football era

Chapter 470 I Haven't Seen What Scene

If Extraordinary is a team with a glorious tradition and a long history, then they are facing relegation. Many people must be anxious about it, many people are running for it, and many reporters will write articles to discuss why Extraordinary is so depraved.

But extraordinary is not, they are just a team that has only been formed for more than two years, and they do not have such a deep background. If you don't behave well, you will leave.

So apart from the millions of Fei Fan's true fans, others didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Fei Fei being close to the relegation zone.

As for newly promoted horses, it’s normal to have a bad start, and it’s normal to have a good start. In short, a newly promoted team is a new team in the league. Other teams are not familiar with them. ——Fan Fei’s glory in the China Cup last year made it impossible for other teams to be unfamiliar with them, so their results began to deteriorate, which is also a matter of course.

Since it is taken for granted, there is nothing to be surprised about. Anyway, now the media don't count on Feifan to stop Changfeng. Changfeng's own performance proves that they have indeed declined, and they no longer have the invincible strength they used to have.

Otherwise, how could they lose to the standard underdog Zhongbang!

Changfeng is not as strong as before, and the alliance will definitely become more lively, so that's enough.

For the fans who pay attention to Fei Fei, they are a little worried about Fei Fei's current results, but their expectations have never been very high. Even if Fei Fei won the China Cup last year, they still have a kind of fear or fear of the Super League. Be in awe.

In the top league, there are strong teams participating. It's normal for Fei Fei to play in the Super League for the first time.

If Feifan’s fans were veterans, they probably wouldn’t have such an idea, but Fanfan’s most die-hard fans all grew up with Feifan from District 108. They are not very familiar with professional leagues, otherwise they would not The club supported Fanfan from the very beginning, and now that Fanfan has entered the Super League, they are already very happy, but they are relatively indifferent about the results.

The other group of Fanfan fans are former Cangqiong fans. They are more indifferent. They don't have that deep affection for Feifan. Moreover, Cangqiong's previous performance has not been very good, so they are also concerned about their achievements. indifferent.

They supported Cang Qiong in the past, but Cang Qiong never even made it to the Super League. Now, half of them are Extraordinary of Cang Qiong. They have entered the Super League and won the China Cup. What are they not satisfied with?

With this kind of mentality, it is a miracle that Fei Fei encountered such a bad start, but it did not affect the morale of the guild and the team.

The players of Fanfan's first team got a very quiet space.

Except maybe one person.

Because he became the transfer bid king this season, Bin Shiqiang has received a lot of attention—after all, his identity is very detached, a god-level player, a captain-level player, and the transfer value is so high, of course it is very important to attract attention It's normal, but before the media were optimistic about Feifan, a key factor was because of the introduction of him.

But now after two rounds, Extraordinary's results are so mediocre, the media are too lazy to criticize Extraordinary as a whole, a newly promoted horse, is it worthy of such criticism?
Bin Shiqiang is different, he is famous enough, in the past six or seven years, he has been a well-deserved god-level player, a first-line star, before the rise of Lu Xiaotian and Li Chengze, he was even one of the strongest players, although It seems that his performance has declined in the past one or two years, but his standard is still well preserved.

And after transferring to Extraordinary with such a high value, his performance seems to be unsatisfactory. From a personal performance point of view, there is nothing wrong with him, but if he can't lead Extraordinary to victory, then there seems to be something wrong.

So some media began to discuss Bin Shiqiang's role in the Extraordinary competition. Although it was a discussion, it was nothing more than one sentence - how did the god-level player Bin Shiqiang become so depraved when he became extraordinary?
As a god-level player and captain-level player, when he is promoted to a newly promoted team, he should of course take on the offensive and defensive responsibilities of the whole team, and show his own level in critical situations, especially in the first two rounds, facing two weak teams , logically speaking, as long as Bin Shiqiang plays normally alone, he can beat the opponent...

This is of course nonsense, if there is a god-level player who can beat the underdogs, how did Changfeng lose to Zhongbang?
The media critics never care about this.

All of a sudden, the firepower was concentrated on Bin Shiqiang. Although most of the media's criticism was on Changfeng, Bin Shiqiang also pulled a lot of firepower.

"I feel a little honored." Bin Shiqiang said with a sigh.

The other extraordinary players are a little worried about Bin Shiqiang, because judging from their limited experience, the firepower to criticize Bin Shiqiang now is stronger than the firepower to criticize the entire team after the Super Bowl loss.

