football era

Chapter 429 Exception in Four Years

"This was a collapse, an absolute collapse. Originally, at the end of the first half, Hongyuan had an absolute advantage, but after the start of the second half, Feifan swept Hongyuan with a strong strength... The final score was Three to two, a seemingly small number, but in reality? Everyone knows that in this game, Fanfan has already had the absolute upper hand since the second half!"

"Hongyuan was completely unable to withstand Feifan's attack in the second half. Since the beginning of the second half of the season, Feifan still lost all away games, but there is no doubt that it was training the team. When they needed to win, they broke their own With a record of all away defeats, they defeated the second-ranked Hongyuan... With extraordinary current performance, they must be the most promising team in the playoffs."

"The odds of Extraordinary's promotion have been adjusted to the lowest. There are even rumors that the gaming company is going to close the betting channel for Extraordinary's promotion... This is also a very normal thing. Extraordinary's current performance is indeed too good. It is enough to beat Tianhe prove their potential."

"Let's take a look at the current rankings...Chongxiao No. 69 is gone, they have already secured No. [-]. In the last round, Yinshuang, who was originally ranked No. [-], defeated his opponent. With the help of Hongyuan's loss , they finally ranked second in the league, Hongyuan slipped to third, Bi Luo and Agni locked the fourth and fifth positions, Yao Kuang and Ao Xiao both won, they continued to rank sixth and seventh, extraordinary kept After the match point, they continued to rank eighth after defeating Hongyuan, and the competition for ninth was fierce! Heshan lost unexpectedly, allowing Haitian to squeeze into the top nine with the victory in the last round! Although Sheng Jia also won, but they did not Only [-] points... From this point of view, Fanfan is indeed very dangerous. If they hadn't won the game in the end, they would have tied for ninth with Sheng Jia, and they were two goals behind Sheng Jia in terms of goal difference. ..."

For Hongyuan, this is the worst possible outcome.

Losing this game will not affect their results, but it will affect their ranking.

Sliding from second to third, this means that they will meet No.8 in the first game of the playoffs, which is extraordinary...

As the only team in the First Division this season that was double-killed by Fei Fei, Hongyuan felt a lot of pressure...

But the only thing that is beneficial to them seems to be the schedule.

In the play-offs, the third, fourth, seventh, and eighth points are in one and a half divisions. However, in the one-week buffer before the play-offs and after the end of the first division, Hongyuan can prepare for the game with peace of mind, while Feifei still has to participate China Cup semi-finals.

This is not a game that can be given up at will.

Fanfan’s opponent in the semi-finals of the China Cup was Kang Ning, who had defeated them in the group stage. In that match, Corning could be said to have won quite easily. Judging from Fanfan’s performance at that time, it was impossible for them to go far in the China Cup. But then they began to look like two different teams, reaching the semi-finals all the way. Can Corning still stop them now?

"The semi-finals are our best results in the China Cup in recent years. Of course we want to go one step further. Extraordinary? Extraordinary performed very well, but I think their primary goal still has to be in the play-offs of the First Division. Cup results are important, but not as important as a Super League spot." Corning's captain Yuan Xiao replied in an interview.

For Corning, they really want to get a decent honor this year. Although Corning is a strong team, it is not a top-level strong team. It is still very difficult to win honors.

Their performance this year was very good. They defeated Shenhua in the quarterfinals, which was one of their most exciting performances in the past few years. When they met Fan Fei, of course they wanted to win. Even if they entered the final, they would have to face Changfeng or Nan Guo Such a top team, but it is much better to be able to enter the final than not to be able to enter the final.

In the cup competition, advancing one more game is a huge benefit and a bonus to fame. No team will give up on this point.

Therefore, cup games are not like traditional football games, which are tasteless games, and strong teams generally don’t focus on it—in football era games, even strong teams have to fight for the cup. Yes, in this way, it will be even more difficult for mid-range teams to win honors.

Corning cherishes this year's opportunity very much.

"A super team will not give up any cup game. Since our goal is to be a super team, then in this respect, we can't embarrass the super team."

When Zheng Qi was interviewed, he replied with a smile: "We will not give up in this cup match. We lost to Corning once before, but we hadn't become strong at that time. Now, we are the ones to get back the debt It's time."

