football era

Chapter 445 Calm and Reasonable

Changfeng launched an attack again.

This attack was the same as the previous one. They didn't make too many changes. They still divided their troops and then launched an attack.

The reason for not changing is that they think that what happened before is accidental.

Extraordinary just arranged a very elaborate tactic, but such a tactic has no applicability, it just succeeded with good luck, they don't believe that Extraordinary can succeed again.

Fei Fan did not behave like the previous game, but honestly launched a block. After seeing Chang Feng's players, they began to retreat in an orderly manner, and finally deployed a defensive lineup in front of the goal, trying to resist Chang Feng attack.

Changfeng's offense has always been quite powerful. In the past two years, after Shen Ruofei was added, it became even stronger. One formation breaker became two formation breakers. The final result is not as simple as one plus one equals two. That can provide more opportunities to break the formation.

The map of the Battle of Pengcheng is quite unfavorable for defense. After all, there is only a small area where they can concentrate their defense, and there are four or five passages for the opponent to attack, which makes it difficult for the defensive side to concentrate To defend an area with troops, you can only passively divide the troops. Under such a blow, even if you want to defend it, it is very difficult.

However, in defense, Fan Fei has achieved incomparable tenacity and demonstrated their talent and characteristics in defense.

Most of their players were defending, surrounded by Su Jing and Niu Lihua, while Zheng Qi, Li Guorui, and Huang Yuanfan did not join the defense line, but wandered around, ready to attack Changfeng's players at any time.

Most people's defense keeps their goal under protection. Although they have to constantly adjust the defensive center of gravity to make them feel a lot of pressure, they still support it. Every time a person is killed, the others will recover. Protect the gate until help arrives.

And their counterattacks often make Changfeng's players very uncomfortable. In terms of attributes, except for a few Changfeng players, other Changfeng players are still at a disadvantage-after all, Changfeng's god-level players are now only Three, Lu Xiaotianwen wants Shen Ruofei, Feng Tujiang Wenqian is still a little short of [-] attribute points, and He Jing is too. They are already very strong as a whole, but compared with Fanfan's configuration of all god-level accounts, they are still Can't compare.

This is really not comparable, no one can compare.

Therefore, even if there is a chance to kill extraordinary players, they must prevent them from counterattacking. In addition, Zheng Qi and the other three who did not join the defense line have been harassing everywhere, which also effectively restrained Changfeng's attack.

"Fan Fei's defense is really a headache." He Liqiang said.

"The key is that their defense is very targeted. Changfeng's several breakthroughs were blocked by their early judgment." Li Chengze said suddenly.

"Incomparably familiar with Chang Feng?" He Liqiang was taken aback.

"It's the same for us." Li Chengze nodded: "In that game, I didn't notice anything during the game, but after the game replay, the more I watched, the more something went wrong. Several times they seemed to have predicted it in advance. We have to do the same, and then disintegrate our offense, if the offense was not disintegrated in this way a few times, we would not have lost so aggrieved."

"Impossible, how much intelligence collection and targeted training will it take..." Han Yiming said incredulously.

"It's not impossible." He Liqiang patted his thigh: "Since they have such a method of pulling monsters, it means that they have a strong technical department. If they collect enough information and conduct targeted training, they can do it completely." If they arrive, even if they suffer a small loss due to insufficient information, overall, they have taken advantage of it!"

"Just for a game?" Han Yiming opened his mouth wide.

"They have plenty of time." Li Chengze said lightly.

Han Yiming suddenly realized.

Especially for the first-tier team, their performance was not very good from the beginning-if they are a new army, their performance can even be said to be good, but looking back now, it can only prove that, From the very beginning, Fei Fei did not give his best in the First Division, and even used the league for training.

By the second half of the season, their lineup was complete and their level had improved, but it was still not reflected in the results quickly. They were still a mid-range team, but they only retained the level of hitting the top nine.

Under such circumstances, apart from training the team in the league, how much time do they have to prepare?
When the opponent is Tianhe, they can spend a month to prepare. When the opponent is Changfeng, their preparation time may be less, but if their goal is to win the China Cup, starting from the top sixteen divisions, They can already start preparing.

As for the question of whether it is worthwhile to spend so long preparing for a game... Is that still a problem?

