football era

Chapter 443 Despicable Assassination

Three against three, this is not a very advantageous number comparison in professional competitions, but now among the three players in Changfeng, there is Lu Xiaotian.

Not to mention manipulation, even in terms of attributes, he has an overwhelming advantage over Li Guorui and the others. This makes the attribute advantages that extraordinary players usually rely on to suppress their opponents completely gone.

With the help of two top super players, Lu Xiaotian easily killed Li Guorui and Huang Yuanfan. Although Xu Yi bravely helped them bear most of the damage, the two of them still retreated steadily and were beaten. Embarrassed.

Wen wants to pay attention to the details of the confrontation between the two sides, and is gradually moving towards the battle group - this is also a very necessary thing to do. For Changfeng, they are not familiar with Feifan. Although they have been playing friendly matches before, but that This level of competition really can't find anything.

But Chang Feng has no secrets in front of Fei Fei. This is Fei Fei's only advantage. Wen takes it for granted that he understands this, so once she has the opportunity to observe the other party, she will observe it seriously.

Every core-level player probably has this kind of instinct. The opponent's situation may generally not change, but every player will have subtle changes at any time. The team is beneficial.

Yang Fan followed Wen Xiang silently. He knew what his mission was, which was to protect Wen Xiang. He didn't have any opinion on his status, because he knew what his role was.

What's more, Wen wanted to control the ball at this time, so protecting Wen Xiang became the top priority.

According to the news from Luo Qichuan, Shen Ruofei and others on the other side also encountered extraordinary players, or they intercepted the extraordinary team that came to support, and they were playing lively.

Although he hasn't seen the extraordinary people yet, at least Yang Fan doesn't need to be too anxious.

Even if not all the extraordinary players showed up, eight or nine out of ten would show up. With him protecting him, just one or two people, he really didn't think anyone could hurt Wen Xiang under his protection.

After all, this is a competition, not reality, so there is no need to worry too much.

You don't have to worry about someone taking a sniper a few kilometers away and blowing the head of your protected target, and you don't have to worry about someone poisoning the air so that you get caught unknowingly. You only need to worry about the game itself.

Wen Xiang was moving forward, and Yang Fan followed closely beside Wen Xiang. He and Liu Yuan were two pieces of wood known as Changfeng.

What is the use of wood?It can be used to build a house, it can be used to chop firewood for warmth, and similarly, in the earliest wars, people used it to build shields to protect themselves.

Changfeng's wood is the best protector. Although they are inconspicuous, Changfeng still ranks them in the ranks of the Eight Great Vajras and knows their importance.

Wood also has other meanings. For example, if you describe a person as wood, you basically think that this person is dull, uninterested, and old-fashioned in doing things.

For a defender, this is the best character.

Yang Fan knew why Wen Xiang wanted to move. Although for a protected object, moving meant exposing himself, how could he keep up with the big army if he didn't move during the game?What's more, in addition to protecting the football, Wen Xiang also needs to use auxiliary skills to support his teammates and observe some details of the opponent.

All he has to do is to protect Wen Xiang well.

While moving, Wen Xiang watched Huang Yuanfan, Li Guorui, and Xu Yi's reactions. She was amazed, three against three, and Changfeng was still supporting her constantly. How could these three guys, Fanfan, support them until now?That's a really big deal.

You must know that Lu Xiaotian's style has always been extremely fast and simple. He can always quickly eliminate his opponents like a storm to open up the situation. The whole team opened the way to victory. Although Changfeng's performance was not very good that year, his style quickly made him the favorite of everyone.

And after Wen Xiang joined in the second year, Wen Xiang's tactics were combined with his personal ability, and Chang Feng's mighty offensive combination began to take shape. After that, there were almost no players who could hold their ground under his impact. Opponents, in the case of equal numbers, as long as Changfeng has Lu Xiaotian, they can always quickly gain an advantage in numbers.

However, this meeting became an exception. The extraordinary three players were beaten badly, but they persisted until now.

One can carry, two can hide, plus their excellent attribute advantages, so when the Changfeng players think they can be killed, they just don't die, and once they dodge, give themselves some The skill of recovery is another hero who is alive and well.

"I'm afraid they all have [-] attribute points." Wen Xiang thought in surprise, which shocked her to a certain extent - she had guessed before that the attributes of Fei Fan and his group might have exceeded [-] , but the number eight hundred and five still shocked her extremely.

