football era

Chapter 461 Zheng Qi's Past

"Last year in the First Division, I never felt the pressure, even when the results were not good."

Zheng Qi stirred the cup of coffee in front of him, and said thoughtfully to Su Jing in front of him.

"It's normal, and I haven't felt it. Although we played very hard in the first half of the season, everyone knows that these difficulties are only temporary. Besides, we only need to enter the top nine. This little pressure is great for us. It’s nothing.” Su Jing nodded, agreeing with him.

"In fact, all our pressure last year was not in the league, but in the cup. To be honest, when I participated in the cup, I didn't expect to win the China Cup. For us at that time, whether it was Changfeng Still Tianhe, and even Corning, were too strong for us, even though we didn't lack outstanding players at the time." Zheng Qi said thoughtfully.

"After all, we didn't know that Feng Qinghua and the others could accomplish such a miracle." Su Jing laughed.

"Yeah, big data... All the clubs are saying that they have big data, but who can really have big data? But the ten big guys brought in by Zhang Shu provide us with such an advantage , I feel that we are cheating, whether it is the monster-pull technique created by the number of sheets, or the big data of these ten brothers, it is simply against the sky." Zheng Qi laughed.

"We are really lucky, and we are in a dark place. Even if Changfeng knew that we were outstanding, they would not have thought that we could be so outstanding." Su Jing laughed.

"Yes, that's the reason, so last year it was said that we created the legend of dragon slaying, but with so many favorable factors, we can't win that game, we can only say that we are too incompetent. Attribute advantage, intelligence advantage, The advantage of the map... In the face of such an advantage, Changfeng is not wronged." Zheng Qi patted the table and agreed with Su Jing's words.

"Keep down, don't disturb other people." Su Jing stopped him.

Zheng Qi chuckled, and then lowered his voice: "But this year, there will be no such good things. Changfeng is too strong. We had so many advantages in that game, and we used them all. , defeated them, and now our advantages have been fully exposed, the next Super League, it is not easy to play."

"That's nothing to worry about. Compared with two years ago, we are much better." Su Jing smiled slightly: "Even if we don't get any honors this year, we won't be downgraded anyway. We need to be stronger. With a little bit of growth, experience must be gradually enriched, we are still very young, and a year or two of dormancy is nothing."

"That's the truth... But I still really want to become a five-time champion in the first season of participating in the top league. It's exciting to think about it." Zheng Qi said with a sigh.

"I thought I was already familiar with you...but I didn't expect you to have such ambition." Su Jing was silent for a while, then said.

"Didn't you think so? I didn't expect to have such a big ambition before, but slowly I thought, why can't I have such an ambition? As you said, since we have nothing to worry about, why not work hard To hit the honor and create some miracles?" Zheng Qi laughed.

"That's not a problem. I'm afraid that it will be too high-profile, and the expectations of the entire team will be higher. If something goes wrong, the morale of the team will be affected." Su Jing said hesitantly.

"Do you think my morale will be affected?" Zheng Qi suddenly leaned over and looked at Su Jing from a very close distance.

Su Jing was not startled by his action, but stared into Zheng Qi's eyes, making him feel a little embarrassed, and then nodded slowly.

"I don't think so... They all say that you are thick-skinned, so you are not afraid of anything, but I think this is a very good psychological quality. No matter how you fail, you will not be defeated." Su Jing said.

Zheng Qi made a face at Su Jing, and then leaned back.

"Yeah, I've always been like this, I don't care about anything, because I think I can do everything well, but they think I can't achieve the height I should, so they quarreled like this." Zheng Qi said with a sigh.

"They? Are they Zheng Qi's family?"

Su Jing was thinking in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.

"Later, I ran away from home. The three views were different, so I couldn't stay together." Zheng Qi said with a sigh.

He didn't care whether Su Jing responded or not, he just wanted to find someone to talk to.

"Have you been out for a long time?" Su Jing asked.

"Yeah, I ran out at the age of 14, hehe, isn't it amazing?" Zheng Qi asked.

"It's amazing..." Su Jing said sincerely. Although everyone has enough food and drink these days, considering that when she met Zheng Qi, Zheng Qi was only eighteen or nineteen years old, and he had already had such a luxurious job. Obviously, this is indeed a very capable guy.

