football era

Chapter 441

"The one standing in front of us is actually extraordinary. This is something I didn't expect... We have been collecting information about them, but there are not many that can play a role. After all, in the past six months, we have no Played a friendly match with them."

Rocky Chuan touched his head in the locker room, and then laughed: "Speaking of which, it's also my fault. I haven't played against them in the past six months, so I haven't paid much attention to them."

"How can this be your fault? Coach." Wen Xiang shook his head with a smile: "Our goal this year is to win five championships. stand before us."

"Unexpectedly, so their threat will not be too big." Lu Xiaotian said confidently: "I have also watched some of their recent games, and they have indeed improved a lot. They are close to us as a whole, but the gap with us is still the same. Not small, as long as we play normally, then the victory is ours."

"That's right, coach, we've adjusted our state very well recently, and we will definitely not play abnormally. As long as we don't play abnormally, then no one will be able to defeat us." Feng Tu also said confidently.

Looking at the players who showed strong confidence, Luo Qichuan laughed.

Then he didn't say anything, just waved his hand, "Let's go."

"The players from both sides have already entered the stage...Changfeng and Feifan are preparing to enter the stage. Let's take a look at Changfeng...Well, Lu Xiaotian, Wen Xiang, Shen Ruofei, He Jing, Feng Tu...the main players are basically on the stage, look Coming to Changfeng, I don’t want to give Feifan any more chances, they are now in a peak state whether individually or as a whole, and they don’t underestimate this game, it seems that Feifan’s chances are not too great.”

"Let's take a look at what the map is...Changfeng has a very high winning rate this year. They have encountered all kinds of maps and have almost no experience of failure. They only lost two games in the league this year, and it can be said that they lost It was quite a coincidence... Well, the map is out, Pengcheng! It's Pengcheng!"

When the map of the finals appeared in front of everyone's eyes, many viewers laughed—the map of the Battle of Pengcheng usually appears not infrequently, so ordinary viewers are relatively familiar with this map. The terrain is general and does not change. It is nothing more than a patchwork of camps spread over a plain. The roads extend in all directions, but the line of sight will be constantly blocked, and there will often be scenes of hand-to-hand combat. React to the experience of the players Operation and personal Capabilities have relatively high requirements.

And the complicated part of this map is not here, but half an hour after the start of the game, more and more dense cavalry attacks randomly refreshed-in the Battle of Pengcheng, the 65 cavalry of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, completely defeated the Han army. This is one of the most famous battles in the history of Chinese warfare in which fewer people win more.

Fully displaying the advantages of cavalry is the key to Xiang Yu's miracle. Of course, this map will reflect this feature-after a while, there will be cavalry charging to plow a certain map. To avoid it in time is basically to be killed in seconds, but if you can follow the trend, such a time is often a good time to open up the situation.

The coexistence of crisis and opportunity is the most attractive part of this map.

"Be patient, don't think about defeating your opponent within half an hour... Even if they are familiar with this map, they may not be completely familiar with it. Random cavalry attacks are not what they can predict. Our experience in this regard is not bad. , don’t affect our judgment of the game just because you are worried about their familiarity with the map.”

Luo Qichuan's voice sounded on the team channel, Lu Xiaotian nodded, and then appeared on the field with his teammates.

Changfeng kicked off first. For them, the first attack had to show their own level.

This is a kind of unreasonable domineering, or toughness, which belongs to the characteristics of Changfeng, and it is also the temperament of the entire team.

Changfeng didn't have this kind of temperament, but after having Lu Xiaotian, they have this kind of temperament.

A traditional strong team has its own temperament, and a strong player like Lu Xiaotian can bring temperament to the team - in this regard, Li Chengze is the same.

"It's a pity that your status has declined this year. If we win five championships but fail to suppress you who are the strongest, it will still be a pity."

Lu Xiaotian thought in his heart, and began to recall every detail of his confrontation with Li Chengze.

What strong players appreciate the most is often those who can fight against them.

In the first year when Tianhe began to decline, Lu Xiaotian began to miss them.

Of course, this kind of miss will not affect Lu Xiaotian's performance on the court. When he starts the game, he will be completely devoted.

"Divide the troops and advance. If you see them, kill them if you can, and wait for support if you can't kill them."

Lu Xiaotian turned his head and said something, then walked forward first, and walked into the vast Han army camp.

Changfeng's other players began to disperse. This terrain must be dispersed, because there is no place for a large army to fight, so they can only divide their troops, whether it is the attacking side or the defensive side.

