football era

Chapter 422

"In this game, we have tried our best. Although we lost the game, we have no regrets, because we didn't have any abnormal performance in this game. Losing is losing, Feifei deserves this victory .”

Wei Yue's performance in the post-match press conference was very flat, which is what a mature team should do. Of course, Chong Xiao has already won the first division championship ahead of schedule, so they can certainly appear calmer.

And the situation of the entire First Division League did not become so obvious because of Chong Xiao's loss in this game.

In the next four rounds of No.40, Feifan lost this away game very smoothly, which made the situation of the top ten more complicated.

After 44 rounds, Chong Xiao scored 98 points, which is unrivaled.

Hongyuan is second with 86 points, Yinshuang is third with 85 points, and Bi Luo is starting to be far behind. They are ranked fourth with only 82 points.

The other teams have a bit of a gap in points - Agni is fifth with 72 points, Yaokuang is sixth with 71 points, Ao Xiao He Shan Hai Tian is seventh, eighth and ninth, with 69, 68 and 67 points respectively, Fei Fan and Sheng Jia are both It's 66 points, ranking tied for tenth. Chen Yu and Jinghong, who were very close to them before, have fallen behind. They only have more than 50 points, and they have no chance to enter the top nine.

With two rounds left in the league, Chong Xiao went ashore early, the other teams were eliminated early, and ten teams competed for eight spots—it didn’t seem cruel, but considering these eight spots, only two teams could enter next year It can be said that the Super League is very cruel...

The chance of a single game will of course be great, especially in the play-offs-the chance of the Super League is actually relatively small, and they have no flaws to take advantage of each other, so the games basically can only be played one by one, Even if the First Division teams are excellent, they have big flaws in tactical transformation and overall performance, so even if the overall performance is better, if one is not careful, they may die.

In the league, one can tell the strengths and weaknesses, but in a one-on-one match, it is difficult to distinguish the strengths and weaknesses.

At the same time, the current ranking is not stable, and the teams that can get the eight places in the end are not sure. The ranking is related to whether they can meet a stronger team, and the suspense of the whole game has not weakened.

In such a tense atmosphere, the No.40 five rounds of the First Division kicked off as scheduled.

Extraordinary defeated a lower-ranked team and took all home wins, and in the final round, they will face Hongyuan, which is also their last game in the league this season.

Before the final round, the situation was more complicated.

Hongyuan scored 89 points, Yinshuang scored 88 points, Bi Luo with 83 points and Agni with 75 points have secured the fourth and fifth positions, and Yaokuang scored 72 points. Because of the disadvantages of each other, the possibility of them surpassing Agni is no longer there. Aoxiao scored 69 points, Extraordinary ranked eighth with 68 points, but their positions were not stable, Heshan scored 67 points, Haitian scored 66 points, Shengjia scored [-] points...

Now even Ao Xiao has the possibility of being eliminated.

Hongyuan is a little depressed, what should they do next - if they lose to Feifei, then Feifan will probably not be in the same half as them, if they beat Feifei, Feifan may be eliminated, but It's also possible to drop right into ninth and run into them.

This is what Xie Yongfei has always wanted to avoid - but even if they lose to Fei Fei, can they really avoid Fei Fei?
Bi Luo's current position is the most fixed, they will rank fourth regardless of the outcome, and Yinshuang may grab the second position, as long as they beat a weak team, in that case, if Hongyuan loses to Extraordinary, they will slip to third place, and if extraordinary beat Hongyuan, they are very likely to continue to rank eighth, because Ao Xiao and Agni in front of them are facing a weak team. At this time, their chances of winning are also very high. If they lose to Feifan, the third Hongyuan will meet the eighth Feifan—of course, if the other teams do not live up to their expectations, Feifan may also rise to the top in one go. seventh.

But what if you beat Extraordinary?Hongyuan will definitely be able to rank second, but it is hard to say what extraordinary rank is. It may continue to be eighth, may slip to ninth, or fall to the ninth place...

Xie Yongfei was very depressed and irritable - why is the situation like this?Not to win, not to win...

There may also be more complicated situations in a tie, so what should we do now?

After a careful discussion on this issue, Hongyuan reached a consensus.

