football era

Chapter 43

"Dodge it when it is about to hit me, it can save 170 seconds... Even if I am swept by the sword wind, I will only lose ten points of physical strength. My current physical strength is as high as 1 points, that is, Said, within [-] minute, as long as I don't get hit head-on, I won't die."

After dodging the soldiers who rushed over, Zheng Qi quickly rolled forward, opened the distance between him and the soldiers, then began to speed up and sprint towards the goal.

The most important reason why the personal copy of the Wizard Hall has fewer scoring records is that the room size of the Wizard Hall is much larger than that of the Colosseum.

Therefore, if players want to score more goals, the key is not to be stopped by the opponent halfway, but how to narrow the gap.

At level 150, even if you don't get bonus points, the player's physical basic attributes are usually close to [-] points on average. If the physique has [-] points, then the physical value is [-] points, as long as you don't get hit every time. In the middle, he rushed to the goal with a part of the injury, and he was able to score a goal.

Of course, if you do that, because you will be stunned for a very short time when you are hit by the opponent, the time wasted is also very serious.

Zheng Qi's strength and balance are not bad now, so it's okay to carry it hard occasionally, and when he chooses to carry it hard, it is often when he shoots, and the short-term stiffness will not affect his forward speed.

In the first room, Zheng Qi felt that he played very well, but when he came out, he only scored eleven goals.

"Damn it's a little far off."

Zheng Qi muttered, the record is thirteen, and if you want to break it, you need to score three more. Now it seems, where do you have to find the time for these three goals...

"Go on, there will always be a way."

Brushing personal dungeon records is a very lonely thing. Others can only provide some experiences that can be searched everywhere. Even the seniors who brushed out the experience of dungeons will definitely not be able to tell you too much.

Because every player is different, how to minimize wasting time can only be grasped by yourself.

Zheng Qi is not in a hurry, he can figure it out bit by bit, the five personal dungeons add up to hundreds of rooms, he has plenty of time to figure out how to break the record.

After finishing the first dungeon, Zheng Qi did not break the record.

After coming out, he rested for a while, and then got into the copy again.

Seeing him like this, Su Jing and the others didn't feel very surprised. After all, when Zheng Qi broke the record, he didn't achieve it overnight. If it was so easy to break, then it would be too small to underestimate the professions that grew up in various districts. players, not to mention that there are many top masters among them.

But after a while, Chaotic Crazy Knife came out of the dungeon with a happy smile. If he didn't see the system message of breaking the record, just looking at him, he might have broken the record...

"Break the record?" Sui Qingfeng asked deliberately.

"No, no, how can I break the record at this level." Chaotic Knife replied with a smile.

"Then why are you so happy, it's like picking up a wallet." Sui Qingfeng went to express his puzzlement.

"It's just that when I brushed the dungeon, I felt that my subconscious reaction was much faster. Grandpa Meng's training is really effective. I think if this continues, I will soon be invincible!" Chaotic Times said happily.

" are ashamed to say..." Sui Qingfeng couldn't help complaining.

"Understand the spirit, understand the spirit." The Chaotic Knife laughed.

"That's really congratulations, don't forget us when you become a professional player in the future." Lu Li half-truthfully praised Chaotic Knife.

However, it is obvious that Chaotic Knife took this seriously, and he patted his chest proudly: "That's natural, I will also play Football Era after I become a professional player, and I will bring you dungeons to gain attribute points when the time comes! "

Follow the breeze and laughed, Su Jing and Lu Li pursed their lips and smiled, seeing them laughing, Chaotic Knife also laughed twice, then turned and walked into the personal copy again.

Zheng Qi naturally didn't know about this episode, he continued to play in the dungeon, this time he didn't rush to record, but experimented with various scoring methods and routes, trying to detect the opponent's weak points.

Zheng Qi still has this kind of patience. If he wants to get good grades, he has to think more about it, instead of just being silly and rushing around.

Halfway through Zheng Qi's second dungeon, a system message appeared in his sight.

"The players in District 108 are as immobile as a mountain. Fourteen goals have been scored in a single room in the instance of Wizard Hall, a new record in the entire era. Five attribute points are rewarded."

When the words "Player in District 108" caught Su Jing's eyes, she subconsciously thought that Zheng Qi had set the record, and when she was about to cheer, she realized that the ID was not three characters, but four...

"Ah, it's the one who stole our records!" Sui Qingfeng shouted in disgust.

"Record this thing, grab it if you have the ability... But to break the record of the era, this immovable mountain is not an ordinary person."

