football era

Chapter 435

"Now we are facing a very difficult situation... Feifan is much better than we imagined. They have advantages in overall and individual confrontation. Such a team is actually a first-tier team. It is really... "

In the locker room, Ni Lili couldn't help laughing wryly as she said, she didn't feel anything before, and she couldn't feel anything just watching the game, but after the first half of the match, they all began to feel that the opponent's overall strength Compared with the previous progress, it is simply a heaven and an underground.

It's not just because of the fact that Feifan's team is all professional-level players. If it's just this, relying on Kang Ning's own outstanding strength, he can still crush them. Confronting Corning, you can only be crushed by Corning, and Corning has such confidence.

The nine newly joined players have the strength of the super league level - because their attributes are good enough, but what really allows Fan Fei to gain such an advantage is because Fan Fei's old players have improved their level by at least when they met before. A notch!
Among them, the one who has improved the most is Zheng Qi.

Not only did he maintain his previous flexible and changeable style, but he was always able to find the flaws exposed by the opponent. Even if he confronted him head-on, he became even better. Before, he held back the onslaught of Yuan Xiao and the other four, and still controlled Chang Er to death. On the spot, it is a clear proof. In such a situation, it is not only the appropriateness of skill selection, but also a test of a player's fighting spirit and courage.

"The things that have already happened, it doesn't matter anymore... Now it is really bad for us, but it is also an opportunity for us to train ourselves... Extraordinary is limited in overall strength than us. In fact, they suppress us Yes, it is still tactics and other aspects. We need to practice more in this area. Now that our lineup has gradually stabilized, if we want to achieve results, we have to work hard in this area. We may not care about the outcome of this game, but It is a good opportunity to train us, understand!" Yuan Xiao said calmly.

"The captain is right. Our current lineup has stabilized. There are no outstanding players among the rookies. The female players we like are also of high status in the team and it is difficult to recruit them. So now we We need to focus on the results... Let’s make up for our weakness, I will study more tactics, and you all have to get used to listening to my command before going to the game.” Fu Qing nodded and said.

Corning's players nodded one after another. They all knew this. In the past, Corning didn't make much effort in this area, mainly because they wanted to train the players' personal abilities through this method. After all, they were facing difficult situations. Under this circumstance, each player's personal ability can be fully displayed. In this regard, their approach is no different from what Fei Fan did before, but for some reason, they are not as extreme as Fan Fei, and the effect is not as good as Fan Fei. That's all.

After accumulating enough strength, of course, it is necessary to start improving in other aspects, to hit some decent honors, this is what every team will do.

"Let's start with this match, the a good opponent." Fu Qing finally said.

In the first half, Corning's situation was indeed very bad. Before the end of the first half, they fell behind by two goals. In the second half, when the field is obviously more complicated, their probability of winning the game will be the lowest. Under such circumstances, they found another target, so that the entire team would not be affected too much.

As for the loss to a first-tier team—it won’t affect them now. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that even if Feifan is placed in the Super League, he still has the ability to at least hit the top ten teams. Losing to such a team Is it really embarrassing for the team?

Ever since, in the second half of the game, Kang Ning began to pay more attention to the confrontation in tactical details, judged more correctly on the map, and collected some information by the way...

"Are they giving up?" Lu Li couldn't help asking, and Kang Ning's current behavior made her feel that something was wrong.

"It's not giving up, it's just that their goals for this game have begun to change. This approach seems embarrassing, but in fact it is extremely wise. Corning has accumulated for a long time now and needs to make some changes." Meng Meng Fan frowned: "If this goes on like this, it won't take a year, maybe the next season, maybe the next season, and Corning will become one of Feifan's biggest opponents."

"Who was the biggest opponent before?" Lu Li couldn't help but asked curiously. Meng Butler's words meant that Corning should not be Fei Fan's opponent in the Super League in the future. Who are the opponents in the league?
"Changfeng at its peak, Tianhe after adjustment, Nanguo on the rise..." Meng Butler suddenly shook his head when he said this: "Nanguo is not sure, there should be some problems inside them, otherwise Chen Lin would also Not coming to our club."