To be able to win the opponent, one still has to strive to defeat the opponent—at least if you defeat Feifan, Feifan is likely to drop out of the top nine directly, so that you don't have to worry about these guys causing trouble for yourself, and at that time, No. 2 can also avoid the third and fourth, which is of course the best thing.

Always control the rhythm in your own hands, which is the most important thing!
"Well, we are still in danger of being eliminated. After all, the ninth and tenth and No.11 scores may surpass us."

At this moment, Meng Fan is explaining the current situation: "Whether it is Heshan Haitian or Shengjia, they have a chance to surpass our score. If we lose this round and Heshan Haitian wins, we will be eliminated from the top nine. Only one of these two wins. If Sheng Jia wins a big game, he may also surpass us-their current goal difference is not less than ours, and the relationship between each other is the same. We can't take such a risk. risk."

"Yeah, we can't pin our hopes on the fact that two of these three opponents can't get three points." Zheng Qi nodded: "It doesn't matter what the ranking is, what matters is that we can enter the play-offs, otherwise , this year is a waste of hard work. I don’t worry about anything, anyway, my money is enough to support one year, but are you willing to play in the First Division for another year?”

"Of course not!"

Extraordinary contestants answered at the same time.

They are very confident, they are very proud, they have a clear understanding of their own strength, from the very beginning, they don't think that the first division is the place they should be in!
Cheng chose the five of them. At that time, he chose to join Feifan because he felt that Feifan could lay a good foundation for the Super League. Whether it was to follow Feifan to upgrade or return to the Super League through his own performance, Jiang Xiaohan and others were not so ambitious. , but after six months of training in the First Division, they are also eager for the Super League.

"Can we really beat Hongyuan in the away game?" Wu Jin and other older players were more cautious.

"We lost all away games before. It wasn't that we couldn't beat them, but to train our players. Now we have no flaws as a whole." Xu Shan laughed.

After the second half of the season, Xu Shan's confidence in the team began to grow stronger.

In the second half of the away game, he continued to lose all. It wasn't that he couldn't win, but that he consciously used the game to train the rookies. Under the current situation, let yourself adapt to the new role little by little.

As long as he can play his role normally, even if he is not as good as a god-level player in operation, such a player is at least a pseudo-god-level player.

The team is full of players like this, even if they face real god-level players, they can still fight.

And in the first division league, there are only two god-level players who are serious. What else is there to be afraid of?

What's more, Extraordinary itself has several outstanding guys, especially Zheng Qi. Although there is no good evaluation standard, in Xu Shan's view, as long as he has a stable performance in the Super League, Zheng Qi will become a new god-level player. It's only a matter of time.

An ordinary Super League team, with a god-level player and a group of powerful factions, is enough to gain a foothold in the Super League, but the current potential of Extraordinary is far more than that.

"From the point of view of the situation, Hongyuan has to strive for second place. At the same time, if they beat us, they may kick us out of the top nine... Everyone knows this, so in this game, they will try their best at home. , Coincidentally, we can also observe and see our real strength, how much advantage we can have against a team like Hongyuan without the bonus of the home map!"

Xu Shan's words sounded loud, because he was only focusing on the advantages, and didn't talk about anything else—but to Fanfan, they took it for granted—in the first place, we are really outstanding...

Before, it was just to train the team, so we kept losing away games. Do you really think we can't win away games?
"Is the current atmosphere in the team a bit too proud? We are not as good as we appear on paper..."

After the team disbanded, Su Jing found Meng Fan, and asked some worried questions.

"At least we are really good on paper, aren't we?" Meng Fan laughed.

"If we are too proud, we will not be sure of victory." Su Jing insisted.

"Don't worry, we won't lose. Even if it's a draw, we can basically enter the top nine. We may encounter some difficult situations in the game, but as long as we get serious and calm down, then we will be able to enter the top nine." To be able to defeat the opponent. Hongyuan is not a particularly strong opponent, we need such training to be able to move forward." Meng Fan replied with a smile.

"Is this also a part of exercise?" Su Jing seemed to understand something, and she asked Meng Fan.

Meng Fan laughed.

"It's so smart, you can think of it all."

Hearing what Meng Fan said, Su Jing shook her head helplessly: "You guys, keep playing like this, be careful when playing with fire."

"We have always been playing with fire like this. Otherwise, it would not be enough for us to progress so fast. What we have to do is something that has never been done before. Of course, we have to use some extraordinary means."

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