football era

Chapter 432 Curious

The terrain of Changbanpo will change randomly, but it will not happen that when the player is walking, the mountain range will suddenly disappear, and then the player climbing on it will fall half to death, let alone when the player is swimming in the river, the river will suddenly disappear It becomes a flat bottom, and then the player is directly smothered to death-that is called cheating, not changing.

The change of Changbanpo means that when you have just crossed a certain plain, and then look back, you may find that the plain has turned into a hill or a river. You were originally with your companions, but suddenly appeared The hills and rivers are separated...

This is the special feature of Changbanpo. Of course, such terrain changes are often beneficial to teams with better personal abilities, so extraordinary players think such a map is good.

Kang Ning didn't mean to underestimate the opponent, and when he found out that the map was Changbanpo, Fu Qing shook his head.

In terms of personal ability, Fu Qing is not worried. Corning is not an ordinary Super League team. They are one of the strongest teams in the Super League. In terms of individual ability, it is quite powerful. Every member of the first team has a level close to that of a god-level player.

This is of course a great thing. It is also related to the composition of Corning. Their selection of materials is relatively wide. Although many outstanding female players have been taken away by other clubs, there are still many female players who are willing to join. Corning, this has brought them a huge selection of materials, so in terms of the personal ability of the players, they can be said to be the best of the best, and the level of selection is quite outstanding.

However, in terms of the whole team, Corning still has its own shortcomings - the biggest shortcoming is that among the top ten strong teams, Corning may be the only team that does not have at least one outstanding tactical player. All teams have such a role, whether they are god-level players or not, but Kang Ning does not. Their best players, Yuan Xiao, Ni Lili and Chang Er, are all better at personal combat ability.

This has also affected their overall performance invisibly. Of course, this is not a problem of any one person.

Yuan Xiao led her team to move forward. On such a terrain, whether it was offense or defense, it was difficult to act collectively. The key was to spread out and then respond to each other.

"Don't advance too much... Pay attention to returning to defense, don't forget that we are on the defensive side." Yuan Xiao reminded all teammates in the team.

While they were advancing cautiously, Zheng Qi and his teammates advanced quite fast.

"Keep a distance and respond at any time... This kind of terrain is difficult to succeed in a sneak attack. If the terrain changes a little, you can see everything at a glance."

Xu Shan was talking on the team channel, Zheng Qi nodded, and rushed to the front, while the football was a little behind.

"You rushed faster." Xu Shan reminded Zheng Qi to slow down and stay in line with the others.

"The extraordinary formation is maintained quite well...they are really good now, they can still maintain a very complete formation in such terrain! Now they have crossed a dense forest in the middle, we can see that when they come out of the dense forest When the time comes, you will meet the large army that Kang Ning is welcoming..."

The commentator is explaining that although the terrain of Changbanpo will change frequently, most of the time it is still necessary to fight for the combat capabilities of both sides. It is rare for the forwards of the two sides to meet, and then the terrain changes behind one side, leaving the forwards in front. When the people behind couldn't come up to support in time.

However, when he was about to leave the forest, Zheng Qi suddenly raised his hand, and then all Fanfan's players stopped at the same time and began to move closer together quickly.

After this inexplicable behavior continued for five seconds, Zheng Qi let go of his hand, and the extraordinary players poured out of the forest like a tide.

The Corning players outside the woods were a little surprised, because according to their guess, if the extraordinary people were going straight forward, they should have rushed out of the woods ten seconds ago, but they were so slow.

However, neither Yuan Xiao nor anyone else paid much attention to this—the difference of just a few seconds may be due to the slower moving speed of the other party.

So after seeing extraordinary people rushing out, Corning's players rushed forward at the same time.

They didn't mean to underestimate Fei Fei. Although they had easily defeated Fei Fei before, in fact, Fei Fei had changed too much and improved too fast in the past few months. Kang Ning, who had noticed this, naturally would not despise Fei Fei. this team.

In fact, just because Extraordinary defeated Tianhe, they wouldn't make them look down upon them. Maybe the first-tier teams don't know what Tianhe means, and the super teams really know what a team of Tianhe's level is.

Even if Tianhe's level drops a little, it's not something that any team can beat!

"Go, fight them!"