Butler Meng sighed, and Chaotic Crazy Sword yelled, "Grandpa Meng, why are you not in a hurry at all?"

"Just call me Brother Meng, I'm not that old yet."

Finally, Butler Meng couldn't bear the troubled times and Kuangdao kept calling himself "Grandpa". After emphasizing a sentence, he replied, "There's nothing to worry about. You can't force yourself to break records, just do your best."

"But I still have confidence in him." Su Jing replied confidently, since Zheng Qi helped her that time, she has become a fan of Zheng Qi, and she has full confidence in Zheng Qi at all times .

Butler Meng smiled, but did not answer.

At this time, Zheng Qi sighed for being preempted, and then continued to bury his head in brushing the dungeon. This kind of thing really can't be rushed, the more urgent, the more times it will be wasted.

After finishing the second dungeon, Zheng Qi still didn't break the record, but after he came out of the dungeon, he behaved very relaxed. After saying hello to the others, he entered the dungeon again without saying a word.

At the same time, Moling Bie Xue was boasting loudly about his boss's performance.

"Boss, you are too good, Era Records!" Moling Biexue looked adoring - he had done it before, but although the stats of over ten balls were pretty good, they couldn't compare with Liu Shibo.

"Luck is good, performance is not bad."

Liu Shibo replied with a smile that it was very difficult to break the record based on his characteristics. After all, he is better at calm judgment and scheduling, and his explosive power is not so good, but under high pressure, he can break such a record. A record, indeed made him very satisfied with himself.

"Continue to brush and see if we can set another record." Liu Shibo chatted with Moling Biexue, and then got into the personal copy to continue to open. Today's luck and condition are very good, so let's see if we can break through again , After all, if you break through again, there are five more attribute points—the difference in attribute points between the character of a master player and the character of an ordinary professional player is only about [-] points, and you can get ten attribute points in one instance. Think about it Just know what a bargain it is.

Although Liu Shibo also felt that it seemed impossible for him to hit fifteen balls...

5 minutes later.

Liu Shibo, who was about to score a goal, was shuddered by a system message that popped up in front of him. The football rolled out of his feet and was blocked by the wizard who returned to the defense.

At this time, Liu Shibo couldn't care about his failure in this attack, but waved his arms vigorously and cursed.

"Why are the rookies these days so perverted? Damn it!"

The system message is very simple, but Liu Shibo, who has always been calm, couldn't help but curse...

"The players in District 108 want to fly. The Wizard Hall copy scored fifteen goals in a single room, a new record in the entire era, and rewarded five attribute points."

"Why... someone broke the record again? Isn't he the boss? It's impossible!"

Chaotic Knife feels that his outlook on life has been subverted.

"It's as immovable as a mountain... I just want to fly... Two guys who broke the record in a row, plus Ren Pingsheng who broke the record twice in a row before, this area is really scary!"

"I want to get out of the car, this is not the car for kindergarten!"

"Mom is terrible, I want to go home!"

The players in District 108 lamented one after another. Although they basically never expected that they could break such a record, and there are always so many news in this district, it is something to be proud of, but every now and then someone It's okay to break the record, this time it's too much!

Not half an hour after Fudo Rushan broke the record, someone broke the record?It's a bit unlucky to be immovable like a mountain. After other people break the record, at least they can hang their names on the regional leaderboards for several years, and the scenery is good for a while. But now?Half an hour of scenery?

Miserable, so miserable.

"Next time I see that one who wants to fly, I must beat him up!"

Moling Biexue started to fight for her boss: "It's just a provocation!"

And when this system news fell into the eyes of Su Jing and the others, they also started discussing in surprise.

"This single-minded flying is also very good, and he has grabbed several records." Su Jing said with a sigh.

"It's a professional player again." Lu Li replied, in her opinion, apart from a genius like Zheng Qi, the one who can do this must be the reincarnation account of a professional player, and it's not the ordinary kind... …

"The one who is as immobile as a mountain is a professional player, but this one who wants to fly doesn't seem to be the case." Butler Meng shook his head.

He didn't say how he knew, and they didn't ask when he went with the breeze. Although they only stayed with Butler Meng for less than ten days, they gradually got used to Butler Meng knowing everything...

"Fifteen balls. Boss needs sixteen if he wants to break the record. It's a terrible number!" Chaotic Knife sighed. He could only get twelve balls, and sixteen was the highest score he had. The record is one-third higher, which is simply a number that makes him feel desperate just thinking about it.

Butler Meng nodded slightly, noncommittal.

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