football era

Chapter 45 Wu Xun's Proposal

"This record is really unlucky..."

"It was broken three times in one day, this district is really lively!"

The players are going crazy. The newcomers may not know what this means. They just think that this area is really lively. The system messages that are rarely seen at the moment are like bullet screens. One will come out, and one will come out... …

The old players are really going crazy. When will there be so many awesome people in a new district?

In the past, Ren Pingsheng and Yixin Xiangfei broke the record in turn, but now there is another immovable mountain. Of course, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is more exciting than the struggle between Chu and Han!

Just when they were all sighing, the fourth system-wide message that appeared quickly made the players in all districts shocked.

"Ren Pingsheng, a player from District 108, scored seventeen goals in a single room in the Wizard Hall dungeon, a new record in the entire era, and rewarded ten attribute points."

"Why is it ten o'clock? Is there a bug in the system?"

"Yeah, wasn't it all five points just now?"

"You rookies, what do you know... There is a bonus for breaking the records in the whole district in a row. If you break it once more, you will get a bonus of five points. It's just that it's too difficult to do this kind of thing. This Ren Pingsheng is really too incredible!"

Consecutively break the record, with attribute point bonus.

It's very simple to say, if the era record is broken four or five times in a row, maybe you can get sixty or seventy attribute points in one go, but how can that happen?In fact, even veterans know this rule, but subconsciously ignore this rule, because apart from the lucky ones who did this during the period when the football era was only opened, the record in the novice area of ​​​​the football era After reaching a relatively high level, it is very rare to even break a single record, let alone break records consecutively...

As time goes by, few people remember such regulations. If there are not many people, there are all kinds of people, and there are some freaks in each district who may not be particularly skilled, but who are familiar with the history and details of the game. There will be countless people calling the football era hotline, asking if there is a problem with the system.

But even so, the hotline and customer service personnel of Football Era have been busy for most of the day.

"It broke twice in a row?"

But the impact of Chaotic Crazy Saber and the others was even greater.

For many players, although they know how terrible it is to break records in a row, they don't know Ren Pingsheng. Hearing that a certain guy has done a very remarkable thing, and knowing that a certain guy around him has done it Very remarkable thing, the impact is two different things.

It’s like when you read the news and know that so-and-so flew into space and became an astronaut, you will sigh, and then forget it, but if this so-and-so grew up with you, you didn’t know that he would If you become an astronaut, the impact you will receive will be greater than ever!

Whether many things are shocking depends entirely on the distance from you. The great disasters on other continents may not be caused by the death of an old man in your compound.

"He actually broke two records in a row..." Sui Qingfeng murmured, as a veteran, he was the most shocked.

Although Su Jing and Lu Li were also very shocked by this, they had already had enough confidence in Zheng Qi. Even if they broke the record consecutively this time, they would only think "ah, he is really so good" Not thinking "He's so good!"

As for Chaotic Knife, as a newcomer, although he has also received some influence, he will not be particularly surprised. He thinks that his boss can do everything for granted...

Butler Meng frowned when he was greatly impacted by the breeze.

"Something's wrong." Butler Meng said.

"What's wrong?" Su Jing was taken aback.

"He didn't release the dungeon, so he went offline directly." Meng Butler said.

Su Jing and Lu Li quickly checked the friends column in the address book. Sure enough, Zheng Qi's profile picture had been grayed out, which proved that Zheng Qi had already gone offline without a copy...

"Is something going to happen?" Su Jing said worriedly.

"It's okay, I'll go offline to have a look." Meng Butler greeted Su Jing and Lu Li, and went offline in a hurry.

"Grandpa Meng lives with the boss?" Chaos Chaos Knife asked bluffing.

"Uncle Meng told you not to call him grandpa, don't you want him to take you around?" Lu Li said to Chaotic Knife.

Chaotic Knife covered his mouth, and said nervously, "Sister, I didn't say anything else!"

"Your mouth is so sweet. Next time I meet, my sister will bring you delicious food." Lu Limimi said with a smile.

Su Jing looked worried.

After coming out of the holographic cabin, Meng Butler's gentle smiling face, which never seemed to change, also became nervous. He walked quickly to Zheng Qi's room, observed the holographic cabin, and then put the holographic The cabin opened, and he took out a stethoscope from his pocket as if by magic, put it on Zheng Qi's chest, and listened carefully.

After listening for a while, Butler Meng's brows relaxed, put away the stethoscope, bent down, and reached out to hug Zheng Qi out of the holographic cabin.

Although Zheng Qi was also a tall young man, Butler Meng picked him up without any effort at all.

