football era

Chapter 457 This is a win-win situation

"Joining Fanfan, I was moved by Fanfan's sincerity. I don't think I am on the verge of retiring. It is my honor to be able to join a team that is capable of impacting honors at the end of my career."

Newly joined players naturally need to participate in the press conference. When Bin Shiqiang participated in the press conference, he smiled and said such a passage.

He is a seasoned veteran, a late bloomer, so he naturally has the mentality of not being surprised.

Moreover, he is really satisfied with joining Feifan. The reason is very simple. Feifan beat the Thunder last year, and he has played against them on the field. He naturally knows how great the potential of this team is.

After staying in Leiting for so many years, being old and old, but being treated like this made Bin Shiqiang a little disheartened. At this time, Fei Fei extended an olive branch to him through Cheng Xuan, which made him quite happy. heartbeat.

For so many years in the Thunder, his best achievement was to help the Thunder get fourth in the league. At that time, neither Lu Xiaotian nor Li Chengze had risen, and he was considered one of the best core players in the league—this title is better than now Gold content, because at that time no player could suppress everyone else, and every top player was a hero.

At that time, Bin Shiqiang, although he was not young, was still in his prime. The Thunder had never been a strong team, but a mid-range team. At that time, whether it was Nanguo, Shenhua or Xiongfeng, the three most All the powerful teams have offered him an olive branch.

But Bin Shiqiang refused. He is an old-school player. There are many such players. They are willing to choose to stick to it, or stick to it.

At that time, Thunder's management was very moved, because they knew that if Bin Shiqiang wanted to leave, there was nothing they could do. Until now, Bin Shiqiang still remembers that the boss held his hand and greeted dozens of people with tears in his eyes. A Thunder fan representative said: "This is the backbone of the Thunder."

At that time, Lei Ting's love for Bin Shiqiang was short of erecting a bronze statue for him.

However, as time went by, Thunderclap never reached such heights again. Although the top eight were already very good, compared with other teams, Thunderclap's overall strength still hadn't improved much.

But other teams are constantly improving.

Lu Xiaotian began to rise, and Li Chengze began to rise. They made Changfeng and Tianhe, which were originally mid-range teams, into top teams. Ge Xinghui began to receive intensive training.

Slowly, everyone became dissatisfied. They thought that Bin Shiqiang's strength was limited, and his performance that year was just a flash in the pan. Compared with more and more top players who appeared, he was several years older , will never reach such heights again.

Fortunately, the Thunder has never produced outstanding players. Although there are voices of dissatisfaction with Bin Shiqiang, most people can still realize the value of Bin Shiqiang to this team.

Then Xia Bo appeared.

He was inconspicuous when he appeared, and even in the competition with Cheng Xuan, he was at a disadvantage. However, Xia Bo had a good relationship with the coach and the management, and finally Xia Bo stayed.

At that time, Xia Bo was not very eye-catching, because his attributes were average, and his operation level seemed to be average. He didn't look like a player who could drive the team.

However, this person's luck in the Mythical Zone is astonishingly good, he can get extra attribute points almost every week, coupled with the continuous improvement in operation, he already has the potential to become a god-level player.

This gave the club new hope.

With new hopes, old hopes are of course nothing.

Compared with Bin Shiqiang, Xia Bo is more knowledgeable and has a good relationship with every management. Unlike Bin Shiqiang, he only focuses on leading the team. He disagrees with some management practices. will not do it.

Externally, Xia Bo has always been very polite and has always respected Bin Shiqiang.

However, within the team, he has always been aggressive. He represents a new force. He wants to change the Thunder's previous tactics. Although there is no direct conflict, the internal struggle has continued.

In Bin Shiqiang's view, if it weren't for this, the Thunder's performance last year would not have declined like this.

But he is helpless, no one listens to him, everyone thinks that Xia Bo is the hope of the team in the future, and he is just an old guy who is about to die.

Although Bin Shiqiang wanted to stay the same, he would not stay with a shy face. He knew that the team was selling himself in private, and he didn't want to go to a low-level team to spend the final stage of his career.

So when he knew that Extraordinary offered him 2000 million yuan to introduce him, he agreed without hesitation, firstly because Cheng Xuan came to him to express his sincerity, and secondly because they were optimistic about Extraordinary's future development.