If the attribute can exceed [-], even if the operation is a little bit worse, compared with the god-level players, it is not much worse, right?
It was precisely because of this shock that Wen Xiang's pace slowed down a bit, but Yang Fan's forward pace did not change. In this way, the distance between the two was slightly opened.

At this moment, an extremely dazzling white light shone from the two of them.

Also the second skill, alliance, powerfully attracts the opponent to his side.

Wen Xiang and Yang Fan moved towards that position involuntarily at the same time. Huimeng's judgment ability is very strong, and they will basically be sucked in, depending on how close they are and how far they are.

As a defensive player, Yang Fan's resistance is much stronger. After being sucked into a figure, he stabilized his figure, and then rushed forward quickly to protect Wen Xiang.

Wen Xiang was at a disadvantage under such circumstances. Most of her attribute points were focused on attributes such as power burst, balance, and bounce-these attributes are also very helpful for auxiliary skills, and they are also helpful for self-protection. Greater physical flexibility, speed and endurance attributes, but the increase is not much.

Since the opponent used Huimeng's trick to make Wen Xiang temporarily unable to get rid of the opponent's control so as to kill her and steal the football, of course he needs to go to protect him faster!

Sure enough, the next moment, he saw the extraordinary player Cheng Xuan in the white light, who was about to make a move towards Wen Xiang.

Yang Fan stopped Wen Xiang in time and blocked Cheng Xuan's attack with his body.

After adopting Yexian's big move to rule the roost, Cheng Xuan's lethality and burst increased a lot. Although it couldn't reach the point where he could instantly kill Wen Xiang, but if he hit Wen Xiang several times in a row, then Wen Xiang would only be killed. portion.

Now all the attacks fell on Yang Fan. Yang Fan could carry a lot more than Wen thought, but it was just a "swish", and two-thirds of his physical value was removed.

It was no problem for Yang Fan if he didn't hang up, he continued to stop Cheng Xuan, he knew that he only needed to stop him for a while, and when the time when Wen wanted to be controlled passed, she would provide support as soon as possible.

Wen Xiang is not some weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, she is one of the few god-level players in the league.

Sure enough, after regaining control of his body, Wen Xiang didn't run away in a hurry, but threw a recovery skill over on the spot, saving Yang Fan's already crumbling blood line.

Then she moved a step sideways to make her position a little safer, and she was ready to continue to support Yang Fan and Lu Xiaotian who were still fighting against Li Guorui and others.

But as soon as he moved a step, Wen Xiang felt that he bumped into someone.

She confirmed that there was no one in the place where she was moving, but she ran into someone at this time, which can only prove one thing...

When thinking of this, Wen Xiang had already sensed the danger, but it was too late.

In the empty space that was originally empty, the air rippled like water waves, and then Zheng Qi's now-looking extremely hateful smiling face appeared.

The next moment, he stabbed Wen Xiang with a knife.

Wen wanted to fade away and left the field, unable to even give football a skill.

Naturally, there is only one skill that can instantly kill a god-level player with full blood.

Jing Ke's big move-Assassinate Qin.

He paid the price that his blood volume bottomed out in a short period of time and could not recover, and took away an opponent's player.

This is also the only skill among the hero skills of Football Era that can instantly kill opponents with full blood.

And Zheng Qi's previous invisibility was Jing Ke's skill of forbearance, a skill that can be completely invisible-but even if he is completely invisible, he can't keep moving while being invisible. He can be invisible for such a long time, which proves that he has always been invisible. Standing there without any movement is the only way to remain invisible for such a long time.

Under normal circumstances, it's fine, this area just now is a battlefield, and the skill may hit him at any time, breaking his invisibility, but he still did so, and luckily he didn't break the invisibility!
And Cheng Xuan's attack was not to kill Wen Xiang, but to attract Yang Fan's attention, and even the alliance skill just now allowed Wen Xiang to temporarily leave football...

Pushing forward, including the surprise attack by Li Guorui and others, it was also expected that Changfeng would have countermeasures.

In this way, I achieved my goal step by step, and the whole plan is extremely bold!
This kind of interlocking plan is rarely arranged in competitions, because it will consume a lot of effort, but it is very likely to fail completely due to a certain accidental factor, which is really not worth the candle.

But Fei Fei did this, completed such a despicable assassination in the eyes of Changfeng fans, and sent Wen Xiang out of the game!

And Zheng Qi, who completed this despicable assassination, did not waste a single bit. After controlling the football, he turned around and ran, then bypassed a tent and disappeared from everyone's sight.

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