Putting Zheng Qi on the bed and covering him with a quilt to make him sleep more comfortably, Butler Meng straightened up, looked at Zheng Qi, sighed slightly, and walked out of the room.

Sitting in his room, Meng Butler thought for a while, then took out the communicator and dialed a number.

"Old Meng, what's the matter?" A slightly majestic voice came from the communicator.

"Today Zheng Qi was overworked in the game and passed out." Meng Butler said calmly.

"...Is it after breaking the record twice in a row?" The other party was silent for a while, and then asked.

"Yes, but I checked it just now. It's not any other problem. It's just a coma caused by overwork... There's no big problem." Meng Butler replied.

"That's good...Old Meng, thanks to having you by his side to take care of him, I can feel at ease." The other party sighed.

"I got my salary." Meng Butler replied very simply.

After hanging up the phone, Butler Meng came to the living room and sat there in a trance.

And at this time, in the game.

Although they were a little worried about Zheng Qi's situation, their dungeons hadn't been done yet, so in the next time, Su Jing and the others split up the dungeons and upgraded.

They can't fall behind in progress, otherwise they won't be able to form a team with Zheng Qi.

In the Southland Club.

When Liu Shibo came out of the holographic cabin, he was in a daze.

Being able to break the record this time and get five extra attribute points is enough to make any player happy. After all, at the end of the day, five more attribute points will give him five more advantages.

However, Liu Shibo couldn't be happy at all after seeing Zheng Qi broke the record twice in a row and Yi Xin Xiangfei broke the record once.

"Boss Liu, are you done?"

A voice came over, making Liu Shibo frowned. Although the person who greeted him sounded polite, but the content...

What do you mean it's over?Am I done?

"Today is over, let's continue tomorrow." Liu Shibo replied simply, and then asked: "Wu Xun, how about you? What's your level?"

The person who came was younger than Liu Shibo, with a handsome face, with an expression of enthusiasm, and an unconcealable ambition in his eyes.

"It's going to be level [-] soon. Although it's two days late, I can't hit the record, but I've got what I should get. Although it's slow to level up by brushing wild monsters, the combination of the four of us is also very fast."

Wu Xun sighed: "If we can hurry up, the records of the team dungeon won't be snatched away, right?"

"That requires cooperation, my current team is very good." Liu Shibo replied.

"Boss Liu, don't reject people thousands of miles away. The competition in this district is very fierce. Our two teams need to cooperate more." Wu Xun laughed.

"I don't think there is anything good to cooperate with." Liu Shibo shook his head.

"Needless to say, whether it is Ren Pingsheng or Yixiangfei, they all have outstanding strength, and they also have a good team. If we compete with them separately, it will only be cheaper for them. It is better to divide the labor and cooperate." .” Wu Xun laughed.

Liu Shibo looked at him, as if he didn't want to say anything.

Wu Xun didn't care about this, but continued: "In terms of dungeon competition, our strength actually has no advantage."

Liu Shibo nodded slightly, although he didn't like Wu Xun, but what Wu Xun said was right.

The upper limit of professional players is of course much higher than that of ordinary players, but in the initial dungeon, their upper limit is often unable to be used, just like a doctor and a primary school student take an exam together, of course the doctorate is much more knowledgeable than the primary school student, but If the examination is only in the scope of elementary school, the doctorate may not necessarily be able to score higher than the elementary school students. This is the reason.

Of course, if this primary school student can always get 110 points in the examination paper with [-] points, then the doctor can only choose to kneel...

"What really needs to be competed is the record, and the following records are not all district records. A record has only five chances to be broken. It is very simple to prevent the other party from getting the record. Something." Wu Xun said with a smile.

"You mean..." Liu Shibo began to understand what Wu Xun meant.

"With the strength of our team, PK with them is enough to kill them many times. It is completely enough for them to upgrade only through dungeons, not through wild monsters... After reaching level [-], you have to farm wild monsters if you want to upgrade , and if they are PKed by us, their progress will be greatly delayed, and then you will be able to take the record comfortably, Boss Liu." Wu Xun laughed.

"...Sorry, I don't want to use this method." Liu Shibo rejected Wu Xun almost without thinking.

"This is for the benefit of the club..." Wu Xun wanted to continue.

"We will also try our best to recruit these two newcomers to the club. They have already started well. If they lose enough attribute points, their numbers will be invalidated. This is also a harm to the interests of the club."

Liu Shibo stood up: "I will not do this kind of thing. The initial competition is one thing, but to destroy the interests of others for my own benefit, I will not do such a thing!"

Seeing the back of Liu Shibo leaving, Wu Xun snorted, then turned and left.

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