And to compete on such a map, Changfeng is confident-if it is Tianhe, it will suffer a lot on such a map, because they are strong in the whole, while Changfeng is strong in individuals, especially this year.

Because besides Lu Xiaotian, they also have Shen Ruofei now.

One arrow is certainly not as powerful as two arrows.

Although the football era is a contest between the whole, but in many cases, individual abilities are also very useful, especially on this kind of map.

Lu Xiaotian from the left, Shen Ruofei from the right, the two of them rushed to the front, and the other Changfeng players didn't have any surprised expressions, this is what they often do.

Behind them, other Changfeng players followed quickly. Wen Xiang and He Jing were a little behind. The players are protecting them, and they can support Lu Xiaotian and Shen Ruofei who are in front at any time.

No matter how strong a breakout player is, they all need help. No matter how strong a person is, if he falls into the opponent's trap and is surrounded by people, he will die instantly - even Lu Xiaotian is the same.

In the contest with Tianhe in the past few years, Lu Xiaotian fell into the opponent's trap not once or twice, he can crush Li Chengze in strength, but Li Chengze can always crush him in IQ.

Sometimes Lu Xiaotian can break through the opponent's trap with his strong strength, but most of the time, he can only hang up very depressed.

Even if he is No. 1 in the alliance, in the face of the trap of absolute advantage that has been planned for a long time, he can only die.

However, for the competition, the death of a certain player does not bring a complete disadvantage, it still depends on the overall situation.

Changfeng's players began to attack separately. They are not far from each other and can provide support at any time.

And their mutual cover also conceals the real location of the football well, at least you can't observe it from the front.

Shen Ruofei is still advancing. He is a player with a firm character and one heart. This also makes him often seem a little out of touch with other teammates when Changfeng is the main player.

But now, there is no such problem.

After more than a year of cooperation, the cooperation between him and his teammates has been quite good. The speed of his impact and the strength of his teammates' response gradually tend to be unified, and there will be no excessive aggressiveness.

After passing a tent, he saw a person.

Zheng period.

Zheng Qi also happened to turn around from behind a tent in front of him, and the two took a look from a distance, Shen Ruofei moved forward, Zheng Qi retreated quickly, and hid behind the tent again.

Shen Ruofei did not catch up, but stopped.

"Get closer to Shen Ruofei."

Luo Qichuan said in the team channel that Wen Xiang didn't make any objections, and Changfeng's players began to move towards Shen Ruofei's position.

The distance between the two sides is not too far, but because of the terrain, the distance between the two arrows has been elongated a bit. Now that Lu Xiaotian is moving towards Shen Ruofei at a faster speed, it is inevitable that Wen Xiang and others behind him will be left behind. in place.

They are the offensive side, as long as they can gather together, they can take the initiative.

If Shen Ruofei is discovered by the opponent first, then the opponent will most likely concentrate their forces to deal with Shen Ruofei. At this time, they have two options. One is to use Shen Ruofei as a bait, some players concentrate their forces to attract the opponent's attention, and then another passer-by dribbles the ball to launch an attack. Attack - this is the initiative and advantage of the attacking side, and they are sure that Fan Fei did not find out whose feet the football is at.

Another option is to concentrate on Shen Ruofei's side, defeat the opponent's defense, and then attack the opponent's gate.

One of these two choices is very rational, and the other is very domineering.

Changfeng chose this domineering approach without hesitation.

They don't care about one or two goals. The key is that in the first confrontation, they must occupy an absolute psychological advantage, defeat the opponent's overall defense, and win the final victory.

Use the most domineering and tyrannical way, in a frontal confrontation, defeat the opponent's overall formation from the very beginning, and at the same time defeat the opponent's psychology, thus gaining an advantage in the entire game.

This is not Changfeng's usual way of playing, but it is the way they are used to when they meet a new opponent.

To use an old saying, this is called giving the opponent a blow.

Changfeng wanted to give Tianhe a blow.

When encountering new opponents, they have always done this, and most of the time the effect is relatively good, and in a few cases where the effect is average, it will not affect their subsequent performance.

This kind of beneficial and cost-effective thing, of course Changfeng Shangxia needs to do it frequently, and they control the ball, even if the opponent notices something, they can only fight with them.

As for Changfeng, what they are most afraid of is fighting head-on with their opponents. In terms of fighting head-on, no team is their opponent, whether it is in the Chinese Super League, or in Asian and world-level competitions.

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