"But now, I think their views are correct. Whatever you do, you have to go in the best direction, so that you can make yourself more happy. My ideas and their requirements actually do not conflict. "Zheng Qi shrugged his shoulders: "But I am also a person who wants to save face. I will not take the initiative to find them. When I create unprecedented achievements, I will go back and tell them. Now I know what they said is right. Yes, but it’s only because I discovered it myself that I will admit it.”

"You are so stubborn." Su Jing laughed.

Su Jing has always been curious about Zheng Qi's life experience, not just for other reasons, but mainly because she has always felt that Zheng Qi was inexplicably announced by the Era Ball King game as using a cheat.

She suspected it was a competitor at first, but in fact Zheng Qi had no competitors. After knowing that Zheng Qi had run away from home, she wondered if Zheng Qi's family did this to force him to go home. Now it seems that the two sides It's just a difference in thinking, not so much contradictions and conflicts, it's better to say that the teenagers run away from home due to the inconsistent values ​​in the bloody family.

"What a big deal." Su Jing said.

"Yeah, I used to think it was a great thing to run away from home, but I ended up going the way they wanted me to go. Well, I admit they saw it right, and I really liked it I was born for the game Football Era." Zheng Qi laughed.

Running away from home in this day and age is not a big deal. Even if you are an adult at the age of 14, the country will provide you with basic living since you were a child. Even if you run away from home, you are just living a relatively lonely life.

"...No way, you ran away from home because you didn't want to play football era?" Su Jing was taken aback.

"Yes, they all think that I am very talented in this area and can satisfy some of their wishes. I am rebellious, so why do I have to follow the path you think? So I ran out and had dinner after I ran out I don’t worry about it, but I’m playful. I want to play everything, so I have to have money. Fortunately, I can support myself by playing games now, so I started playing games. I play all kinds of games, except Football Era. "Zheng Qi smiled and said: "I played many games before the era of the king, but the era of the king is the one that made me the most money. Of course, it has become the football era now."

"It's hard to imagine it's because of this... I thought it was some other big conflict." Su Jing said in disbelief.

Zheng Qi grimaced again: "I was only 14 years old when I ran away from home, how can there be any big conflicts."

"Why 14 years old?" Su Jing asked curiously.

"I have an ID at the age of 14. I am legally protected when I leave my family. And at the age of 14, I can make money through games. The most important thing is, if I don't run away, they will send me to the south country The club is going to participate in youth training." Zheng Qi said with a smile.

"Nanguo? Let me do the math...that must be eight years ago?" Su Jing thought for a while, and then said.

"Almost nine years." Zheng Qi said.

"At that time, Nanguo was still one of the top teams. They were often able to win championships, but not everyone could get in. Is your family very good?" Su Jing asked curiously.

"Hmm..." Zheng Qi nodded, but did not continue.

"Have you ever thought that if you didn't run out at that time, you might have competed with Lu Xiaotian and Li Chengze long ago." Su Jing said: "After all, you are 22 years old and almost 23 years old, and it's time to make achievements. If you have been in the Southland and entered the first team at the age of 17, you may have won the treble by now."

"What didn't happen, how can I be sure." Zheng Qi shook his head: "I think it's better now. The experience accumulated in other games is not useless. In fact, those games are basically derivatives of the football era. The products may be much different in content, but they have something in common in essence. After so many years, the things I have accumulated will not be worse than when I went to Nanguo, not to mention that no matter how good Nanguo is, it is also someone else's club. What about Extraordinary? Our own, working for ourselves, always seems to be more fighting spirit."

"That makes sense, I'm almost convinced by you." Su Jing laughed.

"So next we have to work hard and win five championships. I want to prove to my family that if I don't follow the path they arranged, I can still do what they have always wanted to do!"

"Your family always wanted to win five crowns?"

"Uh, it's hard for me to answer this question."

"I'll go back and find out who are the god-level players surnamed Zheng in the history of the league."

"Don't look it up, it's a waste of effort, really."

"Did you say that on purpose?"

"You think too much! I just don't want you to think about other things after the game."

"Well, if you say no to check, then don't check."

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