With their strength, qualifying for the Super League is not a problem at all. If this is the case, what else do they have to worry about?
"In this way, the situation of Changfeng may not be good in this game..." Han Yiming murmured.

"Isn't that good? In case they win five crowns, we lose face..." He Liqiang shrugged.

Li Chengze smiled slightly: "They will indeed face some difficulties, but Lu Xiaotian will not give up easily... This game will also be a test for them. If they can pass this test, then there will be no competition in the World Cup." People have a chance to stop them."

"Really? Is Feifan so powerful?" Han Yiming said in surprise.

"It's not that they are so good, but because this will be the biggest test for Changfeng this year. If they can pass this level, they will not capsize in the gutter in the World Cup. After all, they have not been really tested before. For us, this season's Changfeng is a bit too strong." Li Chengze sighed.

Han Yiming and He Liqiang looked at each other, feeling that they didn't understand...

"In the past four years, Chinese clubs have won the World Cup. Do you think we are too strong, or those opponents are too weak?" Li Chengze asked rhetorically.

"This, I think it should be there." He Liqiang said after thinking for a while: "We are indeed quite strong, and those opponents did not have a big impact on us."

"No, in my opinion, the most important reason is that we always have to face the challenge of Changfeng in the league and cup competitions. They put a lot of pressure on us. On this basis, facing other opponents , the pressure we are under will not appear too great." Li Chengze replied.

He Liqiang nodded thoughtfully: "So the biggest crisis for Changfeng this year is actually that they have not been really tested in the league and cup games, because we are training the team, and the results have dropped a lot. When confronting head-on , and lost to them without much resistance. As for Nanguo Shenhua Xiongfeng, they performed very hard, but their flaws are there, and there is a reason why they have not been able to impact us and Changfeng in the past period of time."

"In this way, if they encounter a team with stronger resistance in the World Cup, they may not adapt?" Han Yiming asked.

"It's like this. Back then, under the leadership of Meng Feifei and Chen Feng, Nanguo was invincible in the league and cup competitions that year, and then suffered such a big loss in the World Cup. There may be various factors. However, before the World Cup , They have not been tested in any real way, which is also a big problem." Li Chengze nodded: "So I say, this match is an opportunity for Changfeng instead."

"Extraordinary must work hard, the first five crowns should be won by us!" Han Yiming began to cheer for extraordinary.

Li Chengze couldn't help laughing, but at this moment he felt that Han Yiming's reaction was quite correct...

For a team like Tianhe that wants to win the five championships, they certainly don't want any team to win the five championships. If they want to win it, only they can win it.

This is very normal thinking.

Li Chengze also thought the same way, and after seeing the extraordinary performance, he also began to involuntarily pin more hopes on this situation.

Is Extraordinary reliable?Li Chengze began to think, he admitted that Feifan is reliable, Tianhe who defeated him did not rely on luck, but this year's Changfeng is really outstanding.

No matter on the whole or personally, Changfeng has reached a peak. Although it is not as invincible as Nanguo back then, it is just because Changfeng faces more opponents now, unlike Nanguo at that time. The country is basically invincible in the world.

Li Chengze and Lu Xiaotian are also known as Shuangbi. In fact, if the strength of the overall team is not as good as Changfeng, or if they cannot be the catalyst of a team like Li Chengze, the top players of other teams will be less famous in terms of fame, status and strength. They are all able to compete with Lu Xiaotian, even if they are a little short, they are not far behind—Sun Fei from the South, Fang Yuan from the myth, Ge Xinghui from the majestic... Even Yuan Xiao from Kang Ning and Di Xing from Xingyu all have outstanding talents. personal ability.

However, in terms of personal ability, they still have a slight gap with Lu Xiaotian, and they can't compare with Changfeng as a whole. With such an outstanding player and shrewd operations, Changfeng has the status it is today.

They did not become stronger suddenly, but gradually became stronger little by little. This kind of strength is more reliable than sudden strength.

Generally speaking, such a team will not suddenly become vulnerable. It is very difficult to defeat them...

Can Extraordinary do this?Li Chengze expressed doubts.

Emotionally, Li Chengze very much hoped that Feifan could stop Changfeng, but as a rational player, he felt that Feifan's chances were still slim.

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