger state.

If you can't get along with us, then kill you!
This kind of onslaught is actually very tiring. Extraordinary players don't want to come to such a match every time they meet the middle and lower teams, so it is also very important to use a hearty victory to establish their prestige.

Although the Extraordinary players are not mature enough, but in the past two years, they have basically been winning all the time, and they already have the mentality of the boss.

Whether this kind of mentality will bring benefits or disadvantages is still uncertain, but at least their emotions will not be easily in a downturn. For a team dominated by young players, this is more fighting spirit.

Ever since, this game has become an extremely unrestrained game under the mentality of both sides. The two sides are like two boxers who only care about offense and don't care about defense. Send more to each other's faces.

The cheers in the stands never stopped from the beginning to the end of the game.

The players of Yinshuang showed a valuable fighting spirit. They scored an extraordinary three goals in the next game, which was something that Shenhua had not done before.

But what about extraordinary?They played Yinshuang seven goals heartily. While scoring enough goal difference, they also showed their strength to the entire league-not only can we play protracted games, we are better at offensive games!

"Silver Frost showed quite good courage...but let us confirm another thing, that is, under the open style of play that relies more on individual performance rather than fighting for the whole, extraordinary will appear quite outstanding. Their There are too many good players, even if they are crushed by attributes, they are enough to show an extremely good state. They may be young and inexperienced, but their personal strength is indeed quite outstanding. This point, no team can ignore it. Otherwise, Yinshuang will be their role model!"

"After defeating Yinshuang, Fanfan has won five consecutive victories in the league! After the initial discomfort, Feifan quickly showed their strength... Although this victory is not very amazing, Feifan has already inadvertently created A record, in the last 50 years, that is, after the rules of the professional league were perfected, the longest winning streak of a newly promoted horse was only four games. Extraordinary created a new record in the Chinese league, the winning streak record of a newly promoted horse! Although such a record It's not impressive, but for Fei Fei, they still have the opportunity to expand this record to the point where other newly promoted horses can only be amazed..."

At the end of the game, there was thunderous applause from the stands. Fanfan fans were not dissatisfied with this [-]-[-] victory. Although Yinshuang fans were a little sad about the team's defeat, they were satisfied, after all Their team showed outstanding courage in the game. With this spirit in their hearts, the players of Yinshuang will have more courage to compete in the next game!
In this game, there are no losers.

Of course, Feifan is even happier, because they also scored a solid three points, making them more stable in the league's first position...

The only thing that makes them regret is that the strong teams in this round have basically won. Although Fanfan still occupies the first position, their points are still the same as Tianhe, and they have not been able to occupy the first position in the standings alone .

And Changfeng performed well this round. Facing Corning, who had won consecutive victories before, they defeated their opponents with a clean [-]-[-]. showed their strength.

"Don't worry, I think the competition in this season's league will be very fierce. Let's not think too much now. It's enough to win one game at a time. How many games is the winning streak? Changfeng's thirteen games? We are only eight games away now..."

Zheng Qi's words in the locker room after the game caused the Fanfan players to burst into laughter. The calculation of winning streak was only eight games away. Although it seemed a bit ridiculous, from another perspective, didn't it also prove that Feifan was full of confidence at the moment?

For Fei Fei, any long-term plan to win the championship is just on paper. Fei Fei has not reached that point yet, and now they can only win one game at a time without distraction.

"We have maintained a winning streak, but it doesn't mean much. We already have a very good level, and now this winning streak is just our normal level of performance. After all, we have not received too many real tests. The next game We continue to play well one after another. As for the league championship or something... I don’t think this is a topic we need to consider now. After all, even a strong team like Nanguo Shenhua Xiongfeng will not start the season easily. When the team shouted out the goal of winning the championship, let alone our new army?"

Zheng Qi said with a smile at the press conference after the game, it sounded very humble, but in his heart he had already compared himself with traditional giants like Nanguo Shenhua Xiongfeng...

This point is very dissatisfied with the Nanguo club. After all, as a team in the same city of G, the extraordinary rise has already affected the dominance of Nanguo in South China. These strong teams each have their own spheres of influence. In the east, Changfeng is in the north, Tianhe is in the middle, and Xiongfeng is between the spheres of influence of Nanguo and Tianhe, so the relationship with Nanguo has not been very good all the time. After all, the two clubs are relatively close to each other, and the two sides compete for fan resources. It's fierce, even if the fans in the football era are not limited to the local area, but as a fan, they naturally have a better impression of the team where they are.

But now, Feifan has replaced Xiongfeng, and has become the most vigilant object in the southern kingdom-although they have only risen now, they have become more and more popular. Compared with Xiongfeng in nearby provinces, their rivals in the same city are only It is the most worthy of vigilance.

Of course, they still have a chance to confront Fei Fei head-on, so Nan Guo is not in a hurry.

Hearing what Zheng Qi said, the reporters didn't say much. Although they didn't know much about Zheng Qi, everyone knew that this guy often said things that were too much. What's more, there is another thing that makes them even more interested...

"Captain Bin Shiqiang, have you noticed who Fan Fei's opponent will be in the next round?" A reporter asked Bin Shiqiang, emphasizing the word "captain"...

Bin Shiqiang has always been a very kind person, he can smile to any reporter, but when faced with this question, his complexion suddenly turned cold.

The reason is very simple. In the next game, which is the eighth round, Fanfan will welcome the Thunder at home.

Zheng Qi sighed in his heart. He said earlier that he compared Fei Fei with the greatness of the Southern Kingdom, just to attract some firepower, but it is obvious that the reporters are not stupid, they know the next biggest gimmick or It's something to watch, what exactly is it.

Bin Shiqiang faced the Thunder for the first time after his transfer.

Although Bin Shiqiang had been in many teams before the Thunder became a god-level player, he still came from the Thunder youth training. After being in other teams for a few years, he returned to the Thunder and became the captain of the Thunder and a well-deserved god. He is a first-level player, even if he deducts the youth team and the period of failure in the Thunder in the first season, he has stayed in the Thunder for eight full years.

From 25 years old to 32 years old.

Eight years, how many eight years can life have?
Although now with the advancement of science and technology, the average life span of human beings has reached 150 years, but whether it is now or in the future, eight years represents an extremely important period of human life.

Life span has been extended, but people begin to age after the age of 60 in terms of energy and physical fitness. Prolonging life span does not mean immortality. The eight years from 25 to 32 are undoubtedly the best eight years in life one.

Such quintessential eight years, in the whole life, are only a few paragraphs.

Facing such an opponent, how could Bin Shiqiang feel better?

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