Extraordinary players who have never seen anything in the world feel very worried about Bin Shiqiang.

However, Bin Shiqiang didn't care.

He has been in the league for more than ten years, from a young player to an ordinary player, and then he has accumulated a lot to become a god-level player. There are troughs and peaks, and there are gaps. It can be said that he has experienced many battles. What situation has he not seen?This bit of criticism is nothing to him. In the final year of the Thunder, he has heard more criticism.

"Why do you say it's an honor?" Meng Fan asked with a slight smile.

"I feel like I'm getting old, and I can be hot again." Bin Shiqiang laughed.

"I've wronged you this time too." Xu Shan said sincerely.

Bin Shiqiang shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

Really feel sorry for him.

With Bin Shiqiang's level, he can be the core. If extraordinary players play around him, then at least one of these two games can be won.

But it is obvious that Bin Shiqiang, who is already 32 years old, cannot be the core. In the long run, Extraordinary must still focus on the previous tactics. As a veteran, Bin Shiqiang needs to provide his experience.

Under such circumstances, Bin Shiqiang's performance naturally seemed a little bleak.

And now, all the pressure is on him, which is certainly not a fair thing.

"There are so many unfair things, let alone being able to make such a sacrifice, I am honored." Bin Shiqiang replied.

"It's good if you can think like this. We are afraid that you will have some burden." Meng Fan said.

"Burden? It doesn't exist. I survived last year, let alone now." Bin Shiqiang laughed: "If there is nothing else, I will go to rest. I am getting older, so I need to adjust my schedule."

Meng Fan nodded, Bin Shiqiang stood up, greeted the two of them, then turned and left.

Looking at the back of Bin Shiqiang leaving, Meng Fan didn't speak, neither did Xu Shan.

"Actually...he's still not reconciled." After a while, Xu Shan said slowly.

"This is a good thing." Meng Fan said: "An old man with great ambitions, and a martyr in his old age, full of ambition. Age is not a problem, as long as there is unwillingness and fighting spirit, a player will not be unknown."

"Our tactics now actually limit his performance, or in other words, do not give him a chance to turn the tide. However, all the criticism is aimed at him. It is indeed unfair to do so." Xu Shan sighed: "This is the responsibility of all of us, and he should not be allowed to carry it alone."

"Fair? There is no absolute fairness in this world. After he has such a high transfer value, it is difficult to use normal fairness to weigh him. He knows this very well. As a captain and a god-level Player, he has long been used to this kind of unfairness." Meng Fan replied coldly.

"It makes sense, but in my heart, I'm still a little bit stuck." Xu Shan smiled helplessly.

"Don't worry, such a veteran will adjust his state, and seeing how unwilling he is now, I have more expectations for his next performance." Meng Fan laughed.

"Everything is getting better. I hope we can support until the day when we really get better. I hope he can persist until the day when we really get better." Xu Shan said leisurely.

"I can already see that it's getting better." Meng Fan nodded: "These young people are improving very fast. After all, they have been baptized in battle. Last year's China Cup championship journey, the pressure of the play-offs, they They have all endured, these things are their precious wealth, and what they have to do now is to develop these things. Don’t worry, do it slowly, we are very good, all we need now is time.”

"But there is a problem we still can't ignore." Xu Shan looked at Meng Fan and said.

"Is it a morale problem caused by consecutive failures?" Meng Fan said.

"There is also the inertia of getting used to consecutive failures. If the start of a league is not good, the most fearful thing is habitual failure. This is the most terrible thing. The team will lose motivation, lose fighting spirit, and fall into anxiety... These emotions, It's deadly poison for any team."

Speaking of this, Xu Shan sighed: "That's how the sky was relegated that year. If there is a problem within the team, it will be even more difficult to deal with."

Hearing what Xu Shan said, Meng Fan fell silent for a while.

Then he looked up and laughed.

"Don't worry, Extraordinary is different from Cang Qiong..."

"Well, at least we have no problems internally." Xu Shan nodded.

"However, you must pay attention to the problem you mentioned. As a whole, we have nothing to do now, but individually, there are still people we can look forward to." Meng Fan replied.

"Is Bin Shiqiang?" Xu Shan asked.

"Of course, otherwise, why would we spend so much money to bring him in? Tactically, we can be more biased towards him. He has this degree. He doesn't need to participate in too much personal training, and he has gradually become familiar with the map. Now he plays the role. It's time."

Speaking of this, Meng Fan laughed: "A person who has seen everything... can entrust more things."

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