Yuan Xiao yelled, and then rushed out in the lead, and there were at least four Corning players who rushed out with her, including Chang Er.

Only Ni Lili is a little behind and ready to support at any time.

In fact, every player in Corning doesn't really need their teammates to take care of them. Each of them can take care of themselves.

Even in such a group confrontation, their personal standards can be fully displayed.

Extraordinary is certainly not bad in this respect. Their personal abilities may not be considered outstanding, but their superior attributes can make up for this very well.

Especially now that they have been able to play their role attributes very well.

However, after the fight, they found that they had no advantage.

In terms of attributes, they are indeed better, but on a personal level, they don't have any advantages.

"This is the average level of a strong team... Of course, Kang Ning's personal level is top-notch among the strong teams. In fact, only Tianhe and Changfeng can compare with them, and Nanguo can do it. The others are even Shenhua and Xiongfeng may not be their opponent in this regard, if not for their poor overall tactical level, they would not be outside the top five."

In a certain box in the stands, Meng Fan couldn't help sighing.

Beside him are several high-level members of the Extraordinary Guild, such as Xue Wuqiu, and Lu Li, Jiangshan Beyond the Mist, Go with the Breeze...

Hearing Meng Fan's words, Xue Wuqiu nodded in agreement, but Lu Li didn't understand.

"Is Kang Ning's personal ability so outstanding?" Lu Li immediately asked Butler Meng, asking if she didn't understand. This has always been her motto.

"Yes, they are very good, and they are relatively unambitious. They don't want to leave because of their outstanding personal abilities, just like some players who feel that they are not enough. They just want to have a happy and happy stage. "Meng Fan replied.

"Like that Xie Yongfei?" Sui Qingfeng asked.

"I didn't refer to anyone in particular, hahaha."

Meng Fan replied with a smile: "Actually, if it wasn't for the fact that Kang Ning hadn't been able to find a head coach with particularly good tactical ability, and that the female players with the most overall perspective were in other teams, it would have been possible for Kang Ning to create An era where female players rule."

"That's a pity. I really want to see such a situation." Lu Li sighed.

"In the era of football, it is not empty talk that women can hold up half the sky." Meng Fan nodded, "If the best group of female players can really be assembled together, it is really possible to suppress all of them. Opponents, unfortunately, this scenario is unlikely."

"Then this game, aren't we in danger?" Wu Wai Jiang Shan couldn't help asking.

"Why do you say that?" Meng Fan asked back.

"Isn't our greatest advantage lies in our excellent personal ability? Now the map tests personal ability more, and the opponent's personal ability is good at it, so aren't we in danger?" Wu Wai Jiangshan said.

"It's right to think so, but there is no absolute thing in the game."

Meng Fan smiled dumbly: "What's more, on the map, we still have a lot of advantages."

"What are the advantages?" Lu Li asked.

"The five seconds they stopped just now was an advantage. Although it didn't play a role, it will gradually accumulate advantages for us in the whole game." Meng Fan smiled slightly.

"I don't understand." Lu Li honestly shook her head.

"Keep reading and you'll find out." Meng Fan laughed.

He couldn't explain it to Lu Li at this time, but he knew that with the passage of time, everyone would understand the meaning of Fei Fei's seemingly meaningless actions.

Corning and Feifan started an overall confrontation.

Extraordinary is backed by a dense forest, while Corning is backed by a river, and the place where the two sides are fighting is a flat field. In such an environment, the two sides can be said to be in a fairly fair situation - extraordinary possession of the ball, which makes them The offensive power is less, but they can use the dense forest behind them to protect the football.

In football games, such a fair environment is rare.

At the beginning of the fight, Yuan Xiao also wanted to see how much the opponent's strength had increased after a few months--whether it was Yuan Xiao or the other players in Corning, they were quite curious about this point.

In the Super League, there are very few teams with such a big change in strength, or it is basically impossible. Although Changfeng and Tianhe have changed from a mid-range team to a top team, it took a year or two to gradually grow. Up to now, the team has top players like Lu Xiaotian and Li Chengze, and then the management has built a strong team around players like them. The whole process will take at least a year. Their first season in the professional arena, The results are not very good.

It's only been a few months for Fei Fei now, how much can their strength rise?

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