"Extraordinary has challenged Corning! But this is also a normal thing. Even if Extraordinary is facing the pressure of the play-offs, they will not give up the cup game. In the semi-finals, the semi-finals between Extraordinary and Corning are obviously weaker Some, compared to the contest between Changfeng and Nanguo in the other half of the region, it is of course easier... Feifan lost to Kangning before, but now they are performing very well, the state and morale of the entire team are at a peak, Under such circumstances, they should have higher aspirations."

"It is said that this game has attracted the attention of many people. The bookmakers seem very hesitant about this game. The odds they offer are almost the same for both sides. Corning's odds are slightly lower. However, from the odds, you It doesn't look at all that this is a strong team in the Super League against a mid-range team in the previous First Division."

"This kind of odds is also taken for granted. Gaming companies are not fools. Although Fanfan is a first-tier team, they have the ability and level to beat Tianhe. They can't be regarded as an ordinary first-tier team. Maybe there will be a brand new strong team, what they lack now is the stage."

Before the start of the China Cup semi-finals, the media began to pay attention to this match. Compared with the match between two more famous teams in the other half, the match between Fanfan and Kang Ning attracted more attention eyeball.

Although Nanguo is the only team in this year's league that can wrestle with Changfeng, their match against Changfeng in the semi-finals of the cup is considered to be the last match in China that prevented Changfeng from winning the five championships, but it still cannot cover up Extraordinary and Corning's game has a gimmick.

The reason is very simple, because these two teams are not very simple, or in other words, they are very special.

Corning has always been very special. As the only team in the league where female players occupy the majority of positions, they have proved their level with their outstanding performance. Of course, there are some female players in the strong team, such as Wen Xiang from Changfeng, He Si from Tianhe in the past, Mi Yiran from the present, Huang Keyu from Southern Kingdom, Gongsun Yu from Shenhua, Tan Ran from Xiongfeng... These female players often occupy extremely important positions in these top teams, but they don't have universality.

Only Kang Ning, among the 22 players in their first team, there are [-] female players, Yuan Xiao is a god-level player that is not inferior to any top players, and Ni Lili is also about to join the ranks of god-level players, plus The last outstanding rookie, Chang Er, and the support of other Corning players who are not inferior to any players in the Super League, even if they are less famous, Kang Ning has the strength to defeat any opponent—maybe Changfeng Tianhe These two perverted clubs are exceptions.

As the only team with mainly female players, Corning does not rely solely on such gimmicks. In fact, it is not that there are no other clubs that want to use this method to attract attention, but they barely get together an all-female player. The team lacks strength and cooperation, and will suffer consecutive failures. Only Kang Ning, in the case of a large number of female players, has maintained an overall outstanding performance. This is the key factor that they have enough attention.

Corning is so special, and extraordinary, it is also special.

As a first-tier team, Fanfan should not have the ability to attract attention. However, as a first-tier team, they reached the quarter-finals of the China Cup, which in itself proves their attractiveness, let alone look at their performance in the first-tier team. You can tell from the wonderful record in the league, this is not an ordinary first-tier team...

Such a wonderful team, of course, can also attract a lot of attention. In fact, when Feifan broke his own wonderful record in the last round and won the only game of the season away, many people sighed. Of course, most of them were people who bet that Fei Fei would lose this game.

It is precisely because of this game that you have to win if you have to win, that everyone began to feel that Fei Fan is not unable to make his ranking higher, but mostly for training the team. In the first case, as long as the top nine are guaranteed, they can get the chance to play in the play-offs, so naturally they can preserve their strength.

If they hadn't performed equally well in the China Cup, maybe everyone would have been fooled by this cunning team.

This team has excellent strength and is so cunning, so is it possible to place more hopes on them?
When thinking like this, many neutral viewers feel that this game seems to be very worthy of attention.

Whoever wins will be able to advance to the final, and wait for the result of the other semi-final to see if they will face Nanguo or Changfeng.

Although no matter which one they face, it seems that Feifan or Corning have no chance of winning, but being able to enter the final is already a great honor in itself.

This kind of glory, in the past four years, only belonged to Changfeng and Tianhe, without any exception.

This year, however, that may change.

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