football era

Chapter 427

Hongyuan didn't know exactly what Feifei wanted to do.

However, their game instincts have not diminished - after a stalemate for a period of time, they keenly discovered that the extraordinary defense was not particularly good, and the guys who disappeared were not lying in ambush near them and ready to attack them at any time ——In other words, the few people who disappeared could not quickly appear by their side and cause them enough trouble.

In this way, of course, it will be easier to handle.

Under Xie Yongfei's command, after more than 20 minutes of entanglement with Fan Fei's defense, Hong Yuan finally seized an opportunity and played a very wonderful cooperation. Xie Yongfei personally rushed into the extraordinary defensive formation, and then used his personal ability to kill Su Jing and Zhang Shu at close range. At this time, Zheng Qi and others surrounded him from behind, but it was too late. Afterwards, Xie Yongfei led the team forward, and when Fei Fei's substitute was not able to return to the field to help defend, he easily broke through Fan Fei's gate.

Two to zero, Hongyuan leads by two goals.

As for the timing of this attack, Hongyuan grasped it very well. After they scored, there was only a few minutes left in the first half of the extraordinary time.

Of course, this time is not enough for Fei Fei to launch a complete attack, and when they counterattacked, they also appeared slow. They divided up several ways and swept along the entire map. The first half of the time has all passed...

"The first half is over... Fanfan played a bit messy, but that's normal. Since the beginning of this season, they have never played so badly in away games. It's not on the map they are used to, so they don't know what to do. Well, this is their biggest flaw. I don’t think they have a chance to comeback in the second half of the game. Let’s look at the results of other games... Oh, Yao Kuang and Ao Xiao have already taken a big lead, and they have stabilized themselves In the sixth and seventh positions, Heshan has taken the lead, and Sheng Jia has also taken the lead. Now Heshan has surpassed Fanfan by two points, and Sheng Jia has tied Fanfan's points! Haitian has not been able to take the lead now, but they are behind That's it... If this score is maintained until the end of the game, Fanfan will fall to No.10, because they have the same points as Sheng Jia, but they have five goals less than Sheng Jia. If they want to enter the top nine, Fanfan must at least It takes a draw."

"A draw may not be enough, because although Haitian is behind, if they can come back in the second half, the points can reach [-] points, and their goal difference is higher than Fanfan. To enter the top nine, Fanfan must win , otherwise, we have to hope that all teams like Haitian Shengjia will not be able to win, the probability is a bit low, and now Heshan will definitely be able to lead them."

On the field, the players of both sides don't know the scores of other fields - after all, after entering the field, the entire field will be closed, otherwise it would be too easy to get information from the outside world.

"We don't care what the situation outside is, we just want to win this game." Zheng Qi said in the locker room.

"How did we win? In the first half, we were at a disadvantage and were beaten badly by them." Cheng Xuan was a little discouraged.

"We didn't lose in the face-to-face confrontation. Don't forget that just the six of us beat them for more than 20 minutes. This is enough to prove our overall advantage." Zhang Shu said.

"That's right, that's our advantage... I've seen the terrain pretty much. In the second half, we won't suffer such a loss again. Maybe the outside world doesn't have confidence in us now and thinks we're doomed. But for Hongyuan In other words, their advantages also appear to be great. At this time, they should be very confident. Now is the time for us to completely defeat their confidence!" Xu Shan waved his fist and said.

Being so confident immediately surprised everyone...

Boss, we are two goals behind now, is it really good to be so confident?

Self-confidence is not a problem, but the key is, under such circumstances, can you still defeat the other party's self-confidence?
"There is nothing special about the map. The side that holds the ball can have the advantage. If we didn't divide our forces at the time, there would be no problems. Attack them head-on, kill them and get back a point. The next thing to do , is to concentrate our forces and block their advance. Overall, we have an absolute advantage, understand? Although we conceded two goals in the first half, we should be very clear about this."

Extraordinary players nodded their heads one after another. In the face-to-face contest, they could feel that Hongyuan, except for some players, could rely on their own attribute advantages to crush other players when confronting each other.

However, the game has never been won by individual ability. Hongyuan now has a two-goal advantage, and they can completely maintain the two-goal advantage through the overall offense and defense.

"It depends on the specific tactical arrangement." Xu Shan smiled slightly: "In the second half, we will kick off the ball, so we will use the overall attack to let them know how good they are... As long as they dare to divide their forces, we will dare to attack Huanglong!"