"The choice of Bin Shiqiang is the result of our team's deliberation. We are a young team. Among the existing 23 first-team members, 26 are players under the age of [-], and the remaining five are under the age of [-]. The older players are only [-] or [-] years old. Relying on youth, we can achieve miracles in the lower leagues, but in the super leagues, we still need rich experience, so after knowing that Bin Shiqiang may transfer, we Got him right away and I think it's going to be a really good deal."

Zheng Qi said with a smile beside him, Bin Shiqiang turned to look at Zheng Qi, and then laughed.

This young man is much cuter than Xia Bo.

"Introducing Bin Shiqiang at such a high price...Does Feifan have such financial resources?" A reporter asked.

"We don't have much money, but our attitude towards spending money is, it's worth it, it's worth it, it's not worth it, it's a waste to come for free. Bin Shiqiang is worth so much, there is no doubt about it. Zheng Qi laughed and said.

Bin Shiqiang smiled slightly: "I don't know how much I'm worth, but I will try my best to make the club's money worth it."

"Extraordinary's move proves their ambition and courage. There is no consortium behind this team. If it wasn't for their major shareholder and captain Zheng Qi betting on Extraordinary to qualify for the First Division last year, he won the With a revenue of one billion, their funds are simply not enough to support their team to stay in the first division for one year. Last year they had a good performance, and they had a lot of income in the cup competition, plus after entering the Super League, the rewards given by the league , so that they no longer need to feel headaches for finances, but even so, their total assets will not exceed 30 billion until now. This number is of course an extremely large number for ordinary people, but for a super club , but it’s nothing. Under such circumstances, they actually spent one-twentieth of the entire club’s cash to buy a 33-year-old player, which is considered courageous. It is true that Bin Shiqiang’s experienced God-level players can bring extraordinary things what they lack the most, but can they really achieve outstanding results in the Super League?"

At the press conference, the extraordinary move caused a great sensation, but afterwards, the media were not particularly optimistic about this transaction.

Although god-level players cannot be measured by money, Bin Shiqiang is a past player who has begun to decline. It's not difficult to be a good player in the league, so why did you fall in love with Bin Shiqiang?

Bin Shiqiang himself did not respond to this, because he knew that he was in an extraordinary position.

At his age, he doesn't have too much ambition. Fanfan is willing to introduce him with such a price. He is nothing more than using his performance to help Fanfan. Fanfan lacks experience, but he does not lack this.

"The transfer fee is actually quite worthwhile, but we are still short of one person." Su Jing said to Zheng Qi.

"Hmm... What do you think of Cheng Yizhou? Bode has entered the First Division this year, but with his strength, it would be a pity to play in the First Division again." Zheng Qi said.

"Bode won't let people go... If they really wanted to let them go, they would have already been put together." Su Jing felt a little inconceivable.

"One moment and another moment." Zheng Qi chuckled: "If you don't do it, how would you know?"

"Then you can do it and show me." Su Jing said.

She didn't have much hope, because with the relationship between Cheng Yizhou and Bo De, it was hard to imagine that he could be recruited. After all, Cheng Yizhou was the key training object of Bo De before, and she hoped to build a team with him as the core. A strong team, Cheng Yizhou didn't leave when they were in the amateur league, let alone a first-tier team now.

However, what surprised Su Jing was that after five days, Zheng Qi really brought Cheng Yizhou back...

"How did you do it?" Su Jing asked in amazement.

"Present the facts and make sense." Zheng Qi said: "Win's foundation is too weak now, and entering the First Division is already the limit. Although their boss is not short of money, he is not very rich. He wants to enter the First Division. It will take a lot of money to replace it, and I offered 2000 million, which has already made him very satisfied."

"Is this a problem that money can solve?" Su Jing was even more surprised. She had met Bode's boss before, and she didn't think the other party was a money-minded person.

"Of course it's not only about money, but also about Cheng Yizhou's future." Zheng Qi said with a smile, "I just asked Bode's boss whether he would like to see Cheng Yizhou wasting himself in the First Division, or Would you like to see him improve faster in the Super League? And I also promised that when Bode returns to the Super League, we will let him go together."

"He agreed?"

"Of course, Bode only entered the First Division. It is not a matter of a year or two to return to the Super League. Although Cheng Yizhou is outstanding, it may not be useful to have an experienced old First Division player in the First Division. He is in the Super League. What is worse than training yourself in the league? If Bode can return to the Super League, then he will be able to gain a quasi-god-level player, which is much better than being dragged into a boat now." Zheng Qi replied: "This is a win-win situation." ah."

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