"Yeah, Chen Lin is such an outstanding player...and they gave up so easily. What's going on in Nanguo? Can't even Liu Shibo protect his little brother?" Sui Qingfeng nodded quickly.

"There must be internal problems. Even if Liu Shibo is a young player that Chen Feng is optimistic about, Sun Fei may not think so." Wu Wai Jiangshan also agreed with the view of going with the breeze.

"We're just guessing right now, but judging from Nanguo's performance this year, there are indeed some problems." Meng Fan replied.

"Uh, Uncle Meng, are you so confident in us?" Lu Li couldn't help asking.

"Why don't we have confidence in our future?" Meng Fan smiled slightly.

Lu Li, Wuwai Jiangshan and Sui Qingfeng went silent at the same time. They really didn't know what to say to this kind of words. Instead, they nodded thoughtfully without asking for blood, and then happily grew a smile. tone.

"Being able to beat Corning like this, I really didn't expect that one day the team I supported would have such a level...Brother Meng, I believe in your judgment. In the Super League next year, it will be nothing more than mere mere opponents who can stop us Just a few!" Xue Wuqiu patted his thigh and said.

"Of course, but we still need to improve, not only the first team, but also the guild... Our guild still lacks some backbone. If the guild can have more outstanding players, the members of the first team are in the process of fighting for the boss. There will not be too much energy to be overdrawn in the game, and the progress may be faster." Meng Fan laughed.

"Well, this is a problem, but we used to be a small guild, and there were not many such masters... The Sky Guild couldn't keep such masters in the past. Now, I can try to contact some people I know, I hope it can make up for it." Xue Wuqiu said after thinking about it.

"Well, it's good to be able to recruit a few more people, but you don't have to force it. It takes time and the attraction of the club to accumulate such good players. In fact, there are quite a few such players in the management of the sky. Good hands, as long as they are willing to work harder, then our problem is actually not too big." Meng Fan looked at Xue Wuqiu, and then laughed.

Xue Wuqiu looked a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, everyone can understand this." Wu Wai Jiangshan patted Xue Wuqiu's shoulder: "Those old guys can't figure it out, and we can all understand, but the club's situation is so good now. The task of coming down to the first team is heavy, and they should understand more about the difficulties of some clubs, right?"

"I know... Don't worry, I was a bit embarrassing before. If there are still people like this among professional players, then they will be fired if they should be fired, and they will be downgraded if they should be demoted. I will not be merciful anymore." nodded.

"As long as we work together, there will be no hurdles we can't overcome. From scratch, we can go to where we are today. What else is there to be afraid of? Zheng Qi and I have a long-term dream. We are no longer far from this dream." Far away, we are moving towards that dream at a high speed that we didn't expect before, and now, we really can't be held back by others." Meng Fan laughed, and then said softly.

Xue Wuqiu nodded.

"Don't worry, the name of the guild of Extraordinary Sky alone is enough to prove that Fanfan has nothing to do to the former Sky. It has been hypocritical for almost a year, and those who continue to be hypocritical are not worthy of any patience."

When Xue Wuqiu said this, his expression was extremely firm.

Fei Fei's current situation is much better than the previous sky.

Not to mention that nearly half of Feifan's current first-team team are former Sky players, not to mention that half of the guilds in the Extraordinary Sky guild are now composed of former Sky guilds, just say that those people are now signing contracts with the Extraordinary Sky guild, and they are taking the extraordinary The salary offered by the club should be more - even if they just continued the previous contract with Cang Qiong, because of their relationship with Cang Qiong, they received much less salary than other clubs... But this is not the case. It's not a reason for them to grind foreign labor.

If people continue to slack off like this, they will be destroyed.

Just for this point, Xue Wuqiu also felt that he should warn those guys well, even if they are hypocritical, there must be a limit, the club gave them time before, now, it is time for them to pay something new.

Seeing how the extraordinary players and Corning players on the field did not lose the slightest in the confrontation, Xue Wuqiu didn't say much, but deep in his heart, he had already made such a decision.

If a team wants to reach the top, it has never been a matter of only the first team. The performance of the entire club is crucial.

Extraordinary is no exception.

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