Hearing what Xu Shan said, all the extraordinary players nodded. This made sense. In the first half, because they were not familiar with the terrain, they blindly divided their forces and suffered a disadvantage. They should not make such a mistake again in the second half.

"Explore their routes."

After the start of the second half, Xie Yongfei arranged his tactics. In his opinion, Fei Fan would no longer split up the troops foolishly, but if they really split up, he wouldn't mind concentrating on annihilating all the troops. Besides, Hongyuan's performance in the first half Pretty lucky.

The Hongyuan players, who are familiar with the terrain, immediately reported the news: "Fan Fei didn't divide his troops, and marched collectively in the middle, ten people, and the football was among them."

"After suffering a loss, they really learned how to behave... Prepare to defend, and we'll talk about killing their spirit."

Xie Yongfei smiled, and then began to arrange for his teammates to defend.

This map is in the center of the site, and there are quite a few roads, but after reaching the door, there is only one entrance.

It was precisely because of this that Feifan blocked Hongyuan's onslaught with only six people at that time. Although this also had something to do with Hongyuan's pressure on the timeline, it also proved that it is not very difficult to defend .

It is also because there is a necessary way to defend. When Hongyuan leads by two goals, the commentators are so pessimistic about Feifan's ability to win the game!

On such terrain, it is not easy to defend, at least it is not particularly difficult. The advantage of two goals is enough for Hongyuan to easily maintain the victory until the end!

Xie Yongfei is also very sure about this. He has rich experience and has several years of experience in the Super League. He naturally knows clearly that on such a map, unless the opponent's overall strength is crushing, otherwise, he must defend. Basically, they were able to maintain their lead until the end.

In the Super League, this map was not used much, but it was one of the trump cards of Tianlong where Xie Yongfei was at that time. On this map, even teams stronger than them, such as Nanguo, suffered big losses. After conceding the ball due to the terrain at the beginning, Tianlong was able to rely on such characteristics to maintain the lead until the end!
Even Nanguo couldn't break through the defense under such circumstances, so could it be extraordinary?

No matter how outstanding Fei Fei is, how can he surpass Nan Guo?

However, Xie Yongfei forgot one thing.

Whether Feifan is as good as Nanguo is uncertain, but what stopped Nanguo at that time was not Hongyuan now, but Tianlong!

The teammates by his side now are not Tianlong's super league players, but most of them are players from the first-tier team!

In terms of operation level, the difference may not be too far, but in terms of experience and character attributes, it is not a little bit worse...

When Fei Fei started to attack, Xie Yongfei didn't care. He just kept directing Hongyuan's players to block Fan Fei's attack in an orderly manner. The defense is also skillful. When to sacrifice, when to fight hard, what? Sometimes you need to dodge... It all depends on the timely command of the coach or the core on the field to run well.

Xie Yongfei has this kind of ability, but directing and directing, he immediately found something wrong.

Defense is easier than offense. Everyone knows this. Although Feifan is the team that controls the ball and attacks, under such circumstances, they have to divide people to protect the football. The number of people who can participate in the offense should not be as large as Hongyuan. There are so many in the defense, but the number of Hongyuan's number is decreasing faster and faster. Although they have less time to supply, they still cannot resist the extraordinary fierce attack!

When Jiang Xiaohan turned away and left the field with three Hongyuan players in one breath, Xie Yongfei's expression finally changed.

No matter how strong a player is, he can't take away three opponents with only one person's strength, but now this situation is enough to prove that in the overall collision, Fei Fei has already taken an absolute advantage!
"How is this possible?" Xie Yongfei thought in surprise.

Just when he was thinking this way, Zheng Qi rushed in along the passage that Jiang Xiaohan rushed out of, then got close to Xie Yongfei, and forcibly shot.

Facing Zheng Qi's ferocious offensive, Xie Yongfei could only choose to retreat, and then he immediately realized that in this way, the relationship between him and his teammates was cut off again...

In the first half of the game, it was because he was cut off from other teammates that he lost without any resistance.

It's just that when he concentrates on defense, he can still be cut off from others by Fei Fan. How much pressure is Fan Fei creating?
When this thought flashed through Xie Yongfei's mind, he had already been pushed aside by Zheng Qi, and other extraordinary players rushed forward, completely breaking through Hongyuan's defense!

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